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[Image made 2011 by Shelly Ferguson-City Clerk of Ocean Springs, Mississippi]
LOCATION: SE/4, SW/4, of NE/4 of Section 19, T7S-R8W on the south shore of Fort Bayou in the corporate limits of Ocean Springs.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue at Ocean Springs, go north on Washington Avenue .09 miles, or about two blocks to Iberville Avenue. Turn right (east) at Iberville and go .25 miles to Sunset which is immediately left (north) inside of the sharp curve. On Sunset, proceed .15 miles northeast to the historic and scenic Evergreen Cemetery on Fort Bayou.
HISTORY: The history of the Evergreen Cemetery in many ways reflects the religious and racial relations of the city of Ocean Springs. These relations have been characterized by tolerance, respect, and harmony through the decades. Protestant and Roman Catholic, Black and White have lived, worked, and died together in this small community. They are also buried together at Evergreen, a six-acre memorial park, featuring a tranquil, cedar and oak covered knoll, which is befitting the cliché "Resting in Peace".
C. Ernest Schmidt (1904-1988) in Ocean Springs French Beachhead (1972) states, "the origin of Evergreen is not clear. County records show that it is part of land granted by patent to David Kerr and consigned to Philip P. Bowen on October 2, 1854." On October 19, 1900, Enoch N. Ramsay (1832-1916), County Surveyor, and George W. Davis (1842- 1914), Ocean Springs merchant and State Legislator, appeared before Justice of the Peace, Thomas W. Grayson (1825-1904), and swore under oath that the ground for the Evergreen Cemetery was given to the Town of Ocean Springs by P.P. Bowen circa 1860. Additionally, they said that the land had always been used as a cemetery and in undisputed possession of the town.
When Philip P. Bowen (1799-1871) gave his land to establish the original public cemetery in the 1850s, Ocean Springs was a village centered about Jackson Avenue. These were the "Steamboat Days". At this time, it was common for people to bury their dead in family plots near their home. The Bellande (LaFontaine) Cemetery on Dewey Avenue developed in this manner. Evergreen is unique in that it was the first public cemetery dedicated as such. Bowen was a traveling minister who came to Mississippi via South Carolina. He was Elder of the Tidewater Baptist Church at Davis Bayou from 1847 to 1859. Pioneer, preacher Bowen discovered the mineral springs near the present Fort Bayou Bridge. He capitalized on the medicinal qualities of the water by building baths for both sexes at the site of the springs.
Anecdotal history relates that a Sullivan was the first person to be buried in the new cemetery. The 1850 US Census for Jackson County has a New York born seaman named Daniel Sullivan (b. 1784) residing at Ocean Springs. The oldest surviving tombstone is that of I.D. Fuller, Jr. dated 1854. Some of the earlier families buried at Evergreen are Brad-ford, Davis, and Madsen.
In 1884, Francis Janssens, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Natchez, bought a lot from Miss Eliza Ames (1845-1917) south of the Evergreen Cemetery. This lots was described as: A lot in the Ames Tract 190 feet by 140 feet wide. Starting from a point 140 feet South of the cemetery fence opposite the graves of the Ames Family, thence running North 140 feet up to said fence, thence east along said fence 190 feet, thence South 140 feet, thence West to the point of beginning and is bounded as follows: On the North by the Public Cemetery (Evergreen), on the South by the Ames property and a coulee plated roadway 30 feet wide, more or less, East by the Ames property, and on the West by the same Ames property.(Jackson County Deed Book 7, pp. 415-416.)
This cemetery lot became known as the St. Alphonsus Cemetery or "Catholic Cemetery", and became the site for many Catholic burials at Ocean Springs. Eliza Ames who sold the land to the Catholic Church was the daughter of John Ames (1797-1852+) and Helen or Ellen Ames (1814-1874), both Irish immigrants. John Ames received a patent from the US Government on 120 acres of land in the SE/4 of Section 19 T7S-R8W in 1847 and 1848. Here the Ames homesteaded and reared four children: Thomas Ames (1843- 1906)), Elizabeth Ames (1845-1917), William Ames (1848-1922), and Jeremiah Ames (1852-pre 1922).
Louisa B. Bartlett of New Orleans and the Village Improvement Association built a fence in 1878.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, )
Although John Ames died relatively young, his family made an indelible mark on the history of Ocean Springs during the yellow fever epidemic of October 1878. When the dreaded "Yellow Jack" struck the Mississippi coast, initially at Ocean Springs, Miss Eliza Ames and her brothers led a small cadre of workers who nursed the sick and buried the dead. They worked day and night through the ordeal without remuneration or hope of reward. Miss Eliza Ames was known throughout her life for works of charity. The kind nature of this woman manifested itself in the pittance of money she asked when vending her land to the Catholic Church for only $25 in 1884.
By 1889, the Town of Ocean Springs needed more land for the public cemetery. There was no land to the north, west, or east because of Fort Bayou and the surrounding marsh, which creates a peninsula of the cemetery. The only recourse was to the south and the Ames lands. On October 31, 1898, Miss Eliza Ames sold the Town of Ocean Springs for $12 the following: A strip of ground on Old Fort Bayou in the Town of Ocean Springs commencing 6 feet due north of a stump which marks and designates the northwest corner of the Protestant part of the Ocean Springs Cemetery, thence running south a distance of 420 feet, thence west a distance of 80 feet, thence west of north a distance of 152 feet to the northeast corner of Garrard land, thence due west from said corner a distance of 12 feet, thence north a distance of 268 feet and thence east and a distance of 92 feet to the point of beginning.(Jackson County Deed Book 34, pp. 463-464.)
The Ocean Springs Cemetery Association was formed in September 1898. Mrs. H.S. Hyatt, was president and Mrs. J.J. Garrard (1839-1907), secretary. At this time, Lodge No. 23, The Knights of Honor, a black fraternal? Organization, also contributed to the improvement of the public cemetery The first Cemetery Board at Ocean Springs was formed during the administration of "The Yankee Mayor", F.M. Weed (1850-1926), between 1899-1910. The board consisted of: George W. Davis, Joseph Kotzum, and A. Switzer. Unfortunately, the Ocean Springs Cemetery Board was abolished in 1991. Today, there is a dire need for more citizen participation in the care and maintenance of our family and public cemeteries.
Cemetery Maps
In late July 1899, Fred Hess of Pascagoula, presented his survey and plan of the Evergreen Cemetery to the Board of Mayor and Aldermen at its regular meeting. At this time, the Reverend Oren Switzer, George W. Davis, and D.W. Halstead were the cemetery committee. The plan of Mr. Hess segregated black and white burial areas; provided for free space in both sections; and set aside a new section where lots would be sold to create a permanent cemetery.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, August 4, 1899, p. 3)
A new map of the Evergreen Cemetery was drawn by Professor Quilla D. Sauls (1870-1909+) of the Ocean Springs Public School. It was accepted by the town board at their October 3, 1899 meeting.(The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, October 13, 1899, p. 3)
County Surveyor, E.N. Ramsay, surveyed the cemetery in October 1900.(Jackson County Chancery Clerk's Office, Plat Book 1, p. 9)
In the summer of 1928, Franklyn H. McGowen (1894-1985), a civil engineer, was to supervise another plotting of the cemetery.(The Daily Herald, June 26, 1928, p. 12)
Moran and Seymour, civil engineers of Biloxi, were hired in 1990?, to map the Evergreen Cemetery.
