Arndt Family
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George E. Arndt
George E. Arndt (1857-1945) was a native of Rodney, Jefferson County, Mississippi. His parents, George E. Arndt (1827-1882) and Caroline Russi (1832-1880), were German immigrants from Alsace-Lorraine and Heidelberg respectively. They arrived at Rodney in 1852, probably coming up river from New Orleans. The Arndts’ other children were: Mary K. Arndt O'Brien (1854-1906), Magalene “Lena” Arndt Engbarth (1856-1938), Michael A. Arndt (1859-1887), Henry Arndt (b. 1863), Emma Arndt Meyer (1864-1938+), and Bettie Arndt Brook (b. 1865). (Ruth Barrett, October 29, 2002)
George E. Arndt came to Ocean Springs on May 17, 1881, from Rodney, Mississippi to be with his sister, Lena Engbarth. At Rodney, Mr. Arndt had been in the confectionery business since the age of sixteen. The Engbarths had arrived at Ocean Springs in February 1881, from Rodney. They were there in Jefferson County, Mississippi for the 1880 US Federal Census. (History of JXCO, Ms., 1989, p. 111, Along The Gulf, 1895 and The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, February 4, 1881, p. 3)
Lena Arndt’s spouse, Emile Engbarth (1855-ca 1905), was the postmaster at Ocean Springs from 1885 to 1889. As Emile and Lena A. Engbarth were again residents of Rodney in 1900, it seems they must have moved back to Jefferson County after April 1889, when Emile's position as postmaster terminated. The Pascagoula Democrat-Star of August 31, 1900, announced that well-known Republican, Emile Engbarth, is in Ocean Springs and rumored to be the new postmaster. This did not come to fruition as Thomas I. Keys (1861-1931), a local Black merchant, remained at this post until March 1911. In September 1900, Emile Engbarth applied for the position of postmaster at Pascagoula. It appears that he was unsuccessful in attaining this opportunity, as the local journal reported that “Mr. E. Engbarth… returned to Rodney, Miss”. (The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, October 5, 1900, p. 3)
Paragon Saloon
Shortly after his arrival in Ocean Springs, George E. Arndt leased a building and opened a saloon, which became renown in our local history. He called it the Paragon Saloon. Before Arndt relocated the Paragon Saloon business to the southwest corner of Washington Avenue and Robinson in April 1896, it existed at another location in town, probably also on Washington Avenue and Robinson Street. Several reports in the Pascagoula journal related Arndt’s move as follows:
“The Paragon Saloon, Geo. E. Arndt, proprietor will be removed to the Franco building sometime next month”.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, February 21, 1896, p. 3)
“Geo. E. Arndt, proprietor of the Paragon Saloon, will move to the Franco Building on April 1st. He has already fitted up his new stand in a beautiful manner, in fact it is embellished to an extent that will compare in elegance with any on the coast”.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, March 27, 1896, p. 3)
Charles L. Dyer, a travel writer for the L&N Railroad, had this to say about businessman Arndt in 1895: “There is only one saloon at Ocean Springs. This is no doubt owing to the present high license, for previous to 1892, there were three saloons. Two of these dropped out of business when the high license went into effect, leaving a clear field for Mr. George E. Arndt, who has his place of business on Washington Avenue, a stone’s throw from the railroad station of the L&N……..In 1881 he came to Ocean Springs and finding there a building just suited to his needs, he leased the place and opened up a saloon for the dispensing of liquid refreshments. It is safe to say that the Paragon Saloon is one of the best conducted enterprises of its kind on the entire gulf coast. Only the finest brands of liquors, cordials, etc. Consequently he enjoys the patronage of the better class. Since locating at this place Mr. Arndt has invested quite heavily in real estate."
