Lamey Cemetery - Harrison County
Lamey Cemetery - Harrison County ray Wed, 04/21/2010 - 10:31- 945 views
LOCATION: The Lamey Cemetery is located in the NE/4 of the SW/4 of Section 33, T6S-R9W, Harrison County, Mississippi.
DIRECTIONS: From intersection of Le Moyne Boulevard and Lamey’s Bridge Road in the city of D’Iberville, Mississippi go north on Lamey’s Bridge Road for 2.65 miles to Lamey’s Bridge. Cross the Tchoutacaboufa River and go north for 200 feet and find a dirt road on the east side of Lamey’s Bridge Road. Turn right and follow this road to a locked gate. The Lamey Cemetery is situated about 200 feet east and south of the gate.
The familial name LAMEY has been noted in archival documents as LAMI, LAME, LAMIE, LAMMY, LAMAIS, LANIE, and LEMME. The progenitor of this family in America was Jacques Lamy, the son of Jacques Lamy (ca 1740-1770) and Marguerite de Rossiere. He was born at Meaux, France east of Paris.
Jacques Lamy came to North America in French Colonial Louisiana as a soldier. He married Marie Helene Moreau, the daughter of Joseph Moreau and Marine Jeanne Dauphin. Sergeant Lamy was discharged in 1763, having served in the company of Captain Trente. He lost his life in February 1770, when the Pere de Famille sank on a voyage to France.(De Ville, 19 , p. )
In 1761, Jacques and Marie Helene Lamy had a son, Jean Batiste Lamy (1761-1804+). A daughter, Euphrasie Lamy, was born in November 1769. Jean B. Lamy married Isabel Baudin, the daughter of Louis Baudin and Louisa Lorendine (Laurendine). Their youngest son, Alexandre Antoine Lamy (1804-1890) was the founder of the Lamey family on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.
Alexandre Antoine Lamy
In a civil ritual performed in 1827, Alexandre Antoine Lamy (1804-1890) married Marguerite Constance Ladner (1812-ca 1844), the daughter of John-Baptiste Ladner and Marie-Josephe Morin (Moran). Their union was blessed in the Catholic Church on May 4, 1836. The issue of this marriage were born on Dauphin Island, Alabama: J. Albert Lamey(1828-1850+), William Lamey (1829-1850+), Lucy Lamey (1831-1850+), Arsene Marie Lamey (b. 1834), and Philip Lamey (1835-1880+).
After the demise of Marguerite C. Lamey ca 1844, Alexandre A. Lamey married Darthula Latimer (1827-1876), a native of Indiana, and the daughter of Elisha Latimer (1792-1860+) and Mary Jane Ewing (1792-1877). Their children were: Edward Lamey (b. 1845), Peter Abijah Lamey (1847-1932) married Sarah H. Hamilton (1858-1933) in February 1883; Antoine Lamey (1849-1929) married Louisa Rhodes Wells (1848-1910) in August 1878; James Lamey (1852-1870+), Elizabeth Lamey (1852-1929) married Frederick “Fritz” Hosli (1843-1882) in January 1871 and William J. “Jeff” Rushing (1861-1938) in September 1883; Anna Lamey (1853-1878+) married Peter Cannette(1854-1930) in February 1874; Elise Lamey (1858-1870+), and Mary Lamey (1860-pre 1870)
Philip Lamey
Philip Lamey (1837-pre-1907) married Catherine “Katie” Hudson (1851-pre-1900) on October 17, 1866. Their children were: Anthony Lamey (1862-1938) married Aline Krohn post 1900; Philip E. “Dink” Lamey (1870-1953) married Annie Hosli (1869-1949) in November 1894; Zeolide Lamey (1873-1931) married W.C. Parks in May 1903; John Lamey (1879-1946) married Elsie Irma Krohn (1892-1928); William Lamey (1880-1945) married Rosa Newman (1880-1908) in February 1899; and Josephine Lamey (1884-1907).(Harrison County, Ms. Circuit Court MRB 5, p. 69, MRB 6, p. 268, MRB, MRB 10, p. 274 )
Philip E. “Dink” Lamey
Philip “Dink” Lamey (1870-1953) and Annie Hosli (1869-1949), the daughter of Henry Hosli and Barbara Hosli (1833-1900+), had married in Harrison County, Mississippi in November 1894. Their children were: John Clifton Lamey (1895-1971), Philip E. Lamey II (1900-1981), Margaret Edwina L. Riggle (1905-1980), William Jasper “Buck” Lamey (1908-1980) and George A. Lamey (1909-1985).( Harrison County, Ms. Circuit Court MRB 10, p. 274 )
Lamey Ferry
The Lamey Ferry was situated very near the present day Lamey Bridge on the Tchoutacabouffa River. It was operated by Antoine Lamey (1849-1929), the son of Alexandre A. Lamey and Darthula Latimer Lamey. Antoine Lamey, called Anthony, married Louisa Rhodes Wells (1848-1910), the second spouse and widow of Berry Wells (1812-1876). She was a Mississippi native born of a Kentucky father and Missouri mother. Antoine Lamey and Louisa R. Wells wedded on August 21, 1878. Their children were: Ella Lamey (1879-1880+), Richard Lamey (1884-1936), and Florian Lamey (1888-1948).(Harrison County, Ms. Circuit Court MRB 7, p. 24)
Berry Wells hailed from Kentucky and had settled in eastern Hancock County, now Harrison County, circa 1836.
