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The Old Church??
LOCATION: Immediately northeast of the Belle Fountain Baptist Church in the NW/4 of the NE/4 of Section 1, T8S-R8W. The cemetery is approximately 2 miles southeast of the Ocean Springs city limits.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue at Ocean Springs, go easterly on US 90 6.75 miles to the intersection of Highway 57. Turn right (south) on to Highway 57 and proceed .5 miles to Old Spanish Trail. Go right (west) on Old Spanish trail .125 miles to Hamill Road. At Hamill Road turn left (south) and go 1 mile to Fountainebleau Road. Turn right (west) on to Fountainebleau Road and go 1 mile to the Belle Fountain Baptist Church (875-2973) at 7900 Fountainebleau Road. The cemetery is northeast of the church.
HISTORY: Land for the Belle Fountain Baptist Church and Cemetery were conveyed to the Church on August 21, 1914 by Thomas E. Ramsay (1845-1934) and James A. Ramsay (1883-1961) for $1.00. This transaction is recorded in Jackson County Land Deed Book 46, pp. 258- 259 as follows:
situated in the NW/4 of the NE/4 of Section 1, T8S-R8W, and more particularly described as commencing at a point on the northside of the Public Road known as Bilbo Road and running east along the north side of said road 156 feet, thence north 315 feet, thence west 156 feet, thence south 315 feet to the place of beginning, containing one acre more or less.
In the early 1800s, the Ramsay Family arrived in the Mississippi Territory. By 1819, William Ramsay, Jr. (1770- 1833) had settled his family on Red Creek in an area of now northeastern Harrison County (T3S-R9W), which became known as Ramsay Springs. One of William Ramsay, Jr. sons, Andrew Woodside Ramsay, was the father and grandfather of Thomas Evans Ramsey and James Augustus Ramsay respectively. The Ramsays were Methodist.
The Belle Fountain Baptist Church celebrated its 75th anniversary in July 1965.(The Ocean Springs News, July 22, 1965, p. 1)
Stacey Anne Abdul 1-4-1958 to 1-5-2005
Archie Edward Basch 10-11-1955 to 1-21-1985
US Army
Sarvas Belton 11-17-1912 to 3-29-1970
Cornelia G. Belton 4-18-1913 to 7-15-1984
Roselean Bilbo 10-2-1924 to 10-30-1969
Almader G. Bilbo 9-15-1883 to 5-14-1953
George H. Bilbo 1860-1932
Hamlin W. Bilbo 8-28-1910 to 12-23-1921
infant Bilbo 9-24-1960
Samuel L. Bilbo 8-28-1910 to 12-31-1940
Betty L. Bilbo 9-10-1938 to 1-3-2003
Bryan Bilbo 10-29-1931 to 5-14-1960
W.R. Bilbo 11-2-1859 to 8-16-1927
Elizabeth Martin Bilbo 9-15-1867 to 10-13-1934
Walton W. Bilbo 1916 to 12-18-1994
Bilbo, infant girl
Fred J. Browning 10-2-1931 to 5-14-1960
James Edward Burns 12-23-1948 to 12-7-1967
PFC CO H1 Mar 1 Mar Div Vietnam PH
Eugene Byrd 10-4-1900 to 3-22-1987
Vera Miller Byrd 11-18-1903 to 12-7-1977
Frank Elisha Byrd 12-7-1928 to 6-9-1991
BM 2 US Navy Vietnam
Raymond J. Campbell 11-30-1898 to 7-12-1978
CPL US Army WW 1
Helen C. Campbell 4-4-1901 to 7-31-1996
Cynthia B. Carroll 9-23-1894 to 3-1-1988
George W. Carroll 3-11-1918 to 10-21-1955
Tony Carroll, Sr. 3-27-1884 to 1-2-1972
