William Seymour Memorial Cemetery - West Bayou Talla Area
William Seymour Memorial Cemetery - West Bayou Talla Area ray Wed, 04/21/2010 - 10:49- 2523 views
LOCATION: Approximately 2 miles northeast of Ocean Springs on a slight rise located on the west side of Bayou Talla in the NE/4 of the NE/4 of Section 20, T7S-R8W of Jackson County, Mississippi.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue at Ocean Springs, go north 1.34 miles on Washington Avenue to the intersection with Rose Farm Road. Go north on Rose Farm Road .25 miles to Old Fort Bayou Road. Turn right (east) on Old Fort Bayou Road and go 1.15 miles to Bayou Talla Road. Go right (south) 1.20 miles to the William Seymour Cemetery.
HISTORY: The land on which the William Seymour is located was patented to Peter Seymour by the State of Mississippi on April 8, 1856. After Peter Seymour died, his heirs, who were Adele Bullock, Sherrod Seymour, John P. Seymour, Lazarus Seymour, and Louisa Girlott (Garlotte?), sold the tract (NE/4 of Section 20) to William Seymour (1837-1908) on September 22, 1888 (Jackson County Deed Records Book 12, p. 319).
William Seymour lost the NE/4 of the NW/4 and the W/2 of the NE/4 of Section 20 for non-payment of taxes in 1902. Mrs. M.V. Russell (1866-1910) of Ocean Springs redeemed these lands for $7.50 (Jackson County Deed Records Book 39, p. 182-183).
Her husband, Hiram Fisher Russell (1858-1940), conveyed to the Heirs of William Seymour one acre in the NW corner of the NE/4 of the NE/4 of Section 20, T7S-R8W on October 10, 1910. An excerpt from this conveyance follows:
"it is understood and agreed by all parties interested in this deed that the one acre here in conveyed is to be used as a family cemetery only. It is also understood and agreed that the said heirs and their family shall have the right to go to and from said cemetery through the NE/4 of the NE/4 at any time they may deem it necessary."(Jackson County, ms. Land Deed Records Book 39, pp. 182-183)
The William Seymour Memorial Cemetery has been vandalized many times through the years. Its remoteness has attracted young partygoers, who have given it the moniker, “rock and roll” cemetery. In July 1966, a motorcyclist drove into the cemetery dislodging flower vases and marring headstones.(The Ocean Springs Record, July 28, 1966, p. 1)
This sacred burial ground was again viciously attacked in the winter and spring of 1982. These nefarious actions resulted in Bernard Basque disinterring some of his relatives and creating the New Basque Cemetery on his private property in the St. Martin community.(The Ocean Springs Record, February 2, 1982, p. 3 and May 6, 1982, p. 1)
Harry Edwin Alley 6-3-1895 to 3-5-1959
Amelia F. Alley 11-7-1902 to 12-20-1998
Orion Frederick Alley 1927 to 10-5-2007
Robert B. Alley 10-15-1861 to 10-9-1939
Laura Seymour Alley (wife) 11-22-1869 to 7-26-1914
Mary Dolores Alley 3-18-1929 to 3-7-1933
Baby Alley
Joseph G. Arguelles 2-16-1919 to 10-5-1956
Mississippi PFC Co M 26 Infantry BSM-PH WW II
Crystal Grove Arguelles 10-13-1950 to 8-15-2004
Tim Arguelles 8-5-1949 to
Glenn Randolph Arguelles 12-6-1959 to
Irene Anderson 8-16-1926 to 5-31-1974
Annette Marie Beaugez 4-6-1937 to 10-28-2001
Autumn Beaugez Taconi 6-25-1990 (still born)
Carl W. Beaugez, Sr. 9-22-1927 to 8-5-1983
Corrine Adelia Beaugez
Emma Beaugez [d/o Reno Beaugez and Winnie Seymour] 2-12-1924 to 5-1-2011
Hugh S. Beaugez, Sr. 2-20-1915 to 7-27-1974
SGT Army Air Forces
Rose Taranto Beaugez 1-29-1920 to 2-10-1986
Nettie Mae Beaugez 10-16-1931 to 4-8-1967
Maurice Paul Beaugez 1-25-1911 to 8-23-1976
Autumn Beaugez Taconi 6-25-1990 (still born)
Paul E. Beaugez 2-8-1888 to 11-13-1955
Paula Jean Nobles Vanover Beaugez 2-10-1937 to 2-4-2010
Pauline Beaugez
Reno Beaugez 8-26-1893 to 12-30-1967
Eleanor Mae King “Cricket” Bennett 1-29-1936 to 6-1-2002
Bedola "Bea" Seymour Askin Bond 11-18-1926 to 3-17-2006
Denise Lynn Bullock 1953 to 1954, age 14 mos.
