Crestlawn Memorial Park - East Ocean Springs
Crestlawn Memorial Park - East Ocean Springs ray Wed, 04/21/2010 - 10:15- 3045 views
[Courtesy of Gail and Forrest Nelson-December 2011]
LOCATION: Approximately 4 miles east of Ocean Springs at 3347 Bienville Boulevard (north side of US 90) in the W/2 of the NE/4 of Section 26, T7S-R8W, Jackson County, Mississippi.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue at Ocean Springs, go east 4.4 miles to the Crestlawn Memorial Park located on the north side of the highway at 3347 Bienville Boulevard.
HISTORY: Crestlawn Memorial Park was established when John I. McCain, a civil engineer from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Wilmot McCain Jr of Monroe, Louisiana purchased approximately 30 acres in the W/2 of the NE/4 of Section 26, T7S-R8W from J.K. Lemon and J.C. Gay on April 11, 1955 (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 148, pp 67-68).
Crestlawn Memorial Park was built on the perpetual care principal. This means the cemetery operator is responsible for cutting grass on plots, pruning of shrubs and trees in the cemetery grounds, and the general preservation of the plots, grounds, walks, roadways, boundaries, and structures. The operator is not responsible for the maintenance or replacement of memorials or the planting of flowers or ornamental plants.
Crestlawn is organized into sections. These are called: Garden of the Cross, Garden of Honor, Garden of Devotion, Catholic Gardens, Masonic Gardens, and Baby Land. The first person buried in the new cemetery was Stuart A. Lange who was interred on September 30, 1955. Crestlawn is the newest and largest cemetery in the Ocean Springs area and the only public one with available lots for burial.
J.I. McCain sold the cemetery to the Bradford-O'Keefe Funeral Homes, Inc. on December 15, 1987 (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 902, pp. 51-52).
Modesta E. Abernethy 1926 to 10-25-1971
Kathy Darlene Abbott 1956 to 3-9-1991
Tomasso Giovani Abruzzese 1934 to 11-5-1990
George L. Ackerson, Sr. 1920 to 8-20-1987
Arthur Lee Adams 1919 to 3-20-1992
John Williams Adams, Sr 1892 to 10-12-1974
Margaret Cupples Adams 1900 to 4-20-1982
Charles W. Adams 1947 to 7-27-1976
Myrtle D. Adams 1922 to 4-16-1988
William C. Adams 1942 to 5-26-1987
Charlott Adkins 1958 to 12-30-1975
Shana Diane Adkins 1972 to 1-29-1972
Baby Adkins 1973 to 9-7-1973
Lillian K. Agnew 1887 to 9-19-1968
Alma Elizabeth Bouzer Akins 1941 to 3-19-1975
Everett B. Albee 1927 to 7-13-1984
Carthel D. Allen Sr. 1925 to 5-25-1972
Curtis L. Allen Sr. 1922 to 11-1-1988
Janette Virginia Allen 1973 to 10-27-1990
Margaret Watts Allen 1922 to 8-27-1977
William C. Anderson 1939 to 8-13-1966
Fay M. Andrews 1930 to 7-27-1977
Lee Ankerson 1913 to 6-26-1973
Myrtis Nettie Ankerson 1907 to 3-28-1984
George Douglas Appleby, Jr. 1918 to 6-1-1992
Eva H. Armo 1895 to 3-14-1969
Wallace R. Archer 1917 to 5-3-1980
Helena Carolyn Asher 1926 to 4-1-1989
Elvin Andrew Asher Jr. 1952 to 5-30-1991
Minnie Ella Ashley 1920 to 6-22-1989
Billy H. Ashley 1944 to 5-15-1977
Vincent D. Ashley 1914 to 8-31-1965
Sandre Marie Ashley 1949 to 4-14-1991
Alan T. Auger 1966 to 9-5-1995
Mary Kathryen Austin 1923 to 6-22-1989
Bennie Crawford Ayers 1922 to 5-9-1992
Ida P. Barnes 1888 to 4-5-1961
John K. Barnes 1887 to 10-30-1961
Walter P. Barrilleaux 1909 to 12-9-1978
Mary E. Barrilleaux 1910 to 8-23-1980
Jacqueline Bailey 1925 to 8-2-1988
Leon Bailey 1903 to 1-2-1978
Abraham Brassett 1889 to 11-16-1964
Christopher Michael Baron 1976 to 2-24-1976
Dorothy Barron 1895 to 9-1-1981
Henry C. Baker 1915 to 5-31-1978
Linda Faye Baker 1949 to 5-13-1982
J. Warren Babb 1903 to 5-25-1982
Billie Preston Babb 1903 to 5-21-1979
Frederick Barnet 1925 to 6-6-1982
Grace Bauernschmidt 1909 to 3-16-1982
William Bauernschimdt, Jr. 1902 to 7-24-1972
George Bauman 1899 to 4-27-1977
Linwood Bauman 1919 to 11-18-1972
Robert Gordon Beard 1934 to 5-27-1992
Homa Earline Beck 1913 to 12-18-1991
Raphael Anthony Benezue 1902 to 12-11-1985
Eschol Berry 1928 to 7-13-1986
Joseph H. Berry 1925 to 6-14-1982
Edward W. Beaulieu 1925 to 5-24-1979
Mabel A. Berg 1895 to 1-11-1967
Alfred Bennett 1909 to 6-30-1967
Iute Jones Bennett 1903 to 1-29-1988
Dorothy Catlen Beaugez 1924 to 8-31-1987
Francis M. Beaugez 1914 to 4-18-1978
John B. Beaugez 1894 to 8-19-1973
Joseph Iris Beaugez 1915 to 9-21-1988
Lucille C. Bennington 1909 to 2-4-1975
Thomas J. Bennington 1906 to 11-8-1979
Louis Joseph Bessell, Jr 1918 to 4-4-1983
Catherine Wright Bessell 1922 to 3-16-1985
Edward Peter Bessell 1920 to 12-25-1988
Helen Elizabeth Belton 1907 to 9-30-1988
Elmer R. Beets 1922 to 2-27-1985
Earline F. Bergin 1916 to 9-7-1985
Michael Allen Beech 1956 to 12-9-1986
Gonzales J. Begue 1920 to 6-28-1986
Rina P. Bishop 1900 to 2-10-1986
Alice Elizabeth Bishop 1922 to 8-12-1992
James A. Bishop 1897 to 3-9-1986
James M. Bishop 1899 to 10-2-1983
Margaret Olivia Bishop 1893 to 11-9-1988
Floyd Bishop 1922 to 3-18-1976
Bradford Steven Bissett 1972 to 1-30-1975
Ray Orin Bilbo 1896 to 1-7-1962
Leila I. Blake 1909 to 1-30-1991
Forrest C. Blake 1907 to 2-7-1991
Rebecca Blanchard 1922 to 3-8-1989
Clarence C. Blake 1947 to 11-10-1969
Marvin E. Blake, Jr. 1931 to 1-6-1970
John E. Blair, Sr. 1904 to 1-31-1980
Annie Josephine Blair 1906 to 3-13-1981
L.D. Blakeney 1929 to 6-4-1987
Harold R. Bonstell 1895 to 11-21-1983
Nellie B. Bonstell 1901 to 3-20-1982
Mildred W. Bourg 1907 to 12-19-1985
Lillian Rayborn Bowen 1923 to 6-15-1986
Everette Gray Bowie 1896 to 9-23-1986
Mammie Etta Gollotte Borries 1912 to 2-3-1987
Perry A. Borries 1904 to 2-14-1973
Wayne S. Borries 1938 to 9-5-1962
James Robert Bowie 1945 to 5-1-1967
Linda B. Boney 1929 to 12-10-1973
J.C. Boucher 1924 to 6-6-1975
Frank A. Bosco 1919 to 12-27-1975
Paul Boren 1919 to 9-8-1987
