Jackson County Cemetery ~ Seaman Road (Indigent) Cemetery
Jackson County Cemetery ~ Seaman Road (Indigent) Cemetery ray Wed, 04/21/2010 - 10:45- 799 views
Jackson County Cemetery
(image made December 2005)
LOCATION: The Jackson County Cemetery is located on Seaman Road approximately 5.5 miles north northeast of Ocean Springs, Mississippi in the SE/4, NW/4, of Section 29, T6S-R8W. The burial area is situated on the east end of 200-acre tract owned by Jackson County, Mississippi, which includes a 10-acre landfill.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (U.S. 90) and Washington Avenue in Ocean Springs, Mississippi go north on Washington Avenue 2.1 miles to Seaman Road. Turn right (east) on Seaman Road and go 3.4 miles northeasterly to the Seaman Road Cemetery, which is located on the left (west) side of the road. There is a hurricane fence around the cemetery.
HISTORY: The Jackson County Cemetery was created by a resolution of the Jackson County, Mississippi Board of Supervisors on January 25, 1995. It is operated by regulations adopted by the board on February 5, 1996. The primary purpose of this cemetery is to provide a burial ground for indigent persons. A recent ordinance enacted by the City of Pascagoula requiring a burial vault at Machpelah Cemetery, a public burial ground, had dramatically increased burial costs in the area. County officials felt that area funeral homes were losing too much money on indigent burials since the County provides by law only $250 for a burial. The average price for an indigent funeral provided by a funeral home is $2130. The funeral home absorbs the loss.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 1057, p. 183 and Bk. 1082, p. 431)
The Board of Supervisors dedicated .34 acres (296 feet by 50 feet) to the cemetery, and platted 230 gravesites. A fenced area approximately 72' x 138' encloses the present cemetery which has had eleven burials to date.
The first person buried here was Robert R. Patterson who was interred on February 13, 1995. It is interesting to note that each indigent burial to date has been recorded in the land deed records of Jackson County, Mississippi. This should provide an excellent record of those buried here through the years. Anyone interred here will be recorded in Sectional Index Book 44A at the Chancery Court of Jackson County, Mississippi.
Bert Andergreen 11-3-1932 to 2-6-2008
Jack G. Andrews 7-31-1939 to 12-30-2001
Jamal J. Barnes 9-21-1996 to 9-21-1996
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1101, p. 544-Lot 13.
Lee Bristol to 5-2-1995
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1064, p. 64-Lot 4.
Beverly J. Bull 5-12-1950 to 8-15-2002
John Campbell 5-16-1946 to 1-5-2002
William Curtis Clements 10-17-1920 to 3-24-1995
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1062, p. 707-Lot 3. Born at Abbeville, Alabama.
William Glenn Cronier 12-4-1947 to 1-22-2009
Anna Cronin 3-12-1919 to 3-30-2001
Mary Doll 1-5-1924 to 4-24-2002
Arthur Doorheim 6-5-1899 to 6-10-1996
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1093, p. 315-Lot 10.
9009 Travis Avenue, Ocean Springs, Ms.
Carmelita Edwards 2-13-1951 to 4-30-2001
William G. Forehand 11-7-1926 to 8-16-2002
Steven Franklin 5-12-1965 to 6-17-2010
Cristobal Herrara ? to 4-4-2006
Alan Francis Hill 5-2-1946 to 7-4-1999
Robert Lang 3-19-1919 to 7-18-1996
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1093, p. 833-Lot 11.
McGregor Road, Vancleave, Ms.
John Chester Lewis 7-3-1938 to 2-27-1995
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1061, p. 582-Lot 2.
Lewis E. Merrey 10-23-1931 to 1-31-1996
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1082, p. 432-Lot 7.
Gautier, Ms.
Robert R. Patterson 9-10-1953 to 2-13-1995
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1060, p. 881-Lot 1.
Timothy Glenn Porter 10-6-1960 to 9-23-2009
Faye C. Collins Reeves 10-27-1908 to 11-12-1998
Richard Allen Ringoletti 1-18-1935 to 12-20-1995
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1081, p. 432-Lot 6.
Stanley Russell 10-10-1954 to 4-1-2005
Lee Floyd Smith to 9-12-1996, age 56
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1101, p. 543-Lot 12.
Stephen Keane Statler to12-25-1996
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1106, p. 156-Lot 14.
Carrie Taylor 5-2-1924 to 5-22-1996
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1091, p. 370-Lot 9.
7430 Old Stage Road, Moss Point, Ms.
Jack Thorpe to 6-17-1995
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1067, p. 596-Lot 5.
Killed by auto on Biloxi-Ocean Springs Bridge.
Betty Joan Turner 1-26-1955 to 1-8-2001
Charles Weaver 10-19-1940 to 12-8-2006
Lillian Mozelle Williams 1914 to 3-20-1996
Jackson County, Ms. Land Deed Book 1084, p. 648-Lot 8.
Wendell Leon Woods 6-12-1957 to 9-23-2009
Vincinizo Yorio 7-18-1921 to 5-17-2000
The Mississippi Press, "County plans to spruce up indigent cemetery in Latimer", April 12, 1995.
The Sun Herald, "Residents decry cemetery's neighbor", February 9, 1996, p. C-1.
The Sun Herald, "Jackson County considers paying more for burials of indigents", November 8, 2011, p. A2.
surveyed by:
Ray L. Bellande
PO BOX 617
Ocean Springs
Mississippi 39566-0617
September 20, 1996