Gloria Quave Bullock 1930 to 1-15-2002
Harvey E. Bullock 6-30-1927 to 11-29-2003
Willie W. Bullock 2-12-1902 to 3-4-1972
Emma Lee Bullock 1-17-1909 to 2-7-1988
Wanda Rowan Bullock 11-9-1950 to 8-31-2010
George E. Callender, Sr. 10-5-1921 to 4-15-1993
Michael Anthony Callender 1951 to 3-1-1998
Vivian L. Krohn Callender 12-28-1923 to 10-7-2006
Loretta Ada Seymour Carroll 4-8-1925 to 5-11-2004
Vincent Carroll 1925 to to 11-3-2007
Myrtle V. Clark 6-27-1905 to 12-17-1964
Deborah Lynn Galle Childers 3-23-1953 to 11-7-1992
Jessie John Davis 9-21-1926 to 10-17-1990
Freida Davis 4-12-1935 to 6-26-1959
Wilson Woodrow Davis 3-24-1922 to 10-11-1944
MS PVT Army Air Forces
Fred Davis 2-9-1935 to
MS PVT 150 INF 38 Div
Bessie Davis 9-21-1927 to 10-28-1930
Brenda Joyce Tootle DeBell 9-21-1957 to 3-23-2006
Dora Dell Dunnaway 1-7-1935 to 6-29-1997
Doyle W. Dunnaway 12-22-1933 to
Charles Davis Fayard 12-29-1906 to 2-19-1992
David C. Fayard 1934 to 7-23-2008
Mary Ellen Fayard 12-31-1930 to 10-25-1932
Mark Joseph Fayard 2-2-1948 to 1-13-1960
Margaret Beaugez Fayard 2-21-1909 to 5-31-1990
Leroy Fountain 1-9-1909 to 3-14-1934
Laura C. Webb 2-24-1886 to 10-23-1970
Arthur R. Galle 3-24-1933 to 11-09-2002
Arthur Keith Galle 2-22-1961 to 7-27-2002
Raymond Garlotte 1-12-1895 to 6-16-1963
Ernestine S. "Teen" Garlotte 6-8-1902 to 1-8-1992
Irwin Garlotte 10-1-1920 to 5-28-1989
Verna Mae Gibson 9-3-1946 to 3-11-1966
? George E. Howard Gibson 5-11-1962
Anthony Ray Gibson 6-14-1963 to 3-11-1966
Opal Rebecca Gibson Seymour 1-4-1941 to 9-2-2010
R.L. Goff
Angela Dee Goff 3-16-1970 to 3-18-1970
Daughter of Jerry and Maxine Goff
Gerald Martin Goff 11-8-1941 to 11-23-1997
Martin L. Goff 10-9-1892 to 2-25-1966
Viola Seymour Goff 10-25-1895 to 2-21-1964
Joseph P. Goff 8-24-1916 to 4-2-1978
Patty Lynn Goff 4-25-1960 to 1-8-1985
Marsha Larue Goff 3-12-1987 to 3-12-1987
George Calvin Goff Sr. 9-25-1914 to 5-2-1997
Aline F. Latimer Goff 1-28-1917 to 4-17-2008
Donald L. Goff 12-18-1943 to 12-25-1943
Frank O. Goff 8-30-1949 to 1-16-1951
Rether Griffin, Sr. 9-19-1921 to 4-28-1973
Carol Sue Krohn Goff Guillot 12-27-1941 to 9-14-1996
Pauline Beaugez Hardy 1926 to 9-12-1967
Marilyn Harkleroad 6-15-1945 to 7-10-1992
Stanley Harkleroad, Sr. 8-23-1941 to
Stanley Harkleroad, Jr. 10-23-1976 to
Charles M. Hill 1901 to 1966
Eleanor A. Hill 1904 to 1982
Irene Anderson 8-16-1926 to 5-31-1974
Hubert Howard Hinkle 3-18-1920 to 9-4-1961
T SGT 3380 Air Base Gp AF
