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New Prospect Campground Area - North Vancleave
LOCATION: This small family cemetery is situated in the NW/4 of the SE/4 of Section 24, T5S-R8W.
DIRECTIONS: From Mississippi Highway 57 go left (west) 0.5 miles on New Prospect Camp Road. Take Indian Lane (left) and go .7 miles to the small Ladner Cemetery on the right (north) in a pasture. An abandoned sand pit (now a small lake) is immediately south of the cemetery on the opposite side of the road.
Albert N. Ladner 6-10-1862 to 1-12-1943
Nathaniel Ladner 3-6-1828 to 2-26-1865
Sarah E. Stevens 4-24-1839 to 6-1-1930
Requiem: Volume 3, "Del Ladner Cemetery", (Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula-1972), p. 66.