Linda Ann Bond 1949 to 11-5-1982
Ada Leona Boyd 1928 to 9-2-1983
George Washington Bounds 1902 to 12-5-1989
Julius William Bosarge 1924 to 4-12-1989
Mildred Louise Bochl 1907 to 9-4-1990
Loretta Rae Brackett 1910 to 12-11-1991
Roy A. Brackett 1909 to 7-18-1981
Esther Bradford 1919 to 1-5-1973
Donald J. Brink, Sr. 1913 to 11-24-1986
Dovie M. Broome 1904 to 11-8-1982
Aileen Broome 1934 to 11-2-1987
Patrick Sean Broome 1975 to 2-16-1975
Wylie T. Broome, Sr. 1903 to 9-21-1971
Margaret Ann Breland 1949 to 2-11-1985
Paul Matthew Brant 1988 to 3-10-1991
Eldred A. Brewer Brashier 1922 to 3-28-1985
Roy Edward Brashier 1924 to 4-15-1991
Bersie J. "Billie" Brewer 9-30-1915 to 7-30-94
Edwin Emile Broadway 1903 to 6-7-1992
Christine Brown 1932 to 3-15-1992
Mary Havilian Brown 1905 to 7-5-1989
Harry Harland Brown 1907 to 12-31-1988
Willis Porter Brown, Sr. 1910 to 6-7-1986
William Brown* 1903 to 1973
Ida Pearl Brown 1914 to 5-8-1989
Jerry Houston Brown 1933 to 7-22-1984
Robert K. Brown 1921 to 8-11-1982
Raymond William Brown 1941 to 6-15-1980
Darrin Joseph Brewton 1972 to 8-24-1980
Lewis Brandon 1901 to 7-6-1981
John D. Bridges 1918 to 2-16-1968
Jewell C. Brake 1915 to 5-25-1979
Audrey Belle Stansell Bryant 1899 to 9-4-1988
William David Bryan 1919 to 10-16-1984
Tina Edward Bumgarner 11-28-1966 to 5-16-2007
Louise Ellen Burrowes 1900 to 10-10-1985
Henry C. Burrowes 1899 to 5-21-1986
Carter Harold Burrell 1919 to 1-13-1986
Donna Eglin Burch 11-5-1933 to 8-6-2006
Paul Ellzey Burch 9-28-1930 to 10-29-1993
Hazel M. Burke 1903 to 5-30-1986
John B. Burke 1886 to 8-3-1975
James Taylor Burke 1932 to 3-24-1989
Elaine Marie Burke 1938 to 10-23-1989
Ansel Edd Bush, Sr. 1926 to 6-12-1992
Leontine I. Bundschu? 1897 to 8-23-1964
Terri Lynn Butterfield 1965 to 9-24-1974
Ruth P. Bucholz ? to 10-11-1983
Frederick A. Bucholz 1892 to 12-10-1983
Nola W. Buchanan 1903 to 12-25-1983
Frederick Michael Burns, Sr. 1911 to 1-25-1985
Leroy Buckridge 1928 to 8-3-1990
Frances Margaret Bullock 1937 to 3-28-1989
Calvin Demetrius Buras 1932 to 7-1-1989
Lee B. Carroll 1927 to 1-1-1976
Nelva Carroll 1935 to 10-30-1970
Melrionia Carroll 1894 to 8-5-1978
Ernest A. Carroll 1889 to 11-1-1963
John Eph Carroll, Jr. 1924 to 7-4-1990
Amanda Lee Carroll 1968 to 6-23-1969
John W. Calloway 1922 to 3-24-1961
Anthony A. Catchot 1909 to 2-10-1965
Yetta Elizabeth Catchot 1928 to 4-20-1966
Bertha Aline Catchot 1907 to 2-28-1990
Pearline Carver 1911 to 4-20-1967
Ethel Schumacher Cauble 1921 to 9-15-1975
Louise McFadden Canaga 1910 to 6-7-1992
Julia F. Cannon 1916 to 6-15-1976
Oscar King Cannon 1915 to 3-6-1988
Helen Elise Caul 1970 to 6-25-1976
Michael Jason Carter 1978 to 4-2-1978
Howard George Carter 1902 to 1-19-1984
Jack Cantrell 1924 to 5-11-1983
Thomas Randsom Carothers 1924 to 7-13-1990
Matthew Wayne Capps 1900 to 7-18-1990
Dallan C. Campbell* 1925 to 2-4-1979
Elizabeth Bridges Campbell* 1921 to 5-4-1980
George W. Canaga 1912 to 4-1-1986
Albert Francis Carzoli 1938 to 7-15-1986
Frank Phillip Cassidy 1943 to 8-9-1992
James E. Cagle 1962 to 5-29-1987
Dodd Howard Calvert 1967 to 12-31-1988
Emmett Augustus Carlisle 1915 to 1-28-1989
Rene Cazaubon 1881 to 9-9-1970
Marie Louise Cazaubon 1882 to 3-6-1967
Floella Chaney 1920 to 6-30-1981
Amos L. Chapman 1905 to 6-3-1983
Earl T. Charlesworth 1921 to 5-7-1982
Harold Ray Charlton, Sr. 1922 to 11-29-1991
Clarence Checkley 1904 to 2-23-1988
Minnie Lee Checkley 1926 to 8-11-1979
Anna Chairoff 1903 to 2-14-1985
Robert George Chambers 1917 to 10-17-1988
Ray P. Childress 1896 to 3-4-1962
Ethel Childress 1902 to 11-26-1985
Arthur A. Christiansen 1904 to 8-23-1972
Lucille M. Christiansen 1907 to 3-1-1970
Robert George Chambers 1917 to 10-17-1988
Charles Chancy 1904 to 1-28-1970
Kathleen Carol Clifton 1962 to 9-29-1962
Mamie Clausen 1879 to 11-9-1962
Joseph Daniel Clary 1967 to 9-8-1984
Kenneth Dale Clark, Sr. 1943 to 12-29-1989
David Arthur Clark 1970 to 5-29-1990
Rachel Gabrielle Clark 3-1-1992 to 3-2-1992
James R. Coward 1910 to 4-12-1965
Luther Robert Cowart 1882 to 10-9-1966
Robert O. Cowart, Jr. 1978 to 12-19-1978
William Rankin Conrad, Jr. 1935 to 10-22-1968
Sara Lee Hodges Cooper 1924 to 3-31-1969
Robert S. Cowsert 1952 to 8-8-1969
Louis E. Cowsert 1921 to 5-5-1970
Ernest L. Coburn** 1921 to 5-13-1963
Julie L. Conner 1895 to 10-22-1968
Earl Roger Conner 1885 to 1-30-1965
Robert Adrian Conner, Sr. 1918 to 7-9-1978
Joseph P. Coane 1899 to 10-19-1971
Catherine C. Coane 1898 to 10-28-1988
Cameron M. Coble 1898 to 11-30-1979
Gladys G. Cole 1895 to 12-12-1979
Alvin B. Cooney 1906 to 12-25-1981
Hazel Turner Cooney 1914 to 12-19-1991
Louise J. Collins 1878 to 8-3-1982
Noah Ransom Coleman 1912 to 12-2-1990
Horace D. Cotten 1904 to 11-23-1985
Vera Joe Cochran 1926 to 5-11-1986
Anne Lucille Cooley 1925 to 1-14-1990
Jessie Raymond Conway 1907 to 5-30-1990
Ethel A. Couper 1900 to 10-13-1988
Ada Thomas Corey 1892 to 10-13-1990
Raymond Paul Cox 1914 to 12-29-1994
Candie Christon Courtney 1982 to 7-14-1984
Roxanna C. Crawford 1877 to 10-26-1961
Jewel M. Crysel 1909 to 5-5-1977
Joiyce Crowder 1930 to 7-23-1978
Annie Barber Cruse 1923 to 4-18-1979
Norman Cruthirds 1914 to 9-23-1987
Estelle Lux Cruthirds 1938 to 10-29-1989
Darlene Marie Cruthirds 1964 to 4-4-1969
Norman Cruthirds 1914 to 9-23-1987
Romonito de Crespo 1908 to 12-9-1987
Bobby Culpepper 1936 to 4-25-1991
Lerence Cuevas 1948 to 7-1-1978
Lewis E. Curtis 1888 to 11-13-1961
Oscar R. Davis 1875 to 12-4-1957
Phoebe Mae Davis 1882 to 12-22-1966
Harold G. Davidson 1881 to 12-18-1967
Maud F. Davidson 1882 to 10-5-1979
Richard Davidson, Jr. 1928 to 2-4-1984
Desma Darsa 1910 to 7-30-1972
William H. Danley 1887 to 4-13-1963
Josephine W. Danley 1902 to 1-2-1968
Thomas W. Dansby, Jr. 1925 to 8-13-1966
Marcus Berryman Dalton 1903 to 12-2-1968
Carrie R. Davis 1895 to 1-8-1974
