Bellande Cemetery - Old Ocean Springs
Bellande Cemetery - Old Ocean Springs ray Wed, 04/21/2010 - 10:07- 1929 views
[image made April 17, 2011 by Ray L, Bellande]
LOCATION: Dewey Avenue in eastern Old Ocean Springs, Claim Section 37, T7S-R8W, Jackson County, Mississippi.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue at Ocean Springs, go south (left) at Washington for .30 miles to Porter Avenue. At Porter turn left (east) and go one block to Dewey Avenue (see Ocean Springs City Hall on the SW corner of Dewey and Porter). Go right (South) at Dewey for .20 miles to the Bellande Cemetery on the right (West).
HISTORY: Bellande Cemetery is named for Joseph Bellande (1813-1907), a French immigrant seaman, who settled in Ocean Springs in 1835. He had come from Marseille where his family were caulkers in a local shipyard. As a result of his marriage to Roseline LaFauce (LaForce) (1821-1893), a heir of the Catherine Bourgeois (1768-circa 1845), the Widow LaFontaine, he received title to about 20 acres of land from the front beach on the Bay of Biloxi to County Road (Government Street). Today, City Hall, the Public Library, Police Station, a part of Children's Park, Bellande Avenue, Dewey Avenue, and the cemetery are located on this land.
Joseph Bellande made his livelihood as a fisherman and sailor. He was the father of eleven children. C.E. Schmidt, the noted Ocean Springs historian and author, thought that this cemetery is the oldest in Ocean Springs. He suspected that the Bellande Cemetery commenced as a family burial plot for the LaFontaine Family and then became a neighborhood cemetery for many of the early Ocean Springs families: Ryan, Beaugez, Seymour, Ladnier, Catchot, Bellman, Westbrook, Benezue, Mathieu, and Cox.
The original size of the Bellande cemetery was .77 acres (168 feet x 200 feet). With the purchase of .28 acres (80 feet x 155 feet) from Rita K. Holloway on March 5, 1976, the city expanded the size of the cemetery to its present size of 1.05 acres. In the original Bellande Cemetery, no grave lots had ever been sold. The descendants of the old families took grave sits as they were needed. The City of Ocean Springs, after the Holloway purchase in 1976, sold lots in the southern addition until recently. According to City Clerk, Sandra Jenkins, all cemetery lots are sold.
Kathleen Ann Battle 5-21-1958 to 4-29-1981
Alphonse Beaugez 3-17-1860 to 2-13-1942
Alphonse J. Beaugez 11-23-1885 to 2-13-1962
Alphonse Manuel Beaugez 5-5-1887 to 4-5-1945
Anne M. Beaugez 4-8-1943 to
Bernard P. Beaugez 2-10-1909 to 3-22-1969
Bertha Bellman Beaugez 8-19-1851 to 12-21-1932
Cora L. Seymour Beaugez 11-27-1915 to 4-4-1993
Caroline Seymour Beaugez 5-1-1858 to 3-18-1933
Donnie J. Lowery Beaugez 9-23-1936 to
Emile Beaugez 7-15-1901 to 1-12-1967
Ernest E. Beaugez 7-5-1881 to 8-20-1907
Ernest Floyd 'Red' Beaugez [ MISSISSIPPI SGT. US ARMY ENGINEER WW II] 10-29-1919 to 5-27-1954
Ernest M. Beaugez 2-14-1862 to 1-1-1903
Estell Beaugez 12-18-1910 to 5-9-1911
Esther Noel Beaugez 1902 to 7-24-1992
Franzine Catchot Beaugez 3-23-1866 to 6-27-1916
Helen G. Benezue Beaugez 12-27-1903 to 8-2-1928
Herman Beaugez 10-12-1916 to 4-12-1934
Honora O'Connell Beaugez 4-13-1888 to 1-19-1963
Ila Josephine Beaugez 2-15-1890 to 4-25-1914
J.B. Beaugez 10-7-1857 to 12-27-1913
Mrs. John Beaugez 1866 to 6-27-1910
Josephine Cochran Beaugez 1882 to 11-10-1934
Louise Ladnier Beaugez 8-25-1820 to 2-4-1897
Leona A. Beaugez 8-29-1893 to 9-7-1964
Madrid Marie Ponson Beaugez 2-24-1924 to 6-12-1995
Malcolm John Beaugez 2-15-1916 to 11-17-1978
Malcolm John Beaugez Jr. 6-26-1942 to 11-5-2010
Mary Josephine "Mary B" Beaugez 11-27-1919 to 12-14-1982
Mildred Beaugez 6-22-1935 to 2-11-1938
Mose H. Beaugez 10-2-1891 to 1-11-1973