Public Opinion
A thought provoking and timely letter for each generation, titled, "Nevergreen Cemetery", by Anton P. Kotzum (1871-1916) was published in The Ocean Springs News of October 7, 1915. It reads as follows: The last resting place of the fathers and mothers of the citizens of Ocean Springs is in a deplorable condition. Weeds and thistles are rank and noxious vegetation has entirely overrun the place. What is needed is a caretaker; one could be had for $30.00 a month. Are there not thirty men in Ocean Springs who will obligate themselves to subscribe $1.00 each per month? To the end that the last earthly tenement of those whose labors and privations whose struggles with nature an adverse conditions have resulted in giving us their children the pleasantest, most beautiful location in which to spend our lives? The men and women lying in Evergreen cemetery are our own fathers and mothers, to them we owe our existence, to them we are indebted for our education, our rearing and to the fact that we are enjoying the sweetness of life. Many of them endured the rigors and hardships of war, the mothers endured their agonies and the fathers shouldered their cares and responsibilities, and they loved us, their children, more than life. Now that their labors are ended, cannot we display sufficient gratitude for all they have done to see that their last surroundings are at least kept clean and wholesome? Let us pause in our mad commercial career and reflect that one day, we too, shall be laid at rest in Evergreen, and it surely must be more consoling to think that we will be placed in a decently kept perhaps rose or flowered-bower, than the thought that some hardy pioneer will first have to clear a place for us in a veritable jungle. Let us arouse out of the careless lethargic custom of the village, and adopt methods more keeping with progressive America.
Give it a trial for six months anyhow, and the prediction is made that after viewing the benefits that six months care will give, Evergreen cemetery will never again fall into such a condition as it is today. Who are the thirty men?
Very truly, A.P. KOTZUM.
The plea of Mr. Kotzum must have been effective, but by October 1921, the memory of his letter must have been a dim remembrance. At this time, The Jackson County Times, successor to The Ocean Springs News, placed an urgent notice to the members of the Cemetery Association to pay their dues. There was no money to pay the men who were working on the cemetery!
By 1922, Miss Eliza Ames had passed on, and her nephew, Theodore Ames (1876-1927), controlled what remained of the Ames family lands in Section 19, T7S-R8W. In January of that year, Mr. Ames granted the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church a 30- foot wide strip of land running east from Cemetery Road through the northern portion of the Ames Tract to the Cemetery gate for the purpose of a road to enter the cemetery. Theodore Ames was a livery stable operator and Director of the Ocean Springs Brass Band in the early 1900s. His widow, Carrie Seymour (1899-1975), would live into modern times and be a true character of the City. She resided on Calhoun at "Carrie's Happy Hill", now the Queen Anne Cottage of Harriette Perry.
1928 Reorganization
In late June 1928, the Evergreen Cemetery Association was reorganized. Dr. Anton H. Hrabe (1881-1943) was president with Josephine Friar as secretary. Louise A. Friar Davis (1874-1952), the spouse of Elias S. Davis (1859-1925) and Lenora Zabel Scharr (1881-1962), the wife of Joseph U. Scharr (1874-1954), were named as cemetery supervisors. Beautification of the burial ground was placed in the care of Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Scharr. From proceeds obtained from the sales of burial plots, they acquired trees, plants, and shrubs to landscape their cemetery.(The Daily Herald, June 26, 1928, p. 12)
More Land
Additional acreage was added to the Catholic Cemetery in May 1931, when the Catholic Diocese of Natchez purchased some land from Judge O.D. Davidson (1872-1938). This transaction is recorded in Jackson County Land Deed Book 101, p. 51 as follows: Commencing at the northeast corner of the Ames Tract where same intersects Cemetery Road and Evergreen Cemetery, running south on the west side of said road to the northeast corner of the W. Cooper property, thence northwest to the margin of the marsh, thence northward along said marsh to Evergreen Cemetery, thence eastward on the south side of Evergreen Cemetery to the point of beginning.
In 1946, C.E. Schmidt (1904-1988) became the manager of the Catholic or St. Alphonsus Cemetery. A survey of the Catholic Cemetery was completed, and gravesites were sold to the general public regardless of creed for $5.00 per grave. In 1955, and 1957 vacant land to the east, south, and west were purchased and subsequently reclaimed to provide almost five hundred gravesites. These lands were provided to the Catholic Diocese of Natchez from Mrs. Carrie Johnson Garrard Everhart (1886-1968) and James F. Garrard (1906-1955+) in 1955, and Iola Y. Davidson (1883-1963) in 1957.
Management of the City Cemetery was historically done on a volunteer basis. According to C.E. Schmidt after the last volunteer cemetery agent had died in the early 1950s, the Board of Aldermen gave the task to Police Chief, Wylie Broome (1903-1971). Broome had no maps to work from, and record keeping was nil to poor. The City Cemetery service ended with the death of Chief Broome in late 1970. In December 1970, a committee to reorganize the City Cemetery was formed through the joint effort of the local Ministerial Union and the City Council. Because of his experience at the Church Cemetery, C.E. Schmidt was appointed to organize the City Cemetery. Schmidt went quickly to work and had vacant areas surveyed and mapped. Application and deed forms were printed. The price of a gravesite was set at $25 with the money raised to be used for the purpose of extending the Cemetery. In an effort to sell gravesites, the following advertisement was run in The Ocean Springs Record during the month of February 1971:
A service of the City of Ocean Springs since 1854
Moderately priced burial lots on a beautiful wood knoll
overlooking Fort Bayou. Grave sites at $25 can be combined
to form distinctive family burial plots.
By 1974, one hundred twenty-eight gravesites had been sold which exhausted the supply of good land. The remaining gravesites were near the marsh or very low on the slope of the land. Fortunately for the City of Ocean Springs, the Catholic Church in Mississippi wanted to get out of the cemetery business. On December 12, 1974, the Catholic Diocese of Natchez-Jackson sold the following property to the City of Ocean Springs being located and situated in Section 19, Township 7 South, Range 8 West, in the City of Ocean Springs, Jackson County, Mississippi, and more particularly described as follows, to-wit: That certain cemetery or burial grounds described as: start at the southeast corner of the concrete coping around the Eley lot, which corner is on the South boundary of the City Cemetery, and then go West five feet to a point of beginning. Then South across a cemetery road and along the east side of grave lots owned by Mangin, Kittle, and Huber 96 feet to a corner; then west 20 feet to a corner; then south 38 feet to a corner; then West along the South side of grave lots owned by Roberts, Adams, Ramon, and Dart 62 feet to a corner; then South along East side of lots owned by Young and Hutchinson 44 feet to a corner; then West 20 feet to the Northeast corner of the Holloway lot; then 99 feet to the North side of the Ramsay grave lot; then east 22 feet to the Northeast corner of the Holt lot; then 27 feet along the East side of the Holt lot to a corner; then easterly along the North side of the wooded lot owned by the Davidson estate 232 feet to the edge of the marsh; then Northerly along the edge of the marsh 300 feet to the South boundary of the City Cemetery; then West along the South boundary of the City Cemetery 130 feet to the point of beginning.