Philip L. Davis, Sr. 1889 to 11-27-1977
John Merritt Davis, III 1952 to 12-13-1980
John Michael Davis 1961 to 3-7-1981
Almeta Rebecca Davis 1928 to 8-16-1983
Robert Earl Davis, Jr. 1926 to 11-29-1988
Florence Elizabeth Davis 1930 to 2-4-1985
Earl Davis 1921 to 1-27-1990
Charles H. Davis 1940 to 9-22-1983
Patricia A. Davis 1931 to 5-18-1986
Jewell B. Dansby 1906 to 11-12-1980
Nicole Ashley Dall 1989 to 5-3-1989
Preston J. DeSilvey 1911 to 5-23-1982
Audrey Vivian DeSilvey 1914 to 8-2-1991
Ralph H. DeSilvey 1925 to 6-14-1983
Betty DeSilvey 1930 to 2-15-1977
Ralph E. DeSilvey 1947 to 12-23-1970
Audrey L. DeSilvey 1954 to 6-21-1977
Shay Don Dennison 1966 to 12-16-1966
Steven Dellacroce 1962 to 11-11-1979
Marlene C. Deaton 1933 to 1-2-1983
Jodi C. Delahoussaye 1959 to 7-30-1986
William John Dely 1912 to 10-15-1987
Margot Janetann Dely 1931 to 5-15-1989
Rosalie DeLano 1929 to 11-15-1986
Romonita de Crespo 1908 to 12-9-1987
Roy Glen Deason 1917 to 2-1-1990
Robert S. Diamond, Jr. 1927 to 1-5-1984
Harold B. Dickens 1931 to 2-2-1985
George W. Duchess 1922 to 5-29-1979
Catherine Marie Dickerson 1927 to 3-23-1989
Lucy Fayard Dinero* 2-2-1951 to 12-26-1991
Frederick Ray Dinken 1988 to 9-20-1988
Bessie B. Dick 1892 to 11-10-1971
W.E. Dorrah 1900 to 12-14-1970
Kelly L. Dorrah 1973 to 7-15-1978
Eugene Edward Dorsa 1906 to 2-2-1975
Rachel R. Dodson 1902 to 1-10-1977
Andrew J. Dolan 1907 to 4-17-1977
Wilma Rachael Dolan 1919 to 3-18-1989
Dorothy Donahue 1925 to 5-11-1991
Margaret Elizabeth Dobbs 1918 to 8-12-1975
George L. Dobbs* 1941 to 1978
Russell Gerald Downin 1922 to 7-27-1992
Blanche Robinson Drake 1873 to 8-20-1972
Ben F. Drake, Sr. 1868 to 11-27-1957
Benjamin F. Drake, Jr. 1896 to 9-13-1962
Leslie E. Drake 1899 to 1-29-1970
Eva L. Drake 1908 to 3-23-1974
William E. Drake 1918 to 5-8-1982
Harold Wray Driehorst 1903 to 11-1963
Captain Thomas Durston 1901 to 1-2-1986
Ronald Wayne Durbin 1947 to 7-19-1982
James Durbin 1924 to 11-9-1979
Doris Aubrey Durbin 1924 to 12-26-1974
James Carl Duvernay 1983 to 3-19-1983
Donald Jack Duvernay 1938 to 7-13-1991
Benjamin F. Duckworth 1934 to 4-19-1991
Hattie M. Duran 1896 to 3-7-1986
Laura Dubuisson 1922 to 5-19-1977
Albert Joseph Dubuisson 1944 to 1-7-1990
Ralph J. DuRapau 1917 to 4-2-1982
Lucille Duncan 1915 to 4-9-1979
James Duncan 1914 to 4-22-1979
Walter James Duvernay 1915 to 7-16-1992
Harold E. Eagle 1925 to 6-3-1987
Paul E. Eaves 1925 to 12-3-1977
Patsy N. Edwards 1943 to 5-18-1985
Michael Shane Edwards 1972 to 2-9-1986
Mildred Egeditch 1908 to 12-4-1969
George E. Egeditch 1907 to 6-3-1987
Don Y. Eglin 1911 to 8-7-1986
Alma Elder 1905 to 12-25-1973
Henry Joseph Elder 1893 to 1-25-1978
Harry R. Ellis 1932 to 2-14-1986
Lydia Elizabeth Ellis 1911 to 1-27-1989
Beverly Elrod 1956 to 9-11-1990
Henry Clay Elliott 1890 to 2-20-1985
Barbara B. Emmer 1928 to 10-2-1973
Clifford Thomas Emch 1943 to 12-6-1985
Claude M. Engbarth 1894 to 2-28-1967
Laura H. Esche 1902 to 4-19-1971
Ottomar G. Esche 1899 to 4-18-1983
Christopher Raymond Ess 1983 to 3-16-1983
Mittie B. Esary 1889 to 6-7-1967
Ethel F. Estes 1897 to 8-25-1986
Chester T. Estes 1910 to 1-14-1990
Mary Margaret Evans 1886 to 12-10-1985
Mary L. Evans 1905 to 5-1-1987
Lauren E. Farrell 1909 to 11-22-1966
Marie I. Farley 1903 to 11-24-1977
James E. Farley 1880 to 9-21-1964
James Leonard Fayard 1926 to 6-5-1990
Kenneth Wayne Fayard 1954 to 7-26-1972
Loren K. Fargo 1903 to 10-21-1980
Eleanor Candace Fargo 1898 to 11-11-1967
Wesley Floyd Fairley 1920 to 8-31-1982
Dr. Robert D. Faulkner 1930 to 10-26-1987
Sam Feinberg 1901 to 5-24-1961
Irene Barbara Feinberg 1902 to 1-1-1990
Allen Guy Felts 1906 to 5-26-1968
Fred B. Ferson 1899 to 4-28-1969
Mary S. Ferson 1900 to 7-6-1987
Everett W. Fear 1896 to 1-5-1984
Eddie B. Fikes 1919 to 6-12-1984
Amie Fikes 1913 to 11-6-1987
Ora Cox Finzer 1909 to 4-10-1976
Howard G. Finzer 1906 to 3-13-1978
Nicholas C. Fiorenza 1950 to 9-22-1972
Mary Fletcher 1892 to 8-21-1964
Keith William Fletcher 1936 to 7-15-1987
Edna Fleming 1903 to 12-6-1990
Gladys Lowell Flinn 1905 to 3-21-1991
Irma Juanita Fox 1905 to 9-28-1982
Lemeul Fox 1904 to 5-27-1974
John Harold Fox 1935 to 12-21-1988
Violet Lilly Fox 1938 to 3-29-1990
John Raleigh Fox 1905 to 2-1-1982
Mary Conway Fox 1910 to 12-1-1961
Raleigh Alvin Fox, Sr. 1930 to 2-1-1990
Genevieve Beatrice Fountain 1912 to 8-21-1989
Judson Pickett Frazier 1902 to 10-31-1988
Mary Francis Frazier 1914 to 3-28-1974
Willie Leon Freightman 1922 to 9-13-1990
Nathan Franklin 1904 to 10-14-1981
Edna Mae Franklin 1905 to 8-25-1983
James H. Friar 1882 to 4-28-1962
Sarah Virginia Friar 1889 to 9-15-1986
Jonnie Marie Fulton 1914 to 5-25-1969
Paul F. Futtrup 1921 to 7-6-1973
John Edgar Furr 1904 to 8-17-1981
Jones Bernard Furr, Sr. 1910 to 3-24-1988
James Flyod Fuller 1918 to 8-17-1984
Bernard E. Galle 1919 to 7-19-1978
Marie F. Galle 1925 to 9-14-1986
Kenneth Francis Gage 1914 to 4-21-1989
Harry Eugene Gatian 1928 to 11-1-1987
Esther Q. Gatian 1907 to 8-19-1984
Lena Garrett 1898 to 6-21-1986
Denise D. Garbutt 1935 to 6-18-1986
Florence N. Gambill 1907 to 2-3-1974
Thomas M. Gambill 1897 to 7-16-1977
Raymond W. Garner 1908 to 11-5-1982
Clarence O. Garrison 1904 to 3-2-1973
Jennie Tucker Heiss Gay 1909 to 1996
John C. Gay 1909 to 7-22-1975
James E. Giliary 1897 to 10-5-1974
J.V. Gilky ???? to 11-11-1965
Hazel F. Gilliam 1928 to 10-22-1981
Anne Ginn 1913 to 9-12-1985
Dorothy K. Gill 1911 to 1-2-1986
Malcolm Eugene Gill 1911 to 11-20-1991
Ada E. Gilmore 1895 to 7-17-1982
Doris Evelyn Gilmore 1926 to 8-16-1991
Howard W. Glass, Jr. 1942 to 9-23-1970
Madelyn Moore Glass 1923 to 5-26-1988
May Louise Glass 1919 to 12-23-1989
Brandon D. Glover 1975 to 5-16-1977
Aaron Michael Glover 1976 to 8-9-1979
Kelly Lee Glaze 1949 to 12-20-1978
Aubrey H. Glazier 1921 to 6-18-1981
William Jackson Goff, Jr. 1961 to 11-3-1963