Mother Beaugez (probably Bertha Bellman) 1850 to 12-20-1932
Narleen Grace Beaugez 1-25-1943 to
Odette Beaugez 1-6-1921 to 8-26-1922
Pearl Cox Beaugez 4-30-1912 to 5-27-1997
Raymond S. 'Big Boy' Beaugez 12-16-1933 to
Rita Mary Beaugez 8-8-1931 to 10-6-2005
Rosa Mary Beaugez 10-15-1884 to 2-18-1937
Stanislaus Beaugez 11-13-1813 to 9-3-1889
Stephen Wayne Beaugez 8-24-1957 to 7-9-1972
Welber Manuel Beaugez 10-6-1912 to 6-12-1971
Wilfred E. "Wiffy" Beaugez 10-21-1913 to 10-16-1994
Adolph Bellande 8-26-1870 to 1-14-1916
Clement N. Bellande 1850 to 5-19-1918
John Nestor Bellande 1855 to 4-5-1895
Joseph Bellande 10-1813 to 6-16-1907
Joseph Bellande, Jr. 1848 to 1851
Roseline LaFauce Bellande 1821 to 1-9-1893
Alice Seymour Bellman 9-4-1880 to 1-26-1957
Almina Bellman 1851 to 1881
Charles W. Bellman 1841 to 1885
Harro Bellman (CO I 1st LA INF) 6-30-1849 to 11-16-1920
Irene Bellman 4-24-1893 to 12-26-1960
James E. 'Jimmy' Bellman 4-22-1961 to
Emma Jean Frisbe Hafer Bellman 2-15-1934 to 1-15-2008
John Bellman
Joseph Harro Bellman Sr. (US ARMY Sp5 Korea) 7-15-1931 to 12-8-2000
Keith J. Bellman 0-23-1956 to 2-21-1990
Kerry Adam Bellman to 6-21-1965
Marjorie Bellman 11-21-1920 to 6-29-1997
Noah Arthur Bellman 12-22-1889 to 11-5-1941
Noah Arthur Bellman Jr. 11-16-1920 to 7-15-1999
Patricia Lothamer Bellman 2-23-1930 to 1-1-1998
Pauline I Bellman 5-17-1815 to 10-14-1899
Phillip A. Bellman 11-14-1915 to 2-4-1964
Phillip M. Bellman 1-23-1872 to 3-3-1927
Ralph C. Bellman 6-18-1856 to 10-16-1899
Ralph E. Bellman 3-27-1918 to 1-28-1999
Thomas J. Bellman 4-1-1935 to 11-16-2007
Williamina Catchot Bellman 6-25-1898 to 10-25-1990
Andrew J. Belton 5-15-1903 to 8-13-1929
Agnes Elizabeth Benezue 3-11-1911 to 7-4-1960
Baby Ronda Benezue to 6-28-1960
Edward Joseph Benezue, Sr. 11-21-1917 to 12-12-1994
Elsie Virginia Rivers Benezue 2-12-1918 to 1-14-2010
Elizabeth B. Benezue 11-13-1929 to 6-28-1960
Eulalie M. Catchot Benezue 1859-ca 1900
Hazel Benezue 9-1905 to 5-3-1926
Helen Jeanette Spicer Benezue 9-16-1913 to 12-5-1988
Infant Benezue, d/o Mr. and Mrs. Ed Benezue to 2-13-1942
Janette Elkins Benezue 1939 to 10-28-2004
John Benezue 5-18-1843 to 6-23-1924
John Benezue 1-23-1883 to 1-9-1936
Joseph Edward Benezue 11-27-1885 to 10-13-1945
Mary E. Ryan Benezue 10-12-1880 to 3-22-1936
Ophelia Benezue 3-18-1886 to 3-25-1976
Philip Joseph Benezue 3-30-1909 to 1-4-1978
Phillip Michael Benezue 1-9-1945 to 12-5-2006
Robert Ellis Benezue 7-4-1939 to 12-30-1994
Ronald J. Benezue Jr. 12-18-1956 to 4-14-2001
Virginia Holden Bennett 1-1918 to 4-6-1988
Agnes Bertuccini 7-13-1888 to 10-15-1906
Antoine Bertuccini 1844 to 3-17-1921
Marie Gouaux Bertuccini (Vance) 3-1863 to 8-31-1930
Mary Borries 1853 to 1881
Claude S. Bourgeois, Sr. 9-11-1929 to 10-28-1985
Lorraine Theresa LaCour Bourgeois 11-4-1933 to 7-21-2001
Mamie Seymour Bourgh 1883 to 1957
Timothy Jason Bozman 8-10-1971 to 2-29-1996
Laura Schmidt Brady 1857 to 1931
Charles Britt 7-21-1912 to 11-18-1986
Delores Mayfield Brooks 6-13-1945 to 4-29-2007
Mrs. Georgia Brown 1900 to 9-5-1988
Joseph Edward Brune Jr. 10-31-1929 to 9-3-2001
Yvonne Crawford Brune 9-10-1924 to 12-5-2000
Ambrose Buehler 7-11-1898 to 7-18-1899
Andrew Buehler 1859 to 1939
Andrew Buehler, Sr. 12-13-1823 to 1-5-1906
Christian Buehler 3-5-1865 to 3-1-1936
Frank C. Buehler 10-15-1909 to 6-25-1985
Louise Emma Hoffman Buehler 12-17-1879 to 4-28-1965
Mary Buehler 4-6-1865 to 10-21-1891
Naomie Watson Buehler 4-10-1915 to 5-14-1980
Pearl Fayard Buehler 2-23-1872 to 7-17-1906
James Walter "Curley" Butler 11-22-1934 to
Jody Edward "Jode" Butler 7-22-1963 to 2-15-1986
June Noel Butler 5-1-1936 to 1-3-1996
Larry Eugene Byrd 6-25-1957 to 4-17-1996
Herbert W. Campbell 3-11-1899 to 9-7-1987
Agnes Mathieu Cappel 5-26-1891 5-8-1970