Start at the Southwest corner of the concrete coping around the Noel lot, which corner is on the South boundary of the City Cemetery, and then go due west two feet to a point of beginning. Then South along the west side of grave lots owned by Mathieu, Moran and Bridges 55 feet to a corner; then East 14 feet to a corner; then South along the west side of grave lots owned by Necaise, Sinkhorn, and Blossman 60 feet to a corner; then East 26 feet to the West side of Sunset Road; then along the West side of Sunset Road 196 feet to the North boundary of the Fulton property; then North 42 degrees West along this boundary 90 feet to the edge of the marsh; then along the edge of the marsh Northerly to the South boundary of the City Cemetery; then due east along this boundary 85 feet to the point of beginning.(Jackson County Deed Book 520, p. 580.)
Recent developments
By 2005 all cemetery lots in the Evergreen Cemetery had been sold. The City of Ocean Springs considered itself no longer in the cemetery business, and considered the lots private property to be maintained by the individual owners.
With burial land at a premium, the City Coucil hired a ground radar survey company to perform a geophysical survey in the Evergreen Cemetery to locate 'barren' areas where potential grave sites might be created and sold. Also a low-lying area in the SE/C of the cemetery acquired from the Davidson family was being prepared for sale.
In the spring of 2011, Merlin Allemand, city arborist, surveyed the cemetery grounds and determined that about 75 diseased trees should be removed. The cutting was done shortly thereafter.
Regina Hines, Ocean Springs, 1892, (2nd Edition), (Lewis Printing Services: Pascagoula-1991), p. 30 and pp. 93-94.
C.E. Schmidt, Ocean Springs French Beachhead, (Lewis Printing Services: Pascagoula-1972), p. 83.
The History of Jackson County, Mississippi, "The Birth of a Church - 1832", (Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula-1989), p. 59.
Requiem: Volume 3, "Evergreen Cemetery", (Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula-1972), pp. 1-31.
Moran, Seymour & Associates, "Evergreen Cemetery", (City of Ocean Springs-Project No. 87-64), September 1988, pp. 1-35.
C.E. Schmidt, "A Report to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen on the City Cemetery and Proposals for its Extension and Re-organization", (circa 1974), pp. 1-5.
Jackson County Chancery Clerk's Office, Plat Book 1, "Evergreen Cemetery" (October 19, 1900), p. 9.
The Daily Herald, “Ocean Springs News Paragraphs”, June 26, 1928.
The Jackson County Times, "Eliza Ames Obit", January 26, 1917, p. 1.
The Jackson County Times, "Local News", October 8, 1921.
The Ocean Springs Record, "Holder of certain cemetery lot receipts have 30 days", November 18, 1971, p. 3.
The Ocean Springs Record, "Evergreen Cemetery's Future Poses Problem", October 23, 1975, p. 1.
The Ocean Springs Record, “Little burial space left”, June 6, 1983, p. 1.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, "Ocean Springs Locals", September 23, 1898.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, "Ocean Springs Locals", November 4, 1898.
The Pascagoula Democrat-Star, "Ocean Springs Locals", August 4, 1899.
US Census - Jackson County, Mississippi (1850).
Personal Communication:
Vertalee Bradford VanCleave
Field checked August 24-28, 1992 by:
Linda Kerr
Ray L. Bellande
Edwin Otto ????? 1-1-1888 to 11-10-1980
Joseph B. Abrams 2-7-1904 to 9-24-1987
Regina Abrams 1879 to 1967
Virginia Abrams to 9-3-1987
Annie Nilsson Ackander 1870 to 1944+
Albert B. Ackander 4-3-1858 to 2-11-1926
Andrew James Adams, Jr., DDS 1924 to 12-25-1995
Celeste Roberts Adams 10-18-1924 to 6-4-1981
Darrell L. Adams 1952 to 1981
Lucy S. Adams to 11-16-1906
Peter J. Ahern 12-15-1869 to 9-25-1933
John Ake 9-7-1881 to 10-20-1953
Mary Jane Williams King Ake 1884 to 1-1962
Malcomb E. Akridge 1889 to 1971
Bruce E. Albert 1-12-1960 to 8-4-1974
Flossie Alexander 9-5-1903 to 4-21-1984
Harry J. Alexander 5-15-1905 to 1-8-1984
Marie Arndt Alexander* 8-15-1905 to 2-11-1994
William Gray Alexander 9-11-1900 to 2-13-1978
Nannie McClure Anderson 1877 to 9-2-1898
Clem Alfred 1-4-1872 to 5-22-1957
Jessie Alfred 5-18-1900 to 6-21-1971
Mary Alfred 7-?-1870 to 1-13-1946
Marion C. Allen to 10-22-1994
Robert W. Allen 1-7-1956 to 1-14-1975
Albert S. Allison 3-24-1862 to 9-16-1868
August Alves, Sr. 9-13-1915 to 5-26-1979
Phala Alves 1-16-1921 to 12-3-1978
Carrie Seymour Ames 3-8-1889 to 8-21-1979
Eliza Ames 1845 to 1-1917
Kenneth F. Ames, Jr. 7-27-1950 to 8-8-1969
Kenneth F. Ames, Sr. 6-27-1923 to 7-19-1987
Louisa Ames 1858 to 8-11-1925
Mildred Davis Ames 3-18-1923 to 3-4-1989
Theodore J. Ames 11-8-1876 to 9-28-1927
Thomas Ames 1843 to 6-30-1906
???? Anderson 12-5-1888 to 4-21-1908
Agnes Grinstead Anderson 1-6-1909 to 8-14-1991
Annette McConnell Anderson 12-16-1867 to 1-25-1964
Beamis Byrd Anderson 2-28-1911 to 10-14-1918
Burr B. Anderson
