Demolished / Refurbished homes & buildings
Demolished / Refurbished homes & buildings osarep Tue, 02/08/2011 - 10:46- 2626 views
Demolished and Refurbished Homes and Buildings of Ocean Springs
"Gone, but not Forgotten"
This page will be a memorial to those homes and buildings at Ocean Springs that have been lost. All were not architectural treasures, but were part of the streetscape and therefore salient to the history of this community. The author has chosen to list them from most recently vanished as a recent reminder of how rapidly we are losing our architectural history.
1900 - 1949
1900 - 1949 osarep Tue, 02/08/2011 - 11:04- 2185 views
August 1937
H. Minor Russell Home
This Spanish Colonial Revival home was built in 1927 on the southwest corner of Front Beach Drive and Martin Avenue for Hiram Minor Russell (1892-1940) by Joseph A. Wieder (1877-1960) from a design by Shaw & Woleben, Gulfport, Mississippi architects. The Russell home cost $40,000 and was destroyed by fire in late August 1937.
Henry J. Terry (1890-1975) acquired the Russell lot and built a home here in 1941. With the housing shortage created by the erection of Keesler AFB at Biloxi, Mr. Terry acquired more land around his home and built seven duplex cottages, which became known as The Terry Courts.
July 1936
Artesian House
In July, the White House, formerly the Artesian House, was demolished by Charles Braun of Biloxi for its heart pine lumber. A.E. “Fred” Lewis (1862-1933) had erected this small hostel on the southwest corner of Jackson and Porter in 1891.
circa 1935?
Paragon Saloon
The Paragon Saloon was situated on the southwest corner of Washington Avenue and Robinson. It was probably built by Thomas Cochran (1852-1883), the son-in-law of Antonio Franco (1834-1891). George E. Arndt (1852-1945) acquired the property in 1897 and ran his Paragon Saloon here from about 1892 to 1912. He moved the saloon building to the west and sold the lot tothe fledging Farmers and Merchants State Bank in January 1913. The Paragon Saloon until the commencement of the Prohibition era in 1919. Later, the old saloon building served as a boarding house managed by Ona May Seeman Westbrook (1886-1967), the wife of John Westbrook (1886-1922). She rented rooms and prepared meals for itinerant railroad workers. The American Legion Hall occupied the structure prior to 1925. The building was demolished by Charles Braun during the Depression years, and the vacant lot was used by mechanic, Claude Engbarth (1894-1967), to park cars on. The Farmers and Merchants State Bank was erected on the southwest corner of Washington and Robinson in 1913.
Fall 1934
Case-Russell Home
A damaging conflagration occurred in the H.F. Russell home on February 11, 1933. Although the fine structure was not destroyed in the fire, its fine furnishings and interior were ruined. Due to the financial woes of the Depression, the Russell family lost their home. In September 1934, Mae Kettle Gottsche (1907-2001) and spouse, A. Lynd Gottsche (1902-1974,) acquired the remains of Case-Russell house. It had been gutted by fire in the past year. They planned to salvage the fine lumber from the floors and other structural members and utilize them to construct their family home, Lynwood, at present day 915 Ocean Avenue. The derelict Case-Russell structure was demolished and removed from Washington and Porter where it had proudly stood for fifty-three years. The Cedar Oaks Apartments and the Mark Toups, CPA building lie here today. The 1906 Jeremiah J. O'Keefe (1860-1911) home at present day 911 Porter used the architectural style of the Case-Russell house.
May 1932
Pines Hotel
This commercial hotel burned on May 1932. It was situated on the southwest corner of Washington Avenue and Ocean. A detailed history of this building can be found on this website in the section on Ocean Springs Hotels and Tourist Homes.
June 1927