Jimmy Tullos Carroll, Sr. 2-28-1940 to 6-14-1992
Judy Kay Carroll 1-3-1940 to
Elizabeth Reed Brannon Casellas 1-7-1925 to 12-19-1984
Willis M. Cassidy, Sr. 8-20-1912 to 12-18-1962
Phillimine Benezue Cassidy 12-7-1912 to 8-25-1994
Abertine Catchot 8-10-1905 to 4-30-1944
Alice Mary Catchot 8-14-1893 to 12-22-1984
Alma Dick Catchot 5-27-1901 to 4-19-1969
Anna Laura Ryan Catchot 1-18-1872 to 10-3-1930
Anthony F. Catchot 11-20-1907 to 6-1-1996
Capt. Arnaud Catchot 1834 to 4-12-1910
Arnold "Boy" Catchot 9-27-1869 to 1-21-1939
Betty Marie Catchot 1932 to 2-13-1934
Carol Rita Catchot 11-4-1940 to 11-4-1940
Carston H. Catchot 11-30-1896 to 9-8-1927
Charles E. Catchot 8-6-1899 to 8-9-1985
Collus Bernard Catchot [PFC US ARMY WWII] 6-15-1920-12-11-2002
Delia Mon Catchot 4-30-1873 to 5-2-1948
Donald Ray Catchot Jr. 8-11-1997 to 8-11-2001
Mrs. Elmer Catchot to 11-19-1940
Euta A. Catchot 3-14-1914 to 9-1-1988
Francis Adelbert Catchot, Sr. 12-26-1911 to 5-15-1983
Frank Catchot 1871 to 1943
Ida Mae Raley Catchot 12-23-1910 to 8-4-1996
John Edward Catchot 4-25-1897 to 10-13-1987
John J. Catchot 2-10-1863 to 8-8-1910
Joseph E.J. Catchot 5-21-1897 to 10-6-1984
Leland J. Catchot 10-27-1905 to 10-31-1941
Leonard Catchot
Lotta White Catchot 1874 to 1954
Lloyd Horace Catchot 5-2-1912 to 7-3-1995
Michael Catchot
Norma cox Reyer Catchot 7-14-1919 to 9-12-1988 [buried Coalville Cemetery, Woolmarket, Harrison Co., Mississippi]
Verda Lee Ziegler Catchot 7-14-1916 to 2-26-1988
Cecil G. Chamblee 2-22-1898 to 8-22-1968
Claire Ryan Chandler 11-26-1914 to 11-22-1989
James C. Chandler 9-22-1913 to 6-26-1978
Elizabeth Martha Clark 1860 to 10-20-1932
Archie Doyal Coffman 8-25-1928 to 10-20-1993
Myrtle Cleo Cook Coffman 2-4-1924 to 7-19-1988
Armina Ladner Cox 11-8-1869 to ?
Elise Ryan Cox 2-13-1907 to 5-7-1987
Evelyn M. Cox 1-12-1928 to
Harold Ivan Cox 10-10-1904 to 4-27-1987
Harold Vincent Cox 3-20-1927 to 4-13-1995
John Cox 11-1879 to 7-13-1929
Minerva Lee Cox 6-16-1905 to 5-27-1988
Capt. P.V. Cox 12-12-1867 to 11-17-1942
Stanley Fabian Cox Jr. 3-6-1952 to 8-22-2009
Edwardine Ladnier Crawford 7-22-1896 to 11-3-1937
Harry Warren Crawford 9-25-1893 to 12-16-1937
George W. Dale 4-17-1872 to 7-22-1953
Gerrard W. Dale 2-4-1917 to 12-15-1957
Harriet R. Dale 7-8-1876 to 8-7-1956
John Albert Dale 6-30-1914 to 9-21-1975
Leo B. Dale 2-13-1904 to 8-17-1954
Lisa Daniels 1-13-1963 to 4-22-1982
Richard Daniels 5-30-1933 to
Sheila Daniels 2-16-1932 to
Barbara Elaine Dick 2-11-1930 to 1-16-2012
Benjamin J. Dick 5-9-1892 to 1-25-1967
Benedict Dick 1869 to 1-1904
Camille Dick 11-4-1894 to 6-8-1959
Edwin "Dotsy" Dick 10-20-1904 to 2-3-1984
Eugene Dick 1868 to 1918
Louise Zeolide Seymour Dick 8-1-1875 to 1903
Mary Cecile Seymour Dick 3-23-1869 to 3-9-1953
Maybelle A. Dick 12-20-1910 to 12-14-1987
Samuel Dick
Uranie Dick
Bessie B. Dishman 3-7-1902 to 6-24-1986
Josephine Dolbear 1850 to 1867
L.L. Dolbear 8-8-1855 to 11-20-1918
Louis L. Dolbear 1806 to 7-7-1881
Marie L. Dolbear 1823 to 1867
Virginia Lee Dolbear to 2-19-1899
Emily Ryan Duffie 9-15-1907 to 5-18-1955
Joseph John Duffie, Sr. 9-4-1902 to 3-24-1994
Ruth Ryan Earnhardt 11-5-1911 to 2-14-1995
Margaret Egan 1833 to 4-18-1871
Albert M. Eglin 9-13-1852 to 9-25-1891
Albert M. Eglin 8-30-1874 to 1-19-1904
Amelia Krohn Eglin 5-11-1855 to 5-28-1916
Mrs. Susie Eglin 12-9-1884 to 1-7-1921
Thomas A. Eglin 12-19-1887 to 7-24-1914
Verna Eglin 2-10-1886 to 10-1-1886
Michel Endt to 6-25-1880
Sophia Endt to 10-25-1882
Theresa Hermann Endt 1840 to 6-12-1914
Dennis O. Entrekin 11-26-1934 to 9-7-2002
Dolores Diane Weeks Ericksen 10-22-1950 to 8-26-1996
James Rollin Ericksen 11-24-1941 to 7-13-1995
Geneva Ryan Eriksen 6-20-1909 to 5-17-1991
Herman Alexander Eriksen 11-8-1910 to 2-24-1983
Diane Bellman Ericksen???