Franco’s Saloon
After April 1886, Arndt’s Paragon Saloon was situated on the southwest corner of Robinson and Washington Avenue. Circa 1880, Thomas A. Cochran (1852-1883), a son-in-law of Antonio Franco (1834-1891), erected a Greek Revival cottage at present day 900 Robinson Avenue, often referred to as the Cochran-Cassanova House, and now in the possession of Pamela Aimee-Baudoin and Douglas Letoha. A two-story, frame structure was also erected on the Cochran tract. It was situated on the southwest corner of Washington and Robinson and was known as Franco’s Saloon. In a forced heir ship case, heard by the JXCO, Ms. Chancery Court, in February 1896, a portion of the Cochran tract was described as “being the same lot or parcel of land, which stands the two-story frame building formerly occupied by A. Franco, now deceased, as a barroom or saloon”. (JXCO, Ms. Chancery Court Cause No. 675, “Mrs. Charlotte F. Cochran v. Thomas A. Cochran et al”)
In March 1897, Commissioner Frank H. Lewis sold the Cochran saloon lot (120 by 80 feet) to George E. Arndt for $1250. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 18, pp. 140-141)
As early as March 1883, G.E. Arndt had operated a barroom opposite the L&N Depot on Robertson Street, in the White House, with his brother-in-law, Emile Engbarth (1855-ca 1905). At the time of Arndt’s proprietorship, the White House was owned by Antonio Marie (1829-1885), Antonio Franco’s brother-in-law. (JXCO, Ms. Board of Supervisors Minute Bk. 1, p. 358)
For many years, Clement Bellande (1850-1918), the son of Joseph H. Bellande (1813-1907) and Roseline LaFauce (1821-1893), the granddaughter of the Catherine Bourgeois LaFontaine, the Widow LaFontaine, worked for Mr. Arndt as bartender of the Paragon Saloon, which also had a billiard room, and drugstore. In March 1896, G.E. Arndt took Bellande and spouse to New Orleans in order for him to be attended to by a physician.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, March 27, 1896, p. 3)
Clem Bellande expired at New Orleans, in May 1918. His obituary stated: “Although he handled great quantities of liquor he did not touch it himself and like Mr. Arndt, his employer, followed out closely the intent and purpose of the liquor laws in the conduct of the Paragon bar. Honest and upright in dealing with his fellowmen his death is regretted by all.(The Jackson County Times, May 25, 1918, p. 5)
Sign damaged
In December 1904, Mr. Arndt advertised in The Progress: $25.00 REWARD! Will be paid by the undersigned for sufficient evidence to convict the malicious party who shot in the Paragon Saloon Sign. GEO. E. ARNDT.(December 31, 1904, p. 4)
Farmers and Merchants State Bank
In January 1913, George E. Arndt sold his Washington Avenue lot to the fledging Farmers and Merchants State Bank. As a bank edifice was to be erected, his Paragon Saloon building was moved to the west where it operated as such until the commencement of the Prohibition era in 1919. Later, the old Paragon Saloon structure served as a boarding house managed by Ona May Seeman Westbrook (1886-1967), the wife of John Westbrook (1886- 1922). She rented rooms and prepared meals for itinerant railroad workers. The American Legion Hall occupied the structure prior to 1925. The building was demolished by Charles Braun during the Depression years, and the vacant lot was used by mechanic, Claude Engbarth (1894-1967), to park cars on. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 39, p. 65 and G.E. Arndt Jr., November 1993)
The formal organization of the Farmers and Merchants Bank State Bank occurred in February 1913. It was the third bank to be established in the town of Ocean Springs. The original bank officers were: president, Charles E. Pabst (1851-1920), vice-President, George E. Arndt (1857-1945), and cashier, Edwin R. Glascock (1857). The board of
directors was composed of Charles E. Pabst, E.S. Davis (1859-1925), George E. Arndt, Ira W. Simmons (1867-1919), William E. Wilson (1873-1926), George E. McEwen (1865-1961), and Edwin R. Glasscock. Circa 1915, Antonio J. Catchot (1864-1954) joined the board.