1900 Public School
(northwest corner of Porter and Dewey)
This large wooden structure know familiarly as "the Big White School" was built by Frank De Bourg (1876-1954+) and completed in April 1900. It was demolished in June 1927, by R.T. Vaughan for $485 in June 1927. At the time, it was reputed to be the largest wood-frame building on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and built with fine materials. The lumber salvaged from this edifice were utilized to erect a new school for the Black children of Ocean Springs..
October 1926
R.A. Van Cleave & Son
The R.A. VanCleave & Son, mercantile store, was located on the east side of Washington Avenue, between Robinson and Desoto. It occupied a two-story building, just south of the Van Cleave Hotel . Their slogan was "Best Quality and Honest Quantity". The Robert A. VanCleave (1840-1908) home was adjacent to the store on the northeast corner of Desoto and Washington. This mercantile store burned in October 1926.
December 1922
Lyndhurst-Case Villa Parlin-Albert Austin House [Katrina victim August 2005]
545 Front Beach
[destroyed by fire on December 16, 1922 when owned by Charles Grady Parlin]
October 1920
Commercial Hotel
Early in the morning of October 26, 1920, a fire was discovered in the Commercial Hotel. This canvansary was erected in 1880 by R.A. VanCleave (1840-1908). It was situated opposite the L&N Depot on the southeast corner of Washington Avenue and Robinson. The owner, H.F. Russell (1858-1940) stated that he would not rebuild an inn here. Commencing with the Ocean Springs Hotel in 1905, and the Shanahan House in 1919, the Commercial Hotel became the third Ocean Springs hotel to be lost to fire in these early years of the Twentieth Century.
December 1919
The Shanahan House
(northeast corner of Washington and Calhoun)
On December 24, 1919, the Shanahan met its demise in a roaring conflagration. The structure served as a boarding house-hotel since its inception circa 1894. It was the home of Irish immigrants, John Shanahan (1810-1892) and Maria Torney Shanahan (1826-1909). Little Childrens' Park, a public playground, is here today. In 1959, the land for this recreational space was donated by Katherine Crane Powers (1891-1961), the spouse of Neely Powers (1890-1983).
A detailed history of this building can be found on this website in the section on Ocean Springs Hotels and Tourist Homes.
November 1916
Vahle House (circa 1903)
Courtesy of John Sterry Nill-Austin, Texas.
Built in 1900 by the Vahle family from New Orleans, the Vahle House was located on the northwest corner of Washington Avenue and Calhoun. A detailed history of this building can be found on this website in the section on Ocean Springs Hotels and Tourist Homes.
November 1916
J.P. VanCleave Building
(located on the southeast corner of Washington Avenue and Porter)
The "Big Fire" of November 1916 at Ocean Springs commenced in the J.P. Van Cleave Store building. It had been vacant for a few months before the conflagration. The rapidly moving, gale driven, blaze destroyed several cottages and the Vahle House on south Washington. Only the valiant efforts of the Ocean Springs Fire Company No. 1, Hook and Ladder Company, and volunteers citizens saved other structure in the path of the fire. Mr. VanCleave had leased the building to Charles Bickham Morrison (1868-1938) in 1914.
December 1914
703 Porter [2nd image courtesy of Malcolm F. 'Bud' Hodges and Lee Wynne Hodges]
In 1894, A,J. Catchot (1864-1954) announced that he would build his home on Porter. On December 18, 1914, the A.J. Catchot place at present day 703 Porter burned to the ground. Elizabeth Clark Nolan (1839-1914), A.J. Catchot's mother-in-law, was killed in the conflagration. The inferno was sourced from an exploding oil heater in her room. The Catchot home was rebuilt in January 1915, and is owned today by John and Sherry Kendall.(The Pascagoula-Democrat-Star, July 13, 1894, p. 3 and Ocean Springs News, December 24, 1914, p. 1)
August 1905
circa 1870 Illing House
(northeast corner of Washington and Porter)
courtesy of Adrienne Illing Finnie (1925-2002)
The Illing House was erected shortly after the railroad from Mobile to New Orleans was completed in 1870. Its owners were Ferdinand W. Illing (1838-1884) and Rosalie Eglin Illing (1844-1894). They were from Germany and Alsace immigrants respectively. The Illing House was torn down in August 1905 and three Queen Anne cottages were built east of it fronting on Porter. By 1910, and open air theater was on the corner where the large inn had once existed. In 1915, E.W. Illing Jr. (1870-1947)erected Illing's Theatre, which was refurbished or rebuilt in 1927. This theater was demolished between 1958 and 1968 by the First Baptist Church of Ocean Springs.
December 1900
Nill Drugstore (image circa 1899)
The Nill Drugstore was situated on the northwest corner of Washington Avenue and Porter. It was owned and operated byHerman John Nill (1863-1904), a native of New Orleans. The Nill Drugstore came to a dramatic end in a roaring conflagration in the early days of December 1900. The Pascagoula Democrat-Star of December 7, 1900 reported its demise in "Ocean Springs Locals" as follows:The most distressing scene witnessed in our town for a long time was the burning of the Ocean Springs Drug Store and Vahle's Livery Stable Monday night. The fire was discovered about midnight by Walter Davis the night operator for the Cumberland Telephone Exchange, which was on the second floor of the drug building.
1950 - 1999
1950 - 1999 osarep Tue, 02/08/2011 - 11:02- 1360 views
1319 Bienville Boulevard
This structure was erected in the summer of 1956 by William 'Bill' Dunn and Judlin Girot for their business, Acme Photo Service. Frank Galle was the contractor fo the 30-ft by 70-ft concrte and steel building. In addition to the Lower 48 states, the company had customers in Alaska, Japan, and Korea with single accounts in South Africa and Pago Pago. In Janaury 1958, Acme acquired Gulfphoto, a Biloxi competitor situated at 407 West Howard Avenue. The vendors were George B. Leggett Jr. and Albert H. Rehnberg.[The Daily Herald, June 7, 1956, p. 24 and January 24, 1958, p. 8]
December 2005 January 2006
1319 Bienville
post-Katrina remodeling
September 1961
[images made August 1997]
1904 Government Street
J. Ben O'Keefe Memorial Funeral Chapel
Opened September 9, 1961 by Jeremiah J. 'Jerry' O'Keefe III [1923-2016] and named for his father. Erected by Fletcher Construction Company of Pascagoula, Mississippi from a Claude Lindsley design.[The Daily Herald, September 11, 1961, p. 16] In 1994-1995, the OS Public Library moved here from Dewey Avenue while being remodeled. In August 1997, the building later became the O'Keefe Foundation's New Hope Center and was later used by the local YMCA.
November 1999
502 Porter
This small commercial building was removed from the streetscape in November 1999.
April 1999
2407 School Street
[situated on the northeast corner of Holcomb and School Street. it was demolished in April 1999 because it was used by vagrants and alleged to be a 'crack house'. Once owned by Early Johnson.
see: The Mississippi Press, "Dilapidated Springs house to be razed", April 7, 1999, p. 1A].
September 1998
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church
1702 Weed
(upper image, August 1997; lower image March 2001)
The Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church removed their sanctuary preserving a portion of the rear of the building in September 1998. A new sanctuary was erected commencing in December 1998, by Fletcher Construction Company. Carl Germany was the architect for the new sanctuary, which was dedicated in August 1999.
604 Porter
When David Cole and E. Stephen "Jake" Jacobs refurbished and made additions to the 1894 E.E. Clement house at 604 Porter, they removed the Wilbur Motel-Caper's Apartments. Wilbur C. Wisnasky (1909-1990) erected these concrete block building in the early 1950s and called them Wilbur's Motel with the advertising theme of : "Come For A Season or Come For A Day". Mr. Jacobs was the proprietor of THE PORTER HOUSE, a successful dining establishment with a southwestern flair.
Winter 1998
824 Ward (top, image made 1994) and 832 Ward (bottom, image made September 1997)
Alfred "Fred" Russell Moran Jr. had these rental homes in the Black community demolished in the winter of 1998 to build the new Ocean Springs Lumber Company building materials storage building at 1611 Government Street, which was erected in March-May 1998. 824 Ward was the home of Freddy Weldy (1925-2000), head of the Ocean Springs Water Department. The Weldy cottage was probably once a part of the "turpentine camp" of Hiram F. Russell (1858-1940), Fred Moran's great grandfather, that house workers for the Gay-Hamill Turpentine Company twenty-five barrel turpentine still, which was situated near here. 832 Ward was occupied by Ester Mae Clayton before her eviction.
1611 Government
(image made April 1998)
This building materials warehouse was built by the Ocean Springs Lumber Company of Alfred "Fred" R. Moran Jr. in the spring of 1998, when the lumber company moved from Bowen Avenue to Government Street.
January 1998
1209 Porter (image made August 2005)
Home of Curtis Lloyd.
1209 Porter
(image made, July 1997)
Curtis Lloyd removed this home and built a new one here in April 1998.
demolished between 1998 and 2006
913 State Street
[Garden Inn Lounge L-R: image made November 1997 and September 2006 by Ray L. Bellande]
September 1996
1920 Wieder-Engbarth Garage
1025 Government Street
(upper image made, March 1993; lower image made September 199
The Wieder-Engbarth Garage was erected in 1920 by Philip J. Wieder (1887-1995) and Claude M. Engbarth (1893-1967). The building was used for many years by the Robert Mohler family as Tidy Car, an automobile detailing service.
Jerry Pelham acquired the property from the Ocean Springs Lumber Company, an A.P. Moran family enterprise, in February 1996. It was destroyed in September 1996, except for the porto cochere. Immediately, Mr. Pelham built a replica of the old structure with Danny Jalanivich as contractor.
September 1996
1925 American Legion-Jaycee Hut-Iberville Drive
(first image made September 1992; second image made September 1996)
This building was demolished on September 17, 1996.
1217 Washington Avenue
Building located south of Aunt Jenny's Catfish House, formerly Dr. Powell's Bayou Inn.
[image made by Ray L. Bellande in January 1993]
March 1994
740 Bienville
This commercial building was demolished on March 10, 1994. It was situated on the NW/C of Cox Avenue and Bienville. A Sonic Drive-In was erected here in the fall of 1997.
October 1993
516 Dewey Avenue
(image made October 1993)
This small cottage was destroyed in October 1993, by the City of Ocean Springs to construct a parking lot for the Ocean Springs Public Library. In 1991 and 1992, the building functioned as the headquarters for the Ocean Springs Centennial Commission chaired by Steve Robinson, Alderman-at-Large.
August 1991
1545 Bienville Boulevard
[L-R: images made August 1991 and November 1997 by Ray L. Bellande]
Built in the early 1960s, by H.E. Lott for C.E. 'Chuck' Hussey (1918-1995) of Ocean Springs as 'Tony's Spaghetti House' in the Springs Plaza Shopping Center. This location later became a popular "local watering hole" known as The Village Inn and Dixie Diner, which was demolished in the summer of 1991. A new building was erected to house the KnightTime Video Store. Night Gallery, another video store, replaced it and is operating here in 2007.
Sinclair-Faessell House
The former Duncan Sinclair Estate home is the present site of the Gulf Oaks Condominiums on Front Beach Drive, which were erected in 1973 by Charles Moschella and Palmer R. Lake Development. Duncan Sinclair (1868-1902) and Frank Faesell (1870-1953) were long time owners of this structure. Mr. Moschella acquired the property from William Van White in October 1972.
Mary Cahill O'Keefe Home
West Porter
(one-half block west of Washington Avenue on north side of West Porter)
This Queen Anne Cottage was owned by Ocean Springs School Superintendent, Miss Mary C. O'Keefe (1893-1980). It was probably built by the Herman Nill family of New Orleans in the late 19th Century. Miss O'Keefe and her brothers acquired it from Daniel Dick (1900-1971) in August 1925 for $1200. She acquired it from them in July 1930. Miss O’Keefe sconveyed her Porter Street cottage to the Catholic Charities Housing Association in February 1970. It was removed when The Villa Maria was erected mid-town between April 1970 and September 1971.
McEvoy-Usner House
Possibly built by Silas Weeks (1823-1901), the Martin McEvoy (1833-1924) family of NOLA acquired this East Beach vacation home in in 1902 from his heirs. The McEvoys sold it to the Margaret Schmaltz Usner (1848-1929), the wife of Jacob Usner (1841-1926), also domiciled in the Crescent City, in March 1915. It was destroyed by Hurricane Camille in August 1969. Betty Usner Armand (1909-1999) lived on a small tract here until her demise. Martin and Lisa Courtney Wagoner own most of the western part of the Jacob Usner tract as of 2011.[image circa 1905 by Roy Bland (1878-1970) and courtesy of H.R. 'Randy' Randazzo-January 2011]
Catholic Convent
Front Beach, just east of Jackson Avenue
[damaged by Hurricane Camille in August 1969. later demolished. image from The Ocean Springs Record, August 1969, p. )]
1909 Eglin House
(image made circa 1935)
West side of Washington Avenue between Bowen and Government Street
The Eglin House was erected in 1909 by Amelia Krohn Eglin (1855-1916), the widow of Albert M. Eglin (1852-1891). Annie O. Eglin (1881-1963) acquired it from her siblings in June 1917. It served as an apartment house and "tourist home" until it was severely damaged by fire and water in September 1964. It was removed from the streetscape by Clarence Galle (1912-1986) in January 1968. TIn 1970-1971, the Catholic Charities Housing Association built the Villa Maria retirement home on a portion of the former Eglin House lot.
Illing Cottages
(one-half block east of Washington Avenue on north side of East Porter)