Lloyd L. Carroll 10-21-1920 to 11-13-1974
Infant daughter of Lloyd and Gewel Carroll 3-25-1957
Roger Dale Carroll 8-16-1952 to 11-8-1982
Bert Eugene Carroll 6-20-1942 to 8-19-1949
James Lester Carroll 2-14-1940 to 5-12-1978
BMC US Navy Vietman
William Carroll 8-3-1910 to 1-8-1978
Eunice L. Carroll 1-28-1916 to 5-2-2004
Robert L. Caylor 11-1-1931 to 9-15-1966
Bessie Coleman 10-30-1918 to 3-3-1966
James 'Kenneth' Couch 7-27-1958 to 1-21-2010
Johnie Bethel Brown Deason 12-25-1930 to 1-15-2009
Michael A. ?else 12-?-?, age 15 years
William Lonnie Entrekin, Sr. 5-22-1896 to 12-26-1945
William Lonnie Entrekin, Jr. 9-17-1938 to 10-24-1953
Adrian Allan Fairley 7-4-2007 to 7-4-2007
George W. Fluker to 4-30-1940
age 51 years, 6 months, 16 days
Henry Joseph Fountain Sr. 4-23-1932 to 7-29-1996
Bertha May Noble Fountain 11-17-1913 to 7-28-1998
Joseph B. Fountain 5-31-1907 to 3-5-2003
Shirley Marie Slater Fountain 11-28-1930 to 10-22-2007
Carol Sue DeGeorge Gabrich 1941 to 9-7-1997
Bailey Bilbo Rouse Germany 12-10-1911 to 4-14-1986
Tom R. Germany 6-27-1920 to 10-12-1985
husband of Laura Bosarge Germany, father of Robert and Carl
Charles Gibson Jr. 6-25-1972 to 5-19-2010
Joseph A. Gildea, Jr. 2-4-1984 to 8-9-1984
Mandy Carman Gildea 3-14-1975 to 3-23-1975
Terry Lee "Sam" Gildea 7-8-1960 to 2-25-1989
Albert S. Gill 5-18-1870 to 3-28-1951
Mary O. Gill 3-31-1886 to 3-17-1961
Patsy Rouse Watson Giordano 5-14-1936 to 7-11-1994
Gossett, infant boy d. 9-16-1956
Annie Bilbo Graham 10-1895 to 2-1970
Michael Dale Green 6-27-1963 to 11-26-1998
Sammy R. Green 3-10-1956 to 3-31-2003
Sheila A. Green 6-18-1957 to
James LaVoy Griffin 7-27-1940 to 7-4-2000
Anita Darlene Hand 11-5-1961 to 1-5-1962
Dubois Hasbrouck 1861-2-21-1951
Everett Hasbrouck 1887-12-17-1972
Mrs. Everett Hasbrook (unmarked)
Mr. Hasbrook (father-in-law of Mrs. Everett Hasbrook, unmarked)
Ella Webb Hill 2-3-1882 to 10-14-1962
Hallie King Hiller 10-3-1896 to 10-20-1975
Kenneth Holden 4-20-1927 to 4-20-1927
Glynn Holden 8-31-1921 to 5-20-1936
Kilrain Holden, Sr. 6-6-1890 to 4-28-1949
Cammie Holden 5-2-1894 to 10-6-1962
James L. Hughes 10-26-1916 to 11-30-1972
Donovan M. Hughes 6-8-1949 to 1-27-1966
Judy Ann Claycamp Impey 8-17-1945 to 5-12-2001
William Arthur Jones 7-28-1896 to 3-18-1963
Nona Lee Jones 1898 to 12-4-1967
Aaron King 1878 to 5-29-1935
Walter King 1901 to 1945
Benjamin F. King 9-23-1883 to 9-3-1947
Lucinda Webb King 2-4-1852 to 10-26-1934
(mother of Benjamin and John King) unmarked
Mary Mollie King 7-1-1880 to 3-29-1970
John King 10-20-1880 to 7-11-1951
Esther Peterson King 3-25-1898 to 1-18-1977
Bernelia Smith Ladner 9-14-1914 to 2-23-2006
Carlos Ladner, Jr. 1-13-1917 to 12-17-1988
married 5-25-1942
Terry Lee Ladner 9-17-1943 to 4-20-1966
Gary Lee Lambert 6-16-1979 to 7-31-2009
Bruce Dean Martineau 1955 to 12-3-2007
Larry James Merrill 4-9-1944 to 2-6-1989
Mr. Mizelle (unmarked)
Naomi Webb Mizelle (unmarked)
Charlotte Byrd Noble 8-16-1938 to 9-18-2009
Evarist Leroy Noble 9-20-1946 to 6-19-1982
Floyd W. Noble Sr. 1921 to 6-19-1998
James Washington Noble 3-24-1891 to 4-14-1956