Arndt Cottage
Prior to erecting his family home at present day 523 Jackson Avenue in 1895, George E. Arndt in October 1894, purchased the property at present day 822 Porter for $600, from the Alfred E. Lewis (1862-1933), the Artesian Prince. The tract was described as:
A portion of Lot 8 in Block 31 beginning at the NW corner of said Lot No. 8 running east along Porter Avenue 81 feet; then south 50 feet; then west 81 feet; then north 50 feet to the place of beginning. Bounded on north by Porter, on west by O'Keefe, on south by Margaret Eylewert, and on east by land of herein grantor. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 16, p. 65)
After Mr. Arndt moved to his new home on Jackson Avenue, the Arndt Cottage on Porter was used exclusively as a rental property. Examples of his early rentals were mentioned briefly in The Pascagoula Democrat-Star as follows:
The Arndt Cottage on Porter Avenue is being prepared for Mr. Robert J. McIlrah and Family of Harrisburg, Illinois who are expected here on the 15th. (December 4, 1896, p. 3)
Professor Q.D. Sauls is occupying the Arndt Cottage. (December 3, 1897, p. 3)
From 1953 to 1958, the Arndt Cottage was utilized by Dr. James H. Waddell (b. 1925), as his medical office. Marie Arndt Alexander (1905-1994), a daughter of G.E. Arndt, conveyed this structure and lot to Ray L. Bellande (b. 1943), in May 1990. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 958, p. 744)
Arndt family domicile
In 1895, when bachelor, George E. Arndt, decided to build for himself a cottage in Ocean Springs, there were other homes of note also being erected. Colonel Thomas A.E. Holcomb (1831-1897) of Chicago was constructing “Hollywood”, a large residence on the northeast corner of Porter and Rayburn, a site now occupied by the Dale Cottages. Major H.H. Richardson, also of Chicago was building at present day 605 Porter, the familiarly known VanCleave Cottage, now owned by Marvin A. Ornstein. Dr. E.J. Vaughan (1808-1897) was putting up a splendid home at present day 1112 Bowen, the former domicile of Estelle Cook Hire (1915-1998), a schoolteacher, and now the residence of the L.D. Platt family.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, January 31, 1896, p. 3)
The George E. Arndt (1857-1945) familial home was erected in the fall and winter of 1895 at present day 523 Jackson Avenue. Mr. Arndt acquired the property for his new home, described as Lot 9 of Block 31 of the Culmseig Map of 1854, in November 1890, from Marie-Artemise Rodriguez Marie (1840-1912), the widow of Antonio Marie (1832-1885), a Spanish, émigré mariner and pioneer settler of Bayou Puerto. The consideration for the 100-foot by 200- foot lot was $300. Marie-Artemise Rodriguez was the daughter of Spanish immigrant, Juan Antonio Rodriguez (1812-1867), and Marie-Martha Ryan. Senor Rodriguez had received a patent on Lot 5 of Section 13, T7S-R9W from the U.S. Government in 1848. Lot 5 comprises about 140 acres, bounded on the west and south by Bayou Puerto and Old Fort Bayou respectively and situated on the western perimeter of the modern Gulf Hill’s development.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, November 1, 1895, p. 3 and December 12, 1895, p. 3 and JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 11, p. 220)
Antonio Marie had acquired Lot 9-Block 31 for $100 in October 1880, from E.P. and Bridget Bredt who were residents of Galveston, Texas at the time of the sale. Mrs. Marie bought the property in February 1890, from her children, Esperanza Marie LaPorte (1862-1937) and Gertrude Marie Anglada Lauro (1860-1891). (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 6, pp. 21-22 and Bk.11, pp. 10-12)
Other real estate
Before the turn of the 20th Century, George E. Arndt had acquired real estate with the town of Ocean Springs and in the countryside to the north and east. Some of these land holdings in T7S-R8W were: Section 8-N/2 of the NE/4; Section 19-House and part of lot south side L&N RR on the Ames Tract; Section 20-Lots 13,14,15,and 16 and 2 ½ acres.