Kate P. Goff 1902 to 1-18-1978
John Clifton Goff 1915 to 3-25-1984
Marvin O. Goff, Sr. 1901 to 2-15-1968
Amelia Florence Goodwin 1910 to 4-19-1964
Vernon R. Goodwin* 1905 to 1974
Billy V. Goodman 1916 to 11-3-1986
Mrs. O.S. Goodrich 1908 to 11-29-1969
Harry M. Gossman 1910 to 1-1-1969
Wilhelmina L. Gomes 1899 to 9-3-1972
Joseph E. Gollott, Sr. 1906 to 4-13-1974
Dola Gollott 1911 to 1-17-1977
Joseph E. Gollott, Jr. 1930 to 6-21-1985
Ralph Spencer Gorline 1926 to 2-24-1992
Grace Lee Goss 1928 to 11-12-1981
Betty J. Grosvenor 1932 to 9-3-1966
Joseph A. Grady 1903 to 9-1-1970
Audy O. Grady 1911 to 10-22-1973
Blanche A. Grady 1920 to 6-7-1984
Wilma Louise Green 1926 to 12-1-1985
William Raymond Groseclose 1911 to 7-4-1986
Williard O'Neal Grant 1932 to 12-2-1986
Alfonso T. Granja 1934 to 10-16-1986
James L. Graves 1915 to 8-10-1988
Shelby George Graves* 1916 to 6-24-1988
Eleanor Nelson Graves* 1913 to 9-23-1988
Forrest McRae Griffin 1925 to 2-26-1988
Nell Yvonne Griffin 1941 to 3-13-1991
Kenneth Shawn Grose 1978 to 3-25-1984
Frank Guzzetti, Sr. 1902 to 7-3-1959
Ann G. Guillotte 1906 to 10-30-1962
Ernest Guillotte 1912 to 3-31-1975
Lorende Guillotte 1908 to 10-30-1990
Malcolm Guice 1897 to 8-10-1978
Maude Olene Guice 1900 to 1-27-1989
Mary Lee Guice 1986 to 9-5-1986
Donald J. Guthy 1938 to 1-24-1974
Edith M. Guthrie 1934 to 9-6-1976
Salvatore C. Guagliardo 1921 to 10-5-1976
Eva Guagliardo 1926 to 7-28-1980
Julia Mae Hardin 1928 to 12-4-1974
David Wayne Hadley 1968 to 4-10-1968
Max M. Haden 1898 to 1-4-1980
Alice G. Haden 1904 to 8-13-1968
Margaret H. Haring 1861 to 9-23-1963
William J. Haring 1899 to 4-28-1969
Bradford F. Hadnot 1899 to 12-11-1970
Gladys M. Hadnot 1908 to 2-22-1982
Gladys B. Hayden 1918 to 3-12-1971
Joanne Hall 1927 to 1-6-1973
William R. Hall 1936 to 8-26-1974
April Haug 1953 to 4-7-1989
Helen M. Hagele 1901 to 2-22-1976
William Christopher Hagele 1908 to 1-28-1980
Mary Elizabeth Halbert 1892 to 11-17-1983
Joseph T. Halbert 1891 to 2-19-1985
Maxine Elliott Haynes 1904 to 3-21-1984
Margaret Lowe Harrington 1918 to 9-27-1984
James C. Hawkins 1918 to 3-1-1988
Aaron Perry Haney 1988 to 1-28-1988
Inez Ted Hakes 1906 to 11-15-1990
Harvey Gene Hale 1936 to 11-22-1990
Jesse Embry Hahn 1921 to 8-24-1991
Josephine M. Harmon 1901 to 5-8-1986
Richard A. Hardy 1941 to 6-6-1979
Allen E. Handley 1905 to 2-13-1980
Howard Edwin Hearon 1938 to 11-6-1988
Madelyn Herr 1914 to 2-26-1985
Frances Irene Herring 1910 to 6-12-1987
Cecil Herring, Sr. 1914 to 9-1-1988
Janice Rae Hesse 1932 to 4-27-1980
Esther T. Heal 1908 to 8-9-1980
Nancy Lee Healey 1972 to 4-4-1972
Robert Henderson 1915 to 10-30-1972
M.W. Henderson 1914 to 3-29-1979
Jewell Parker Hennessey 1888 to 8-10-1983
Charles Hines 1900 to 9-12-1978
Edna Myrtle Hines 1908 to 6-27-1990
Harvey Joseph Hines, Jr. 1906 to 11-17-1980
Alice Jan Hires 1956 to 10-2-1988
Susan Michelle Hill 1971 to 1-26-1991
Christopher Joseph Hill 1974 to 3-18-1991
Frank George Hitt 7-21-1918 to 8-23-2009
Frank G. Horton 1900 to 6-18-1966
J.C. Howard 1913 to 4-20-1992
Walter S. Howell 1885 to 5-22-1971
Irene B. Howell 1893 to 2-27-1968
Rena B. Holt 1897 to 7-15-1970
David Holt 1897 to 11-4-1970
Grover Marcus Hovis 1884 to 2-7-1972
Mildred Dane Hovis 1924 to 7-18-1986
Ralph Henry Hovis 1919 to 8-18-1990
Mitchell Dean Holland 1957 to 9-17-1985
Grace Louise Holland 1927 to 10-24-1985
Marshall A. Hollingshead 1913 to 10-1-1979
Frances Leone Hollingshead 1918 to 4-28-1991
Estelle Hornsby 1895 to 11-18-1978
Ed Holcomb 1924 to 4-12-1985
Adele Marie Holcomb 1917 to 11-14-1990
Hurdus Maria Holmes 1880 to 8-26-1960
Irene Hopkins 1914 to 4-22-1989
Marjorie Mae Howard 1911 to 8-7-1989
Ella Louvina Howard 1913 to 3-4-1991
Nellie Mildred Hoppfinger 1910 to 5-23-1978
Anton J. Hoppner 1939 to 4-29-1977
Ina Mae Hood 1920 to 5-7-1989
Herman Lazerith Holloway 1918 to 10-16-1991
Woodrow Honea 1918 to 1-7-1991
Brigitte Kitty Hornback 1927 to 3-10-1989
Bernice Byrd Hook 1919 to 8-28-1989
Ralph P. Howard 1960 tp 1-18-1977
Joshua Nathaniel Hudson 1990 to 9-10-1990
Josh Hopkin 1906 to 7-10-1960
William Clyde Hunter 1947 to 7-14-1968
Gwendolyn C. Hunter 1927 to 3-19-1983
Lawerence O. Hunter 1919 to 6-15-1979
Jack B. Hughes, Sr. 1912 to 9-25-1975
Virgie Weldon Hughes 1906 to 11-27-1991
Virginia Lowe Hughes 1931 to 4-27-1984
Dana Shenea Hunt 1989 to 12-14-1989
Annie Lucille Hunt 1908 to 5-8-1990
William Lafayette Hysell 1911 to 5-16-1980
Fortunato Phillip Inserra 1925 to 10-28-1988
Roger D. Jacobs 1962 to 8-15-1976
Anne L. Jackson 1936 to 3-24-1988
Charles G. Jackel 1906 to 3-23-1977
Robin Leigh Jarrell 1971 to 10-22-1971
George Jakins 1910 to 9-19-1977
Raymond Gilbert Jermyn 1961 to 1-23-1961
Vance Benton Jermyn 1910 to 11-27-1987
Edna Earle Jones 1917 to 12-16-1962
Billie K. Jones 1935 to 12-23-1986
James E. Jones 1922 to 8-31-1971
Mary Katherine B. Jones 1916 to 12-20-1991
Randolph Jones 1915 to 9-30-1978
Leonard E. Jones 1906 to 2-13-1976
Ernerst D. Jones 1961 to 5-23-1984
Patricia Ann Jones 1949 to 2-26-1990
Ida B. Joiner 1931 to 10-19-1986
Robert Ramsey Josey 1908 to 11-21-1984
Ira S. Jordan 1909 to 10-5-1980
Lee E. Jordan 1912 to 8-13-1984
Carolyn Elizabeth Josephson 1935 to 1-14-1990
Forrest J. Johnson 1899 to 1-17-1984
Lena C. Johnson 1898 to 11-15-1979
Ronny D. Johnson 1941 to 5-18-1982
James Edgar Johnson 1909 to 9-13-1986
Joseph Danford Johnson 1917 to 1-16-1990
Ernest R. Johnson 1910 to 12-17-1967
Cecil L. Johnson 1935 to 12-22-1972
Jeral Douglas Johns 1936 to 1-1-1982
Laura Ellen John 1957 to 7-10-1987
Edna A. John 1914 to 5-26-1983
Doyle H. Joyner 1909 to 6-21-1986
Clarence Joyce 1908 to 4-19-1989
Dorothy E. Julian 1930 to 2-11-1984
Sandy Lee Julian 7-23-1968 to 6-5-1992
Joseph M. Jurich 1918 to 5-25-1967
Henry A. Kaleta 1926 to 8-16-1982
Wanda Kaleta 1898 to 1-14-1985