The Queen Anne Cottages were erected by E.W. Illing (1870-1947) after the 1905 demolition of the Illing House, a large inn on the northeast corner of Washington and Porter. They were moved or demolished in1968, when the First Baptist Church of Ocean Springs acquired the Illing property and also removed the Illing's Theatre. Note the 1909 sanctuary on Porter and Bellande.
VanCleave Brothers Store (circa 1908)
W.S. VanCleave (1871-1938) and Junius P. VanCleave (1879-1945+), the sons of Robert A. VanCleave (1842-1908) and Elizabeth R. Sheppard (1842-1912), founded this mercantile business in 1904. This building was erected in 1906, by Burk and Shaw on the northeast corner of Washington Avenue and Porter. Gordon R. VanCleave (1906-1964), the son of W.S. VanCleave, ran the store for many years. It was demolished on July 22, 1967. Five Seasons, a health food, vitamin and holistic medicine center is situated here today.
F.E. Schmidt Building
The Frank E. Schmidt Building was erected circa 1910 on the northeast corner of Washington Avenue and Desoto as a livery stable for Frank Joachim. It was demolished in 1967 to erect the First National Bank of Ocean Springs, which opened for business on November 25, 1968. The $104,500 building was erected by J.O. Collins from a Claude Lindsley design. Hancock Bank occupies this edifice today.
1927 Illing's Theatre
(northeast corner of Washington and Porter)
The First Baptist Church of Ocean Springs erected a new sanctuary here in 1968-1969. It was dedicated on May 11, 1969.
December 1957
1886 Davis Brothers Store
Washington Avenue
For over seventy years, this 1886 structure stood as a landmark on the streetscape of the central business district of Ocean Springs. It was situated on the west side of Washington Avenue between Bowen and Government Street. The former Davis Brothers mercantile store building was demolished in late 1957 by Clarence E. Galle (1912-1986) for the salvage of its valuable, heart pine, lumber.
Saint James AME
2000 - 2019
2000 - 2019 osarep Tue, 02/08/2011 - 10:50- 2378 views
416 Ruskin
180 Pine Drive
Fritz Development
319 Washington Avenue
[Thomas and Lake Andrews sold for $377,000 in June 2019]
north elevation west elevation
southeast elevation south elevation
Cleveland Avenue
Lloyd Lee Thompson
Ver Nooy or Van Alstyne pecan storage shed
Joseph Bacon Garrad II House
[October 1999]
1111 Iberville Drive
Built by Joseph B. Garrard II [1939-2011] and Sandra Vancleave Garrard [1943-2005]
Demolished in mid-May 2019 by owner, Rick Authement.
July 17, 2009 [south elevation] August 26, 2019 [south elevation]
[north elevation] [west elevation]
August 26, 2019
1114 LaFontaine
July 28, 2019
[north elevation] [south elevation]
August 16, 2019
1114 LaFontaine
Owned by Mr. Broome who legated to Dr. Joel Knight who sold to Scott Walker et al for $225,000 who began refurbishing in June 2019.
Wayne Borries House
Mauepas Landing
[south elevation-May 1, 2019]
[north elevation-May 1, 2019]
February 2019
511A Martin Avenue
[former Elaine Young Miehive rental cottage-image made Decemebr 2006]
May 18, 2019
[Randy Hagan-contractor]
January 2019
507 Minor Lane
House built by Mary Marr Beckman. local realtor, as a spec house in August 1998. Acquired by Henry 'Hank' Zuber and significantly remodeled in 2019 by Robert Latil, local contractor.
September 1998
12 March 2019
May 2019
pre-sale February 7, 2019
May 12, 2019
419 Russell Avenue
9 January 2019 -southwest 16 January 2019-south elevation
north elevation 27 February 2019
8 February 2019
south elevation south elevation
12 March 2019
April 19, 2018
1218 Harbor Drive
Michael and Maureen DeJonge of Kathleen, Georgia. Round Two, contractor.
15 January 2019 9 March 2019
May 15, 2019 August 25, 2019
1018 LaFontaine
Drummond Realty [spec house]
1301 Government-July 1997
1301 Government-January 2019
May 2019
[Formerly Dottie's Space Lounge; The Ice House; and the J Spot. In January 2019, converting to a Coffee House]
Image made December 2001 Image made December 2018
1519 Porter
Demolished in mid-December 2019
February 5, 2019
Race Track Gas Station
North Washington Avenue
Fall 2018 18 November 2018
NW/C Lemoyne Boulevard and North Washington Avenue
Rhodes Floor Mart
18 November 2018
North Washington Avenue
Laan-Segara-Windom House
515 East Beach
[Image made September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande] [Demolition November 2, 2018]
February 13, 2019 April 8, 2019 April 19, 2019
April 25, 2019
July 28, 2019
515 East Beach
Earl Windom-Charles Weems, contactor.
Haney House [Seapointe]
212 Dewey Avenue
[old Frank Seymour? House--top: March 1993 and bottom September 1995]
[House remodeled in 1995 by owner Robert "Putty" Maugh]
[Demolished in Mid-October 2018 by owner Derrick Charbonette. Last image in this series made in December 2018]
251 Lovers Lane
[former home of Warren Andrews and was demolished by Katrina in August 2005. Image made September 1997 by Ray L. Bellande]
October 17, 2018
[foundation for Dr. George Thurber]
September 2018
Mary Cahill O'Keefe Cultural Center
[replaced the fountain dedicated to Bob and Jennie Myer, generous philanthropists to HOSA]
Fall 2018
1311 Government
[July 1997 and January 2019]
[Building had been exclusively a barroom since after Hurricane Katrina. Some of the names were: Category Five Bar;
1301 Bowen
December 1993
Russell and Jean Carver House
[built by Manny Beaugez per Jean Carver]
February 2018
Peggy Carver Dessommes House
1305 Bowen
December 1993
February 2018
May 2019
1016 LaFontaine
Drummond Realty
1991 December 2017
August 2018 January 20, 2019
1016 LaFontaine
Drummond Realty
November 2017
June 26, 2018
August 30, 2018
May 2019
The Sands
Front Beach-west of Martin Avenue
504 Dewey Avenue
John H. Seymour and Lydia Beaugez Seymour House
pre- 1950s November 2016
November 21, 2016 November 22, 2016
March 2017
January 12, 2018.
DeFata House completed by Dan Resch, contractor in late December 2017.
BP Station
1501 Bienville Boulevard
[from The Ocean Springs Record, September 2, 1965, p. 1]
[L-R: images made May 2011 and November 1997]
[L-R: Images made October 3, 2016 and November 7, 2016
508 Martin Avenue
July 1997
October 2016 December 10, 2016 January 3, 2017
February 13, 2019
Elisha 'Joe" Miller house
207 Dewey Avenue
207 Dewey Avenue
[images made August 1997 and September 7, 2016]
[L-R: images made October 1, 2016; October 1, 2016; and October 29, 2016]
North Washington Avenue
June 20, 2016
Built by White-Spunner [Mobile, Alabama]
408 Pine Hills Drive
June 2016 January 15, 2017
400 Jackson Avenue
June 2, 2016 June 20, 2016 June 29, 2016
July 7, 2016 July 20, 2016 January 15, 2017
Lloyd and Moza Hebert spec house
525 Porter
Clark-Burns House
Built by Colonel Newcomb Clark in 1904
Newcomb Clark
Newcomb Clark (1836-1913) was a native of Sullivan County, New York. At an early age, his family moved to Oakland County in southeastern Michigan. In 1857, Clark taught school at Port Gibson, Mississippi. When the Civil War commenced, he returned to Michigan where he enlisted in the 14th Michigan Infantry.
In May 1863, Newcomb Clark resigned from the Union Army to care for his ill mother. By this time, he had achieved the rank of First Lieutenant. Clark returned to the military in late 1864, to command the 102nd U.S.C.T., the only African-American unit from Michigan. With the cessation of hostilities in the Spring of 1865, Clark had attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. After the Civil War, Newcomb Clark located to West Bay City, Michigan. Here he married Ellen Chambers (1843-1915), a native of Atherton Settlement, Michigan. Clark was very active in civic affairs at West Bay City. He officiated as president (mayor), tax assessor, recorder, and postmaster here. In 1883, Newcomb Clark won a seat in the Michigan State Legislature running as a Republican. During his four-year term, he was selected as Speaker of the House.
In 1888, the Clarks moved to Ocean Springs. It is believed they came South to escape the harsh winters of Michigan, and for Newcomb to speculate in real estate. At Ocean Springs, Colonel Clark was very active in real estate. He owned land at present day East Beach, the Fort Bayou area, and scattered tracts throughout town. In the early 1890s, the Clarks sold large estate tracts from the James Fitch Bradford patent (Lots 2-3, Section 32, T7S-R8W), on East Beach to two Chicagoans, lumberman, James Charnley, and Albert Sullivan, General Superintendent of the Illinois Central Railroad. Renown architect, Louis Henri Sullivan (1856-1924), with the assistance of his apprentice, Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959), designed and built summer cottages for himself and Charnley here. Sullivan’s Cottage was destroyed by Hurricane Karina of August 2005.
The Clark-Reinike House on Porter Avenue was built in 1904. The Progress, the local journal, announced on May 14, 1904, "Newcomb Clark is clearing a lot on Porter and preparing to erect a cottage". The Clarks were residing at "Poplar Glen" in 1894 and "The Poplars" in 1898.
At present day 525 Porter, Colonel Clark built a Queen Anne-Stick Style two-story, wood frame residence with a gable roof. The front eave featured imbricated shingles. Through the years renovations have enclosed the side porch with glass, added vinyl siding, and altered the front entrance.
The Pascagoula-Democrat Star reported in October 1906, "Ocean Springs will lead this winter in automobiling. Mr. Fred Benjamin and Colonel Newcomb Clark have purchased autos which are in transit to our town". In April of the same year, that very journal stated "Dr. H.B. Powell is quite to the force in his possession and use of the first auto. He is a very considerate chauffeur and no accidents have yet occurred". Orey A. Young, Jr. (1892-1986) contended that his father, Orey A. Young (1868-1938), owned the first automobile at Ocean Springs. It was a 1905 Oldsmobile. The garage where Colonel Clark stored his "Reo" is still extant. It now serves as a cottage at the rear of the Reinike House.
In September 1911, Newcomb Clark suffered a paralytic stroke while on his summer vacation at Chicago. The malady left him practically helpless and confined to his bed at the Warner Hotel. Mrs. Clark was with her husband and accompanied him back to Ocean Springs.(The Ocean Springs News, September 30, 1911)
Colonel Newcomb Clark passed on to his heavenly reward at Ocean Springs in September 1913. Ellen Clark followed her husband in death departing this world in April 1915. She legated the house to William Engbarth, a neighbor, who had cared for the childless Clarks in their old age.(Jackson County, Ms. Chancery Court Will Book 2, pp. 253-254)
525 Porter
January 3, 2017
Michael Burns-Contractor Village by Randy Hagan
Permitted May 2016
604 Porter
Clements-Porter House
January 3, 2017
The Roost and offices of Joseph Cloyd, Adam Dial and Ted Condrey
520 Dewey Avenue
former structure demolished December 2012
west elevation-April 12, 2016. James Ealy and crew erecting the foundation. April-May framing; and June 12, 2016 awaiting roof by Jim Volmuth
Contractor: Davidson
Brad and Terry Ginn Lemon House
[erected from April 2016 to November 2016]
Magnolia Street Park
Magnolia Street Park
[image made February 8, 2016]
January 2016
303 Dewey Avenue
Garlon Homes
January 7, 2016 January 26, 2016 February 8, 2016 March 8, 2016
March 25, 2016 July 10, 2016
December 2015
1810 Government Street
[L-R: images September 1997 and made December 7, 2015]
Bruce Tolar, AIA, designed sheleter for local bus patrons.
November 2015
111 Clark Lane-"Marseille"
111 Clark Lane
[L-R: images made November 11, 2015; December 7, 2015; December 11, 2015; February 9, 2016]
March 22, 2016 and April 12, 2016
May 15, 2016 and December 15, 2016
November 2015
512 Dewey Avenue
512 Dewey [pre-demolition 2012]
512 Dewey
[L-R: November 3, 2015; December 21, 2015; January 12, 2016; February 7, 2016; and August 17, 2016]
Lane House by Lane Construction and was completed in August 2016.
October 2015
Mosaic Church
Craig Smith, contractor
[L-R: first two images made in November 2015;
Located in the Bienville Square shopping center on Bienville Boulevard [US Highway 90]. Luckey & Guice building to Mosaic Church in 2015.
October 2015
1604 Kensington Drive
Jeff Williams, contractor
[L-R: October 30. 2015; December 1, 2015; December 21, 2015; January 12, 2016; February 8, 2016; and July 21, 2016]
October 2015
October 2015 completed June 2016
101 Spanish Point
[spec house built by Tim Smith for
September 2015
1101 Government Street
March 1993 May 2011
Earl Keys and Myrtle Keys Home and clothes cleaning and alterations shop-demolished September 2015
replaced by
Matthew Stebly-Twisted Anchor Tatoo Parlor and Art Gallery
September 2015 October 15, 2015
November 2015 December 2015 February 1, 2016
March 20, 2016
1101 Government Street
John Austin Maugh, contractor
Lewis House addition-Ruskin Avenue
August 2015
June 2015 October 2015
February 2016
Polk Drug Store-North Washington Avenue
June 2015
1112 LaFontaine
Dr. Waddell's House before demolition in 2014.
1112 LaFontaine
[L-R: images made June 13, 2015, July 14, 2015, August 24, 2015, October 10, 2015; December 3, 2015; completed January 2016]
March 20, 2016
Dan Resch, contractor
June 2015
[L-R: June 2015; January 7, 2016; January 26, 2016]
March 20, 2016 August 21, 2016
100 Washington Avenue - "Stonehenge"
Frank Jenkins-Brandon, Mississippi owner
Charles Weems, contractor
June 2015
"Hoddy Toddy House"
423 Dewey Avenue
[L-R: June 6, 2015; June 28, 2015; July 14, 2015; September 5, 2015; October 20, 2015]
423 Dewey Avenue
[January 7, 2016]
April 2014
Trehern House
Front Beach Drive
Craig Smith, contractor;
[L-R: May 2015 [south elev.]; June 13, 2015 [north elev.]; July 4, 2015; September 5, 2015 [south elev.]; December 7, 2015 [south elevation]; December 7, 2015 [north elevation];
February 2015
February 17, 2015 March 12, 2015 June 2015 October 31, 2015 January 12, 2016
Charter Bank
Bienville Boulevard
January 2015
Riemann Family Funeral Home-13872 LeMoyne Boulevard
[constructed in 2014-2015-image made January 2015; opened February 2015]
December 2014
237 Front Beach-Cole House
December 2014 February 2015
March 23, 2015 May 16, 2015 July 4, 2015
237 Front Beach
Former site of homes of John Cook and Vera Wulff Cook and DeVeaux "D.D." Baxter Munro.
December 2014
Raising Cane's
February 17, 2015 March 14, 2015 March 14, 2015
March 31, 2015