20th Century rentals
Early in the 20th Century, Mr. Arndt continued to enlarge his rental properties inventory in Ocean springs. Some of his well-known, extant local homes were as follows:
E.E. Clements-E.S. Jacobs House
In April 1907, G.E. Arndt acquired for $1800, the home of Ernest E. Clement (1861-1922) at present day at 604 Porter Avenue, formerly “The Porter House Restaurant”, of E. Stephen Jacobs. It is situated on Lot 6 of the Jerome Ryan Tract. Mr. Clement listed his occupation as a "traveling man" when he registered to vote at Ocean Springs on November 15, 1894. He was born at Michigan in February 1861. His parents were natives of New York. In 1892, shortly before his arrival at Ocean Springs, E.E. Clement married Elizabeth (Betsy) Clement (1876-1900+), also a Michigan native. Their two children, Elizabeth (Lissie) C. Heald (1893-1923+) and Belle C. McPherson (1896-1923+), were born here. Mr. Clement's mother, Melissa L. Clement (1833-1903), resided with the family. Upon departing Ocean Springs, the Clement family relocated to Asheville, North Carolina.
W.J. Engbarth-N.M. VanCourt House
The Engbarth-VanCourt House is located at present day 516 Martin Avenue. William J. Engbarth (1882-1957), called Willie, was Mr. Arndt’s first cousin. Arndt financed the home for the Engbarths. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Trust Bk. 2, pp. 272-273 and p. 281)
In April 1915, Willie Engbarth was legated the Clark-Reinike House at present day Martin Avenue, when Ellen Chambers Clark (1843-1915), the spouse of Newcomb Clark (1863-1913), a retired Union Army officer, passed on. During the Civil War, Clark commanded the 102nd U.S.C.T., the only African-American unit from Michigan. (JXCO, Ms. Chancery Court Will Bk. 2, pp. 253-254)
In February 1922, Joseph R. Webber (1840-1925+), the father of Marshal Arthur D. Webber (1879-1941), acquired the Willie Engbarth home at present day 516 Martin Avenue from George E. Arndt for $700. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 51, pp. 216-217)
Nellie McElroy VanCourt bought this property from her mother in October 1942, after it had been owned by the Edward C. Brou family since October 1925. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 81, pp. 196-197)
M.W. Austin-Walter H. Winklejohn House
This fine edifice is situated at 418 Martin Avenue and has the distinction of being the last property in Ocean Springs, owned by the family of Dr. William Glover Austin (1814-1894), the founder of the Ocean Springs Hotel in 1853. G.E. Arndt acquired this lot and home from his business partner, B.F. Parkinson (1859-1930), in September 1924, for $1000. In August 1959, he conveyed this property to Walter H. Winklejohn and Marjorie Yerger Winklejohn (1921-2002). (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 54, pp. 229-230 and Bk. 190, pp. 568-570).
In November 1899, George E. Arndt married Adele Mary Robarts (1875-1945) of Columbus, Georgia. Their nuptials were held at Columbus. In 1898, Arndt had met Miss Robarts, the sister-in-law of J.B. Lemon (1862-1919), the son of Englishman, Dr. James J. Lemon (1825-1915), of Biloxi. Miss Robarts had come from Georgia for a visit with her sister and Arndt had first seen her at the L&N Depot at Biloxi. It was love at first sight. Correspondence was followed by several visits to Miss Robarts in the Peach State, which led to their engagement and nuptial vows.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, November 30, 1899, p. 8 and The History of JXCO, Ms., 1989, p. 111)
The Lemons were in the pharmacy business at Biloxi. Their drugstore was situated on Lameuse Street and Howard Avenue. In March 1918, druggist J.B. Lemon opened a pharmacy in the south half of the Farmers and Merchants Bank Building on Washington and Robinson where Mr. Arndt’s Paragon Saloon had once stood. After Lemon's demise, a New Orleanian, Matt Huber, opened a drugstore in the bank building and remained there until about 1930 when he moved to the southeast corner of Washington and Bowen.