Mary Elizabeth Kanady 1909 to 8-5-1992
Harry J. Kanady 1898 to 5-5-1988
William Clark Kahl 1963 to 10-2-1991
Walter W. Kennedy 1921 to 10-16-1989
Stephen Lawerence Kennedy 1910 to 9-1-1991
Johnny Lawrence Kelly 1919 to 9-7-1988
Harry Bernard Kelly 1920 to 1-16-1988
Jack Keene 1914 to 10-3-1976
Olivia P. Keene 1918 to 3-15-1982
Freda E. Keebaugh 1916 to 8-26-1973
William Glenn Keebaugh 1905 to 6-4-1966
Pearl Kennerson 1912 to 2-5-1978
William W. Kennerson 1907 to 1-1-1987
Iva Emily Kenyon 1900 to 2-15-1990
Edgar James Kern 1908 to 2-13-1992
Leslie Renea Kerns 1984 to 11-13-1984
Hardy A. Kimball 1947 to 6-22-1992
Jewell C. King 1901 to 5-25-1970
Jack Henderson King 1928 to 1-22-1991
Mary Maude Kinsey 1923 to 1-6-1992
Jack Daniel King 1973 to 10-23-1988
Aaron Joe Kimble 1921 to 4-11-1968
Paul C. Kiefer 1907 to 11-23-1970
Eugene Gordon Klee 1918 to 6-14-1992
Anna S. Kiefer 1901 to 6-28-1972
Walter S. Kiefer 1901 to 10-9-1982
Charles W. Kiester 1928 to 7-15-1972
Sarah S. Kiester 1928 to 1-4-1986
Willett Douglas Kirkpatrick 1928 to 9-7-1997
Lavern Mae Kisner 1944 to 12-11-1988
Roy Earl Knapp 1888 to 10-16-1960
Rose V. Knapp 1886 to 10-14-1982
Donald Wayne Knapp 1913 to 9-27-1988
Evelyn Knapp 1915 to 2-18-1985
Frederick W. Knowlton 1915 to 3-10-1972
Thelma H. Kulo 1915 to 8-24-1991
Elizabeth Kuntz 1931 to 7-9-1983
Edward P. Lawrence, Jr. 1933 to 2-4-1974
Elmer Leon Lawrence 1913 to 3-17-1988
Nicole Renee Lagerda 1973 to 9-22-1990
Jesse Ladnier 1990 to 7-11-1990
Luther J. Ladnier 1922 to 12-10-1980
Chelesea Taylor Latch 1991 to 3-30-1991
Albert Anthony Lamas 1924 to 11-24-1978
Helen Broome Lamas 1926 to 7-17-1992
Stuart A. Lange 1891 to 9-29-1955
Woodie E. Lawson 1910 to 5-30-1962
Jesie May LaRush 1892 to 8-24-1965
Richard John LaRush 1889 to 10-31-1982
Jesse Hilton Lacy 1897 to 2-7-1961
Emma Gertrude Lacy 1901 to 12-30-1965
Cecil Williard Lacy 1921 to 7-6-1966
Isabelle Langlinais 1896 to 2-6-1992
Obey Langlinais 1888 to 1967
Maxine V. Lamm 1932 to 1-11-1969
Rufus W. Lackley 1911 to 6-12-1970
Michael Joseph Laden 1944 to 5-22-1981
Martha Todd LaRue 1919 to 10-28-1982
L.G. LaPlante, Sr. 1901 to 5-29-1983
Melanie D. Labrousse 1919 to 2-2-1985
Jennie Christine Larson 1906 to 5-30-1992
Lester B. Larson 1904 to 10-25-1985
Thomas Joseph LaCroix 1964 to 4-5-1987
James B. Leith 1916 to 6-9-1979
Joseph Eugene Lee 1923 to 8-4-1989
Anna Marie Leonard 1940 to 9-8-1980
Lawrence Thomas Leonard 1927 to 10-28-1991
Peter Lenart, Sr. 1889 to 11-14-1982
Susie B. Lenart 1897 to 2-13-1984
Sam Levi 1911 to 10-8-1986
Johnathan Fitzgerald Lewis 1988 to 1-5-1988
Patricia Marie LeBreton 1927 to 4-29-1982
John T. LeSueur 1909 to 3-9-1986
Marie P. LeDuc 1901 to 10-1-1980
Flora Mae Lint 1923 to 8-29-1989
Darrell Leslie Lint 1921 to 12-8-1987
Darrell C. Lint 1947 to 1-25-1968
Ester Pearl Llyod 1905 to 6-11-1986
Edward C. Llyod 1902 to 6-26-1972
David S. Lott 1896 to 8-18-1983
Margarite Lott 1909 to 8-31-1977
Rhonda Michelle Lott 1987 to 4-11-1991
Oscar Lovelace 1947 to 7-14-1968
John W. Lockhart 1902 to 11-14-1964
Genevieve J. Lockhart 1901 to 12-23-196O
Edmund M. Loper 1908 to 3-23-1974
Wilfred Louviere 1913 to 6-6-1976
Elder M. Louviere 1918 to 9-21-1980
Alex Lollar 1929 to 1-19-1979
Terry Michael Ludwig 1950 to 1-11-1968
Thelma C. Jones Ludwig 1917 to 6-14-1987
Jefferson Davis Lucas 1896 to 11-25-1986
Olivia Lauren Lukens 1988 to 11-22-1988
Michelle Denise Lunsford 1966 to 6-3-1992
Joseph Lyman 1903 to 7-14-1989
James Burton Mason 1932 to 6-28-1972
Samuel V. Mason 1906 to 5-26-1985
George H. Malone 1901 to 3-4-1975
Dorothy Lynne Malone 1919 to 1-31-1982
Ira M. Marker 1916 to 8-6-1976
Hazel H. Marker 1916 to 1-2-1981
Harvey A. Macy 1904 to 12-28-1967
James E. McCarty 8-22-1916 to 11-15-1989
Marion Jean MacLeod 1881 to 3-15-1967
Lulu B. Martin 1891 to 1-9-1976
Charles Lawrence Martin 1942 to 2-10-1988
George Mallard 1935 to 1-30-1979
Rita E. Maxwell 1938 to 8-18-1991
James B. Mayo 1909 to 11-21-1983
Bertha Chrysell Matheny 1922 to 7-10-1981
Edwin L. Matheny 1921 to 3-23-1987
Elizabeth C. Mayfield 1919 to 1-30-1987
Cynthia Ann Manuel 1938 to 2-11-1984
Sarah Elura McGuire 1865 to 8-11-1956
Lester R. McGuire 1887 to 10-6-1965
Elizabeth B. McGuire 1897 to 9-11-1976
Margaret Ellen McGuire 1892 to 2-22-1988
William James McGuire 1935 to 2-27-1991
James Randall McMurtray 1957 to 4-17-1957
J.A. McMurtray 1895 to 6-20-1950
Myrtle D. McMurtray 1900 to 3-16-1963
Baby Boy McKissick 1969 to 5-4-1969
William B. McGinty 1908 to 6-21-1974
Margaret Elizabeth McGinty 1869 to 6-4-1967
Waldo Cornelius McClamroch 1923 to 10-7-1988
Mark Allen McLeod 1982 to 10-31-1982
Michael Duane McLeod 1982 to 10-31-1982
Mary Susan McGovern 1931 to 12-14-1984
Lum? McWilliams 1932 to 9-18-1975
James W.H. McKee III 1949 to 9-1-1976
Everett McGlon 1915 to 1-14-1976
Thomas C. McHenry, Jr. 1958 to 8-17-1976
Hilary M.E. McElhenny 1935 to 3-3-1985
Jessie J. McQueen 1916 to 4-25-1985
Thomas Alexander McManus 1917 to 9-15-1986
Catherine Ereth McManus 1913 to 3-19-1988
Dudley Scott McWhirter 1955 to 11-13-1981
Marjorie A. McNeese 1927 to 4-27-1987
Mullins Duncan McRaven 1899 to 6-15-1990
Ruth McRavens 1902 to 10-30-1987
Edward P. McBride 1895 to 10-7-1980
Mildred Imogene McBride 1908 to 10-28-1990
Helen Theresa McBride 1901 to 3-27-1986
Iva Mae McCaslin* 1918 to 3-23-1984
Thomas F. McCaslin 1919 to 2-12-1980
Jenelle S. McCaslin 1917 to 5-22-1981
Jenifer Alise McFarland 1979 to 4-21-1979
Thomas James McFarland 1918 to 1-18-1990
Frances F. McFarland 1910 to 7-31-1961
Robert McGhee, Jr. 1940 to 5-26-1990
Charles A. McDaniel 1909 to 3-16-1975
Jones C. McKenzie 1894 to 7-18-1977
Mary Louise McEacharn 1900 to 11-26-1979
Ernest E. McEacharn 1893 to 4-14-1977
James (Jerry) E. McCarty, Jr. 1916 to 11-15-1989
Charles J. McNeil 1930 to 2-6-1987
Arthur Carpenter McKinney, Sr. 1909 to 1-29-1992