1913 Christmas Eve mishaps
It could have been a very sad 1913 Christmas for the settlers in the area near the Lamey Ferry
The Hosli family
The land on which the Lamey Cemetery lies once belonged to the Hosli* family who came to America from Canton Glarius Switzerland in the mid-19th Century. Henry Hosli (1832-circa 1870) and Barbara Hosli (1833-1900+)
In July 1870, Joseph Hosli for $375 acquired 400 acres of land in Section 33, T6S-R9W from Ann and Erasmus Thompson. This land was described as: the NW/4, SW/4, and the W/2 of the NE/4.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 13, p. 167)
In August 1899, Barbara Hosli, the sister and sole surviving heir of Joseph Hosli, gave this land to her daughter, Annie Hosli Lamey (1869-1949), the wife of Philip Edward “Dink” Lamey (1870-1953), the son of Philip Lamey and Catherine “Katie” Hudson. (HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 42, p. 81)
In his Gulf Coast Genealogy, The Santa Cruz Family, Brother Jerome Lepre states that the Abbley Family of the Mississippi Gulf Coast commenced with the emigration to the United States of the Swiss couple, Fritz (Fridolin) Abbley (1799-?) (Abli) and Margaret Husley (Hosli) (1804-1892). He was the son of Rudolph Abli and Catherine Durst of Ennenda, Switzerland. Margaret Husley was the daughter of Jost and Salome Oerthli of Ennetbuehls, a town very near Ennenda in Canton Glarus, western Switzerland.
The Abbleys arrived in America about 1854, and settled at Back Bay (North Biloxi). They left their native Switzerland because it was difficult to make a living at the time in that nation. Like every immigrant they felt that their lot would improve by coming to America.
On October 24, 1867, Casimir J. Harvey (1845-1905) married Rosina Hosli (Husley) (1852-1937) who was born May 2, 1852, at Ennenda, Canton Glarius, Switzerland. Her parents were Jacob Hosli and Salome Abbli or Abbley (b. 1830) who immigrated to the United States circa 1856.
Hosli Road
In October 1911, Annie and Philip Lamey conveyed a strip of land to Harrison County, Mississippi to straighten Hosli Road. This transaction was described as: beginning on the west side of the Tchoutacabouffa River near the ferry landing and leaving the Hosli Road about fifty feet from the river thence go north for a distance of about three-quarters of a mile where it will intersect said Hosli Road the width of the same from beginning to termination to be thirty feet all being in Section 33, T6S-R9W.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 97, p. 469)
Lamey’s Bridge and road improvement
Prior to 1913, there were two circuitous routes from Biloxi to Ramsay Springs. One could either travel the Cedar Lake Road or go through Jackson County to the east. Neither path was in a direct line to the spa. In August 1913, the new road, which would become Mississippi Highway No. 15, from North Biloxi to Ramsay Springs, which would erase twelve miles from the present way, was under construction. F.W. Elmer, County Supervisor, reported that road construction in Harrison County Beat One and Beat Five were progressing well with the utilization of convict labor to grade and surface the road. Grading from Bate’s Still to Lamey’s Ferry was completed and five miles north had been surfaced. On the southern route from Lamey’s Ferry to the Johnson Store, the stumps had been cleared and the roadbed surfaced with clay and shell. A number of older roads were being widened and improved.(The Daily Herald, August 20, 1913, p. 1 and August 27, 1913, p. 8)
In July 1913, the Harrison County Board of Supervisors let a $6300 contract to the Austin Brothers of Atlanta, Georgia to erect a structure across the Tchoutacabouffa River to replace the Lamey Ferry. In November 1913, board member, F.W. Elmer Sr., was appointed to oversee construction of the bridge.(HARCO, Ms. Board of Supervisors Minute Bk. 10, p. 274 and p. 391)
The steel bridge that was being erected across the Tchoutacabouffa River at Lamey’s Ferry was expected to be in operation by the first of December 1913. Another bridge across Hurricane Creek was planned.(The Daily Herald, August 20, 1913, p. 1)
In February 1914, Annie and Philip Lamey sold another thirty-foot wide strip of their land to the people of Harrison County for improvements. This conveyance was described as: beginning at the southwest corner of P. Lamey’s property known as Hosli Road, thence running in a southerly direction to the Tchoutacabouffa River and continuing across said river to the intersection of the aforesaid Hosli Road on the south side of the river in Section 33, T6S-R9W. The above description is intended to cover what is known as the site of Lamey Bridge and approaches thereto.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 108, p. 47)
