Demolished and Refurbished Homes and Buildings of Ocean Springs from 2020-
"Gone, but not Forgotten"
This page will be a memorial to those homes and buildings at Ocean Springs that have been lost. All were not architectural treasures, but were part of the streetscape and therefore salient to the history of this community. The author has chosen to list them from most recently vanished as a recent reminder of how rapidly we are losing our architectural history.
Ward Avenue
Hill and Dale
[L-R: East Elevation-March 8, 2020 and West Elevation-March 8, 2020]
202 Cleveland Avenue
Government Street
Front addition to Chef Scott's Restaurant
[March 10, 2020]
Pine Drive
[L-R: June 2019; August 2019; March 8, 2020]
Martin Avenue
[Tim and Patrick Sheehan restoation-March 8, 2020]
[February 5, 2020]