Fox Texaco-US 90
Demolition took place December 2, 2014 to build a Raising Cane's.
[Bienville Boulevard and Ocean Springs Road-[L-R: October 2014 and December 2, 2014]
November 2014
306 Dewey Avenue
Refurbishing to ameliorate termite and rot damage. [images made November 17, 2014 and June 1, 2015]
November 2014
Dollar General
Government Street
[December 2014 and February 2015]
November 2014
Bryant and Johnnie Bernhardt- New Construction-524 Jackson Avenue-Built by Randy Hagan and completed as a rental house on June 1, 2015.
[Former home of Elmyra Mitchell Ross which demolished by neglect and had to be removed. Images made August 1993 and September 1, 2009]
[images L-R: made November 13, 2014; December 20, 2014; and July 4, 2015]
October 2014
Mitchell House
255 Lover's Lane
image made October 10, 2015
Permitted October 2014-Craig Smith, contractor.
October 2014

1820 Government Street [Fire damaged structure removed in the fall of 2014. L-R: 1993 and south elevation-July 2014]
September 2014
Catchot-Lemon Building
806 Washington Avenue
[L-R: September 1993; September 24, 2014 and November 2015]
September 2014
New Construction
Descher House-Fort Avenue
[L-R: first two images west elevation-September 24, 2014; 2nd two made October 15, 2015]
September 2014
Replacing Front Beach walkway that caved in-Image made September 10, 2014
710 Magnolia
[image made March 2010]
September 2014 Thanksgiving Day 2014
710 Magnolia Street
[Webb place]
November 2013 [east elevation] August 21, 2014 [L-R: west elevation and east elevation]
Government Street
Richey House replaced Del Castle demolished by Bruce Legate in March 2007. Construction started in the summer of 2013 with masonry perimeter wall.
YMCA new construction
[all images made July 28, 2014]
South Elevation North Elevation Interior
[all images made December 9, 2014]
March 2015
1820 Government Street
YMCA Fire-July 23, 2014
LaFontaine Demolition-2014
1112 LaFontaine-Dr. Waddell House
418 Martin Avenue
[July 1997]
[demolition proposed in June 2014]
April 1998 May 2014 September 2014
1516 Government Street
[Facade change in the spring and summer of 2014]
Demolition and New Construction
March 1993 March 2014
August 21, 2014
Randy Hagan-contractor
1102 Bowen Avenue
[The shell of the original structure which can be seen in the March 2014 image was later removed totally removing all of the original section of this building]
New Construction
7 Mulberry Place
[L-R: ? 2014 and September 2014. Home of Ken and Debra Ritchey]
521 Ward Avenue
[Mark and Susan Jone Sutera home was erected in 2013 and completed in the spring of 2014. This had been a vacant lot since I moved here in 1990]
New Construction
305 Front Beach Drive
October 2013 November 2013 December 2013
January 2014 April 2014 July 2014
December 2014 March 2015
Michael Illanne House
Edwards House-circa 1940s
New Construction
March 12, 2014 September 2014
Ruskin Avenue
November-December 2013
November 2013
December 7, 2013
Ocean Springs Inner Harbor
Boat Shed and Harbor Landing Restaurant both demolished in November 2013 by Department of Marine Resources after purchase from David Harris Sr. The area will become a green space.[ L-R: Boad Shed made November 20, 2013 and Harbor Landing made November 24, 2013 by Ray L. Bellande]
March 7, 2013
John R. Blossman House
207 Shearwater Drive
[images made March 4 and March 7, 2013]
February 2013
1823 Bienville Boulevard
December 2012
520 Dewey Avenue
Parrish House
[L-R: west elevation and north elevation]
August 2012
June 2014
1110 Government Street
[July 26, 2012]
Demolished in August 2012.
August 2012
Sundown Motel
2708 Bienville Boulevard [July 26, 2012]
Demolished August 2012.
August 2012
512 Dewey Avenue
Seymour House
May 2012
514 Magnolia
[images made November 1997, July 26, 2012, April 2013]
May 2012
Dewey Avenue
[image made January 2, 2014]
January 2012
801 M.L. King Jr.
[This house moved to new location in January 2012. L-R: image made January 2000 and January 19, 2012]
January 2012
January 19, 2012 March 2012
1019 Government Street
[L-R: Wieder Garage-March 1993 and Ritchey Building January 2012]
January 2012
1203 Government
[Worked commenced in August 2011 by Randy Bosarge on the Simnicht Building for Dr. Randy Buntyn, DDS. Completed January 2012. L-R: image made March 1993 and September 2011]
January 2012
626 Washington Avenue
[demolished early January 2012]
December 2011
628 1/2 Washinigton Avenue
[demolished im mid-December 2011]
December 2011
628 Washington Avenue
[demolished mid-December 2011]
July 2011
2426 Government Street
[demolished in 2011]
August 31, 2011
900 State Street
[image made April 17, 2011 by Ray L. Bellande]
[demolished in 2011]
August 2011
1715 Government Street
[image made October 1997 by Ray L. Bellande]
Katrina Cottage and foundation
[images made August 27, 2011 and July 2012]
1011 Desoto
[image made March 2000] [image made March 2011]
In July-August 2011, Fred Moran, owner of this rental rearranged the decking and side porch of this structure. He also placed two Katrina Cottages in the rear of this building in late August-early September 2011. Dan Resch was the contractor.
January 2011
1303 Porter
[image made January 1998 by Ray L. Bellande]
1303 Porter
[image made January 2011]
December 2010
801 Iberville
[image made November 1996-by Ray L. Bellande]
801 Iberville
[demolition image made December 20, 2010-construction image made July 26, 2012 by Ray L. Bellande]
July and October 2010
805 M.L. King Jr. 809 M.L. King Jr.
[Bellande image made October 1996] [Bellande image made December 2002]
807 M.L. King Jr. was heavily damaged by fire in the fall of 2007. An attempt to rebuild it was never completed and after demolishing by neglect, it was torn down in July 2010.
August 2010
Demolition of Fallo's Dry Cleaners
1409 Government Street
[image made August 23, 2010 by Ray L. Bellande]
The Fallo Brothers Cleaners was demolished on August 23, 2010 by the City of Ocean Springs which acquired the property and plan to establish a parking lot here in the near future.
Fallo's Dry Cleaners-built in 1956
1409 Government Street
[image made July 1997 by Ray L. Bellande]
The new building, dry cleaning, and laundry shop of the Fallo Brothers opened on Government Street on September 4, 1956. Joseph Fallo and John Fallo utilized the “Hoffman Jet”, a modern dry cleaning unit.(The Gulf Coast Times, September 6, 1956, p. 1)
August 2010
New Wm. Pontius home on General Pershing
[located 100-200 feet northeast of demolished house and erected in 2011. This image made December 17, 2011 by Ray L. Bellande]
William Pontius Home-August 16, 2010
[image by Ray L. Bellande]
William Pontius House-'Latitude' with an attitude
1320 Hellmer's Lane
[image made August 11, 2010 by Ray L. Bellande. This home was erected in 1994-1995 by Mr. Schely of Gulfport for William Pontius, MD. It was damaged by Katrina 2005 and refurbished, but mold and severe rot were discovered in 2010 and the decision was made to demolished rather than do extensive and expensive repairs.]
May 2010
[Demolished May 4, 2010 to build new bank building. Image made September 1998 by Ray L. Bellande]
[image by and courtesy of Frank Stumbo]
April 2010
709 Church Street [west elevation]
[F.L. Westbrook House-owned by Roger Applewhite at time of demolition.]
[Demolished April 12, 2010. Image by Ray L. Bellande]
November 2009
810 Handy
[owned by Margaret Graves]
November 2009
1116 Hellmers Lane
1117 Hellmers Lane
1119 Hellmers Lane
[demolished by Chester Allred]
September 2009
Portal oak tree removed on Washington and US 90
[This arbor gate had died following Katrina and was taken down on September 3, 2009. see also The Sun Herald, September 4, 2009, p. A2)]
September 2009
524 Jackson Avenue
[Demolished on September 1, 2009. Home of Elmyra Mitchell Ross. Images made August 2009 and September 1, 2009]
309 Lovers Lane
Old storage shed on the Poitevent-Mavar property. Demolished in summer 2009. Cottage constructed upon foot print of storage shed in August-October 2009.
[Images made May 2006 and September 2009 and January 2012]
512 Williams
[L-R: image made February 2001 and October 2009. Home of Mrs. Allen Young]
2006 Government Street
[demolition started October 28, 2008. L-R: black and white images made September 1997; color image made May 2008; demolition images made October 29, 2008 and November 20, 2008]
623 Jackson Avenue
[L-R: Edward P. Guice II home demolished October 2008; new construction started October 29, 2008; ]
1108 Ames
[image made mid-October 2008. demolished late October 2008]
1112 Ames
[image made mid-October 2008. demolished late October 2008]
1109 Bienville
[image made mid-October 2008]
610 Bellande
[Owned by 1st Baptist Church of Ocean Springs. Reverend Paul D. Aultman (1930-1993) and spouse were last to reside here. Demolished in late October 2008.]
[image made July 21, 2008 and October 2008 by Ray L. Bellande]
614 Magnolia
[image made July 2008 by Ray L. Bellande. demolished October 2008]
2008 and 2010
611 Ward
[New home completed here in August 2010. Image made August 2010 by Ray L. Bellande]
611 Ward
[image made July 2008 by Ray L. Bellande. demolished in August or September 2008]
August 2008
810 Iberville
[outbuilding on Bobby Davidson Smith lot demolished by Allred in mid-August 2008]
[image made November 1994 by Ray L. Bellande]
July-August 2008
Young-Moran Building
630 Washington Avenue
[L-R: image made February 1993 and September 2008 by Ray L. Bellande. Building refurbished by A. R. 'Fred' Moran with Henry Furr AIA]
June 1, 2008
Cochran-Letoha House
900 Robinson
Alleged to have 'fallen over' by owners Doug and Pamela Stuck Letoha on June 1, 2008. This historic home was damaged during Hurricane Katrina and was demolishing by neglect before the 'act of God' finished it.
[L-R: first image made February 2000; images 2-3 made June 2, 2008; images 4-5 made September 3, 2008 when Lamey Brother's cleaned the lot.]
922 Porter
Dr. Cecil Guyton's Dental Arts Building
[Demolished on March 18, 2008. Images made February 1993; March 15, 2008; March 18, 2008; April 2008; and October 2008 by Ray L. Bellande]
407 Ruskin
[Harry E. Lee and Virginia Thompson Lee Home demolished August 2008 and new construction in November 2008]
918 Porter
[scheduled for moving in March 2008 to City Hall parking lot on East Porter Street]