At its April 1914 meeting, the Harrison County Board of Supervisors accepted the completed work and paid the Austin Brothers for the Tchoutacabouffa River bridge. Philip Lamey was appointed bridge keeper for one year and paid $30 per month for his services.(HARCO, Ms. Board of Supervisors Minute Bk. 11, p. 6 and p. 10)
1925 Land purchase
In February 1925, Annie H. Lamey acquired an additional forty acres of land, the NW/4 of the SE/4 of Section from J.H. Johnson. The consideration was $640. In March 1927, she and Philip Lamey sold to Marjorie Bouvier Rickey that portion of the NW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 33, T6S-R9W lying east of the Tchoutacabouffa River.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 156, p. 206 and Bk. 169, p. 370)
In September 1903, J.H. Johnson began acquiring land in Section 33, T6S-R9W, when he paid George Wells, $240 for eighty acres, the S/2 of the SE/4.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 56, p. 568)
In June 1905, J.H. Johnson bought from Percy J. Wetzel for $800, eighty acres, the N/2 of the SE/4 of Section 33, T6S-R9W.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 69, p. 567)
1952 Land donations
In September 1952, Philip Lamey began land donations to his children. Those receiving acreage were: “Coot” L. Riggle, Dorothy D. Hebert, and William J. Lamey.
A description of the Philip Lamey donations follows:
“Coot” L. Riggle
Margaret Edwina L. “Coot” Riggle received thirty acres more or less being that part of the NW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 33, T6S-R9W, lying west of Mississippi Highway No. 57.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 359, p. 305)
Dorothy Hebert
Philip Lamey gave Dorothy Hebert one acre more or less lying south of the Tchoutacabouffa River in the NE/4 of the SW/4 of Section 33, T6S-R9W and fifteen acres more or less in the SE/4 of the SW/4 of Section 33, T6S-R9W, lying east of the Tchoutacabouffa River.(HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 359, p. 306)
William Jasper “Buck” Lamey
Also in Section 33, T6S-R9W, William J. Lamey (1908-1980), called Buck, was given the NE/4 of the NW/4, SE/4 of the NW/4, W/2 of the NE/4, NE/4 of the SW/4 less one-acre south of the Tchoutacabouffa River and the NW/4 of the SE/4, less nine acres sold to Marjorie Bouvier Rickey. Although not mentioned in this donation, the Lamey Cemetery was included in the lands of Buck Lamey. (HARCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 359, p. 307)
Buck’s will
Before Buck Lamey passed in April 1980, he legated his real property consisting of two hundred thirty-five acres in Section 33, T6S-R9W to Audrey Cleo Cruthirds Lamey (1911-1997), his spouse. His contingent beneficiary was daughter, Helen Louise Lamey Moore (b. 1942). The Buck Lamey lands all in Section 33, T6S-R9W were described as: the NW/4 of the NE/4; SW/4 of the NE/4; NE/4 of the SW/4 north of the Tchoutacabouffa River; SE/4 of the NW/4 west of Lamey Bridge Road; and that part of the NW/4 of the NW/4 east of Lamey Bridge Road.(Harrison County, Ms. Chancery Court Case No. 10074-July 1980)
Corrected warranty deed
In April 1981, the description of Buck Lamey’s lands all in Section 33, T6S-R9W, which were willed to his wife were corrected as follows: the NE/4 of the NW/4; SE/4 of the NW/4; W/2 of the NE/4; NE/4 of the SW/4, less one acre south of the Tchoutacabouffa River; NW/4 of the SE/4, less nine acres sold to Rickey east of the Tchoutacabouffa River; and ten acres more or less in the NW/4 of the NW/4 east of Mississippi Highway No. 57.(HARCO, Ms. 1st JD Land Deed Bk. 109, pp. 607-609)
Helen’s inheritance
In April 1981, Audrey C. Lamey conveyed to herself and Helen Louise Lamey Moore, as joint tenants with the right of survivorship, the following lands in Section 33, T6S-R9W: the NE/4 of the NW/4; SE/4 of the NW/4; W/2 of the NE/4; NE/4 of the SW/4, less one acre south of the Tchoutacabouffa River; NW/4 of the SE/4, less nine acres sold to Rickey east of the Tchoutacabouffa River; and ten acres more or less in the NW/4 of the NW/4 east of Mississippi Highway No. 57.(HARCO, Ms. 1st JD Land Deed Bk. 109, pp. 349-350)
Upon Audrey Lamey’s death in July 1997, Helen L. Moore Goff, inherited the family lands in Section 33, T6S-R9W. The Lamey Cemetery is situated upon this acreage.