David Anderson 1862 to 1922
George Walter Anderson 12-4-1861 to 2-21-1937
James McConnell Anderson 8-9-1907 to 4-3-1998
Louisa Anderson 6-8-1847 to 1-8-1881
Nanny McClure Anderson
Patricia Grinstead Anderson 3-17-1906 to 1-18-1973
Peter Anderson 12-22-1901 to 12-20-1984
Sara Kirkpatrick Lemon Anderson 11-5-1910 to 3-3-2007
Walter Inglis Anderson 9-29-1903 to 11-30-1965
William Marcellus Anderson 1-11-1853 to 5-25-1930
Margaret M. Angland 5-3-1883 to 2-26-1961
M. Arabella 1915 to 1917
Candida Armellone 1877 to 1956
Don Carl Armstrong 1880 to 5-12-1911
Edith T. Armstrong 8-24-1886 to 5-13-1967
Eugenia Eglin Armstrong 7-18-1877 to 8-4-1962
F. Armstrong 4-18-1879 to 12-10-1918
Helen Thomas Armstrong 6-1858 to 4-26-1928
Henry L. Armstrong 7-6-1874 to 10-10-1945
Jane Davis Armstrong 10-30-1861 to 3-18-1933
John L. Armstrong 1851 to 3-4-1911
Lawrence Wade "Tom" Armstrong 1849 to 3-10-1914
Otto Armstrong 10-25-1902 to 8-16-1903
Rollin S. Armstrong, Jr 10-30-1943 to 10-5-1947
Walter G. Armstrong 11-2-1878 to 11-11-1945
Adele Mary Robarts Arndt 1875 to 1945
Dorothy Dickey Arndt 1915 to 1975
Elise Arndt 9-11-1901 to 6-20-1903
George E. Arndt 1857 to 1945
George E. Arndt, Jr. 6-26-1909 to 4-22-1994
Mary Griffin Furlow Arndt 6-11-1922 to 4-22-1994
Nancy Ruth Arndt 9-26-1939 to 5-14-1942
Arcola Louise Arnold 3-10-1914 to 9-19-1997
Howard Wade Arnold 6-1-1906 to 7-14-1990
James Edward Ashley 4-27-1939 to 1-22-2011
Edward M. Ashley 11-17-1847 to 11-6-1925
May E. Ashley 12-10-1858 to 11-25-1939
Albert B. Austin 3-13-1876 to 12-14-1951
Alice Tee Weir Austin 5-3-1908 to 10-14-2001
Edward Austin 1890 to 1966
Delia Austin 1904 to 1967
Clara B. Ayers 11-5-1882 to 10-17-1964
Jacob C. Ayers 9-3-1878 to 3-25-1963
Clarence Bacrous 1888 to 1892
Samuel Backous 1855 to 7-21-1921
Bemis O. Bailey 6-29-1898 to 1-22-1969
Birdie Anderson Bailey 9-7-1876 to 11-21-1925
Oscar L. Bailey, MD 1-4-1870 to 6-21-1938
Melba “Gail” O. Brumbaugh Balius 1936 to 12-29-2004
Agnes F. Henshaw Baker 6-1877 to 2-3-1955
Aline M. Baker 9-13-1901 to 11-27-1987
Eleanor Yusko Baker 1-30-1907 to 7-13-1994
Eula Tiblier Baker 9-20-1900 to 3-9-1996
Jackson Baker 5-1865 to 10-12-1959
Martha Ann Baker 1-4-1937 to 7-30-1947
Morris McClure "Babe" Baker 1-6-1907 to 5-12-1994
Orion Stroud Baker 8-14-1898 to 4-9-1951
Robert Eugene Baker Sr. 1-15-1925 to 8-1-1997
Shirley Ann Lloyd Baker ? to 7-5-2003
Willie A. Baker 7-20-1901 to 8-28-1975
???? Baln
Mildred H.Balsinger 8-15-1914 to 6-2-1984
William Bang 1883 to 9-24-1934
Thomas Bangs 4-3-1872 to 9-5-1953
W.D. Barber 6-16-1847 to 5-24-1909
Julius Barich 2-2-1907 to 1-24-1993
Mary Joyce Barich 7-30-1928 to 9-13-1999
Mary Rudolfich Barich 4-8-1908 to 9-28-1997
Ethel Lee Barnes 8-15-1924 to 7-15-1955
Bessie Knickerbocker Barnhart to 11-16-1947
Ralph Paul Barnhart 1875 to 7-20-1925
Louisa Burling Stewart Bartlett 1823 to 5-1-1889
William Allen Bartlett 1815 to 3-23-1882
Adelaide Mechain Basly 3-19-1871 to 9-4-1949
George Edward Basly 1-22-1908 to 9-22-1995
Matilda Webb Basly 10-25-1906 to 9-1992
Donald John Batia Sr. 1-28-1936 to 7-11-2011
Manuel "Monk" Bauman 2-15-1904 to 12-10-1973
Emmy Mae Bauman 5-14-1906 to 5-30-1988
Scott R. Beal 1868 to 7-19-1910
Baby Girl Beaugez 9-10-1950 to 9-10-1950
Eleanor Mae Beaugez 1-16-1921 to 7-11-1990
Ernest E. Beaugez 1883 to 8-1907
Eugene Herbert Beaugez 10-27-1921 to 5-12-1992
Gerald J. Beaugez 3-15-1936 to 6-23-1970
Helen Benezue Beaugez 1902 to 8-2-1928
Henry Paul Beaugez 10-8-1889 to 4-2-1963
Herbert P. Beaugez 4-10-1895 to 9-26-1954
Howard F. Beaugez 1906 to 1975
Irma A. Beaugez 8-10-1915 to 8-23-1976
Kathern M. Beaugez
Lillian Pearson Beaugez 5-22-1901 to 10-25-1989
Marion Catchot Beaugez 12-10-1904 to 12-16-1992
Oswald Paul Beaugez 11-30-1927 to 9-20-2000
Ralph M. Beaugez, Sr. 6-23-1889 to 5-17-1966
Sybil Mae Beaugez 2-22-1905 to 5-12-1957
Tina Marie Beaugez 8-2-1959 to 4-5-2008
Wilemenia Booker Beaugez 9-20-1900 to 2-13-1941
William L.Beaugez 1885 to 1950
Arthur C. Bechtel 11-25-1857 to 5-18-1930
Florence Ogden Bechtel 3-2-1919 to 5-20-1997
Jessica White Bechtel 1869 to 1946
Theodore Bechtel 1863 to 1-17-1931
James Robert Beck 7-31-1931 to 12-20-1952
Peter Bedford 1-18-1941 to 8-2-1991
Vera Madsen Beckham 7-28-1916 to 1-8-1938
Clifton L. Beckman 5-23-1933 to 11-28-1984
A. Martin Belgium to 1927
Amazilla Maria Bell 4-15-1847 to 6-29-1932
Chauncey S. Bell 8-1842 to 4-17-1925
Husband of Mrs. Lizzie Bell
Sarah Gill Bell 1864 to 1948
William H. Bell 1847 to 1910
Captain Antoine V. Bellande 9-11-1829 to 6-10-1918
Mary Catchot Bellande 1860 to 5-27-1931
Adam Eugene Bellande 10-1-1907 to 7-27-1977
Beulah Ellis Bellande 4-10-1872 to 6-9-1952
Eva Voncile Freeman Bellande 8-7-1938 to 12-8-1989
Mary Jenkins Bellande 4-8-1913 to 11-12-1977
Edna Ramsey Benson 10-28-1880 to 4-10-1940
Neil Peter Benson 7-1878 to 4-9-1941
Edward Joseph Benton 3-8-1875 to 2-12-1954
Ellen Butler Benton 3-14-1880 to 11-27-1952
Eula Hernandez Benton?