[images made February 1993; March 2008; and October 2008 by Ray L. Bellande]
1811 Kensington
[demolished on March 8, 2008]
2505 Bienville
[to be relocated in February 2008]
310 Holcomb
[L-R: entrance from Holcomb; south elevation; and north elevation-all images made January 21, 2008, except the workshop, made in December 2007]
797 Iberville
[Former home of Mayor John C. 'Champ' Gay and Jennie Heiss Gay. Demolished 2007. New home under construction by George Sliman in December 2007. L-R: image made November 1994 by Ray L.Bellande]
7 Gulfview
[Home of Mara Lou Guice Galle Hutto-damaged by Katrina and demolished on December 3, 2007. Images made by Ray L. Bellande]
203 Front Beach
[damaged by Katrina in August 2005 and later demolished. rebuilding commenced in summer of 2006 by William Lucas, PhD and Karen Lucas. L-R: images made July 1993; September 2005; March 2007 and December 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
422 Cleveland
[demolished in October 2007 and rebuilding commenced in November 2007. Image made September 1997 by Ray L. Bellande]
803 Bienville
[L-R: Formerly a Hardee's fast food restaurant. Closed in 2001, when US Highway 90 was widened. Refurbished fall of 2007 for Japanese restaurant. Images made November 1994; January 2002, and November 11, 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
2501 Bienville
2503 Bienville
2505 Bienville
[Scheduled for demolition. Gulf Coast Investment Developers plan to demolish the Dr. Carl S. Lindstrom (1873-1951) home and outbuildings at his former plantation called, Carlana Acres. The developers plan to build a mixed use community called 'Bay Village'.[images made November 11, 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
232 Lovers Lane
[destroyed by Katrina in August 2005. rebuilding commenced in October 2007.L-R: images made September 1997 and December 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
3601 Knapp Road
[scheduled for demolition. Image made October 3, 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
3535 Bienville and 3537 Bienville
These buildings were removed in late October 2007 to erect a medical imaging center. Images by Ray L. Bellande in October 2007.
1008 Legion Lane
[scheduled for demolition. Image made September 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
October 2007
422 Martin Avenue
The Attaya home floated off piers during Katrina. Restoration began October 2007, by Kosciusko House Movers.
[L-R: October 2001; September 2005; and October 2007]
1996-October 2007
248 Lovers Lane
Original home built by Nicholas Gordon on Seapointe in 1996. Destroyed by Katrina in August 2005 and rebuilt in 2007.
[L-R: September 1997; September 2005; March 2007; and October 2007]
October-November 2007
820? Martin Luther King
This home partially burned in 2007 and was rebuilt from the original structure.
[L-R: images made December 2002 and October 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
October 2007
1001 Bowen
Former Ocean Springs Lumber Company storage building and cleared lot.
[Images made October 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
October 2007
626 1/2 Washington Avenue
This was a Moran Realty rental property which was demolished in October 2007.
[Image made July 1997 by Ray L. Bellande]
July-October 2007
936 Porter
Building built by Dr. Clifton L. Beckman (1933-1984) as his dental clinic in 1967. Addition to north elevation by Mark Toups & John Marshall, CPAs, in July 1997. In the late summer and fall of 2007, Fred Moran had a hip roof built over the flat roof and completely reconfigured the exterior and interior of the structure. 'Denim Blues', a clothing store, was the first business to occupy the 2007 refurbished building.(The Ocean Springs Record, April 27, 1967, p. 7)
[all images by Ray L. Bellande, L-R: February 1993; February 1993;July 2007; October 2007; and October 2007]
1962 Ocean Springs-Biloxi Bridge
Damaged by Hurricane Katrina, this span was removed in sections between 2006 and 2007
September 18, 2007
520 Ward Avenue
Cleared lot for sale in October 2007 for $137,000
[image made February 2002 by Ray L. Bellande]
September 6, 2007
[L-R: images made November 2006, September 2007, and June 15, 2009 by Ray L. Bellande]
[image made December 2010]
1805 Kensington
July? 2007
334 Lovers Lane
Home of Julia Weaver, Alderman-at-Large. Damaged by Katrina and rebuilt commencing in August 2007.
[images made December 1997 and October 2007]
July 2007
603 Halstead Road
Former domicile of Earl Taylor and family. Site of the Gulf Kist Poultry Farm and a large pecan orchard.
June 2007
619 East Beach
[image made September 2005 and ]
Old home of D.W. Halstead or E.W. Halstead was severely damaged by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 and floated off its piers. Judge D. Neal Harris, owner, had it moved back to its original position and stabilized. In late June 2007, Judge Harris made a decision to demolish.
June 2007
1019 Government Street
(L-R: P.J. Wieder Pan Am service garage-circa 1937; March 1993; and January 2007
Art deco service station erected by Peter J. Wieder (1887-1985) in 1926. Wieder sold to Josey & Scharr in 1949. Demolition began in June 2006 by Jeff Sauls and completed by A.R. 'Fred' Moran in June 2007.
NEW CONSTRUCTION [December 2011]
1019 Government Street [December 11, 2011]
March 2007
Del Castle
Government Street [Old Spanish Trail]
Demolished March 27, 2007 by Bruce Legate
February 2007
200 Dewey Avenue
Demolished February 19, 2007 by Dr. Joel Knight. New construction started in October 2007.
December 2006
809 General Pershing
This home was demolished in late December 2006. New home commenced in January 2007 and completed in May 2007. Built by Katrina volunteers from Camp Victor across the street on Government and operated by Christus Victor Lutheran Church. Note the cross in the front gable.
New Construction
October 2006
No. 1 Mulberry Place
[L-R: October 2006 and March 2007-2nd house completed in Subdivision]
July 2006
First Baptist Church of Ocean Springs [northeast corner of Porter and Bellande]
[l-r: Baptist church 1993; Demolition of 1909 sanctuary on July 11, 2006 to make a parking lot for its congregation.
New Construction
Spring 2006
No. 2 Mulberry Place
[L-R: June 2006 and March 2007. This home was built for Matt McDonnel who took occupany in March 2007. The windows and flooring were salvaged from Shadowlawn, the Hansen-Dickey House on Shearwater Drive. Shadowlawn was demolised following Hurricane Katrina.
Spring 2006
309 LaSalle Court
Home of Dr. Don LaGrone and Antoinette Duchene LaGrone on Old Fort Bayou-Lovers Lane area
[L-R-image made May 2001 and image made September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande
Spring 2006
431 East Beach
[image made August 1997]
1215 Harbor Drive
[the Jack and Beth Riley home was heavily damaged by Katrina. The west side, the original structure which was once the first OSYC, was demolished in April 2006. The remaining east side was built in 1995 by Bobby Schrieber when Adrian Turner was the owner of this unique structure. L-R: image made October 1997; image made April 2006; and December 2007-all by Ray L. Bellande]
427 East Beach
[L-R: image made March 1998; and image made September 2005]
303 Dewey Avenue
[L-R: image made August 1987 and image made October 2005]
112-A Shearwater
[l-r: image made 1999 from southwest; image made December 2005 from southeast; and image made January 2007 from north]
This fine structure, called Shadowlawn, survived Katrina, but the owner was determined to destroy it and succeeded.
418 Martin Avenue
Mattie M. Austin (1842-1916)-Walter Winklejohn House
[L-R: image made by Ray L. Bellande in July 1997 and August 29, 2005 as Katrina was leaving!]
513 Martin Avenue
This home was demolished to build a new home and was not Katrina related. The new domicile was commenced in June 2006 by Resch Construction Company of Ocean Springs.
411 Jackson Avenue
The Robert W. Potter home was inundated by Katrina and damaged sufficiently to warrant demolition. Mr. Potter moved to Tulsa and Dallas to reside with his son. The lot was cleared and sold to his neighbors Bill and Michelle Deaton of 413 Jackson Avenue.
410 Jackson Avenue
von Rosambeau-Benz House was built by Augustus von Rosambeau (1849-1912) circa 1908. In 1917, the von Rosambeau sold it to Marie Odette Brou Bryan (1879-1957). It remained in the Bryan family until the demise of Frank H. Bryan II (1914-1999). He legated it to the Catholic Diocese of Biloxi, Mississippi who conveyed it to Richard W. Benz (b. 1964) and Jennifer Becker Benz (b. 1969) in 2001. At the time of its total destruction by Hurricane Katrina in August 2005, it was owned by Richard and Jennifer B. Benz. Image made February 1993.
406 Jackson Avenue
The Bryan-Letoha Home was built in 1910 by Joseph A. Wieder (1877-1960) for Frank H. Bryan (1872-1936). It was damaged during Hurricane Georges in 1998 and was demolishing by neglect until Hurricane Katrina destroyed it in August 2005. Image made March 1992.
405 Jackson Avenue
401 Jackson Avenue
This rental home possessed by Margaret Brou was destroyed by Katrina. Valerie Brou, her niece, and grand niece, Gabrielle Brou, were occupants of this residence on August 29, 2005.
325 Jackson Avenue
The Margaret Brou residence was removed by Katrina.
Spring 2006
313 Jackson Avenue
The Claire Brou domicile was inundated and wasted by Katrina.
December 2005
Fort Maurepas Replica
Front Beach Drive
Demolished December 9, 2005 as a result of severe damage by Hurricane Katrina in late August 2005.
November 2005
2215 Government
(another post-Katrina demolition. Image made September 1997)
November 2005
(This auto paint and body shop of John Pitalo was demolished post-Katrina)
NE/C of Government and Holcomb
(image made in 2005)
November 2005
2315 Government (image made April 1999)
(age and termites caused this commercial structure used as a beauty parlor, "Casa Bella" to be removed)
Fall 2005
1401 Government [image made July 1997]
This house was located on the NE/C of Government Street and Handy.
September 2005
915 State Street
This home on the southwest corner of State and Robinson was severely damaged by fire in September 2005.
August 29, 2005
401 East Beach-Dempsey M. Levi [rebuilt in September 2006]