John Alex Fayard 10-19-1887 to 9-15-1958
John Alex Fayard, Jr. 1914 to 1915
John Lawton Fayard 1911 to 8-12-1929
Marie E. Hoffman Fayard 5-12-1884 to 12-17-1951
Marie Louise Fayard 5-26-1920 to 5-5-1921
Kevel Matthew “Matt Matt” Felton Jr. 10-28-01 to 2-7-2002
George Clifford Fero 4-17-1936 to 1-25-2009
Mary Ellen Mathieu Fero 7-9-1936 to
Johnny A. Fountain 5-27-1867 to 1-23-1896
Louisa Olsen Fountain 2-27-1868 to 2-28-1910
Elizabeth C. Wolf Friar 1885 to 1919
Hilda E. Friar 8-1-1911 to 1-19-1987
Marie Louise Friar 3-6-1846 to 9-28-1914
Robert A. Friar 11-1876 to 10-6 1948
Mrs. Robert A. Friar 2-15-1885 to 1-25-1919
Thomas Adolph Friar 12-12-1871 to 11-10-1896
Thomas R. Friar 4-14-1845 to 9-26-1918
Allean Thurmon Pearson Gaines 2-19-1929 to 5-16-2009
Rev. Joe Pearson Gaines 5-24-1917 to 3-21-2005
Aurine Davis Gallaher 2-24-1910 to 1-22-2009
Frank Fritts Gallaher 1-6-1907 to 10-14-1982
Adelle Galle 1871 to 1953
Alphonse Galle 1886 to 1962
Doris Ethel Beaugez Galle 9-23-1931 to 10-4-2005
Thomas A. Galle 10-24-1927 to
Jules F. Galle 1843 to 1922
Marie E. Galle 1847 to 1913
Thomas A. Galle 10-24-1927 to
Nellie Mae Gavins 11-29-1912 to 12-20-1985
Catherine Gehlbach 6-1832 to 2-8-1906
Ella M. Gibson 4-27-1901 to 5-1991
George F. Gibson 2-19-1912 to 8-10-1982
Ira D. Griggs 3-27-1918 to 9-11-1984
Mary G. Griggs 10-26-1918 to 5-14-2000
Gertrude Barnes Hand 11-30-1923 to 8-8-1986
Gladys Harris 1917 to
James C. “Shorty”Harris 1-12-1918 to 2-4-1986
Jeffery Harris 12-1-1955 to 8-23-1988
Mary J. Hosli Harris 8-19-1888 to 6-24-1917
Elizabeth Hartley 1-20-1903 to 2-13-1982
August Aven Hill, Sr 4-22-1949 to 12-19-1993
Ernest Hill
Rena Ross Hill 2-16-1952 to
Selena Sherman White-Hill 1854 to 1919
Thomas Edward Holland 1873 to 1-13-1935
Jeannette Soden Holland 1882 to 8-13-1965
Juanita Holland 1906 to 1975
Bernadine Holland
Ira C. Hosli 6-11-1907 to 4-5-1932
Joseph Hosli 1-1-1865 to 6-15-1946
Louis Wilmer Hosli 2-6-1905 to 5-6-1941
Mary Virginia Krohn Hosli 4-1-1867 to 12-6-1952
Harold Illing Jr. 10-2-1922 to 4-18-1989
Laura Antoinette "Ella" Ryan Jackson 8-24-1887 to 1-28-1957
Wallace Henry Jakins (Jacquin) 1875? to 10-17-1929
Ella Pons Johnson 11-2-1868 to 10-17-1910
John E. Johnson 12-16-1859 to 4-18-1921
John L. Johnson 2-18-1885 to 12-21-1917
Joseph E. Johnson 4-17-1886 to 12-4-1887
Annette Beaugex Jones 2-27-1922 to 3-30-2011
Vernon James Jones 9-22-1920 to 1-16-2002
Marvin Ray Jordan 2-27-1956 to 8-3-1956
Eleanor Mae Westbrook Julian 8-5-1910 to 12-26-1985
Joseph Eugene Julian 2-11-1932 to 10-20-1988
Thomas James Julian 11-11-1908 to 9-6-1976
Andrea Denise Kaufman 12-22-1970 to 8-30-1987
Celestine Ryan Kendall 1828 to 7-10-1894
E.P. Kendall 1860? to 1-2-1888
Louis Kendall 1822 to 1894
Walter Wayne Kennedy 4-12-1939 to 2-28-1988
Robert R. Kiernan 11-6-1935 to 3-30-1998
Emily Juanita Crawford King 1-7-1927 to 2-8-2003
John King 1-10-1917 to 1-26-1980
Louis Edward King, Sr. 12-31-1928 to 9-13-1994 [ICEFA USN]
Louis Edward King, III 9-25-1973 to 9-26-1973
John H. Krohn 3-10-1831 to 6-30-1912