Butler Benton 10-11-1906 to 8-8-1952
Ida Bell Benward 5-12-1926 to
Joseph T. Benward 2-10-1924 to 10-13-1978
Susan A. Berry 2-17-1848 to 8-22-1897
Deo F. Bertuccini 6-1-1893 to 6-22-1979
Emma Bertuccini 1873 to 1955
Jacques Bertuccini 1854 to 1943
Nancy C. Bertuccini 5-6-1894 to 7-8-1984
Eli Bethea 9-1-1863 to 7-24-1937
Sarah Bethea 1-19-1885 to 4-24-1974
Carlos Vincent Beyer 12-14-1894 to 12-12-1914
Rose Bienveanue to 10-4-1939
Alice G. Bird 9-15-1895 to 10-23-1985
James M. Bird 2-27-1876 to 9-25-1918
Herta Irene Bird 5-11-1921 to 8-22-1995
Myrtle C. Bird 6-11-1914 to 5-6-1915
Samuel T. Bird 11-16-1886 to 2-7-1925
William R. Bird 10-26-1906 to 2-19-1907
William R. Bird 7-30-1883 to 4-26-1956
George Duncan Bland 3-26-1853 to 12-24-1915
Lida M. Bland 4-1854 to 12-27-1915
Arthemise Alsina Blossman 5-6-1914 to 12-6-2000
Edward Woodrow 'Woody' Blossman 10-10-1913 to 2-26-1990
John Richard Blossman 7-26-1943 to 3-30-2009
Johanna Smith-Blount 1830 to 1901
May Louise Blount 1882 to 1944
Sabra Blount 1885 to 1964
Matthew W. Blue, Jr. 1-1-1907 to 1-30-1964
George Herbert Bobinger 1-4-1911 to 3-27-1981
John Bolling 12-25-1911 to 5-10-1986
Lila Robinson Bolling 3-5-1903 to 10-29-2001
Will Bolling 8-5-1902 to 1-19-1980
Ada Jones Bolling 7-15-1886 to 8-5-1969
Mary Bolls to 11-1876
Margaret McGregor Bolton 7-13-1922 to 11-6-2007
Rev. Father C. Bomert to 6-24-1890
Dorothy K, Boney 9-12-1918 to 4-11-1973
James I. Boone 3-28-1875 to 6-16-1942
Hiram E. Boone 10-21-1902 to 10-23-1973
Lottie Loraine Boone 1911 to 12-1-1972
Minnie C. Boone 2-22-1880 to 4-19-1975
Carla H. Bornemann 1881 to 1961
Jack A. Bornemann 1916 to 1953
Louisa Boster 1-9-1832 to 6-19-1868
George Boudreaux (Budrow) 1865 to 2-28-1923
Earin Boutte 6-22-1906 to 5-25-1989
Florence Boutte 1-24-1906 to 6-5-1988
Agnes Mary Bourg 2-1878 to 4-4-1954
Elizabeth Boyd 1910 to 1912
Evelyn Orr Willis Boyd 5-15-1914 to 2-1-2005
Jessie M. Boyd 1855 to 1932
Jessie M. Boyd 1881 to 1963
Seford Boyd 6-9-1899 to 1-2-1982
Silas W. Boyd 1876 to 1950
Vernon Clay Boyd 8-8-1911 to 12-12-1974
George L. Boyden 1878 to 1942
George Bozant 2-11-1903 to 4-4-1972
Mary Magdalene Randolph Bradfield 1922 to 12-31-1993
Annie Bradford 2-12-1888 to 5-1-1897
Brenda K.S. Bradford 1-16-1958 to 6-1-1977
Cynthia Davis Bradford 1-6-1813 to 8-12-1887
Eleanora Davis Bradford 1-2-1851 to 11-11-1938
Eugenia Bradford 1858 to 1917
Eula Bradford 6-20-1884 to 6-20-1906
Frederick S. Bradford 8-13-1878 to 1-10-1951
James S. Bradford 4-16-1884 to 8-30-1963
L.N. Bradford III 7-20-1884 to 6-20-1906
Lizzie Bradford 7-7-1840 to 12-27-1886
Letecia Carver Bradford 12-12-1881 to 5-28-1968
Lyman N. Bradford II 1850 to 10-1894
Lyman Bradford, Sr. 2-31-1803 to 1-20-1858
Martha Bradford 6-20-1842 to 9-14-1887
Sara Bardsley Bradford 11-29-1891 to 8-22-1973
Scott Ryan Bradford 4-1-1977 to 6-1-1977
Sherwood Bradford 11-27-1838 to 2-25-1922
Stephen L. Bradford 5-25-1962 to 1-2-1991
Olivia C. Bradford to 12-11-1907
Ethel Smith Bradley 1908 to 7-28-1994
George W. Bradshaw 1873 to 12-11-1942
Lodie Clark Bradshaw 4-26-1881 to 1-6-1929
Laura Coyle Schmidt Brady to 10-17-1931
Michael John Brady 1838 to 1919
Cecelia Brandt 1897 to
Dalitz B. Brandt 1890 to 1956
Annie Snyder Bransford 1-1870 to 12-23-1919 [tombstone says 1866-1918]
John B. Bransford 1880 to 1951
Julia B. Bransford 1884 to 1954
Selden Breakfield to 1857
Bart Howard Brewer 1-22-1964 to 4-7-1992
Charlie Brewer 1866 to 1929
Joanna Brewer to 1-1907 (body may have been disinterred and sent to Danville, Illinois later)
Marie Quave Brewer 11-9-1886 to 10-17-1979
Florence E. Briggs 3-11-1841 to 12-19-1914
George Gay Briggs 1-25-1867 to 2-21-1912
Ella Griffiths Briggs 11-11-1872 to 10-28-1915
Betty Lou Brooks 1-30-1948 to 2-10-1948
Eddie Brooks 2-6-1886 to 10-5-1984
Bernest Brooks 3-8-1915 to 3-24-2006
Irene Canaan Brooks 3-20-1926 to 6-9-2005
Daniel Thomas Broome 12-1-1961 to 2-9-2004
Charles Douglas Broome 5-16-1956 to 6-11-2011
Baby boy Brotherton to 1959
Lili Lou Brotherton to 1958
Bertridge Bellman Brou 2-27-1900 to 2-17-1992
Edward C. Brou 8-16-1896 to 12-20-1949
Margaret Mary Brou 10-22-1922 to
Georgia Gaines Brown 1900 to 9-5-1988
Mrs. Ilae Richards Brown to 7-21-1965
Alonzo D. Brumbaugh 1-29-1895 to 7-30-1985
Ella McKinsey Brumbaugh 5-4-1862 to 2-27-1955
Hazel Brumbaugh to 3-1-1931
Melba O. Brumbaugh 11-29-1936 to 12-29-2004
Ollie V. Spicer Brumbaugh 4-24-1899 to 4-21-1917
Etta Meloche Brune 9-14-1908 to
Joseph E. Brune, Sr. 12-13-1904 to 12-25-1983
Walter G. Bryant 7-18-1909 to 2-17-1945
George Budrow 1865 to 2-28-1923
Buford child, two year old son of Dr. Buford to 18??