[t-b: image August 1997; image September 2005; image September 2006; image February 2008. Ray L. Bellande, images.]
405 East Beach-Paul B. O'Neal
[l-r: image September 2005; image February 2006-first house destroyed by Katrina to be rebuilt on East Beach, which is identical to original house; image September 2006-Levi house to the west under construction in background. Images by Ray L. Bellande.]
409 East Beach-Marty and Lisa Courtney Waggoner
[l-r: image August 1997; image September 2005; image September 2006-rebuilding a "Katrina" cottage to replace the remodeled Usner-Armand, cottage destroyed east of their main house. Ray L. Bellande image.]
411 East Beach-Ury J. Armand and Patrick J. Armand (1934-2003), sons of Elizabeth 'Betty' Usner Armand (1909-1999).
Martin R. Waggoner and Lisa Courtney Wagoner acquired this lot in July 2001 from C. Spence Boyd. It was refurbished by the Wagoners in 2003 and destroyed by Katrina in August 2005. Marty Wagoner built his new Katrina cottage here in August September 2006.
[Image made 1997 by Ray L. Bellande]
415 East Beach-Rita Jung Walker
[l-r: image August 1997; image September 2005-no rebuilding as of May 2011. Ray L. Bellande images.]
417 East Beach-Candler Yarborough
[built in by Candler Yarborough and Linda Rabby Yarborough, his wife. Image made April 2011]
419 East Beach-Harry Candler Yarbrough
[Home built by H. Candler Yarbrough circa 1986. Destroyed by Katrina August 2005. Images by Ray L. Bellande in August 1997 and September 2005. No building as of May 2011.]
421 East Beach-Dan and Ginger Magruder
[images made by Ray L. Bellande in September 2005 and August 1997. No building as of May 2011.]
423 East Beach-Donald and Natalie Robohm
[L-R:image made August 1997 and September 2005. This home was built in 1990-1991 by Donald and Natalie Robohm from a Bruce Tolar, design. Images by Ray L. Bellande]
427 East Beach
[L-R: image made March 1998; and image made September 2005]
431 East Beach-Jerome Modello
[image made August 1997]
431 East Beach-Dr. Jefffrey and Sallie Noblin
[built May 2007. Image by Ray L. Bellande-April 2011]
Yarborough-Menendes Guest Cottage-built 1991 in rear of 433 East Beach access from Indian Trail.
433 East Beach-Charles Yarborough and Charles Menendes, MD
[L-R: December 2007 and September 2005. In 1990-1991, a second story was added to this home as well as a guest cottage [bottom photo]. Maria C. Bargas was the architect and the contractor Ken Snyder, both of Ocean Springs, Mississipp. Images by Ray L. Bellande images]
435 East Beach-Penny House
[L-R: image made December 2007 and September 2007. The new Penny home was built in 2007. Images by Ray L. Bellande]
435 1/2 East Beach
[New home of Joan Penny. Ingress from Indian Trail. Image made December 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
435 1/2 East Beach Drive-Joan Penny
[image made from Indian Trail in April 2011 by Ray L. Bellande]
439 East Beach Drive
[built in November 2007 after Katrina by Leo and Betty Noble. Images made April 2011 and December 2007 by Ray L. Bellande]
507 East Beach Drive-Thomas A. Butera Octagonal Cottage
[L-R: image February 1994 and September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande. Cottage restored by MDAH grant in 2008. Mr. Butera acquired this property from Edsel Ruddiman (1917-2006) in February 1994. Jackson Co. Miss. Land Deed Bk. 1236, p. 30)]
509 East Beach-Charnley-Ruddiman House
[L-R: images February 1994 and September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande. Rebuilt after 1897, by Frederick W. Norwood of Chicago. Restored after Katrina with MDAH grant by Alan Ramsay of Yazoo City, Mississippi.
517 East Beach Drive-Meek Laan-Jay T. Segarra and Lisa Segarra House
[Image made September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande]
517 East Beach-Charles H. Shaffner and Virgina DeFrank Shaffner
[L-R: Image made March 1993 and September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande. Shaffner home built in 1991 by C.H. Shaffner]
535 East Beach Drive
[L-R: south and west elevations by Ray L. Bellande in August 2005. This home was built in 2005 by Dan Resch, contractor. It was never lived in as Katrina destroyed it just as it was being finished!]
611 East Beach-Mark R. Ederer and Helene H. Ederer
[L-R: image November 1994 and September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande. Rebuilt in the summer of 2008.]
615 East Beach-Wesson-Gunn House
[Built by Robert F. Schrieber Jr. in 1975 for Dr. Ray Wesson (1937-1980) and Delores Ann Gill Wesson (1942-1980). Clyde 'Buddy' Gunn owner during Katrina. [L-R: image made Decemebr 2007 and September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande]
617 East Beach Drive-Dr. William Streigel
[L-R: Image made December 2007 and September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande. This structure was the least Katrina damaged home on East Beach Drive]
619 East Beach Drive-Judge David Neal Harris Jr.
[L-R: Demolition July 2005 and post-Katrina Septemebr 2005. No construction as of May 2011]
627 East Beach Drive-Dr. Joel Knight [East Beach Drive and Halstead Road]
[L-R: image made pre-Katrina 2005 and September 2005 by Ray L. Bellande. No construction here to May 2011.
[Porter to Hillenddale]
[Hillenddale to Jackson Avenue]
[Martin Avenue to Jackson Avenue]
315 Front Beach Drive-"Many Oaks"-Mary C. Zala Jensen
[l-r: image May 2001; image September 2006; image October 2006, Fayard factory truck in yard; and image July 2006, repairs]
323 Front Beach Drive-Sunset Beach Apts. and Tom Reynolds's townhouses
[l-r: image September 2004; image December 2004, demolition to erect townhomes; image August 2005, new townhouses; and September 2005]
400 Front Beach Drive-Ocean Springs Seafood of Earl Fayard
[l-r: image July 2005; image September 2005, looking south from Jackson Avenue]
Jackson Avenue to Washington Avenue
Fort Maurepas Replica
[l-r: image February 1995; image September 2005]
Fort Maurepas Park
[l-r: plan of & Greg Cantrelle &Associates; Ray L. Bellande, local historian, at ground breaking ceremonies on August 29, 2006; pavilion and walkway and outdoor theatre all taken on September 27, 2009]
Seamen's Memorial
[image 1994 and August 2009]
Washington Avenue to Harbor Drive
505 Front Beach Drive-Ross P. and Sharon Webber Dodds
[l-r: image March1993; image September 2005, note Bosco house in background]
509 Front Beach Drive-Wilma and Sylvia Bosco
[l-r: image March 1993;image October 2004; and September 2005; repairing and rebuilding 2006]
513 Front Beach Drive-Will and Jacqueline Charbonnet
[l-r: image March 1993; image September 20005; plan to rebuild new home in 2007]
517 Front Beach Drive-Rene' Cazabaum
[l-r: image January 1999; image September 2005]
527 Front Beach Drive-Gulf Oak Condominiums
[l-r: image February 1993; image September 2005; and May 2006]
545 Front Beach Drive-Gay and Alice Austin Martin
[l-r: image ;image September 2005)
545 1/2 Front Beach-Gay and Alice Austin Martin
[images February 2002]
1220 Harbor Drive
[Rehage House. image made April 1999]
Jackson Avenue [east]
314 Jackson Avenue
Ray and Maureen Hudachek's "Egan Cottage". Reconstruction of replica began in late August 2006 by Paul Campbell. Carl Germany, AIA.
[l-r: image made July 1993; image made September 2005]
316 Jackson Avenue
Stephen and Beverly Blasingame's home. This house survived the storm intact, but did receive some flood water! Sold in 2006 for about $415,000. The Blasingame's relocated to Iowa their natal State. [l-r: image made during March 2002 while entire home was refurbished by the Ellis Brothers of Biloxi; September 2005]
Jackson Avenue [west]
313 Jackson Avenue
The Claire M. Brou home was totally destroyed. Some of the retaining wall and piers survived. After a FEMA trailer and another mobile home, Claire settled for a temporary wooden home a' la railroad caboose architecture until critical decisions about rebuilding could be made. [Images taken February 1993 and May 2006]
325 Jackson Avenue
The Margaret Brou house was completely destroyed. Margaret lived with friends until she acquired a suitable mobile home.
401 Jackson Avenue
This Margaret Brou rental house was removed by Katrina. Valerie Brou, her niece, and Valerie's daughter, lived here before the storm. No further information.
405 Jackson Avenue
The William T. Richardson place was completely devastated by Katrina. No further information.
409 Jackson Avenue
The Dave and Katherine Beaugez Wilson home survived Katrina, but received substantial water, wind, and tidal surge damage to the first floor. It is being restored as of July 2006.
[L-R: Lobrano House 2003; March 2007; September 2005; and December 2005]
241 Lovers Lane
The Dr. William Lobrano home on Seapointe was commenced in January 2001 and complete in the spring of 2003. It was very seriously damaged, but was one of only several homes on this low-lying peninsula between Back Bay and Old Fort Bayou that survived in condition to be restored. Restoration in progress June 2007.
[L-R: Miner House December 1997 and June 2007]
245 Lovers Lane
The John and Mary Alice Miner home on Seapointe was essentially destroyed by Katrina. Rebuilding commenced in July 2006 with an all steel framework from ground level to ridge line. The new Miner home was completed in the spring of 2007, probably May.
[L-R: Bosco House September 1997 and March 2007]
300 Lovers Lane
The Johanna Bosco home was destroyed by Katrina. New construction commenced in the late spring of 2006 by Jason Lauban from a Vaughan Lauban design. This structure was completed in February 2007.
August 2005
1001 Bowen
(the metal building on extreme left was demolished in August 2005)
June 2005
1926 Standard Oil of Kentucky Oil-Zanca Station
[1000 Government Street (photo made 1993 and polaroid image in late 1990s)
This structure was demolished in mid-June 2005 by SEFCO, LLC., a Mississippi limited liability company, probably headed by Fred Moran. Its address is 712 Washington Avenue, the same as Moran Realty Company. The owners plan to erect a small strip mall.
New Construction
August 28, 2009
March 2005
708 Magnolia
[L-R: images made September 1997 and July 2005 by Ray L. Bellande. H.H. Furr, AIA, was hired to remodel this house in the spring of 2005]
Spring 2005