Zeolide Krohn 3-6-1936 to 10-10-1898
Angeline Ladnier to 1-4-1903
Doris Dick Ladnier 9-1-1927 to
Edward Ladnier 12-15-1896 to 7-29-1973
Elma Gertrude Ladnier 1-26-1919 to 8-5-1922
Emile Ladnier Sr. 4-17-1868 to 1-28-1937
Emile Ladnier Jr. 1-7-1894 to 11-7-1918
Emily Ladnier 12-1867 to 6-4-1936
Fabin J. Ladnier 8-25-1926 to
Joseph Ladnier 1871 to 12-27-1923
Louisa Cox Ladnier 12-17-1873 to 2-24-1940
Rose Benezue Cox Ladnier
Walter Rudolph Ladnier 7-4-1900 to 10-8-1936
Kate Piner Lane 7-1-1964 to 3-25-2010
Bertha VanCourt Loescher 1896 to 1981
Ronald Jon Loewenstein, Jr. 11-27-1960 to 10-21-1983
Edna M. Longinotti 1881 to 8-13-1927
Corine Lowery 1910 to 12-5-1997
George Ray McAllister, Sr. 9-29-1919 to 2-22-1979
Virginia Louise McAllister 4-20-1924 to 4-24-1984
Kenneth Dale McClain 6-1-1970 to 5-14-1994
Ruth “Pauline” Ritchie McClain 1-11-1943 to 6-2-2000
Alice Dick McEwen 8-23-1897 to 8-27-1958
Lucien Darling McEwen?
Elizabeth Martin
Jacob Martin 7-1-1844 to 6-30-1926
Kathleen Ann Battle Martin to 4-29-1981
Camilo Joseph Massa 3-30-1906 to 10-27-1976
Thelma Greaves Massa 4-28-1910 to 7-3-1986
Alphonse E. Mathieu to 9-30-1878
Alphonse Edgar Mathieu 2-1-1893 to 11-16-1980
Antonet Mathieu 1866 to 1897
Cathrean Mathieu 8-29-1871 to 11-25-1961
Clara Emma Parker Mathieu 6-30-1898 to 10-31-1979
Gordon Arbon Mathieu 5-1-1927 to 10-20-1983
Joseph Frederich Mathieu 3-31-1869 to 7-6-1924
Laura Wilson Mathieu 8-16-1937 to 3-16-2009
Lillian Marguerite Mathieu 2-13-1929 to
Marie Jakins Mathieu 1913 to 5-27-2003
Rosa May Mathieu to 9-9-1878
Sally Mathieu 1834 to 1914
Thomas Franklin Mathieu 5-8-1909 to 9-25-1995
W.M. Mathieu 1833 to 1892
Loretta Webber May 8-3-1876 to 5-27-1929
Anthony Mayfield 4-20-1953 to 8-29-1987
Ashley Leigh Price-Mayfield 9-10-1967 to 6-28-2003
George Ray McAllister, Sr. 9-29-1919 to 2-22-1979
Virginia Louise McAllister 4-20-1924 to 4-24-1984
Kenneth Dale McClain 6-1-1970 to 5-14-1994
Alice Dick McEwen 8-23-1897 to 8-27-1958
Elaine G. Ryan Miller 11-16-1930 to 11-3-2006
Eulalie Marie Miller 1859 to 1892
Joseph L. Modlin 10-10-1927 to 5-8-1982
Cora Mon, "Aunt Cora" 1879 to 1965
Edmond Mon 3-25-1843 to 8-23-1920
Eloise Mon 4-12-1840 to 12-19-1918
Margaret Seidenstricker “Maggie” Mon 7-9-1867 to 5-4-1947
Baby Moran 8-14-1995 to 8-14-1995
Henrietta Elizabeth Morrison 9-19-1914 to 1-17-1994
Charles F. Munger 7-29-1935 to
Janet R. Beaugez Munger 1-12-1937 to
Ben J. Noel 12-24-1870 to 4-21-1942
Calvin Charles Noel 11-26-1915 to 12-8-1938
Marie Ryan Noel 3-9-1879 to 1-14-1956
Winston P. Noel 1906 to 1946
Travis E. Norman 1915 to 1948
Marguerite Seymour Norman 8-27-1908 to 11-24-2001
Louisa Olsen 2-27-1898 to 2-28-1910
Ben Montero Ortega "Capt. Ben" -22-1927 to 5-17-1990
Bette Noel Ortega 2-6-1929 to 2-1-1988
Clara Emma Parker 6-30-1898 to 10-31-1970
Louis P. Parks 2-25-1916 to 2-19-1953
Twin Boys of Mr & Mrs E.W. Pettis to 6-1941
Anita Louise Martin Pontius 3-13-1936 to 4-22-1986
Annie Erick Porche 8-3-1906 to 5-31-1995
Mary Collins Ramsay 4-23-1894 to 9-3-1935
Scott Stewart Ramsay 2-15-1881 to 4-8-1955