Three children were born to George E. Arndt and Adele Mary Robarts Arndt: Elise Arndt (1901-1903); Marie A. Alexander (1905-1994); and George Edward Arndt Jr. (1909-1994). They were reared on Jackson Avenue.
Episcopal Church
George E. Arndt was a member of St. John’s Episcopal Church where he served as a vestryman. In 1906, Mr. Arndt donated the bell for the Rayburn Avenue sanctuary. Before its new sound pealed into the community, a bolt from the blue issued from a July thunderstorm, striking the church steeple. The resulting force rocked the sanctuary, broke windows, and damaged electrical light fixtures. The church sustained damages amounting to $400.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, July 13, 1906, p. 3 )
When the town of Ocean Springs commenced incorporation in the early 1890s, George E. Arndt was a player. He was appointed to the town’s first election commission and had the local newspaper print 200 ballots for the inaugural elections, which were held December 13, 1893. Mr. Arndt entered the local political scene as was elected Alderman-at-Large in 1895, a position he held continuously for eight years. There was a hiatus of twenty-eight years when he was elected as Alderman of Ward 4 in 1931. Arndt served but one term retiring from local politics. (Ellison, 1991, p. 6 and Schmidt, 1972, p. 133 and p. 135)
By 1914, George E. Arndt and Benjamin Franklin Parkinson (1859-1930), called Frank, were partnered in the insurance business at Ocean Springs. Their company was called Arndt & Parkinson-Fire and Tornado Insurance.(The Ocean Springs News, February 7, 1914)
B.F. Parkinson was the son of Franklin B. Parkinson (1823-1896) and Eugenia Bodley Parkinson (1831-1898) and a native of New Orleans. Parkinson’s father was born in Ohio. B.F. Parkinson nor his siblings married. He was also in the insurance business at New Orleans. Mr. Parkinson after many years with the Home Insurance Company founded the Fire Insurance Patrol circa 1920. He was president and secretary of this organization at the time of his demise on April 24, 1930. In New Orleans, Parkinson was once active in the St. John Rowing Club. At Ocean Springs, he raised prize-winning chickens as a hobby on his Bay front estate, now the home of Thomas Crozat at Lovrs Lane. Parkinson was buried in the family tomb at the Lafayette No. 1 Cemetery on Washington Avenue in New Orleans. (The Times Picayune, April 25, 1930, p. 2)
After Parkinson’s demise, George E. Arndt continued in the insurance business as:
Representing The Following Companies
Royal Insurance Co. Bankers & Shippers
Ins. Co. of North America Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co.
Aetna Insurance Co. Maryland Casualty Co.
Reliable, Dependable, and Prompt Service
Will appreciate local patronage,
George E. Arndt, agent.
(The Jackson County Times, July 27, 1935)
The year 1945 brought joy to the world as Word War II came to a close, but Ocean Springs and the survivors of the Arndt family of Jackson Avenue were deeply saddened by the deaths of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Arndt. Mr. Arndt expired on February 24, 1945, while Adele Mary Robarts Arndt passed on in late August 1945. Their corporal remains are at rest in the family burial lot in Evergreen Cemetery on Old Fort Bayou.(The Jackson County Times, March 3, 1945, p. 1 and September 1, 1945, p. 1)
Elise Arndt
Elise Arndt (1901-1903) was born at Ocean Springs, Mississippi on September 11, 1901. She expired here on June 20, 1903. She was interred in the Arndt family plot at Evergreen Cemetery. No further information.
Marie Arndt Alexander
Marie A. Alexander (1905-1994) was a native of Ocean Springs, Mississippi arriving here August 15, 1905. She may have attended All Saints Academy in Vicksburg. Circa 1923, Marie matriculated to Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge after her high school graduation. Post-graduation, Marie lectured in the Junior High School English Department at the new Ocean Springs Public School on Government Street in 1929 and 1930.
