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LOCATION: The Camellia Cemetery is located in the NE/4 of the NW/4 of Section 22, T6S-R9W. It is 1.7 miles southwest of the Latimer Community and 6 miles northwest of Ocean Springs.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue at Ocean Springs, go north on Washington Avenue 2.9 miles to Interstate 10. Cross the Interstate and bear left onto Tucker Road. Go 3.18 miles northwest on Tucker Road to Old Biloxi Road. Go north on Old Biloxi Road 1.08 miles to Krohn Road. At Krohn Road go left (west) .70 miles to Camellia St. At Camellia turn left (south) and go .20 miles. The Camella Cemetery is on a small lane a few hundred feet to the west.
HISTORY: This small (36 feet x 45 feet) family cemetery was named for Camellia Balius Krohn Cruthirds (1903-1966), wife of Melvin Krohn (1895-1940), and Roy Cruthirds (1902-1960). Melvin Krohn and Camellia are both interred at the Biloxi City Cemetery. Roy Cruthirds is buried at the Bethel Hill Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery at Latimer.
Camellia Krohn Cruthirds was the mother of Melvin C. Krohn, Sr. (1929-1983), Vernon Krohn, Alton Krohn, and Mildred Krohn Graves. Melvin Krohn and his wife, Justine M. Krohn, owned thirty-eight acres in the NW/4 of Section 22, T6S-R9W.(JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 773, p. 57).
Before his death in 1983, Melvin Krohn decided to be buried on this land. A site was chosen in the eastern segment of their tract near Camellia Road. This is now the Camellia Cemetery.
Herman M. Balius 12-20-1912 to 1-27-1986
Edwina A. Balius (Mother) 4-28-1917 to
Joann Rachel Krohn Bissett 1961 to 2-4-2005
Tyrus "Ray" Bissett 1944 to 2-28-2005
Mae Reeves Harding 10-23-1921 to 7-15-1989
Jason Raymond Krohn 7-25-1977 to 5-19-2005
Melvin C. Krohn Sr. 9-10-1929 to 12-3-1983
Philip Hutson Graves 4-2-1927 to 8-2-2008
Mildred 'Midge' Krohn Graves
married 9-19-1948
The Daily Herald, "Mrs. C. Cruthirds", September 14, 1966, p.2.
The Sun Herald, “Joann Rachel Krohn Bissett”, February 6, 2005, p. A-9.
The Sun Herald, "Tyrus 'Ray' Bissett", March 2, 2005, p. A6.
The Sun Herald, "Jason Krohn", May 20, 2005, p. A5.
The Sun Herald, "Philip Huston Graves", May 20, 2008, p. A4.
Personal Communication:
Melvin "Rocky" C. Krohn, Jr. - July 31, 1993
Darlene Jones Krohn - August 10, 1993