Alice Bull to 5-8-1895
William D. Bullock to 12-6-1903
George Oscar Bunch 3-15-1900 to 5-6-1967
Ida L. Bunch 2-21-1905 to 3-16-1970
Phillip Roy Bunch 1933 to 1980
Louis Levere Bunch 10-24-1924 to 1-18-1991
Burke-Humphrey Plot
Leroy Wallace Burke 7-7-1897 to 8-4-1990
Mary King Burke 6-2-1914 to 8-2-1999
Amelia Burkhart 8-15-1889 to 7-12-1968
Rudolph Burkhart 11-11-1900 to 12-9-1971
Odelia Veronica Smith Burns 6-23-1912 to 4-10-2000
John Burr 1875 to 1916
Tempe Burton 1821 to 3-1-1925
A.B. Bush 8-30-1921 to 8-10-1983
Christopher Stephen Butirich 1963 to 1-12-2005
Joan Mavar Butirich 8-31-1932 to 4-16-2003
Billy Joe Butler 9-26-1933 to 5-28-2001
Catherine Soden Brown Butler 1848 to 6-21-1904
George F. Butler 1844 to 1907
Joseph A. Butler, Sr. 2-26-1894 to 5-20-1976
Kate Brown Butler 1848 to 6-21-1904
Doris T. Butler 2-19-1907 to 5-12-1968
Elizabeth P. Butler 9-30-1932 to 10-11-1971
Maryann Velma Butler 10-25-1907 to 8-25-1989
Joe Butler 7-12-1905 to 1-21-1988
Frederick Buettner (Saxony, Ger.) 2-3-1826 to 1-28-1903
Almeda Tillman Byrd 1892 to 11-30-1958
Clara Byrd 6-27-1913 to 9-18-1915
Hazel Cade 1886 to 1943
Montana Engbarth Cadenhead 1891 to 10-29-1932
Kathleen R. Caldwell 6-6-1924 to 11-20-1980
Francis Cayle to 1-1-1891
Joe E. Callahan 1900 to 1957
Delia M. Calloway 12-3-1912 to 3-22-1985
Hazel Calloway 3-2-1928 to 1-27-1996
Helen Ramsey Calloway 1929 to 1-31-1996
James Calloway to 8-5-1987
Willie G. Calloway 4-16-1941 to 3-30-1978
Ashley Calogne 2-28-1890 to 6-23-1953
Sallie Forshee Calogne 11-27-1853 to 7-22-1942
Sidney A. Calogne 1855-1911
Edward J. Campbell 1930 to 4-15-2008
Edward Stephen Campbell 2-28-1927 to 6-14-1994
Margaret Campbell 9-13-1885 to 9-21-1902
Charlie Canaan 1-15-1907 to 3-14-1948
Ella Canaan 1889 to 1943
Eugene Carco 3-1830 to 1900
Anna Baker Carter Carco 3-1850 to 3-25-1927
Albert S. Carroll 7-9-1910 to 7-25-1962
Bessie M. Carroll 2-22-1919 to 2-24-1999
Thomas R. Carroll 2-20-1940 to 3-6-1946
James A. Carroll 1868 to 1956
Mary Ann Carroll 1871 to 1938
Roosevelt M. Carroll 10-1-1903 to 10-28-1976
Shelley Ree Carroll 4-24-1941 to 4-18-1942
Max Carsen 7-20-1898 to 8-10-1939
James W. Carter 1916 to 1948
Matt W. Carter to 11-2-1918
Annice C. Carter 11-2-1895 to 1-19-1954
Charles Carter 1875 to 12-1943
Elmira Carter 1865 to 1911
Emily Carter 1850 to 1895
James Carter 3-1-1896 to 12-29-1957
James A. Carter 10-3-1907 to 11-9-1977
James A. Carter 1875 to 1947
Katie Carter 1900 to 1974
Lettie Paige Carter 10-10-1897 to 7-20-1963
Lillian Z. Carter to 4-10-1908
Patricia Moore Carter 4-29-1930 to 6-24-2007
Wilson Carter 2-2-1868 to 4-26-1942
Issac P. Carver 11-2-1873 to 12-8-1921
Lena Wieder Carver 1875 to 1931
Matilda Jane Breakfield Carver 1846 to 12-9-1925
Oscar R. Carver 3-14-1878 to 5-7-1926
Louise Shrieber Carver 11-23-1875 to 1-26-1954
Lucretia “LuLu” S. Carver 2-19-1885 to 4-19-1956
R.A. Carver 1888 to 1961
Charles T. Case 5-27-1857 to 10-11-1896
Dr. Don Carlos Case 12-27-1819 to 1-7-1886
Gordon Staples Case 1-1889 to 11-15-1927
Jeanette Hecker Case 4-3-1920 to 7-25-1991
John R. Case 1838 to 1908
Martha A. Case 1823 to 1902
Mary M. Case 1842 to 1931
Robert E. Lee Case 1874 to 1936
Roberta Staples Case 7-1863 to 4-29-1928
Thomas Lynd Case 11-8-1914 to 8-19-1974
Verna Case 1878 to 1948
Vivian D. Casey 1917 to 1980
Alcena Casey 1885 to 1961
Carl Carlson Casey 1893 to 5-30-1921
Edward G. Casey 3-21-1895 to 10-23-1967
Audrey Casey ? to 1-1914
Father Casey 1844 to 1907
Maude A. Casey 6-22-1880 to 10-21-1970
Minnie Thompson Casey 8-16-1921 to 4-28-2010
Mother Casey 1851 to 1928
Phillip Casey 1906 to 9-29-1972
R.D. Casey 11-25-1926 to 2-26-1941
William H. Casey 8-24-1875 to 8-12-1960
Willie Frank Casey 7-1-1915 to 1-11-1974
Ed Catchot 1888 to 1946
Joseph Catchot 1824 to 1900
Joseph A. Catchot 1861 to 1927
Julia Catchot 1823 to 1903
Rosalie Endt Catchot 1872 to 1959
William Catchot 1890 to 1891
Antonio J. Catchot 1864 to 8-11-1954
Antonio "Toy" Catchot 11-5-1868 to 10-12-1952
Anthony Catchot, Sr. 1826 to 1885
Elizabeth H. Catchot 1832 to 1916
Joseph S. Catchot 1856 to 6-21-1919
H.C. Caulkins 4-4-1835 to 2-6-1901
B.D. Causey 12-25-1926 to 2-20-1941
Ida Smith Challiot 1903 to 1922
Eva Catchot Chance 1880 to 11-4-1914
Raymond V. Chandler 6-19-1927 to 6-15-1977
Willie Odell Chapman 1915 to 12-25-1991
Noah Joseph Chase 3-1998 to 4-27-1998
Clara Margaret Hall Chastant 1-17-1919 to 1-10-1997
John Paul Chasteen 5-21-1905 to 11-27-1964
Margaret Bradford Chasteen 12-13-1917 to 11-2-1977
Hester Ann Moore Childs 7-1-1796 to 12-30-1895
Elva Downing Christmas 7-29-1920 to 9-15-1986
James Yancy Christmas Jr. 1913 to 12-26-1995
Thelma Dale Christopherson 1919 to 1-26-2008
Sarah E. Churchhill 1840 to 10-1938
Henry Claiborne 11-15-1895 to 1-20-1975
Irene Claiborne 6-30-1899 to 2-5-1971
Alexander M. Clark 7-11-1880 to 7-21-1950
Charlotte R. Clark 1859 to 1939
Charles E. Clark 7-5-1879 to 4-5-1945
Edwin A. Clark 9-17-1853 to 5-26-1936