Oliver Osborn Redding 11-14-1904 to 6-21-1982
Walterene "Sis" Verner Redding 9-30-1923 to 9-19-2005
Henry Joseph Renes 2-12-1895 to 6-6-1959
Lynette Benezue Renes to 7-21-1969
Azalie Bellande Reus 1854 to 1923
Michael Reus 2-2-1884 to 10-17-1905
Mamie Robins 7-20-1924 to 5-25-2009
Danny Lynn Robbins 9-26-1957 to
Ellis F. "Doc" Rodgers 10-21-1908 to 3-23-1998
Henry Fuller Rodgers 2-8-1878 to 12-16-1942
May E. Rodgers 4-20-1873 to 12-11-1943
David Lawton Rogers (Infant) 4-1-1937 to 4-2-1937
Edna Fayard Rogers 1908 to 4-4-1937
Adolph A. Ross 5-1914 to 5-18-1974
Diane Rocco Ross 6-15-1952 to 8-3-1995
Dorothy N. Ross 5-30-1926 to
Ernest George Ross (Infant) 4-11-9144 to 4-16-1944
John B. Ross 7-27-1927 to 12-19-2006
Mary C. Ross 3-13-1919 to
Robert John Ross, Jr. 8-18-1989 to 1-6-1990
Caroline Ryan Ruta 1854 to 3-21-1923
Adelia Ryan
Alfred Ryan to 2-12-1890
Alfreda Gehlbach Ryan 1861 to 1919
Alonzo Ryan 10-1897? to 3-20-1900
Anthony Ryan 7-12-1877 to 5-17-1929
Antoine Ryan to 10-31-1908
Antonia Ryan
Antony Jerome Ryan 7-12-1867 to 3-16-1929
Arthur A. Ryan 1881 to 1936
Arthur J. Ryan 1920 to 1973
Beauregard Ryan 1860 to 3-7-1928
Byron George Ryan 1913 to 4-9-1924
Calvin Ryan 12-23-1886 to 1-19-1903
Catherine Bourgeois Ryan 9-27-1918 to 5-7-2004
Catherine Ryan 1897 to 1973
Charles Richard Ryan 9-19-1883 to 12-24-1939
Charles S. Ryan 1873-1-18-1932
Charles Wesley Ryan, Sr. 7-6-1917 to 10-26-1985
Christine Reso Ryan 2-23-1883 to 11-20-1956
Cyril Walter Ryan 11-21-1912 to 2-20-1983
Dora Stephens (Hoffen?) Ryan to 3-23-1903
Dorothea L. Ryan 9-29-1885 to 8-28-1968
Dorothy Ryan 9-30-1902 to 9-5-1904
Earl Ryan? 1904-7-3-1913, son of Tony Ryan, (see The Daily Herald, July 5, 1913)
Elizabeth B. Ryan 2-13-1902 to 8-30-1982
Elizabeth Hartley Ryan 1903 to 1982
Elsie Seymour Ryan 10-18-1905 to 4-11-1989
Emilia Florence Ryan 8-11-1889 to 11-30-1954
Emily Toche Ryan 8-8-1890 to 10-22-1970
Eva Peterson Ryan 10-31-1887 to 10-11-1964
Francis “Frank” Theodore Ryan 6-11-1880 to 11-20-1945
Fred J. "Mickey" Ryan 5-3-1886 to 10-22-1943
George Ryan 12-27-1876 to 3-18-1929
George G. Ryan 11-22-1892 to 4-23-1917
Gladys Ryan 12-22-1905 to 3-15-1931
Glenn F. Ryan 2-1-1938 to
Grace Ryan 1914 to 1920
Henry L. Ryan 11-1-1899 to 1-4-1947
Henry P. Ryan, Sr. 1860 to 10-21-1936
Henry Peter "Pete" Ryan 12-11-1923 to 4-8-1991
Herbert Ryan 1902 to 1964
Homer L. Ryan 1-12-1905 to 11-10-1977
James T. Ryan to 7-11-1921
Joan Batia Ryan 6-5-1941 to 4-2-2004
John A. Ryan 10-24-1881 to 9-9-1943
John B. Ryan 5-1856 to 12-13-1920
John "Coco" Ryan 1859 to 12-18-1920
John J. Ryan 7-26-1881 to 11-19-1950
Josephine Lavinia Mon Ryan 1-25-1890 to 10-18-1918
Josephine Pons Ryan 7-3-1878 to 11-4-1966
Julia Miller Ryan 1887 to 1918
Justin M. Ryan 1-15-1889 to 5-21-1963
Lorena Josephine Pavolini Ryan 6-11-1908 to 8-25-1995
Lloyd Joseph Ryan 9-4-1928 to 5-4-1985
Louis L. “Toon” Ryan 1837 to 1909
Louis Ralph (Boy) Ryan 1-12-1880 to 12-31-1960
Mabel E. Bosarge Ryan 7-3-1921 to 2-7-1989
Marie Castellin Bosarge Mon Ryan 1824 to ?