In June 1930, Marie married Harry David Alexander (1905-1984), the son of William H. Alexander and Katherine Rosenblum, at New Orleans. Harry was a construction engineer and also a graduate of LSU.(The Daily Herald, July 23, 1930)
The Alexanders retired to Ocean Springs and acquired the family residence on Jackson Avenue in April 1977, from Mrs. Alexander’s brother, George E. Arndt Jr. She also bought the Arndt family rental cottage at 822 Porter from George. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 608 , p. 374 and p. 375)
Harry Alexander expired on January 8, 1984. Marie lived another decade passing on February 11, 1994. She died intestate and without children. Her brother, George E. Arndt Jr., was her sole heir-at-law. (JXCO, Ms. Chancery Court Cause No. 94-0483)
George E. Arndt Jr.
George Edward Arndt Jr. (1909-1994) was born at Ocean Springs, Mississippi on June 26, 1909. He attended local schools but went to Biloxi for his high school education, graduating with the Biloxi High Class of 1927. Among those from Ocean Springs who were in this class were: Morris McClure Baker (1907-1994), Lellen Davis Kennady (1907-1993), Louis Lundy, Ursula McEwen (1909-1994), and Helen Newcomb (1907-1967), who married Sherman L. Wright (1908-1982). Baker and Lundy were outstanding athletes who led the 1927 Biloxi Indians to State Championships in football, baseball, and track and field.
Others with Ocean Springs connections in Arndt’s class were: Alice Tee Weir (1908-2001), who would marry Albert Austin (1876-1951) and Absalom Jackson IV (1909-1976), the grandson of Dr. Absalom Jackson II (1842-1925), who operated the Ocean Springs Hotel on Jackson Avenue from 1894-1898.
After completing his studies in Biloxi, young George E. Arndt Jr. matriculated to the Alabama Polytechnic Institute, now Auburn University, where he studied Mechanical Engineering. Graduating from Auburn during the Depression, G.E. Arndt Jr. was fortunate to find employment with the W.P.A., as a project engineer. In December 1941, he became associated with Ingalls Shipbuilding at Pascagoula, as head of the Weight Department. The salient task of Mr. Arndt’s group was to careful weigh the materials utilized in the construction of US Naval vessels at the shipyard. (The Daily Herald, April 18, 1938, p. 6, The Jackson County Times, July 10, 1943, p. 1, and The Sun Herald, April 26, 1994, p. A-2)
Prior to his employment at Ingalls, George E. Arndt Jr. on April 16, 1938, married Dorothy “Dot” Dickey (1915-1975), the daughter of John Leo Dickey (1880-1938) and Jennie Woodford Dickey (1879-1969), natives of Niles, Michigan. Their nuptial vows took place at Shadowlawn, the Dickey Estate, at present day 112-A Shearwater Drive, now the residence and bed and breakfast inn of Bill and Nancy White Wilson, the granddaughter of Mrs. Jennie W. Dickey. Reverend J.T. Thompson of St. Paul’s Methodist Church officiated at the Arndt-Dickey wedding.(The Daily Herald, April 18, 1938, p. 6 and JXCO, MRB 104, p. 424)
Mr. Dickey was educated at the University of Michigan as a Civil Engineer. After marriage in 1902, the young couple moved to Plaquemine, Louisiana, where he was employed with the U.S. Civil Engineering Corps. In 1908, the Dickeys relocated to New Orleans where he went into the construction business with Lester Alexander. They specialized in river work engineering projects such as, building jetties, locks, etc. Mr. Dickey was often called to Central America for consultations. The Dickeys had four children, John Edwin Dickey who died as an infant, and three daughters, Eleanor Joy Dickey (1908-1916), Ruth Dickey White Scharr (1913-2000), and Dorothy Dickey Arndt (1915-1975).