Ellen Chambers Clark 7-30-1843 to 4-22-1915
Evelener Clark 3-29-1859 to 8-29-1875
James Lundy Clark 1850 to 1914
J.E. Clark 1833 to 2-8-1884
Kate T. Glasscock Clark 10-12-1853 to 2-16-1930
Leona Endt Clark 3-27-1905 to 2-1-1981
Lodie L. Clark 4-26-1881 to 1-6-1929
Lulu H. Clark 4-8-1880 to 4-11-1972
Mary Ann Clark 6-4-1830 to 4-4-1905
Mary C. Clark 3-22-1863 to 2-19-1907
Mary Louise Clark 8-22-1833 to 2-8-1884
Newcomb Clark 1836 to 9-1913
Rita Butler Clark 1881 to 1916
Thomas Clark 1876 to 1918
Walter Clark 1881 to 1955
Virginia D. Clark 6-29-1867 to 1912
James L. Clarke 6-29-1892 to 8-19-1961
Gilbert O. Clayton 1904 to 1908
Emmett Ernest Clement 1861 to 12-26-1922
Melissa L. Clement 1833 to 1903
Amelia Rosambeau Clesi 11-15-1881 to 1-17-1958
John Edward Clifton 7-3-1883 to 1-14-1944
John Travis Clifton 9-4-1926 to 3-12-1987
Phoebe King Clifton 7-13-1891 to 10-23-1966
Grace Clover 2-22-1871 to 7-20-1961
Charlotte Franco Cochran 1864 to 1939
Clarence G. Cochran 10-10-1923 to 3-19-1926
Ethel L. Cochran 2-28-1920 to 7-30-1979
Florence E. Cochran 10-15-1921 to 10-25-1921
Harry M. Cochran 4-30-1915 to 6-29-1915
Harry Minor Cochran 12-25-1875 to 6-24-1970
James Cochran 1880 to 2-2-1929
Lillian Cochran 1884 to 1961
Mary Lena Bourgeois Cochran 3-27-1885 to 3-20-1951
Nancy N. Cochran 1937 to 1981
Thomas Cochran 1882 to 1951
Thomas A. Cochran 1852 to 1883
Mrs. A. Colby ? to 11-19-1919
Benjamin R. Cole 11-19-1944 to 7-16-1973
Ernest Samuel Cole 6-9-1893 to 11-25-1971
Lucy L. Cole 1919 to 1980
Vern L. Cole Sr. 4-21-1925 to 5-6-1999
Violet Fordice Cole 4-28-1903 to 8-17-1975
Simon Coleman Jr. 8-17-1944 to 8-31-1979
Rev. Daniel Wilson Coles to 12-21-1966
Clare Coleson 7-8-1895 to 11-10-1981
Ellen E. Colligan 3-3-1860 to 6-19-1926
Ellen Katherine Colligan 10-25-1928 to 10-27-1928
James R. Colligan 2-22-1855 to 11-30-1905
Miss Grace Colver 2-22-1871 to 7-20-1961
Dovy Joseph Conalty 9-30-1902 to 10-9-1993
Louisiana F. Conalty 7-25-1902 to 12-4-1979
Frank Condon 1873 to 5-3-1940
D.L. "Pat" Connor 6-21-1912 to 4-30-1982
Avis M. Cook 6-29-1918 to 11-22-1976
Emilie W. Cook 3-20-1888 to 4-24-1970
Lester L. Cook 6-15-1903 to 5-27-1976
William L. Cook 9-22-1897 to 8-1-1953
Sarah Deuel Cooke 12-10-1839 to 11-19-1904
Agnes Louise Cooke 8-26-1862 to 7-15-1919
Harry L. Cooley, Sr. 7-17-1882 to 11-30-1956
Iva Houseman Cooley 4-4-1894 to 10-25-1983
Margaret M. Cooley 3-4-1860 to 1-20-1942
Nelson L. Cooley 3-26-1864 to 8-24-1904
Gene Copeland 8-11-1933 to 6-3-1992
Melanie S. Copeland 9-21-1971 to 2-26-1983
Mary Letzler Cotton
Walter Hearn Covington 7-23-1863 to 12-17-1898
Fannie VanCleave Covington 8-26-1866 to 12-5-1893
Walter Hearn Covington (infant)
Ora Mead Covington (infant) 10-1893 to
Lillie L. Cowan 3-19-1862 to 7-28-1892
Alphonse E. Cox 1888 to 6-29-1948
George Allen Cox 1811 to 8-2-1887
Sarah Ann Sheppard Cox 1820 to ?
Edward W. Cox 4-18-1861 to 3-31-1940
Jessie Alice S. Cox 3-19-1884 to 1-12-1976
John Cox 9-6-1879 to 8-30-1964
Mable Cox 4-15-1901 to 6-24-1942
Francis Coyle 1813 to 1-1-1891
James John Cramer 6-8-1971 to 6-8-1971
Tara Cramer to 6-1979
Katherine Crandall 12-29-1863 to 12-3-1953
Alice Crawford 1872 to 1982
Alice Crawford 1872 to 1962
Douglas Crawford 1905 to 1936
Henry Crawford 1867 to 1932
William J. Cronan 8-29-1885 to 2-12-1978
Charlie Cross to 7-23-1926
Delia Crowley 3-5-1893 to 2-22-1981
Charles J. Crysell 7-14-1901 to 5-31-1974
Claude W. Crysell 4-25-1907 to 2-15-1995
Lula O. Crysell 12-26-1876 to 3-18-1961
Robert C. Crysell, Sr. 11-23-1874 to 4-19-1934
Ida L. Cubbage 4-5-1870 to 9-26-1897
George Culver to 9-27-1906
Virginia Norwood Jones Culver 11-1865 to 9-27-1906
Emma McKinnis Cunningham 11-15-1902 to 3-2-1979
George Curry to 1-4-1983
Mrs. Winthrop Curtis to 11-20-1902
Hannah Tracy Cutler 1815 to 1896
Mildred Noel Cvitanovich 4-26-1932 to 5-5-1990
Samuel Amos Cvitanovich 3-31-1927 to
Freddie J. Dahl, Jr. 2-24-1944 to 7-28-1997
Gerald M. Dahl, III 10-23-1894 to 10-23-1984
Michael Dahl 4-17-1943 to 9-13-2009
Alforetta Newcomb Dale 1905 to 3-6-1932
Ethel S. Dale 9-18-1900 to 8-27-1978
William F. Dale, Jr. 6-27-1926 to 12-20-1979
William F. Dale, Sr. 3-4-1899 to 5-25-1990
Ethel Tillman Dalgo 11-29-1896 to 3-12-1978
Lawerence Dalgo 6-5-1894 to 12-12-1937
Beatrice McGinty Dambrino 5-15-1905 to 7-23-1993
John S. Dambrino 2-13-1900 to 5-29-1980
R.A. Dancer 1878 to 4-9-1915
J. Clifton Darrell 2-24-1896 to 4-3-1897
Hattie W. Darsey 1858 to 1939
Lowndes A. Darsey 1849 to 1929
Margaret H. Darsey 1903 to 1968
Della S. Darsey 1853 to 1909
B.O.Dasey 12-25-1926 to 2-20-1941
Anthony “Boots” W. Davidson 6-1-1920 to 4-11-1990
Iola F. Davidson 8-31-1883 to 3-27-1963
Julie S. Davidson to 4-20-1939
Orin David Davidson 1-1-1872 to 3-14-1938
Rose Marie Davidson to 1-26-1982
Theresa Endt Davidson 1897 to 1978
Walter S. Davidson 1888 to 1950
Abram James Davis 11-28-1849 to 3-26-1921
Benjamin Sorsby Davis, MD 1831 to 8-24-1870.