Mary Ryan, wife of Antoine Ryan 1846 to 9-12-1909
Mary Ellen Slater Ryan 5-20-1882 to 9-13-1954
Olivia F. Ryan 12-15-1891 to 4-15-1969
Raymond F. Ryan 10-7-1914 to 10-9-1970
Regina Zalusky Ryan 12-10-1939 to
Richard August Ryan 4-20-1887 to 8-24-1927
Theodora Bellman Ryan 1838 to 1901
Virginia Vallen Ryan 11-6-1858 to 3-8-1928
Walter J. Ryan 2-12-1888 to 1-22-1944
Walter Jules Ryan 7-27-1941 to
James Adam Salters 5-14-1907 to 1-1-1979
Mary V. Jermyn Salters 12-16-1921 to 1-20-1996
James Adam Salters II 2-4-1947 to 1-19-2008
Richard Gerald Salters 9-7-1949 to 11-16-2006
Grace Mae Sanderford 6-8-1906 to 12-23-1985
Rose Nell Benezue Saranthus 4-16-1916 to 3-14-1973
Joseph P. Scheib 1872 to 8-19-1952
Mrs. Joseph Scheib (nee Bellman) ? to 5-1899
Charles Ernest Schmidt 1851 to 1886
Emilia Delores Schmidt 1884 to 1884
David A. Schmierer 9-20-1934 to 6-1-1988
Sue Richards Seaman to 5-23-1934
Annette Mathieu Seidule 9-27-1914 to 9-10-1991
Jessica Noel Senseney 6-1-1996 to 6-5-1996
Mrs. F.L. Shivers 1-23-1940 to 3-23-1986
Adolphine Bellman Seymour (Mrs. Moses Seymour) 8-15-1839 to 1-17-1920
Albert Justin Seymour 3-19-1891 to 5-5-1948
Alfred R. Seymour 1-24-1907 to 5-24-1907
Alphonse Seymour 5-1-1951 to
Benjamin Seymour 9-14-1882 to 11-20-1889
Burnette M. Seymour 3-15-1927 to 8-26-1928
Caroline Domning Seymour 1887 to 1969
Caroline V. Seymour 6-7-1847 to 11-1-1895
Daryl Van Seymour 10-15-1946 to 10-15-1946
Elsie N. Seymour 10-18-1905 to 4-11-1989
Frank J. Seymour 1884 to 1933
George Seymour 1868 to 1950
Grace Renes Seymour 12-25-1900 to 10-27-1961
Henry Seymour 8-1844 to 1-4-1924
Hugh C. Seymour, Sr. 1-20-1876 to 5-24-1913
James Seymour 1887 to 1948
John H. Seymour, Sr. [SGT US ARMY WWII-Purple Heart] 6-5-1923 to 1-2-1991
John H. Seymour, Jr. 4-25-1949 to 1-16-1985
John J. Seymour 11-13-1899 to 8-28-1962
Mrs. John Seymour (Almenia Miller) 1843 to 5-29-1929
Jon Seymour CO D 3 MD CAV
Josephine Seymour 1878 to 1927
John R. Seymour 2-29-1879 to 9-23-1938
Leona Agnes Seymour 1-15-1891 to 7-3-1900
Leona Magdalene Seymour 6-14-1902 to 4-4-1928
Lydia Beaugez Seymour 8-25-1927 to 5-11-2010
Pvt. Mark Seymour 12-22-1910 to 9-14-1944
Marvin Joseph Seymour 7-21-1921 to 4-18-1983
Mary Seymour 1818 to 6-19-1890
Mary Nell Seymour 8-25-1912 to 6-26-1915
Mose Seymour 1900 to 1918
Moses Seymour 4-13-1838 to 1-8-1893
Minerva Aida (Lula) Seymour 3-25-1880 to 8-23-1956
Narcisse Seymour 1-10-1849 to 1-20-1931
Shirley Margaret Seymour 9-22-1924 to 2-4-1999
Wilhelmina Seymour 12-16-1886 to 11-20-1889
John J. Shannahan 1810 to 1892
John J. Shannahan, Jr. 1864 to 1883
Maria T. Shannahan 1826 to 1909
Richard Shannahan 1866 to 1896
Thomas B. Shannahan 1872 to 1932
F.L. Shivers 1-23-1940 to 3-23-1986
Edward B. Simmons 1867 to 1911
Matthew Mastin Sloan 6-15-1971 to
Michael "Mike" Scott Sloan 6-2-1947 to 5-20-1952
Sandra "Sandy" Scott Sloan 9-10-1945 to 7-20-1958
Violet Helen Sloan 6-18-1918 to 4-8-1970
Dr. Leroy James Smith 11-12-1903 to 8-25-1992
Marion Cox Snowden 3-24-1923 to 9-16-1941
Mamie Praytor Soden 1892 to 1965
Theophile John Soden 1885 to 10-14-1934
Carolyn J. Stafford 4-18-1944 to
Franklin O. Stafford 1-31-1934 to 11-31-1982
Gerald Starks
Alice Isabelle Latimer Starks 4-6-1863 to 1-24-1936
Edwin George Starks 3-23-1902 to 5-15-1963
Ellen Elwert Starks 1835 to 5-2-1900
Elizabeth Starks 4-27-1892 to 6-2-1896
John Joseph Starks 1857 to 1920
Joseph B. Starks [MS. PVT BATTERY B 141 FIELD ARTILLERY WWI] 1-28-1897 to 10-26-1966
Mary Burke Starks 1861 to 1939
Mary Rose Starks
Samuel Patrick Cyril Starks 3-18-1859 to 3-16-1919
Stephen Starks 2-1-1883 to 5-26-1885
Theresa Ann Starks 7-13-1890 to 6-2-1968
William Starks 1-7-1894 to 12-28-1894
Anna Leek Strickler 1910 to 1995
Betty Lucile Hersh Strickler 5-17-1936 to 4-14-1999
Jack Douglas Strickler 2-28- 1933 to 10-19-2000
Alice Jakins Tanner 1-12-1917 to 8-11-2001
James “Don” Donavan Tanner 2-22-1919 to 11-1981
James Donavan Tanner II 1945 to 4-1-2008
Vernon Tatum 10-3-1958 to 6-16-1986
Chester Homan Terry 2-6-1913 to 2-1-1965
Mary Helen Beaugez Terry 7-6-1941 to 1-12-2001
Charles Thomas 1877 to 6-13-1960
Ella Thomas 9-7-1877 to 12-18-1957
Ronald Thurmon 11-5-1963 to 11-21-1987
Adell Galle Tiblier 1871-1953
Eugenia Tiblier (dau. of Eugene Tiblier and Palmyra Beaugez)
Lawrence Tiblier 1847-1897
Pauline Beaugez Tiblier 1846 to -?