Enoch Charles McKinney 1990 to 6-15-1990
Elizabeth McLaughlin 1907 to 11-19-1986
Mattie L. Merritt 1932 to 12-17-1963
Mary E. Merkle 1902 to 3-18-1976
Edmo E. Merkle 1897 to 9-7-1984
Gaines Menser 1933 to 8-20-1990
John I. Menser 1959 to 3-4-1978
Della Ruth Mercer 1907 to 7-7-1989
Bobbye Duckworth Medina 1930 to 8-22-1991
Robert J. Minbiole 1914 to 4-11-1977
William D. Miller 1919 to 1-31-1984
Delphine Agatha Miller 1892 to 10-27-1974
Baby Boy Morrison 1967 to 9-10-1967
Lela M. Moore 1924 to 3-26-1985
Ray Ellis Moore 1925 to 7-30-1989
William Stone Moore 1914 to 2-15-1989
Nancy Ann Moore 1922 to 1-18-1992
Nina Lee Moore 1896 to 10-22-1968
Ashley Nicole Moran 1980 to 7-26-1980
Warren John Montgomery 1907 to 6-2-1974
Lisa Cox Montgomery 1959 to 8-1-1994
William Edward Motzing 1911 to 6-21-1990
Elmer M. Mottern 1916 to 6-8-1965
Hazel Louise Mouchette 1929 to 5-25-1988
Vera K. Mowery 1918 to 2-11-1985
Eugene F. Mullin 1897 to 2-25-1974
Michael Aaron Mussellwhite 1960 to 10-17-1981
Charles Ernest Murray 1913 to 8-10-1982
George W. Mullins, Jr. 1945 to 9-5-1984
Bessie Munsell 1929 to 1-18-1974
Katherine C. Mulhollan 1897 to 5-21-1991
Walter S. Myers 1913 to 4-19-1984
John Myrick 1905 to 9-3-1975
James Joseph Myers 1923 to 8-7-1990
Theodore R. Nappier 1921 to 7-23-1984
Eunice Hunter Nason 1918 to 8-17-1988
Casmier L. Necaise 1882 to 3-4-1967
Laney C. Necaise 1882 to 12-22-1968
Robert Tristan Neal 1986 to 4-12-1986
Barry Wayne Nelson 1953 to 7-8-1991
Natalie Nelson 1925 to 4-12-1988
Franklin Dwight Newberry 1946 to 7-25-1980
Lap Van Nguyen 1965 to 10-15-1989
Judith Nicol 1956 to 12-14-1956
Amanda L. Nicol 1956 to 12-12-1956
Arnold A. Niva 1901 to 10-11-1976
George W. Noe, Sr. 1888 to 5-7-1962
Gladys C. Noe 1887 to 5-21-1977
Zachary LaDonnis Noble 1979 to 7-11-1979
Quinn Ilene Noble 1913 to 6-2-1991
Inez Kimmey Nobles 1912 to 11-13-1988
Hardie T. Nobles, Sr. 1912 to 3-24-1991
Hardie T. Nobles, Jr. 1939 to 6-23-1991
Clarence S. Oakes 1921 to 11-29-1974
Anne E. O'Bannon 1916 to 9-14-1983
Jimmie Bulous? O'Bannon 1912 to 6-21-1991
Robert Carl Oberheim 1967 to 12-21-1990
Francis O'Brien 1904 to 6-28-1976
Jane E. O'Brien 1906 to 11-30-1991
Robert C. O'Brien 1925 to 11-22-1987
Ruth Iona Suarez Oliver 1913 to 2-2-1987
Matilda Summers Ormes* 1914 to 2-27-1986
Richard Mario Ortez 1957 to 12-11-1957
Charlotte A. Owen 1951 to 2-24-1988
William J. Paroon 1910 to 12-9-1957
John Wilton Parker 1891 to 1-3-1960
Herman C. Parker, Jr. 1898 to 9-9-1970
Hosie B. Parker, Sr. 1905 to 7-30-1974
Olin Lee Parker 1908 to 7-5-1980
Ellen Whitner Parker 1908 to 7-24-1981
John M.F. Parker 1917 to 3-26-1982
Mildred Anderson Parker 1913 to 1-2-1984
Joseph K. Parker, Jr. 1968 to 9-23-1985
Benjamin Lucas Kai Parker 1984 to 1-26-1986
Lucille R. Parker 1904 to 12-6-1991
John Park 1889 to 4-6-1970
Arnold E. Parks 1912 to 12-24-1977
Juanita J. Parks 1914 to 2-1-1981
Marion T. Parks 1940 to 3-31-1982
Clay M. Parlin 1918 to 7-26-1969
Henry Grady Parlin 1912 to 6-2-1984
Frances M. Payne 1929 to 2-26-1960
Rodney A. Payne, Jr. 1968 to 10-29-1968
Geraldine Parson 1903 to 2-23-1978
Beverly B. Parham 1907 to 3-2-1982
James D. Partridge 1947 to 8-18-1982
Harvey J. Pavolini 1921 to 12-3-1982
Sadie W. Patterson 1924 to 2-18-1985
Hattie Pearl Pannell 1924 to 9-10-1988
Christine L. Peetz 1968 to 11-16-1981
Kenneth Walter Perry 1925 to 5-29-1988
Sigurd C. Persson 1925 to 8-?-1989
Robert Joseph Penn 1925 to 1-8-1991
Florence E. Perkins* 7-8-1910 to 12-5-1991
Thomas K. Perkins 1916 to 7-29-1973
Ernest Willis Pettis, Sr. 1919 to 10-5-1991
Ray C. Phillips 1916 to 5-6-1988
Mateo G. Pitalo 1895 to 9-15-1976
Mary K. Pitalo 1903 to 3-17-1991
Pamela Evon Pippin 1916 to 4-19-1973
Walter Harold Piner 1922 to 2-8-1991
Arnett Roscoe Pickering 1920 to 12-25-1990
Wayne Allison Pitla 1937 to 4-13-1983
Frank Taylor Pickel 1912 to 9-26-1982
Betty G. Pitts 1931 to 12-9-1979
Albert (Spychalski) Ponzzowski 1915 to 9-7-1981
George Elmo Pollock 1900 to 12-6-1985
Georgia Mae Pollock 1904 to 3-5-1979
Wilson N. Powell 1908 to 11-9-1978
Mary E. Powell 1908 to 1-9-1986
Catherine T. Powell 1913 to 5-13-1987
Autra Holcomb Pope 1898 to 1-9-1991
William E. Pope 1893 to 7-26-1979
Laura Meias Poteet 1881 to 1-14-1965
John T. Powers 1887 to 9-19-1971
Benjamin G. Pott 1907 to 10-23-1982
Russell Keith Poynter 1968 to 8-26-1983
Earl Thomas Porter 1921 to 3-3-1975
Inez Madeline Porter 1912 to 6-28-1989
Vivian Marie Provost 1937 to 8-11-1991
Vincent W. Provost 1927 to 5-23-1979
Glenda J. Psalmond 1941 to 8-4-1985
Tondela C. Purvis 1964 to 9-16-1987
Eugene Joseph Pugh 1950 to 10-19-1983
Stephen Edward Pulley 1944 to 11-19-1989
Christopher Quave 1970 to 6-5-1970
Delores F. Quave 1933 to 10-31-1975
Geraldine Raley 1914 to 1-18-1987
Leon E. Raley 1894 to 4-10-1968
Georgia A. Ramer 1931 to 7-14-1981
James W. Ramer 1925 to 2-27-1984
Ellis Rayborn 1900 to 2-6-1977
Bertie S. Rayborn 1905 to 11-2-1983
Marie Rayner 1919 to 3-25-1992
Doris L. Rath 1919 to 9-7-1978
E.W. Rath 1916 to 1-16-1968
Lois Marye Raum** 1926 to 9-19-1967
Minnie Flore Ragan 1903 to 9-22-1988
Inez Irene Ramsey 1905 to 11-17-1990
Jessie J. Rasson 1923 to 2-8-1982
Cecil A. Radin 1923 to 1-28-1976
Homer Reaux 1898 to 12-25-1958
Cecil Lee Rector 1914 to 5-10-1984
Hilton Turner (Joe) Reeves 1917 to 7-28-1984
Joseph Emil Reeves 1917 to 10-21-1991
Thomas Leon Reeves, Sr. 1941 to 3-21-1989
Michael Richard Reinhart, Jr. 1990 to 4-28-1991
J. Paul Read 1914 to 1-4-1978
Gloria Jean Reece 1971 to 12-18-1989
Margaret B. Rhoades 1923 to 3-9-1977
Catherine Frances Riskus 1889 to 1-2-1958
Carol Ann Rivera 1951 to 2-8-1992
James Clinton Rivers 1911 to 6-14-1981
Eula Mae Rivers 1920 to 10-13-1990
Roy Dean Riley 1919 to 10-18-1987
Paul A. Rix 1908 to 9-25-1978
Jesse Ree Rix 1911 to 10-26-1985
Billye G. Richardson 1910 to 3-6-1990