Lessie M. Davis Hinkle 2-17-1919 to 4-21-2005
Hubert Morris Hitt 1-31-1921 to 7-2-1956
Katie Lee King Hitt 1925 to 2-13-1996
Dustin Louis Hoefler 7-11-1988 to 10-18-2003
Francis Louis Holm 9-16-1942 to 10-8-1982
Cyril P. Hopkins 8-27-1911 to 1-31-1968
Dorothy F. Hopkins 9-26-1923 to 7-6-1980
James E. Hosli 7-18-1913 to ??
Susie Seymour Hosli 12-31-1946 to 11-30-1982
Irma King Hughes 5-26-1913 to 3-15-1997
Robert Earl King, Sr. 2-9-1922 to 1-13-1978
Lucille I. Duverney King 9-8-1922 to
Joyce Ann Thomas King 5-23-1949 to 12-2-2008
Oscar "Wayne" King 9-11-1945 to 9-22-2006
Eugene King Sr. 7-18-1944 to
Donna Sue Strange King 5-31-1954 to 2-17-2004
married 1-15-1971
Oscar Junior King 5-17-1927 to 9-7-1935
Henry King 3-14-1914 to 1-15-1977
Oscar King 2-24-1900 to 12-31-1957
Bernice M. Webb King 5-3-1902 to 8-31-1990
Aaron Joseph King 6-8-1955 to 10-20?-2006
Elbert F. Kneale 10-7-1898 to 9-29-1984
Rose M. Seymour Kneale 2-22-1909 to 9-1-1981
Lloyd Edward Krohn 11-2-1928 to 6-6-1987
Horace Hurley Krohn 8-11-1922 to 3-1-1942
Eva Seymour Krohn 9-11-1904 to 11-6-1965
Horace H. Krohn 6-10-1903 to 4-23-1966
Napoleon Ladnier 3-20-1899 to 12-25-1992
Neta Dorothy Seymour Ladnier 1-29-1906 to 1-29-1974
James "Jim" Lee 1942 to 6-5-2006
V.B. Lowery 9-15-1902 to 11-2-1962
Marilyn Sue Lowery 10-9-1953 to 1-26-1954
Barbara Hughes Lundy 12-22-1938 to 12-11-2011
Raymond Leo Lundy 8-5-1936 to 5-22-1998
Charles Lawrence McVeay IV 1-25-1947 to 7-26-2004
Jerry N. McVeay 3-25-1948 to 3-17-1980
Gladys Gertrude McVeay 9-2-1928 to 11-9-1991
Shirley Beaugez Melchiona 11-21-1939 to 10-1-2001
Mary Corean Noble 12-5-1882 to 10-23-1916
Grace Seymour Panse 6-7-1918 to 4-20-1975
Valerie Renee' Phillips 1-22-1959 to 11-2-2002
Wallace 'Wayne' Randolph 1942 to 11-6-2009
Lavoise Redmond 10-9-1942 to 10-26-1991
James Carl Saucier 10-26-1934 to 6-8-1992
Jimmy C. Saucier "Bubby" 4-25-1961 to 12-29-1963
Laura Davis Scarborough 1925 to 4-3-2008
Janet M. Seymour 4-16-1944 to 12-14-2003
Ferrel Louis Seymour 9-30-1913 to 5-11-2002
Janie Smith Seymour 1-3-1919 to 7-22-2004
Exia Elora Blackwell Seymour 7-4-1931 to 12-1-1999
Larry L. Seymour 4-8-1925 to 12-6-2008
James Charles Seymour Sr. 3-4-1934-12-1-1999
Richard Seymour 7-16-1877 to 1-27-1920
Lillie Seymour 9-19-1879 to 9-17-1951
Lillie Esperance Seymour 4-27-1883 to 2-2-1899
Mrs. Rachel Seymour 1902 to 11-11-1956
Dora E. Seymour 11-25-1877 to 3-4-1952
Mary G. Seymour (Fails) d. 2-24-1951?