Caroline Matthew Westbrook Toche 2-25-1830 to 2-25-1895
Irma Toche 1912 to 5-26-1929
Lionel A. Tootle 11-26-1933 to 5-26-1964
Jessie Francis Vanbenthuysen 7-6-1989 to 7-7-1989
Gladys Morgan Vance 10-7-1912 to 11-9-1986
Marie Bertuccini Vance 3-1863 to 8-31-1930
Adele Adelaide Catchot VanCourt 6-8-1894 to 5-16-1981
Charles Ernest VanCourt 11-1-1877 to 3-21-1984
Eugenia Frazine Beaugez VanCourt 11-1-1889 to 2-17-1931
John Norman VanCourt 6-2-1864 to 11-10-1927
Mary Lorena Caffey Van Court 12-27-1864 to 12-3-1932
Bertie Jermyn Varnado 11-2-1903 to 10-21-1989
Anne Costley Verner 11-4-1901 to 5-5-1990
Eugene Joseph Verner 12-17-1924 to 12-30-1924
Laurie Louise Verner 2-19-1922 to 2-25-1960
Lowell E. Webb 7-19-1928 to 2-22-1982
Aurelia Ladnier Webber 7-14-1881 to 6-11-1957
Arthur D. Webber 1879 to 7-29-1941
Carroll Eugene Wells 3-19-1936 to 8-20-2004
Elizabeth M. Wells 6-28-1934 to 2-14-2000
Alonzo Sheldon Westbrook 1892 to 1919
Caroline Matthew Westbrook (Toche) 2-25-1830 to 2-13-1895
Charlie Westbrook 1883 to 1883
Edward M. Westbrook (Papa) 1858-1913
Elliot E. Westbrook 5-10-1902 to 4-18-1932
Florence "Daisy" P. Seaman Westbrook 8-5-1882 to 3-6-1947
Harriet Clark Westbrook (Mother) 1857-1927
Harry F. Westbrook 9-26-1894 to 4-26-1933
Hattie Westbrook 1898 to 8-23-1919
Henry A. Westbrook 1860 to 1938
Irene M. Westbrook 1-13-1885 to 2-7-1970
John I. Westbrook 1886 to 1922
Lucian A. Westbrook 5-10-1880 to 4-15-1922
Ola Mae Seaman Westbrook 10-5-1889 to 10-10-1967
J.E. Westbrook 4-18-1883 to 11-7-1927
William J. (Willie) Westbrook 1886 to 1913
Alice Winona White 1890 to 1960
Bridget Shanahan White 1860 to 3-20-1943
James H. White 1883-1885
Richard White 1849 to 1891
Sarah S. White 1875 to 10-27-1916
Selena Sherman Hill-White 1854 to 1919
Lena Eglin Wilbert 2-2-1890 to 2-7-1928
Clarence L. Williams 8-19-1911 to 10-24-1993
Irma "Sis" B. VanCourt Williams 12-19-1913 to 8-29-1980
Ruth H. Rodgers Williams 10-22-1918 to 3-6-1984
Mrs. Eugene Wilson 8-2-1873 to 6-18-1904
Mrs. Harry Wilson (nee Seymour) to 3-15-1917
Roy L. Wilson 3-25-1946 to 10-19-1983
Cora A. Woodcock 1-20-1872 to 12-21-1934
Robert J. Woodcock 1882 to 1-20-1919
Philimine Benezue Cassidy Wren 12-7-1912 to 8-25-1994
Willis M. Cassidy 8-20-1912 to 12-18-1962
Rita Victoria Saucier Yarborough 11-16-1925 to 12-24-1998
Ray L. Bellande, The Bellande Cemetery, A History and Register (1851-1990), (Ray L. Bellande: Ocean Springs, Mississippi - 1990).
C.E. Schmidt, Ocean Springs French Beachhead, (Lewis Printing Services: Pascagoula - 1972), p. 83.
Mississippi Coast History and Genealogical Society Journal, "The Bellande Cemetery", Volume 19, No. 1 (February 1983), pp. 28-33.
The Ocean Springs Record, "Dewey Avenue Cemetery is Bellande", August 6, 1970, p. 6.
Personal Communication:
Martha Tiblier Eleuterius-October 1992.
Melba F. Hill-March 1993.