Groue - West St. Martin Area
Groue - West St. Martin Area ray Wed, 04/21/2010 - 10:24- 235 views
LOCATION: The Groue Cemetery is approximately 3 1/4 miles west northwest of Ocean Springs. It is located in the very southeastern portion of the John Baptiste Ladner Claim, Section 16, T7S-R9W of Jackson County. This small family cemetery is near the entrance of the Langley Point residential area of the St. Martin Community.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue in Ocean Springs go north 2 miles on Washington Avenue to LeMoyne oulevard. Turn left (west) on LeMoyne and go 2.67 miles to Brittany. At Brittany go left (south) .75 miles to Race Track Road. Turn left (east) at Race Track and go .32 miles to the Groue Cemetery to the left (north).
HISTORY: The Groue Cemetery is a small family cemetery named for Louis Groue, Sr. (1813-1887). Groue, the son of Francoise LaGroue and Marie Lafost, was born at Deer Island. LaGroue was a merchant and slave trader who met his demise in a naval engagement with British forces in 1814.
Louis Groue married Eloise Ladner (1821-1890) circa 1838. She was the daughter of Jean Baptiste Ladner and Julienne LaFontaine. The Groues moved to Back Bay (North
Biloxi) from Deer Island after 1850 to a tract of land in Section 16, T7S-R9W which had been given to her by her father, J.B. Ladner, in 1840. (Jackson County Deed Records
Book 4, pp. 474-475). Ladner had earlier been granted the patent to Section 15 (Claim No. 158-609.32 acres). The U.S. Government confirmed the claim in 1819.
The Groues built a home on their Jackson County waterfront tract and raised a small family. Two children, Louis Groue, Jr. (1840-1917) and Estelle Groue Tiblier (1844-
1927), were born of this union. In May 1880, Louis Groue bought the 320-foot tract east of his property from his brother-in-law, Stanislaus Beaugez (1813-1889) (Jackson
County Deed Records Book 4, pp. 475-477). This is the tract of land on which the Groue Cemetery is located.
In 1917, Louis Groue, Jr. conveyed the following tract of land to his sons, Alphonse and Napoleon Groue:
Beginning at a point 116 feet north of where the Point St. Martin Road crosses the line dividing the property of Louis Groue and Francis X. Fountain, and thence running north 80 feet along said line, thence 80 feet east, thence south 80 feet, thence west 80 feet to the point of beginning; thus including a tract 80 feet square which is now, and has been used as my family cemetery for many years. (JXCO Ms., Land Deed Book 45, pp. 97-98)
PRIMARY FAMILY INTERMENTS: Cannette, Fayard, Fountain, Groue, and Ladnier.
Baby Boney 8-12-1936
Leuma J. Bosarge 12-12-1897 to 3-12-1960
Armond Cannette 9-17-1863 to 3-4-1948
Emily G. Cannette 3-21-1871 to 4-2-1963
Mary V. Holley 10-17-1922 to 12-28-1922
Olena C. Giametta 12-23-1900 to 1-30-1920
Julius Cannette, Sr. 8-16-1897 to 1-16-1983
Armond Thomas Cannette 5-26-1892 to 1-4-1955
Albert Cannette 8-10-1904 to 11-22-1911
Robert Cannette 8-10-1904 to 1-11-1905
Evelyn Cannette
Oscar Cannette
Thomas C. Cannette 8-1-1920 to 4-29-1987