(age 80)
William Seymour 1837 to 1908
Mary Seymour 3-1-1842 to 9-5-1899
Sidney J. Seymour 10-1-1909 to 2-20-1984
Dorothy E. Seymour 8-23-1917 to 6-29-1973
Paul Seymour 6-23-1946 to 6-24-1946
Theresa Seymour 5-27-1947 to 5-28-1947
Infant baby Seymour 9-29-1893
Hubert Nathan Seymour 12-1-1902 to 4-8-1990
Peter Sherrod Seymour 12-8-1870 to 3-2-1934
Robina M. Noble Seymour 9-26-1884 to 2-6-1965
Oliver McClinton Seymour 1898 to 1926
Lonnie Seymour 11-28-1930 to 9-18-1932
Non Seymour
Oscar William Seymour 2-1-1901 to 9-11-1978
Esther Mable Seymour 1-8-1911 to 10-24-1989
Hugh Charles Seymour Jr. 2-9-1908 to 4-5-2004
Hugh Charles Seymour III 7-4-1934 to 1-9-2011
Foster Narcise Seymour 6-16-1909 to 12-24-1999
Beemis Vincent Seymour 4-24-1911 to 8-27-1999
Bertha Iona Carroll Seymour 10-29-1923 to 6-15-1988
Orey G. Seymour 4-9-1906 to 5-8-1956
PFC 5720 Comp SVC Plat WW II
Mary Olivia Seymour 1866-1950 "Taunt Babe"
Melvina H. Seymour 7-8-1880 to 9-13-1960
Earnest Seymour 9-24-1872 to 10-14-1936
Baby Carroll (Seymour?) 7-8-1963 to 7-9-1963
Peter Alfred Seymour 8-8-1887 to 4-14-1962
Dorinda E. Seymour 9-24-1893 to 2-23-1974
Earl P. Seymour 11-20-1910 to 2-27-1975
Ellis Seymour 9-6-1881 to 1-4-1928
Sherrod Seymour 4-1-1846 to 12-31-1928
Caroline Seymour 3-30-1845 to 12-2-1927
Leon Seymour 6-30-1874 to 6-17-1944
Mary Corean Noble (wife) 12-5-1882 to 10-23-1916
Ada Anna Seymour (wife) 10-22-1901 to 8-16-1975
Stewart Seymour 3-18-1880 to 1-24-1936
Amelia Garlotte Seymour 4-30-1886 to 12-19-1955
Rudolph Seymour 5-28-1915 to 3-3-1937
Harry O. Seymour 9-4-1907 to 11-2-1974
PFC US army
Amanda Noble Seymour 5-9-1879 to 4-16-1899
Herbert Seymour 9-19-1912 to 4-16-1921
Sheperd Seymour 4-12-1905 to 6-7-1975
Rachel Seymour 8-12-1902 to 11-11-1956
George Wayne Seymour 9-10-1955 to 9-21-1980
Charles N. Seymour 4-10-1915 to 12-7-1964
Maj. Ret. MS NG
Gladys M. Seymour 6-8-1919 to 2-21-1974
Willie Seymour 8-30-1902 to 4-27-1962
Lucretia Fountain Caroline Seymour 11-4-1912 to 10-23-2000
Wayne F. Seymour 10-3-1935 to 4-29-1956
William A. "Manny" Seymour 5-28-1868 to 1-13-1949
Dora E. Seymour 11-25-1877 to 3-4-1952
Clifton W. Seymour 10-4-1897 to 8-1-1968
Violet B. Seymour 1-2-1905 to 11-2-1974
Ulysses A. Seymour 1-16-1911 to 8-3-2000
Pearl D. Byrd Seymour 1913 to 1973
Henry B. Seymour 12-5-1908 to 11-11-1959
Eda Agnes Seymour 1-2-1910 to 3-14-1990
Opal Rebecca Gibson Seymour 1-4-1941 to 9-2-2010
O'Neal Clarence Seymour 4-9-1900 to 7-17-1983
Carley W. Seymour, Sr. 6-8-1934 to
Mary Stroud 11-4-1946 to
Kevin Paul Seymour 7-11-1968 to 7-14-1968
Johnny Lavon Smith 7-6-1948 to 11-16-2000