Lamey Cemetery 2002
In 2002, Helen L. Moore Goff has offered her two hundred plus acres of land for sale. Developers have been creating subdivisions in this area for years and her land is valuable because of its desirable location on the Tchoutacabouffa River and its propinquity to Biloxi. In June 2002, she and the family decided to enlarge the Lamey Cemetery from its present area to a larger outline. Stakes have been set and the land will be surveyed soon.
The following information on the Lamey Cemetery was provided to the family by Annie Hosli Lamey before her death in October 1949. In addition to a listing of burials, Mrs. Lamey provided a location plat of graves in the cemetery. Her original notations are in the possession of Helen L. Goff, her granddaughter.
1st Row (south to north)
John Lamey (1879-1946)
John Lamey was born April 8, 1879, the son of Philip Lamey and Catherine Hudson. He expired on May 22, 1946.
Elsie Irma Krohn Lamey (1892-1928)
Elsie Irma Krohn was born May 4, 1892, the daughter of Frederick F. Krohn (1859-1919) and Mary Doyle Krohn (1860-1944). She married John Lamey (1878-1946) on .
Mildred Marie Lamey (1920-1928)
Mildred Marie Lamey was the daughter of John Lamey (1878-1946) and Elsie Irma Krohn Lamey (1892-1928). She was born on July 31, 1920 and died August 25, 1928. Young Marie expired from severe burns acquired when her mother’s pear-cooking kettle overturned scalding both. She was burned from head to toe.(The Daily Herald, August 25, 1928, p. 1)
Zeolide Lamey Parks(1873-1931)
Zeolide Lamey was born on August 5, 1873. She was the daughter of Philip Lamey and Catherine Hudson. Zeolide married William C. Parks on May 14,1903, at her parent’s home on the Tchoutacabuffa River. Judge James Latimer oficiated.(The Biloxi Herald, May 16, 1903, p. 8)
W.C. Parks and Zeolide Lamey had two children: Jessie B. Parks (1903-1946) and Nellie Florence Parks (1910-1948). Mrs. Parks expired on April 27, 1931.
2nd Row (south to north)
Mercede’s baby
Catherine “Katie” Hudson Lamey (1851 to pre-1900)
Philip Lamey (1837 to pre-1907)
Josephine Lamey (1884-1907)
Ed’s baby
Josephine Lamey (1884-1907)
Josephine Lamey (1884-1907) was born in March 1884 to Philip Lamey and Kate Hudson. She was the youngest of six? children. Josephine expired on February 12, 1907 at a sanatorium. She had been here for a month and may have been a victim of tuberculosis. Josephine had never married and lived with her brothers on the Tchoutacabouffa River. She was survived by four brothers and two sister.(The Biloxi Daily Herald, February 12, 1907, p. 1 and B’OK Bo. 1, p. 126)
Ed’s baby
Ed’s baby was the child of Philip Edward Lamey (1900-1981) and Alethia E. “Sis” Yeager Lamey (1911-2001). He was a twin boy and stillborn on October 24, 1927. His corporal remains with those of his father was removed from the Lamey Cemetery to the Pete Lamey Cemetery in Jackson County.(Bradford-O’Keefe Burial Bo. 16, p. 126 and Helen Lamey M. Goff, June 4, 2002)
3rd Row (north to south)
Lillie Cannette [Fayard] (1878-1936)
Peter Cannette (1854 –1930)
Annie Lamey Cannette (1853-1878+)
Dora Strayham
Alexander Lamey (1804-1890)
Hudson? Williams
Lillie Cannette
Lillie Cannette (1878-1936) was born to Peter Cannette (1854-1930) and Annie Lamey (1853-1878), the daughter of Alexandre A. Lamey (1804-1890) and Darthula Latimer (1827-1876), on November 6, 1878. She was baptizedSarah Lilia Cannette on December 28, 1878. On January 20, 1900, Lillie married Armand Fayard (1870-1953), the son of Julian Fayard (1844-1915) and Julienne Fountain (1839-1924) in the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in Ocean Springs. Armand Fayard was born July 18, 1870. Lillie C. Fayard expired on June 19, 1936. Armand lived until January 8, 1953. His corporal remains were interred in the Fountain Cemetery in D’Iberville.(Harrison County, Ms. Circuit Court MRB 6, p. 268 and Lepre, 1991, p. 49 and p. 107, Lepre, 1992, p. 262)