Edwards-Cheney House
316 Holcomb
[L-R: images made February 2002 and January 2008 by Ray l. Bellande]
Built circa 1913, by John P. Edwards (1881-1932+) and Coral W. Edwards (1878-1932+), natives of North Dakota and Canada, who were residents of Ocean Springs for about twenty-five years. Mr. Edwards was in real estate, farmed, and was our Postmaster from 1925-1932. Armand Place town homes erected here in 2007 and 2008.
January 2005
Washington Avenue Water Tower
(image made March 1994)
This longtime downtown landmark was removed in mid-January 2005.
January 2005?

"old Jail"
(north of the Washington Avenue water tower-image made June 1994)
Was this old derelict taken out with the water tower?
1231 Vermont
This image has a note signed and undated by Florence Young which reads as follows: The Studio, "Guest House" and affectionately called 'The Barn', was built by William Ray Allen Jr. He bought the old Farmers & Merchants Bank Building and used it for an art-'Gallery Up'. I hear that Mr. Allen, the third, is still using the front of it for his office.
1231 Vermont
[image made February 2002 by Ray L. Bellande]
December 2004
Sunset Apartments
323 Front Beach Drive
The Sunset Apartments were built by Virginia Shiell in 1967. They were demolished in December 2004, by a syndicate led by Tom Reynolds Sr. in order to erect town homes. Townhouse construction began in January 2005 and they were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina on August 29, 2005 before completion.
November 2004
Step N Style Building
614? Washington Avenue (image made November 1992)
Formerly a beauty shop and elderly person care facility owned by Marie Hudson. This building was destroyed by the First Baptist Church of Ocean Springs in November 2004.
August 2004