Betty Tillman Cannette 1929 to 8-26-1996
Joseph Cannette 10-8-1860 to 5-28-1950
Heloise G. Cannette 9-18-1866 to 4-19-1952
Florence Ryan 1894 to 1918
Keith Derouen 12-29-1969 to 3-30-1971
Henry Fayard 1-4-1872 to 9-14-1915
Olivia Groue 4-5-1873 to 7-18-1959
Olivia Fayard 8-25-1897 to 4-11-1914
Lonzo Fayard 10-5-1908 to 6-11-1910
Oscar Fayard 2-14-1896 to 5-15-1911
Leonia Fayard 9-7-1910 to 9-9-1913
Rudolph Fayard 2-6-1880 to 5-23-1965
Leonied Groue Fayard 8-4-1885 to 8-7-1969
Adonia Fountain 6-30-1876 to 1-14-1962
Raymond Fountain 2-24-1874 to 8-16-1938
Betty Howell 11-26-1939 to 3-27-1940
Roosevelt Fountain 3-30-1908 to 4-11-1961
Charles Fountain 12-5-1907 to 2-18-1978
Emile Fountain 4-3-1900 to 6-2-1978
Louise Fountain 5-6-1892 to 2-5-1953
Alice Tiblier Fountain 1-23-1874 to 3-13-1934
Hubie Fountain
Louis Groue 11-18-1814 to 10-11-1887
Eloise Ladner Groue 8-6-1821 to 1890
Louis Grou 12-19-1840 to 11-20-1917
Mary Parker Grou 4-24-1841 to 5-12-1910
Rosia Cecilia Groue 1869 to 6-28-1918
L. Gilbert Groue 4-29-1862 to 8-13-1883
Alphonse G. Groue 4-15-1879 to 3-1-1934
Louisa M. Fountain Groue 9-8-1883 to 12-28-1959
Alphonse J. Groue Jr. 8-22-1907 to 5-1-2001
Emily M. Boyd Groue 10-11-1902 to 2-25-1991
Jackie L. Groue, Jr. 2-22-1964 to 1-28-1965
daughter of MJ and Mary Groue
Arthur Napoleon Groue 2-5-1888 to 5-24-1964
Daisy Garcia Groue 12-25-1896 to 10-24-1967
Royal Henry Groue 1-2-1911 to 10-1-1988
Fatima A. Beal Groue 3-13-1914 to 1-13-1974
Royal Henry Groue, Jr. 12-3-1933 (living)
Margie N. Groue 1-9-1936 (living)
Royal H. Groue, III "Bubby" 1-17-1957 to 4-8-1991
Norton William Gum 3-11-1918 to 12-19-2002
Eleanor Derouen Gum 3-31-1920 (living)
Jimmie King 12-19-1957 (living)
Janice Marie King 7-2-1955 (living)
Mary Beth King 10-7-1953 to 10-21-1953
Betty Jean King 7-21-1951 (living)
Emma V. Groue Ladnier 5-1-1864 to 5-11-1891
Gustave Ladnier 3-18-1888 to 5-27-1897
Celestan Ladnier 12-14-1884 to 5-27-1897
Landry (Plot Marker)
Martha Ann Bosarge Landry 3-18-1939 to 12-4-2006
Robert E. Landry 2-20-1932 to 11-1985
married 3-25-1960
Miguel A. Lawrence 1936 to 8-27-2006
Adonia A. Riche 1895 to 1981
Ellis J. Richard 1912 to 12-19-1994
Florence Groue Richard 3-18-1914 to 6-10-2001
Jerry J. Richard 12-24-1931 to 6-9-1978
PFC US Army Korea
Veryl Jude Richard 6-3-1942 to 2-8-1978
PFC US Army Vietnam
Wallace Patrick Richard 8-28-1942 to 8-10-1986
Florence Ryan 1894 to 1918
Emile Tiblier 1838 to 1923
Estella Tiblier 1844 to 2-20-1927
Nap L. Cassibry, II, The Ladner Odyssey, Mississippi Gulf Coast Historical and Genealogical Society-Special Issue No. 6 (January 1988), pp. 734-735 and pp. 781-782.
The History of Jackson County, Mississippi, (Lewis Printing Services: Pascagoula-1989), p. 226.
Requiem I, Jackson County Cemetery Records, (Jackson County Genealogical Society-1969), pp. 80-81.
The Sun Herald, "Miguel A. Lawrence", August 29, 2006, p. A6.
The Sun Herald, "Mrs. Martha Ann Bosarge Landry", December 6, 2006, p. A4.
Surveyed and researched by:
Ray L. Bellande
PO Box 617
Ocean Springs, Mississippi 39564
(601) 872-3880
January 22, 1992