Frances Lee Orley Richardson 1917 to 9-20-1974
Hansel Williard Richards 1912 to 12-26-1963
John W. Ross 1905 to 8-10-1966
Ruby R. Ross 1912 to 2-5-1969
Andrew Ross 1896 to 9-6-1978
Gerald Roll 1935 to 2-23-1978
William E. Robert 1904 to 9-15-1980
Artie Jewell Roberts 1914 to 4-17-1981
Marian E. Roberts 1920 to 6-3-1981
Althea M. Roberts 1924 to 12-17-1981
L. Harrison Roberts 1925 to 11-28-1983
Mary V. Roberts 1920 to 10-31-1984
Katie Mae Roach 1903 to 7-23-1991
Lillie Rogers Roemer 1924 to 8-2-1980
Vincent J. Rose, Jr. 1917 to 5-4-1978
Julia M. Rose 1907 to 7-11-1985
Nora Ellen Robertson 1911 to 2-27-1990
Robert T. Robbins, Jr. 1939 to 4-28-1984
Robert Rupp 1894 to 1-2-1958
Leonora F. Rupp 1893 to 1-16-1961
Austin Russell 1868 to 10-1-1959
Mary Elizabeth Russell 1902 to 10-13-1981
Homer J. Russell 1903 to 12-28-1985
Hazel Mae McConnell Russell 1905 to 2-10-1987
James D. Russell 1918 to 11-27-1978
Elaine Lanette Rutherford 1947 to 2-19-1990
Joseph E. Ryan 1948 to 1-24-1976
Harry Joseph Ryan 1927 to 5-30-1989
Heather Contrisa Ryan 1977 to 11-3-1977
Joseph Arthur Savage, Jr. 1932 to 2-14-1991
Ernest J. Santoro 1928 to 3-18-1991
Flora Eugenia Sartin 1923 to 8-8 1983
Thomas Bailey Schiel** 1977 to 7-15-1977
Donald George Scott, Sr. 1917 to 5-21-1991
Robert F. Schrieber 1915 to 5-10-1973
Lotty Moore Schoemmell 1895 to 8-18-1966
Donald Clemens Schaefer 1928 to 9-19-1991
Cheryl Ann Schillinger 1963 to 3-26-1966
Roger William Scoggin 1903 to 3-14-1983
Leonard Raymond Schrofer 1905 to 4-15-1983
Mazelle Morgan Schuler 1917 to 9-8-1982
Lorelia G. Scarbrough 1923 to 1-18-1978
Nancy Schoenburger 1930 to 1-15-1979
Mildred K. Scharenberg 1889 to 7-6-1976
Richard H. Sebastian 1913 to 11-8-1990
John E. Seidule 1928 to 11-23-1970
Clifford N. Sewell 1936 to 1-7-1975
Oscar L. Seymour 1912 to 4-19-1964
Frank R. Seymour 1942 to 7-18-1966
Bernard P. Seymour 1907 to 6-30-1969
Clara Roberts Seymour 1921 to 2-13-1972
Evelyn Ramsey Seymour 1915 to 1-20-1974
Milton J. Seymour, Sr. 1917 to 11-13-1974
E. Earline Seymour 1928 to 10-9-1989
Anna Shipp 1882 to 1-25-1957
Julius W. Shipp 1881 to 5-21-1964
Margaret H. Shears 1885 to 12-12-1973
Allen B. Sherman 1901 to 12-3-1974
Thomas Sherman 1912 to 6-28-1980
Lillian R. Sherman 1911 to 7-9-1980
Mary G. Lane Shack 1905 to 1-25-1982
Edna B. Shaw 1915 to 2-29-1984
Frank William Shank, Jr. 1930 to 8-14-1991
Marcus Franklin Shanteau 1905 to 4-9-1975
Charlotte Irine Sheckells 1934 to 7-4-1991
Betty June Simmons 1905 to 11-30-1958
M.G. Sibley 1884 to 11-16-1959
James Robert Sikora 1948 to 12-13-1971
Edward E. Sikora 1918 to 5-23-1984
Milliard H. Simnicht 1912 to 4-13-1972
Albert R. Silar 1911 to 3-26-1980
Rufus Franklin Sirmon 1921 to 4-8-1986
Earlene Sims 1918 to 3-28-1991
Nockie Calvin Sims 1917 to 3-3-1991
Willie Horace Sims 1916 to 10-7-1991
William Skolnik 1915 to 6-5-1966
Thelma Pyles Skrmetti 1921 to 1-22-1976
Paul M. Skrmetti, III 1982 to 9-8-1982
Lovie Smith 1894 to 5-10-1977
Nathaniel Smith, Jr. 1937 to 5-22-1976
Shirley G. Smith 1936 to 3-26-1982
Edgar B. Smith 1914 to 11-17-1985
Ellsworth A. Snyder 1903 to 5-24-1956
Edward C. Snyder 1919 to 7-22-1982
Eric Sodergren** 1891 to 12-24-1976
Theresa Mae Spiers 1956 to 4-7-1956
Bert Elroy Spiers 1954 to 12-6-1985
Christopher Michael Spiers 1973 to 2-14-1973
Willie Pinkney Spiers 1898 to 9-10-1960
Mary Spiers 1900 to 12-27-1976
Amanda Frances Spicer 1991 to 7-20-1991
Sarah G. Spicer 1918 to 5-1-1992
James Julius Spell II 1918 to 11-15-1990
James C. Spears 1926 to 5-5-1983
Albert (Ponzzowski) Spychalski 1915 to 9-7-1981
Joseph Spratley 1922 to 7-16-1975
Ella Mae G. Spratley 1899 to 7-7-1956
Frank Spratley* 1895 to 1946
Walter W. Squire 1936 to 3-3-1983
Ben N. Stanton 1877 to 7-6-1956
Signa Forehand Stanton 1873 to 4-26-1972
Francis P. Stratakos 1900 to 9-18-1972
Evelyn M. Stratakos 1901 to 1-14-1963
Charles J. Steelman 1889 to 12-27-1957
Viola M. Steelman 1893 to 10-8-1966
Charles Arnold Steelman 1914 to 10-21-1970
Elsie Virginia Steelman 1916 to 10-31-1986
Emmett D. Steelman 1922 to 7-22-1975
Walter J. Steinfeldt 1899 to 3-15-1969
Theodore Raymond Stewart 1907 to 8-18-1971
Dessie A. Stewart 1900 to 2-4-1986
William Daniel Stewart 1970 to 4-15-1989
Luther B. Stewart 1897 to 6-19-1981
Cameron Stokes 1908 to 5-24-1976
Andrew Joseph Striegel 1985 to 8-11-1985
Jo Anna Stolze 1938 to 4-18-1990
Barbara L. Steeves 1939 to 1-27-1967
Melvia Ruth Stees 1925 to 9-6-1988
Marie C. Storey 1927 to 11-9-1987
Heather Marie Strunk 1987 to 11-13-1987
Wiliam Alden Stowe 1907 to 3-11-1988
Leon L. Stine 1918 to 10-20-1977
James D. Stuart, Sr. 1926 to 1-2-1978
Eric Matthew Stuart 1881 to 3-3-1987
Clifford D. Stephens 1933 to 10-8-1988
Alvis M. Stadler 1916 to 2-21-1989
Martha M. Sutton 1903 to 10-25-1956
Ben F. Sullivan 1915 to 1-30-1972
Lee Summers 1894 to 9-4-1985
Rose M. Sunny 1909 to 12-5-1985
Jackie S. Symington 1945 to 6-21-1986
Michael J. Szumigala 1964 to 7-22-1985
Buron Harwell Tadlock 1916 to 10-11-1965
Mildred M. Tadlock 1911 to 10-12-1991
S.S. Taylor 1908 to 1-30-1971
Erby Taylor 1883 to 6-10-1975
Warren C. Taylor 1895 to 3-26-1978
Warren Clifton Taylor, Jr.* 1924 to 5-9-1924
Mary H. Taylor 1914 to 7-25-1987
Delma Hemphill Taylor 1898 to 12-25-1982
Clara Mae Tanner 1891 to 2-23-1989
James Tanner, Sr. 1920 to 11-3-1981
Helen Marie Tanczuk 1906 to 10-6-1991
Ray A. Terry 1905 to 5-20-1964
Ben Stanton Terry 1953 to 6-1-1967
Chester H. Terry, Jr. 1948 to 3-30-1969
Betty Terry 1923 to 1-9-1986
Jack P. Thorne 1921 to 5-23-1966
Carlton F. Thacker 1915 to 9-18-1967
Dorothy Parker Thacker 1909 to 6-10-1985
Carl Thompkins III 1950 to 1-25-1968
Carl Thompkins 1920 to 12-22-1973
Melissa Ann Thompkins 1964 to 8-29-1984
Lilian M. Thiac 1897 to 9-1-1970
Melissa Anne Thomas 1978 to 8-19-1978
Edward Robert Thomas 1934 to 4-9-1984
Lisa Ann Thomas 1964 to 3-9-1981
