Shiloh Church Cemetery - Southwest Vancleave
Shiloh Church Cemetery - Southwest Vancleave ray Wed, 04/21/2010 - 10:51- 644 views
Shiloh Church Cemetery - Southwest Vancleave - West Humphrey Road
LOCATION: NE/4 of the NW/4 of Section 25, T6S-7RW.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue at Ocean Springs, go north on Washington Avenue 1.6 miles to Old Fort Bayou Road. Turn right (east) and go east and northeast for 7.4 miles on Old Fort Bayou Road to Humphrey Road. Turn right (east) and go .38 miles to the Shiloh Cemetery on the right (south).
HISTORY: In July 1886, Christopher Quave (1858-1905+) gave the following land to the Methodist Episcopal Church of the South:
Beginning at a point 27.5 chains (1815 feet) from the NW/C of the NW/4 of the NW/4 of Section 25, T6S-R8W, (going east) and running thence south 210 feet, thence east 210 feet and thence north 210 feet and thence west 210 feet to the place of beginning so as to make one square acre and being the same lot or parcel wherein Shiloh Church now stands and had stood for any years.
A correction deed for the original, unrecorded deed was made on July 26, 1905. At this time Mr. Quave conveyed the tract to Oren Switzer, H.G. McGowan, and Dr. A. H. Shannon, Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South for the Ocean Springs and Mission Charge in the Sea Shore District of the Mississippi Annual Conference. (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 30, p. 246)
Christopher Quave was the son of Usant Quave (1834-1889) and Sarah Davis (1840-1908). He married Martha Overstreet (1864-1910+) circa 1882. She was the daughter of J.H. Overstreet (1832-1898) and Sarah E. Overstreet (1837-1923). Christopher and Martha Quave reared a large family of eight children: Zola (b. 1883), Hudson (b. 1885), Cassie (b. 1887), Pearly (b. 1889), Thomas (b. 1892), Alice (b. 1894), Willie (b. 1897), and Sarah (b. 1900). Mr. Quave made his livelihood as a farmer.(1900 Federal Census-Jackson County, Miss)
It can be determined with a high degree of certitude that the Shiloh Church was operative as early as early 1893, when William A. Sigerson (1844-1906) conveyed a tract of land in the area to Melissa Clement (1833-1903). The warranty deed had the following exemption, "that one acre in the north end of the land described above where the ME church now stands, called Shiloh Church which is deeded for church purposes".(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 14, p. 488)
In April 1916, John P. Edwards donated a parcel of land 165 feet by 210 feet directly east of the original one square acre gift of Christopher Quave. The Trustees of the Shiloh Methodist Episcopal Church at this time were: W.K. Ramsay, W.Y. Cain, Thomas E. Ramsay, Sardin G. Ramsay, Robert C. Roberts, Dr. Samuel R. Ratliff (1873-1936), Edward David, Reverend J.H. Havens, and S.R. Byrd.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 42, p. 439)
It is interesting to note that Usant Quave donated land to the Antioch Missionary Baptist Church for a cemetery in June 1887.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 32, p. 311)
In Requiem: Volume 1, (1969), the following information was published:
Charlie Devro Mary Devro
Born June 25, 1881 Born March 5, 1797
Died Decemebr 26, 1909 Died ?
Samuel Devro Gay Devro
Co. E, 3rd Miss. Inf., C.S.A. (remainder not legible)
(Emblem-Maltese cross in a circle)
Henry Webb
Co. A, 3rd Miss. Infantry, C.S.A.
(Emblem-Maltese cross in a circle)
May Bob My child
In memory of Margaret Devro
Born February 19, 1877
Died October ? (not legible)
Requiem: Jackson County, Mississippi Cemetery Records, Volume 1, (Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula, Mississippi-1969), p. 102.
Devereaux Family
[Top: Magelena 'Margare't Devereaux Bellais (1879-1902) and Bottow [L-R: William Devereaux; Grace Devereaux Stanovich (1895-1969); Serena Webb Devereaux (1845-1904); and Charles Earl Bellais (1901- 1990)]. Image made circa February 1902 and courtesy of Charlotte Bellais (b. 1939), daughter of Charles E. Bellais, of Windsor, Colorado.
Magelena 'Margaret' Devereaux Bellais 1879 to 1902
Wilhelmina Bellais 1900-1901
Jerry L. Bowers 1940 to 10-5-2010
Trenton Todd Bowers 1964 to 1987
Curtis J. Courtney 6-4-1923 to 2-23-1991
Ray Wilson Devereaux 8-4-1917 to 1-10-1978
Colonel USAF WW II
Charlie Devereaux 1881 to 1909
Serena Webb Devereaux 1845 to 1904
Infant son of Bill and Sarah Devereaux 1902 to 1902
Samuel Devro - Co E, 3rd Mississippi Infantry
William Clyde Faulk 12-17-1982 to 12-17-1982
Brenda E. Overstreet Watts? Ferrier 2-29-1952 to 3-4-1996
William Holland
Mrs. William Holland
Caddie Holland
Mittie Holland
Matthew Paul Hollinger 11-28-1984 to 6-25-2011
Barbara Lee Riscoe Johnson 11-20-1952 to 1-28-2009
Jimmy R. Mayberry 9-11-1952 to
Betty Louise Mayberry 4-6-1957 to 1-8-1997
Duncan Eugene Noble 1929 to 5-29-2009
Leo Elbert Noble, Sr. 9-20-1909 to 7-19-1991
Mable Perez Noble 8-22-1909 to 10-6-1984
Isabella Quave Overstreet c. 1868 to 1896
Margaret Devereaux Post 1877 to 1916
Daniel Webb 3-6-1815 to 4-21-1889
Mary Ann Rogers Webb 1820 to ?
Joe Webb c. 1895 to c. 1915
Henry Webb - Co E, 3rd Mississippi Infantry