Peter Cannette
Peter Cannette (1854-1930) was the son of Ramond Cannette (1822-1873+) and Marie-Eulalie Ryan (1834-1873+), the daughter of Pierre Ryan (1790-1878) and Marie-Josephine Ladner (1801-1844+). He was reared in Jackson County, Mississippi on the land donation from his grandfather, Pierre Ryan, at Bayou Puerto. In August 1863, an aging Pierre Ryan gave 24-acres in the W/2 of Governmental Lot 4, Section 13, T7S-R9W, which he had patented from the Federal government in 1831, to Ramond Cannette, his son-in-law. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. A, pp. 251-252)
Ramond Cannette was born Ramon Luis Canet on August 22, 1822, in Mahon, Menorca, the son of Ramon L. Canet (1795-1838) and Magdalena Manet (1799-1838+). He left the Baeleric Islands, a Spanish possession in the Mediterranean Sea, with his parents in 1838, for New Orleans. His father died in 1838 in New Orleans. Ramond Cannette came to Biloxi in the early 1850s, probably as a sailor on a trading schooner. (Lepre, 1983, p.
At Bayou Puerto, Ramond Cannette made his livelihood from the sea and reared and with his spouse had a large family: Madeline Cannette (1849-1886) m. Louis Fountain (1838-1905); Raymond Cannette Jr. (1850-1908) m. Anne Fountain (1843-1891) and Marie Jeanne Fountain Batia (1846-1920); Pierre Cannette (1854-1930) m. Annie Lamey; Antoine Cannette (1855-1927) m. Cora Seymour (1857-1920); Joseph Cannette (1860-1950) m. Eloise Groue (1866-1952); Armand Cannette (1863-1948) m. Emilie Groue (1871-1963); Edouard Cannette (b. 1866) m. Lilly Bullock; Henry T. Cannette (b. 1870); and Marie Cannette (1873-1942) m. Beauregard Seymour (1873-1938) and Emile J. Pons. (The Ocean Springs Record, July 7, 2000, p. 8 and Lepre, 1983, pp. 61-68).
In June 1874, Ramond Cannette and his wife sold their Bayou Puerto tract to Joseph Suarez (1842-1912) for $150. Joseph Suarez (1842-1912), also a Spaniard, lived on the west side of Bayou Puerto. He is the progenitor of the local Suarez family.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 15, p. 315)
Peter Cannette married Annie Lamey, the daughter of Alexandre Lamey (1804-1890) and Darthula Latimer (1827-1876) on February 26, 1874. Their only child was Sarah Lilia “Lilly” Cannette born November 6, 1878. Lilly married Armand Fayard (1870-1953). She expired on June 19, 1936.(Harrison County, Ms. Circuit Court MRB 6, p. 268 and Lepre, 1991, p. 48)
Dora Strayham
Alexander Lamy (1804-1890)
Alexnader Lamy (1804-1890) was the progenitor of the
4th Row (south to north)
Caroline Hosli
Henry Hosli
“Uncle Fritz”
“Uncle Fritz” was Frederick Hosli (1843-1882) a native of Ennenda, Canton Glarius, Switzerland. In January 1871, he married Eliza Lamey (1852-1929), the daughter of Alexandre A. Lamey (1804-1890) and Darthula Latimer(1827-1876). They were the parents of: Frederick “Fritz” Hosli (1873-1956), John Hosli (1875), Joseph M. Hosli(1879), William J. Hosli (1881), and Sarah I. Hosli (1883).
Fritz Hosli made his livelihood burning charcoal. After the demise of Fritz Hosli in October 1882, Eliza marriedWilliam Jefferson Rushing (1861-1938) on September 21, 1883.(MRB 7, p. 443)
They were the parents of: Ruffis Rushing (1885-1900+), Charles J. Rushing (1886-1900+), ? Rushing (1890-1900+), and Robert Jesse Rushing (1893-1953).