Henrietta Watson Noble 4-30-1893 to 7-12-1981
James Washington Noble II 6-10-1920 to 9-25-2007
Kelva L. Noble 8-16-1956 to 5-3-1996
Lellian S. Noble 6-27-1921 to 11-3-1971
Leslie Ersel Noble 6-24-1949 to 10-17-1968
Lois Amelia Simmons Noble 3-28-1924 to 7-22-1975
Louis James Noble 1917 to 1-8-1998
Vincent P. Noble 5-6-1893 to 1-7-1944
Marcella L. Noble 8-19-1892 to 8-8-1966
Wilma Rojean Perkins Noblett 8-27-1946 to 9-30-1986
Wilburn P. Page 1859 to 1939
Rebecca Wood Page 1876 to 1924
James C. Parker, Sr. 11-3-1909 to 4-24-1984
Vida Estelle Rice Parker 6-28-1909 to 1-8-2002
Edwina King Radel 1-11-1936 to 8-13-2001
Archie T. Rainey 9-21-1904 to 5-13-1962
Judy Fay Rainey 6-14-1947 to 9-7-2008
Shirley Law Rainey 7-10-1908-9 to 22-2008
George W. Ramsey 10-10-1915 to 2-3-1981
Cloras O. Ramsey 2-16-1913-living
Lester Ramsey 4-15-1918 to 2-28-1984
Ina Talley 10-24-1908-living
Vida E. Rice 6-28-1909-living
James F. Rider 1956 to 5-24-1994
Kenneth Irvin Roberts 6-28-1917 to 4-5-1995
Willie Bilbo Roberts 8-10-1890 to 12-31-1917
Infant Rouse 11-30-1942
Norman Eugene Rouse 11-7-1903 to 10-19-1950
Harold J. Senseney 11-29-1920 to 6-3-2010
Yvonne Louise Wood Senseney 5-18-1925 to 1-15-2011
Estelle M. Tapp 1910 to 1-25-1994
Mabel Kathryn Thomas 10-23-1890 to 12-27-1984
Bud Waltman 9-30-1934 to 11-29-1989
Aubrey Webb 7-24-1910 to 11-3-1995
Genevieve Dolores Byrd Webb 2-27-1910 to 7-9-2003
Dillard Webb 9-27-1898 to 6-2-1948
Mississippi PFC Engineers WW II
Fred Webb 12-30-1875 to 9-2-1922
Ella Webb Hill 2-3-1882 to 10-14-1962
Howard Webb 9-22-1909 to 7-9-1978
R.C. Webb 7-28-1918 to 3-23-1920
Riley Webb 8-1-1878 to 12-24-1925
Columbia S. Webb 6-10-1880 to 7-8-1958
Harry F. West, Jr. 1947 to 1972
Bessie Lucille Williams 1920 to 3-3-1967
Dennis E. Wood 7-12-1895 to 2-1-1978
Olive L. Wood 10-29-1900 to 10-25-1975
Wood, infant of Dennis Wood (unmarked)
Wood, infant grandchild of Dennis Wood (unmarked)
Glen Wood 2-16-1928 to 6-23-2010
Frances Wood 5-8-1927 to 3-20-1998
James Earl Wood 7-18-1920 to 2-26-1923
Robert G. Wood, Jr. 11-25-1952 to 3-17-1980
Russell Roscoe Wood Sr. 1928 to 1-9-2004
Lloyd Wright 1921 to 1925
Katie Bilbo Wright 6-1900 to 4-1925
Baby Wright, infant daughter 1925
The History of Jackson County, Mississippi, "Daniel H. Ramsay", (Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula-1989), p. 322.
The History of Jackson County, Mississippi, "James Augustus Ramsay", pp. 322-323.
The History of Jackson County, Mississippi, "Thomas Evans Ramsay". p. 323.
Requiem: Jackson County Cemetery Records, Volume I, (Lewis Printing Services: Pascagoula-1969), pp. 16-17.
The Ocean Springs News, “Seventy-fifth Anniversary at Belle Fountain Church”, July 22, 1965, p. 1.
The Jackson County Times, "Mrs. Lucinda King", November 10, 1934, p. 3.
The Sun Herald, "Mark Louis Sespe", March 28, 2010, p. A12.[age 47, memorial service at Belle Fountain Baptist Church, April 3, 2010]
The Sun Herald, "Mrs. Yvonne Senseney", January 17, 2011, p. A4.
Field surveyed by:
Ray L. Bellande
PO BOX 617
Ocean Springs
Mississippi 39564
April 22, 1992
March 25, 2010