The Dickeys discovered Ocean Springs while searching for a place for his business partner, Lester Alexander, to recover from a lengthy malady. From 1922 until 1933, the Dickey family spent their holiday and vacation time at Shadowlawn, the former estate of William Gray Kendall (1812-1872), which they acquired in June 1922, from Magdalena Grob (1845-1929), the widow of Christian Hanson (1845-1914). In the fall of 1933, the Dickey family became permanent residents of the Ocean Springs community. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 51, pp. 544-545 and The History of Jackson County, Mississippi-1989, p. 190)
112 Shearwater Drive
George and Dot Arndt lived on the Dickey Estate on Shearwater Drive in what was the old Kendall Schoolhouse, which they referred to as the “octagon house” because o fits unusual geometric shape. After Mrs. Dickey conveyed the east half of her estate to Dot in December 1954, the Arndts had their novel home moved to the east onto their property and refurbished it as their permanent residence. When George Arndt had their present home built in the 1950s, the “octagon house” was moved further east. It was inundated by Camille in August 1969, and destroyed. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 145, pp. 142-145 and Ruth Dickey Scharr-1998)
New career
After the death of his father in February 1945, George E. Arndt Jr. left Ingalls and continued the family insurance and real estate business that his father had built. He had become familiar with his father’s enterprises after G.E. Arndt Sr. had become ill. G.E. Arndt Jr. was thoroughly prepared to embark on his new career as his business successes have shown.(The Jackson County Times, March 10, 1945, p. 1)
Arndt Building
In November 1952, G.E. Arndt Jr. erected a small tile building at present day 913 Washington Avenue to house his Gulf Insurance Agency and real estate business. This structure is now the local realty office of Fair Winds Inc., the developers of Bayou Sauvolle Subdivision. G. Dickey Arndt of Friendswood, Texas and the son of George E. Arndt Jr., is the proprietor of both the building and Fair Winds Inc. Margaret Hollingsworth Anderson is the office manager for G. Dickey Arndt, as she was for his father.
New spouse
Some five years after the death of his spouse, G.E. Arndt Jr. in October 1980, married Mary Griffin Furlow (1922-1994), the daughter of Walter T. Griffin III and Nell E. Williams Griffin. She was a native of Manhattan, Kansas and had attended Kansas State University. At Ocean Springs, Mary was active in the DAR, Gulf Coast Symphony Guild, and Ocean Springs Garden Club. She had been president of the General Federation of Women’s Club-Mississippi Chapter and president of the Ocean Springs Women’s Club and Ocean Springs Friends of the Library. (JXCO, Ms. MRB 140, p. 176 and The Sun Herald, April 26, 1994, p. A-2)
Cruel day in April 1994
In late April 1994, George and Mary Arndt were traveling to Natchez, Mississippi and were killed on US Interstate 55, as the result of an automobile accident, which occurred near Hammond, Louisiana. Their corporal remains were cremated.(The Sun Herald, April 26, 1994, p. A-2 and The Ocean Springs Record, April 28, 1994, p. 1)
George Dickey Arndt
George Dickey Arndt (b. 1938), called Dickey, attended Ocean Springs Public Schools graduating in 1957. He matriculated to Mississippi State University obtaining a Bachelor and Master Degree in electrical engineering.
In July 1964, Dickey Arndt married Sherod Marye “Sherrie” Raum (b. 1944), a native of Washington, D.C., in the First Presbyterian Church of Ocean Springs, with the Reverend Merlin Usner in attendance. Her parents were Major Ralph J. Raum (1921-2002) and Lois Marye Robertson Raum (1926-1967). After their wedding ceremony, Dickey and Sherrie Arndt commenced their lives together at Austin, Texas where Dickey was a doctoral candidate in Electrical Engineering at the University of Texas. They later settled in Friendswood, Texas and had a son, Scott Dickey Arndt. (The Ocean Springs News, July 23, 1964, p. 4, JXCO, MRB 104, p. 424, and The Sun Herald, April 26, 1994, p. A-2)
The Raums, natives of Virginia, came to Ocean Springs in 1960, with the USAF from Fairbanks, Alaska. In 1964, after his military career ended, Major Raum elected to retire on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. He acquired the Farmers and Merchants Bank Building in 1965 from Glen Lyle Swetman. Before his retirement, Lois Raum and Pam Smith of Pascagoula opened a gift shop in Ocean Springs, which they called Salmagundi. (Ralph J. Raum, January 5, 1994)
Nancy Ruth Arndt
Nancy Ruth Arndt 9-26-1939 to 5-14-1942. No further information.