Henry Hosli and Barbara Hosli
Children of Henry Hosli and Barbara Hosli (1833-1900+): John B. Hosli (1858-1945) married Alethia Krohn(1861-1942); Joseph Hosli (1862-1946) married Mary V. Krohn (1867-1952); Katherine Hosli Krohn (1866-1946) married Moses Krohn (1864-1932); Annie Hosli (1869-1949) married Philip Lamey (1870-1953).(MRB 6, p. 30, B’OK 37/254)
Jacob Hosli and Salome Abbli
Jacob Hosli and Salome Abbli or Abbley (b. 1830) who immigrated to the United States circa 1856. Their children: Rosina Hosli (1852-1937) married Casimir J. Harvey (1845-1905) on October 24, 1867; Jacob Hosli (1868-1948) married Mary Hamilton (1865-1936) on November 29, 1883; Margaret Hosli (1868-1938) married Henry Krohn (1861-1900+) on November 26, 1885;
*(spellings of Hosli=Hoesly, Hosely, Hosley, Hossley, Housely, Husely, and Husley.
Rushing babies
Infants of Lona S. Lamey and August Lamey
According to Annie Hosli Lamey, two babies of Lona Scarbrough O’Neal Lamey (1893-1975) and August Lamey were interred in the Lamey Cemetery. Lona S. Lamey was born April 8, 1893, the daughter of William Scarbrough and Martha Rouse. She married August Lamey on March 6, 1921.(HARCO, Ms. Circuit Court MRB 33, p. 50)
Lona expired on June 5, 1975.
5th Row
Grannies baby
6th Row
Bully babies
7th Row
Alabama baby
The infants of Ira C. Hosli
According to Annie Hosli Lamey, several infants of Ira Clifford Hosli (1907-1932) and Ruby Davis Hosli were interred in the Lamey Cemetery. Ira Hosli was the son of Joseph Hosli (1865-1946) and Mary Virginia Krohn (1867-1952). He married Ruby Davis of Lumberton, Mississippi in 1927. They had a son who was born in 1929. Ira Hosli was murdered on April 5, 1932 by Floyd E. Davis (1913-1996?), his brother-in-law. Davis was exonerated for this crime because Hosli had been beating his wife with an iron rod, and the grand jury ruled that it was a justifiable homicide. In November 1930, Ira Hosli had killed Lydia Albert (1925-1932), the daughter of Oscar Albert (1877-1938) and Eva Richard, when his truck hit her while playing on the steps of her house at one of the seafood workers’ camps on Back Bay. He was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the tragic accident. Hosli’s corporal remains were interred in the Bellande Cemetery at Ocean Springs. His parents and a brother, Louis Wilmer Hosli (1905-1941), are also buried here.(The Daily Herald, April 6, 1932, p. 1 and April 8, 1932, p. 2)
A Black crewman on a schooner expired and was buried in the Lamey Cemetery.
Other unmarked graves
John Wesley Lamey
John Wesley Lamey was born on September 24, 1923 to Anthony Lamey (1862-1938) and Aline Krohn. He expired on June 3, 1925.
Linda Ann Graham Hebert
Linda Graham Hebert (1938-1981) was born at Hattiesburg, Mississippi on June 11, 1938 to John and . She married Wiley Hebert. Children: Rebecca H. Saucier, Amanda H. Fresche, Wiley Hebert Jr., and Charles Hebert. She expired at Biloxi, Mississippi on February 14, 1981.(The Daily Herald, February 16, 1981, p. A-2)
David Ray Lamey
David Ray Lamey (1958-1983) was born January 18, 1958, the son of Lamey and . Expired on March 3, 1983.
George Apslin Lamey
George A. Lamey was born on November 4, 1909, the son of Philip Lamey and Annie Hosli. Died on August 10, 1985.
Fred W. “Pappy” Schlegel
Fred W. Schlegel (1915-1987) was born on February 15, 1905. He lived to September 22, 1987.
Nell Marie McKenzie (1934-1996)
Nell Marie Mauffray McKenzie (1934-1996) was born at Pass Christian, Mississippi on September 12, 1934, the daughter of Owen L. Mauffray (1903-1967) and Louella M. Davis Mauffray. She married Verlon C. McKenzie (1931-1996) and was the mother of Connie M. Hebert, Tammy M. Mora, Michele M. Hall, and Verlon C. McKenzie Jr. Nell was a resident of Biloxi and employed at the North Biloxi Moose Lodge. She was a member of the Catholic Church, North Biloxi V.F.W., and North Biloxi Moose Lodge Ladies Auxilliary. Mrs. McKenzie expired on July 18, 1996, from cancer.(The Sun Herald, July 21, 1996, p. B-2)
Eddie J. Hebert (1919-1997)
Eddie J. Hebert Sr. (1919-1997) was born on May 26, 1919 and died on October 13, 1997.
