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The Family of Antoine V. Bellande (1829-1918)
Historical research and writing are fun. Since moving to Ocean Springs in May 1990, I have enjoyed visiting the libraries and courthouses, reading old newspapers, and conversing with others interested in the local history of coastal Mississippi. In the process of assimilating new knowledge, I have made discoveries about our Family Bellande. I would like to thank Louis E.Bellande Jr. of Chicago for his valuable assistance with our Midwest Family. Mary Blair Kleyn of Laguna Hills, California sent me timely information about our west coast Family. Locally, Regina Hines, J.K. Lemon, and Murella Powell have been of great assistance and support in making From Marseille To Mississippi a better document. I personally again thank all of you who responded with letters and calls after receiving your first addition. Please enjoy this, your Family History "its the only one you've got". I always appreciate comments and criticism. Thank you again for your support and patience.
Heidi Balje Good was born in Germany in 1947. She is married to Paul Good whose great grandmother was Zoe Willamine Bellande (b. 1863). Zoe was the youngest daughter of Joseph H. Bellande (b. 1813) in Marseille, and Roseline LaFauce (b. 1821) probably at Vieux Biloxy (Ocean Springs). Paul and Heidi Good reside in the Sultanate of Oman were Paul is employed with the Petroleum Development of Oman, a joint venture between Shell Oil and the Omani Government. Their children are: Sebastian (b. 1975), Adriane (b. 1979), Marian (b. 1982), and Elisabeth (b. 1983). Heidi received her Doctorate in Biology from UCLA.
Ray L. Bellande (b. 1943) is a Biloxi native. He is the great grandson of Antoine V. Bellande. Presently Bellande resides at Ocean Springs, home of his ancestors, where he has written since 1993, a weekly history column for The Ocean Springs Record titled, "Sous Les Chenes" and “Images Under the Oaks”. He has published several books: The Bellande Cemetery: A History and Register (1990); From Marseille to Mississippi, A Bellande Family History (1991); Ocean Springs Hotels and Tourist Homes (1994); and Ocean Springs, The Way We Were 1900-1950 (1996). (1829-1918), born at Marseille, France, and Marie Harvey (1840-1894) of Back Bay (now D'Iberville). Bellande attended Biloxi parochial and public schools. He matriculated at New Mexico Tech in 1961, and graduated with a B.S. degree in Petroleum Geology from Mississippi State University in 1965. Bellande was employed by Humble Oil (Exxon), Tenneco, and others before becoming an independent geologist and oil operator at Lafayette, Louisiana in 1980. His oil exploration activities brought him to many petroleum provinces as he has resided or worked in Louisiana, California, Alaska, Texas, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Mississippi, and Alabama.
1971 Ray Bellande, and now in 2009