George E. Arndt Sr. also had a sister, Emma Arndt Meyer (1866-1938+), who came to Ocean Springs from Pass Christian, Mississippi in the 1890s. It is known with certitude that Emma Meyer bought the VanCleave Hotel in December 1891, from Robert A. VanCleave (1840-1908) for $3300. The sale excepted the furniture, beds, bedding, dining room furniture, and kitchen furniture. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 13, p. 157)
Mrs. Meyer renamed VanCleave’s hostel, the Meyer Hotel. It was located on the southeast corner of Washington Avenue and Robinson across from the L&N Depot. Peter Meyer (1834-1899), her husband, died at the hotel in November 1899, leaving her with four children to rear: Victoria Meyer (b. 1889), Vivian Meyer (b. 1891), Llewellyn Meyer (b. 1894), and Ethel Meyer (b. 1897). (The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, November 10, 1899, p. 3)
Dr. O.L. Bailey (1870-1938) bought Mrs. Meyer's hotel in November 1905, for $3000. It is believed that Mrs. Meyer moved to New Orleans. She was residing in Los Angeles in 1938. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 30, p. 301)
Charles L. Dyer, Along The Gulf, "Ocean Springs", (Republished by The Women of the Trinity Episcopal Church: Pass Christian-1971). (Originally published circa 1895).
The History of Jackson County, Mississippi, “George Edward Arndt”, (The Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula, Mississippi-1989)
Chancery Court Cases
Jackson County, Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. 9208, “The Estate of George E. Arndt”, March 1945.
Jackson County, Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. 9337, “The Estate of Adele M. Arndt”, August 1945.
Jackson County, Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. 94-0483, “The Estate of Marie Arndt Alexander”, 1994.
Jackson County, Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. 94-1197, “The Will of Mary Griffin Arndt”, 1994.
Jackson County, Mississippi Chancery Court Cause No. 94-1198, “The Will of George E. Arndt Jr.”, 1994.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Local and Personal”, November 30, 1899.
The Daily Herald, “Ocean Springs News”, July 23, 1930.
The Daily Herald, “Arndt-Dickey”, April 18, 1938.
The Daily Herald, “George E. Arndt”, February 24, 1945.
The Gulf Coast Times, “Tribute To A Local Citizen”, December 16, 1949.
The Gulf Coast Times, “Arndt To Construct New Building Here”, November 6, 1952.
The Jackson County Times, "Clement Bellande Obit", May 20, 1918, p. 5, c. 5.
The Jackson County Times, “Local and Personal”, January 10, 1925.
The Jackson County Times, “George E. Arndt Insurance Agency”, July 27, 1935.
The Jackson County Times, “Arndt-Dickey”, April 1938.
The Jackson County Times, July 10, 1943, p. 1
The Jackson County Times, “George E. Arndt”, March 3, 1945.
The Jackson County Times, “George E. Arndt Jr. To Carry On Real Estate Business”, March 10, 1945.
The Jackson County Times, “Mrs. Mary Arndt”, September 1, 1945.
The Ocean Springs News, “Miss Raum and George Arndt Recite Vows”, July 12, 1964.
The Ocean Springs Record, "Ocean Springs couple killed in I-55 accident", April 28, 1994.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, “Local and Personal”, November 19, 1889.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, “Ocean Springs Locals”, November 1, 1895.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, “Ocean Springs Locals”, December 6, 1895.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, “Ocean Springs Locals”, January 31, 1896.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, “Ocean Springs Locals”, November 10, 1899.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, “Ocean Springs Locals”, July 13, 1906.
The Progress, “$25.00 Reward!”, December 31, 1904.
The Sun Herald, “George E. Arndt”, April 26, 1994.
The Sun Herald, “Mrs. Mary G. Arndt”, April 26, 1994.