Ronald Dale Robinson Jr. (1964-1997)
Ronald Dale “Ronnie” Robinson Jr. was born on March 4, 1964 to Ronald Dale Robinson (b. 1941) and Millie Brewer. He attended D’Iberville High School and worked for the City of Biloxi. Ronnie married and was the father of Logan Robinson and Fred Robinson. His siblings were: Johnneene R. Gibson, Carley Robinson and Melissa Robisnson. He attended the Cedar Lake Methodist Church. Robinson expired on January 19, 1997.(The Sun Herald, January 20, 1997, p. C-2)
Sidney Laine Rolls
Sidney L. Rolls was born September 8, 1915. Expired on March 21, 2000.
Justin William Lynch
Born April 16, 1980. Expired March 27, 2000.
Samuel Edward Moore (1941-2000)
Samuel Edward “Sam” Moore (1941-2000) was born August 24, 1941, the son of Jesse Webster Moore and Elaine E. Moore Rolls, the widow of Sidney L. Rolls (1915-2000). He married Helen Lamey (b. 1942), the daughter of William “Buck” Lamey (1908-1980) and Audrey C. Lamey (1911-1997), on May 19, 1961. They were the parents of: Michelle Moore, William Jesse Moore, and Lisa Moore Waltman. (Harrison County, Ms. Circuit Court MRB 119, p. 100)
Sam Moore made his livelihood in the auto salvage business. He was a Jehovah Witness worshipping with the Lyman congregation. In addition to membership in the Antique Car Club and National Knife Association, Sam Moore was charter member of the Dixieland Old Time Engineer and Agriculture Club.(The Sun Herald, July 7, 2000, p. A-7)
After his divorce from Helen Lamey, Sam Moore married Antoinette . They had two children: John Webster Moore, and Elizabeth Robinson.
Sam Moore expired on July 5, 2000.
Elnora “Joyce” Schlegel (1927-2006)
Elnora Templet Schlegel was the daughter of Joseph Templet and Della Norton. She married Fred Schlegel and they were the parents of: Frederick Todd Schlegel; Donna Marie Harvey; Alice D. Dobbs; and a foster daughter, Pammy Sue Beaugez. Mrs. Schlegel worked in the seafood industry. She founded the Latimer community’s Christmas Parade. Joyce T. Schlegel expired at Ocean Springs, Mississippi on July 3, 2006.(The Sun Herald, July 4, 2006, p. A4)
Annie Lamey Cannette
Lillie Cannette 11-6-1878 to
Peter Cannette 1854 to 1-13-1930
son of Raymond Cannette and Mary Ryan
Dorothy D. Hebert 8-15-1926 to
Eddie J. Hebert Sr. 5-26-1919 to 10-13-1997
Linda Graham Hebert 6-11-1938 to 2-14-1981
Wiley Mitchell Hebert Sr. 1928 to 12-1-2003
Caroline Hosli
Frederick “Fritz” Hosli (1873-1956) 37/254
Henry Hosli
Frederick “Uncle Fritz” Husley 12-1843 to 10-1882
Alexander Lamey (1804-1890)
Audrey Cleo Cruthirds Lamey 2-25-1911 to 7-6-1997
William Jasper “Buck” Lamey 1-5-1908 to 4-23-1980
David Ray Lamey 1-18-1958 to 3-3-1983
George Apslin Lamey 11-4-1909 to 8-10-1985
John Lamey 4-8-1878 to 9-5-1946
Elsie Irma (Krohn) Lamey 5-4-1892 to 8-25-1928
Mildred Marie Lamey 7-31-1920 to 8-25-1928
Zeolide Lamey Parks 8-5-1873 to 4-27-1931
Wife of Parks
John Wesley Lamey 1-5-1925 to 12-23-1989
John Wesley Lamey 9-24-1923 to 6-3-1925
Son of Anthony Lamey (1862-1938) and Aline Krohn
Philip “Dink” Lamey 2-15-1870 to 6-18-1953
Annie Husley Lamey 7-27-1869 to 10-28-1949
Baby Girl Lamey
Philip Edward Lamey 8-23-1900 to 2-1981
Alethia Ethel Lamey 10-11-1911 to 6-8-2002
Justin William Lynch 4-16-1980 to 3-27-2000
Samuel Edward Moore 8-24-1941 to 7-5-2000
Nell Marie McKenzie 9-12-1934 to 7-18-1996
Zeolide Lamey Parks 8-5-1873 to 4-27-1931
Edwina Lamey “Coot” Riggle 12-28-1905 to 2-16-1980
Thomas E. Riggle 3-23-1925 to 6-12-1989
Ronald Dale Robinson Jr. (1964-1997)
Ronald Dale Robinson was born on March 4, 1964 to Ronald Dale Robinson (b. ) and . He expired on January 19, 1997.