Mary L. Thompson 1906 to 4-1-1965
Mary O. Thompson 1908 to 12-27-1979
Davin? J. Thibodeaux 1914 to 12-5-1980
Nelle M. Tipton 1889 to 2-20-1973
Cammie Tillinghast 1895 to 2-21-1978
William Loyd Tinnon 1900 to 4-6-1985
Melissa Victoria Timmons 1987 to 10-29-1987
Edward F. Tiblier 1917 to 3-27-1988
Archie W. Tootle 1925 to 12-22-1975
Jessica Lynn Tootle 1981 to 6-12-1989
Patrick W. Tootle 1947 to 8-29-1963
Irma S. Tollefson 1884 to 12-18-1965
Sigurd J. Tollefson 1882 to 5-20-1966
Margaret E. Trebotich 1926 to 9-21-1960
Raymond H. Trevett 1916 to 5-16-1970
Audrey Jane Triplett 1939 to 8-21-1982
Thang Trinh 1945 to 10-3-1989
Kim Trinh 1915 to 1-29-1985
Harrison W. Tuman ? to 3-8-1960
Hiram A. Turner 1885 to 6-19-1968
Candy Rene Turner 1969 to 6-11-1969
William A. Turner 1890 to 12-2-1974
Ruth Turner 1894 to 3-1-1978
Belle N. Turner 1891 to 7-17-1985
John P. Tucei, Sr. 1901 to 4-3-1982
Clarence Dale Uhland 1923 to 6-26-1964
Clarence Dale Uhland, Jr. 1963 to 1-27-1963
Henry W. Usilton 1916 to 5-23-1974
Ned W. Vail 1907 to 9-20-1969
Katherine Van Ryan (Ryn) 1903 to 5-19-1980
Anthony Van Ryan (Ryn) 1899 to 12-20-1980
Harmon? C. Van Buskirk, Sr. 1903 to 2-14-1977
Cynthia Nicole Varnar 1980 to 4-4-1980
Catherine A. Vaughn 1919 to 11-21-1984
Judy M. Vance 1922 to 1-7-1985
Mollie M. Vance 1923 to 1-31-1987
Willie Beatrice Vance 1915 to 1-5-1989
Raymond Edwin Valk 1932 to 8-31-1990
Prosper A. Verheeck 1907 to 1-17-1983
Stasia S. Verheeck 1909 to 2-18-1986
Leonard Vergunst, Sr. 1929 to 3-23-1987
Nora Laverne Vickers 1923 to 4-17-1983
Maria Cristina Villalobos 1912 to 12-29-1988
Floyd R. Voyles 1911 to 5-29-1960
Lucille Lillian Voivedich 1905 to 11-13-1991
Edward Voivedich, Sr. 1904 to 11-16-1972
Edward N. Voivedich, Jr. 1926 to 2-16-1975
Clara Washington 1897 to 5-10-1985
Irene Tuman Watts 1913 to 10-14-1965
Essie Murrah Watts 1911 to 7-2-1989
John Robert Watts, Sr. 1911 to 1-31-1991
Carrie Elsie Watson 1896 to 11-24-1981
Ralph Vernon Walker 1914 to 3-20-1982
Clara Alene Walker 1901 to 2-27-1984
Will Oakland Walker 1916 to 5-5-1984
Dempsie C. Walker 1920 to 12-4-1987
Clarence V. Walker 1897 to 8-29-1966
Eugene E. Waller 1917 to 9-21-1971
Roscoe Belle Waits 1911 to 4-10-1978
Paul Alan Walters 1966 to 1-5-1982
Elizabeth Grand Wagener 1988 to 7-22-1991
Donald C. Weiyandt 1923 to 6-13-1970
Floy I. Weiss 1892 to 3-2-1973
Sara Frances Webster 1929 to 5-16-1971
Elizabeth R. Webster 1911 to 11-24-1988
Charles R. Webster 1911 to 8-29-1885
Henry Karl Weber 1917 to 8-11-1988
Albert James Weber 1941 to 5-15-1989
Darwin James Webb 1920 to 8-21-1979
Hugh G. Webb 1903 to 9-14-1974
Ben F. Webb 1902 to 7-14-1971
Georgia Webb 1908 to 6-3-1988
Adam Carl Welch 1-17-1992 to 1-17-1992
Floy A. Welch 1922 to 9-9-1974
Dorothy Rose Welch 1927 to 12-15-1978
Parris C. Welch 1918 to 11-15-1977
Joseph W. Welsh 1914 to 8-14-1979
Margaret Ann Welsh 1914 to 3-4-1988
Delbert Orin Welton 1948 to 9-4-1985
Henry Weyerstall 1914 to 1-22-1987
Lawrence Edward Westfaul 1902 to 4-20-1961
Essie Lee Wells 1915 to 8-30-1978
Jo Ann Wells 1934 to 11-22-1987
Elmer James Wells, Jr. 1943 to 10-13-1989
Rev. Raymond Earl Wesson 1912 to 4-10-1987
Edward Louis Weisa 1891 to 7-21-1987
Rufus M. Whitfield, Sr. 1905 to 7-11-1959
Joseph A. Whalen 1907 to 1-19-1963
James Ray White 1990 to 2-5-1990
Andrew White 1893 to 10-23-1969
William Henry White 1924 to 2-1-1980
Preston Richard White 1922 to 2-15-1990
Carol Anne Wheat 1946 to 9-27-1990
Hebert Houston Whisenant 1916 to 9-26-1978
Michael C. Williams 1946 to 5-29-1969
Joseph K. Williams 1946 to 8-16-1969
Philip Newton Williams, Sr. 1886 to 12-26-1969
Mary Ann Williams 1893 to 12-6-1971
Ricky Lynn Williams 1959 to 9-30-1972
James R. Williams, Sr. 1908 to 1-8-1973
Clare D. Williams 1894 to 11-22-1973
John Williams 1918 to 4-20-1974
Mary M. Williams 1902 to 4-29-1981
Elda Reaux Williams 1908 to 8-18-1983
Stanford A. Williams, Sr. 1912 to 1-13-1985
Joan Christe Davis Williams 1951 to 12-30-1985
Fred E. Williams 1919 to 7-8-1988
Jesse H. Williams 1913 to 7-10-1988
Joseph R. Williams 1980 to 5-17-1988
Loretta K. Williams 1905 to 6-26-1991
Archie Eugene Wild 1914 to 6-3-1989
Stuart W. Wilder, Jr. 1914 to 7-5-1981
Dora M. Wielder? 1910 to 3-6-1978
Edward Charles Wilson 1912 to 1-29-1992
Willie G. Wilson 1927 to 2-29-1977
Jane Lane Wilson 1913 to 1-26-1971
Margaret A. Kersh Wilson 1933 to 1-1-1986
John D. Wickstrom 1915 to 4-24-1989
William L. Wickstrom 1948 to 7-26-1980
Urvan Clement Wilkinson, Jr. 1925 to 5-24-1990
Wilbur Clarence Wisnasky 1909 to 11-10-1990
Helen May Willis 1922 to 8-6-1979
V.P. Wooten 1887 to 12-24-1960
Nettie Estella Wooten 1888 to 11-21-1962
John Daniel Wooten 1921 to 12-20-1986
Joe L. Wooten 1913 to 5-10-1970
Norma O. Woitt 1902 to 8-11-1981
Emma Louise Woods 1947 to 7-24-1986
James S. Woroner 1922 to 2-1-1988
Elizabeth Anne Woroner 1923 to 1-17-1991
William Henry Wozencraft 1906 to 3-28-1970
Charles Dentz Wozencraft 1950 to 11-11-1975
Wesley David Woodside 1926 to 12-4-1975
Harvey A. Wolfe, Sr. 1905 to 4-27-1978
Mamie Carol Wylie 1917 to 5-18-1989
Guy W. Yates 1901 to 4-23-1975
Beulah Yates 1904 to 4-3-1980
Michael Ray Yenewine 1-8-1992 to 1-8-1992
Steven Yoal 1970 to 12-28-1970
Katie Young 1916 to 5-101992
Wesley Young, Sr. 1914 to 12-18-1990
Mae Nell Ryan Zanca 1921 to 12-5-1977
Samuel Leo Zanca 1921 to 12-19-1991
Alice Richards Zettel 1892 to 9-20-1966
Myrtle Turner Zesiger 1933 to 7-28-1959
Tobby Zeigler 1974 to 10-31-1974
* Memorial graves. These people are buried elsewhere.
** Disinterred. These people are buried elsewhere.
Crestlawn Memorial Park Burial Records, courteously provided by Mr. Ben Moat, manager, in December 1991.
Rules and Regulations for Crestlawn Memorial Park (Crestlawn Memorial Park: Ocean Springs - 1955).
Personal Communication:
Ben Moat - December 7, 1991
Ben Moat - January 8, 1992