St. Alphonsus de Liguori Kindergarten
West side of Washington Avenue between Calhoun and Joseph Street (image made, February 1993). This old school building was torn down in August 2004. It was not replaced.
Ocean Springs Fuel and Ice Dock
1109 Harbor Drive
(upper image made February 1994, lower image made, January 2005)
The Ocean Springs Fuel and Ice Dock structure was removed in 2004. It was replace by the Harbor Landing building.
June 2004
702 Magnolia
(image made September 1997)
This home was torn down in June 2004, to build the Mulberry Place by its developers.
April 2004

Schmidt Bakery Shop (erected between 1909-1915)
612 Washington Avenue
(upper photo, courtesy of Carolyn Sanders; middle image made April 2, 2004; lower photo, made March 2004)
This historic building was destroyed by the 1st Baptist Church of Ocean Springs on April 2, 2004 to build an education building.
March 2004
1205 Bowen
[L-R: Young-Shanteau House-1990; March 2004-addition to west elevation by George Shamberger, owner. Work done by Mohler Construction Company]
February 2004
209 General Pershing
(L-R: image made October 1997 and two images of the Pontius Home made in January 2013. First Pontius image is west elevation and second is south elevation)
This home in the southwest corner of Hellmer's Lane and General Pershing was removed in early February 2004. Replaced in 2012-2013 by William Pontius who demolished his Katrina damaged home at 1320 Hellmers Lane in 2010.
November 2003

703 Ward
[Images made and 2004 by Ray L. Bellande]
The Hesey Carl Byrd home was demolished in November 2003. A new home was erected here very shortly thereafter.
November 2003
Maltby House
603 Pershing Avenue
(upper image made, August 1997; lower image made February 2005)
This cottage was torn down in November 2003, to build a new house. The new home was commenced in September 2004 by Michael Maltby and completed in the spring of 2005.
July 2003

1910 Joseph "Dode" L. Schrieber House
1309 Porter
(image made August 1997)
The old Schrieber house was brought down on July 2, 2003. It was erected in 1910, by Joseph L. Schrieber (1872-1951), renown local historian. His two daughters who married and left many decades ago, Marion Lurline Schrieber Hall (b. 1920) and Charlotte Rose Schrieber Blanchette (b. 1924), are great ambassadors of their native city.
June 2003

1949 Ocean Springs Volunteer Fire Company Building
1014 Porter Avenue (upper image, 1949; May 2001; lower image June 2003)
This structure was built in 1949 as a fire station. It was demolished on June 3, 2003, by the City of Ocean Springs to enlarge the parking lot for City Hall.
February 2003
Munro Shell Station
(images made February 1993 and February 2003)
This gas station was situated on the NW/C of Washington Avenue and US 90, Bienville Boulevard. It was removed on February 19, 2003, as MDOT was widening Bienville Boulevard because of the increased traffic to the casinos at Biloxi. Post Hurricane Katrina. the Hurricane Relief Corps camped here for many months. The vacant lot is owned by the Friar family.
July 2002

John Cook Home
237 Front Beach Drive
(upper image made October 1999; middle image made January 2002, and lower image made )
D.D. Munro had Resch Construction Company build a new home here in the fall of 2002, from a design by Carl Germany, AIA.
237 Front Beach Drive (image made after August 2005)
D.D. Munro home

Rogers House
516 Jackson Avenue
(upper image, May 2001; lower image, February 2004)
The Heirs of John A. McCloughan (1898-1982) sold the upper house to Jefferson Rogers (b. 1957) in March 2002. Mr. Rogers had the derelict structure removed and a new home erected here in the winter of 2002 and spring of 2003.

613 Bellande
Demolished in 2002 by the First Baptist Church of Ocean Springs.(image made March 1993)

611 Bellande
Demolished in 2002 by the First Baptist Church of Ocean Springs.(image made March 1993)
403 Porter
This small home was removed in either 2002 or 2003. Not replaced.

1323 Bienville Boulevard
(image made November 1997)
This oil station was destroyed to erect a new McDonald's, which opened in late 2002 or early 2003.

1976 McDonald's Restaurant
2003 Bienville Boulevard
(image made November 1997)
Demolished in 2002, as new McDonald's was built further east at 1323 Bienville Boulevard.
305 or 307 Ward
[restored in the fall of 2001 by Danny Santini-images made August 1997 and July 2004 by Ray L. Bellande]
January 2001

Caravan Truck Stop-US Highway 90
[Built circa 1956 in the NW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 25, T7S-R8W, this building was removed in January 2001.

1901-1905 Government
(This rental complex was removed circa 2000 after the property was sold. Images made August 1997)
607 Azalea
[New home built by Gary Young for Soterra family. Image made May 2001]
Crooked Feather
Bienville Boulevard
(top image made March 1997; lower image made May 2001)
This Peter Wolf Toth (b. 1947), creation was dedicated in February 1976, in Davidson Park on the southeast side of US Highway 90 in the western section of Ocean Springs, Mississippi. In February 2000, it was determined that the sculpture had rotted internally an had to be replaced. Later in 2000, Thomas King created the replacement for Toth's original work from treated cypress.
January 2000

201 Shearwater Drive
Damaged by fire in October 1999. Torn down in January 2000.