Sidney Laine Rolls 9-8-1915 to 3-21-2000
Fred W. “Pappy” Schlegel 2-15-1905 to 9-22-1987
Elnora “Joyce” Schlegel 1927 to 7-3-2006
Dora Strayham
Ray L. Bellande, “Wells-Mulholland Cemetery”, (Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume No. 27, No. 1-February 1991).
Nat Cassibry II, Early Mississippi Coast Families, The Ladner Odyssey, (Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, Special Issue No. 6-January1988).
Winston DeVille, Louisiana Troops 1720-1770, (Press: Ville Platte, Louisiana-197 ).
Jerome Lepre, S.C., Early Mississippi Coast Families, The Cannette-Moore Family, (Mississippi Coast Historical & Genealogical Society: Biloxi, Mississippi-1983).
Jerome Lepre, S.C., Early Mississippi Coast Families, The Krohn Family, (Lepre: New Orleans-1989), pp. 52, 54, and 55.
Jerome Lepre, S.C., Catholic Church Records Diocese of Biloxi, Volume I, (Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi: Biloxi, Mississippi-1991).
Jerome Lepre, S.C., Gulf Coast Genealogy, The Fountain Family, (Lepre: New Orleans, Louisiana-1992).
Joseph O. Manuel Jr., “Notes on The Lamey Family”, (Mississippi Coast Historical and Genealogical Society Quarterly, Volume No. 11, No. 1-February 1975).
Chancery Court Cases
Harrison County, Mississippi Chancery Court Case No. 10074, “The Last Will and Testament of William Jasper Lamey, aka Buck Lamey”, July 1980.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “City News”-(Parks-Lamey), May 16, 1903.
The Biloxi Daily Herald, “Deaths”, February 12, 1907.
The Daily Herald, “New Bridges For New Roadway To Ramsay Springs”, August 20, 1913.
The Daily Herald, “Good Progress Made In Road Work”, August 27, 1913.
The Daily Herald, “John Seymour has Narrow Escape In A Ferry Accident”, December 27, 1913.
The Daily Herald, “Lamey Child Dies”, June 4, 1925, p. 3.
The Daily Herald, “Burns Prove Fatal To Girl”, August 25, 1928.
The Daily Herald, “Peter Cannette Dies”, January 13, 1930.
The Daily Herald, “Ira Hosli Killed by Brother-in-law in North Biloxi”, April 6, 1932.
The Daily Herald, “Ira Hosli’s Funeral”, April 8, 1932.
The Daily Herald, “P.B. Lamey Dies”, December 27, 1932.
The Daily Herald, “Tony Lamey Dies”, July 28, 1938.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Annie Lamey Dies”, October 29, 1949.
The Daily Herald, “Mrs. Linda Ann Hebert”, February 16, 1981.
The Ocean Springs Record, “Bayou Puerto: A pre-Gulf Hills Chronology, Part XIII, July 7, 2000.
The Sun Herald, “Fred ‘Pappy’ Schlegel”, September 23, 1987.
The Sun Herald, “Nell Marie McKenzie”, July 21, 1996.
The Sun Herald, “Ronald D. Robinson Jr.”, January 20, 1997.
The Sun Herald, “Eddie John Hebert Sr.”, October 14, 1997.
The Sun Herald, “Samuel Edward Moore”, July 7, 2000.
The Sun Herald, “Elnora ‘Joyce’ Schlegel”, July 4, 2006.
The Sun Herald
The Sun Herald
Personal Communications:
E.J. Hebert Jr., June 4, 2002.
Helen Lamey Moore Goff, 13296 Lamey Bridge Road, June 4, 2002 (228-392-8402)
William Moore, June 4, 2002.
Charles Simon, June 11, 2002.
1st Row (south to north)
John Lamey-1878-1946
Elsie Irma Krohn Lamey-1892-1928
Mildred Lamey-1920-1928
Zeolide Lamey Parks-1873-1931
2nd Row
Mercede’s baby
Catherine “Katie” Hudson Lamey
Philip Lamey
Josephine Lamey, Ed’s baby
3rd Row
Lillie Cannette
Peter Cannette, (1854-1930), son of Raymond Cannette and Mary Ryan (1854-1-13-1930)
Annie Cannette
Dora Strayham
Alexander Lamey
Hudson? Williams
4th Row
Caroline Hosli
Henry Hosli
Frederick “Fritz” Hosli (1873-1956) 37/254
Rushing babies
Baby of Gussie and Lona Lamey
Antoine Lamey, d. 1-11-1929.