William Frank Stanley Jr. 1927 to 1972
William Mark Stanley 1962 to 11-12-2006
Autumn Beaugez Taconi 6-25-1990 (still born)
Robert Wayne Tanner 1-1-1966 to 8-28-1971
Jessie Wallace Tanner Jr. 5-11-1961 to 3-11-1966
Eugene "Zana" Tiblier 1-11-1891 to 9-8-1989
Lorinda S. Tiblier 2-21-1895 to 4-29-1971
Roy James Tootle 8-30-1928 to 1-30-1982
Bryan D. Torgerson 8-12-1971 (at birth)
Elaine Beaugez Viator 10-29-1925 to 9-22-1999
Leo Webb (baby)
Burnell J. Webb 1902 to 10-29-1970
Laura C. Webb 2-24-1886 to 10-23-1970
Alice Odelia Webb 6-7-1880 to 4-16-1916
Robert Richard Williams 12-27-1928 to 8-17-1969
Emmier Leolar Williams 3-4-1928 to
Ophelia Williams 9-17-1907 to 1-25-1988
Clifton J. Williams 3-18-1901 to 1-3-1965
Surveyed and researched by:
Ray L. Bellande PO Box 617 Ocean Springs, Ms 39564
December 1991
(228) 27-6350
Requiem III, Jackson County Cemetery Records, (Jackson County Genealogical Society - 1969), pp. 113-115.
The Bay Press, "Ghosts of the Coast, legends and more", October 27, 2006, p. 15.
The Daily Herald, "William A. Seymour", January 14, 1949, p. 5.
The Daily Herald, "Goff Funeral [Frank Oliver Goff]", January 18, 1951, p. 6.
The Daily Herald, "Peter Alfred Seymour", April 14, 1962, p. 2.
The Mississippi Press, "Cemetery headstones, vases destroyed", March 16, 1995, p. 1-A.
The Mississippi Press, "St. Martn cemetery vandalized again", September 24, 1996, p. 8-A.
The Mississippi Press, "For some, ghosts abound from Ocean Springs to Pascagoula", October 29, 2006, p. 1-A.
The Ocean Springs Record, “Vandalism at Seymour Cemetery", July 28, 1966, p. 1.
The Ocean Springs Record, “Nothing sacred to cemetery vandals”, February 4, 1982.
The Ocean Springs Record, “Gravestones vandalized at Seymour Cemetery”, May 6, 1982.
The Sun Herald, "Vandals sack St. Martin graveyard again", September 1996?, p. ??
The Sun Herald, "Bedola Seymour Askin Bond", March 19, 2006, p. A14.
The Sun Herald, "Brenda Joyce Tootle DeBell", March 26, 2006, p. A12.
The Sun Herald, "Mrs. Vivian Krohn Callender", October 9, 2006, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, "Aaron Joseph King", October 23, 2006, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, "Ghost Chicks", October 29, 2006, p. G1.
The Sun Herald, "Orion Frederick Alley", October 9, 2007, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, "Hugh Charles 'H.C.' Seymour, January 11, 2011, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, "Emma Beaugez", May 5, 2011, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, "Barbara Ann Lundy", December 15, 2011, p. A4.