Birdine Perry Morgan Davis 7-4-1896 to 6-19-1990
Clifton Lee Davis 11-2-1912 to 3-12-1976
Chester S. Davis 8-28-1900 to 2-4-1973
David Davis 8-17-1883 to 3-3-1957
Elias S. Davis 1859 to 6-13-1925
Eleanor Baker Davis 1-23-1903 to 7-30-1947
Elliott Davis 1892 to 1936
Elvirah Ann Ward Davis 11-22-1821 to 6-14-1901
Emma Ladnier Davis 4-11-1888 to 8-28-1956
Eugene Davis 11-3-1873 to 2-22-1948
George W. Davis 4-17-1842 to 5-22-1914
Irene Harrington Davis to 2-6-1948
Ivan B. Davis 1907 to 1971
Jasming A. Davis to 3-5-1877
Josephine Ellis Davis 8-23-1849 to 1-10-1936
Louise F. Davis 1874 to 1952
Margaret Davis 12-22-1846 to 12-30-1920
Maudell Jones Davis 9-24-1898 to 4-21-1981
M.E. Davis 7-2-1901 to 11-15-1924
Oscar T. Davis 10-25-1894 to 10-9-1963
Ozzie Lee Davis 2-2-1908 to 10-8-1984
Ruth E. McFarland Davis 12-20-1912 to 11-1-1986
Samuel Walton Davis 10-1882 to 8-1916
Thomas Davis to 12-19-1931
William F. Davis 1907 to 1971
Ozzie Lee Day 2-2-1908 to 10-8-1984
Charles Decker 1899 to 12-24-1939
Joseph P. Dees 10-10-1910 to 3-17-1946
Louise Knapp Callahan Dees 10-10-1918 to 3-27-2001
Wiley E. Dees 1909 to 3-31-1964
Edith de Graw -14-1923 to 6-17-1989
Rev. Francis Deignan 6-9-1901 to 2-20-1965
Edmond D. Delatte 1904 to 1970
Rose Delatte 1905 to 1983
E.J. Titterton Dennett to 6-13-1897
Jacob K. Dennett 1-22-1818 to 11-18-1899
Lucille Magee Dennison 12-15-1895 to 5-1961
Minter Jackson Dennison 1886 to 5-25?-1945
John Travis Dent 9-4-1924 to 9-8-1924
Ada M. Depass 1851 to 1909
Madeline B. DePriest 12-30-1905 to 7-18-1944
Nellie Descas 1871 to 8-11-1909
Amanda Bermudez Dessommes 1-19-1898 to 12-23-1975
Gordon Dessommes 6-1-1947 to
Jean Jacques Dessommes 1927 to 11-10-1994
Rene Edouard Dessommes 1-5-1883 to 1-21-1940
Mary Shimp Determan 1921 to 10-2-1999
Sarah Devel 12-10-1836 to 11-19-1904
E.L. Dibble 1865 to 1-7-1916
Elbert H. Dick 8-17-1893 to 9-29-1957
Elbert H. Dick, Jr.
Elizabeth Ryan Dick 1863 to 7-2-1913
Ethel Dick 8-30-1898 to 6-14-1909
Florence Mildred Dick 10-31-1903
Frederick M. Dick 1857 to
Joseph F. Dick 1882 to 6-3-1946
Ruth Mims Dick 4-23-1906 to 4-9-1985
Ruben Asa Dickinson to 8-11-1945
Anastacia Diem 1905 to 2-28-1993
Ernest C. Diem 9-17-1903 to 4-6-1986
Fred Diggs 11-25-20 to 10-30-83
Sweltanna Dieteche, called Aunt Dicey, servant of Silas Weeks 1830 to 12-11-1905
John Dobson 10-25-1883 to 3-8-1950
Alphonsine B. Domning 9-10-1882 to 3-25-1965
Christine Domning 11-12-1848 to 8-3-1933
Emile Domning 8-1-1850 to 11-1-1918
F.B. Domning 12-23-1882 to 3-18-1915
Henry W. Donahue 6-5-1897 to 6-6-1953
Valletta B. Donahue to 8-9-1965
Irene Dooley 8-21-1905 to 2-23-1962
John Douglas to 5-27-1930
Robert H. Douglass 4-2-1868 to 11-11-1940
James Cook Downe 4-6-1799 to 4-21-1879
Sgt. Jackson Armitage Drake 8-11-1891 to 7-4-1966
Sarah M. Drake 11-29-1906 to 1-1-1984
Sister Colomba Drobnic 8-10-1883 to 7-5-1967
John J. Dudley 1-7-1915 to 9-7-1971
Kathline Duhon 1942 to 1943
OnaLee Noble Dunbar 4-27-1922 to 1-20-2012
Elizabeth Catchot Dunn 11-27-1854 to 6-13-1927
John M. Dunn 1853 to 1932
Doris Crysell Durbin 1923 to 7-7-1989
Katherine Durbin 1825 to 1912
Clara A. Dusette 12-27-1866 to 9-11-1933
Fred B. Dusette 5-5-1866 to 9-21-1934
Letort M. Duvernay 10-25-1915 to 1-25-1885
Alfred E. Duvernay 12-1-1929 to 12-16-1950
Charles Tracy Earle 1861 to 1901
Melanie Tracy Earle 1-12-1837 to 3-23-1889
Parker Earle 8-18-1831 to 1-12-1917
Otto Frederick Eckert (born Soraw, Germany) 12-23-1899 to 5-24-1923
Robert F. Ederer 12-24-1924 to 8-15-1989
Amelia H. Edwards 2-6-1893 to 12-14-1979
Edgar Wallace Edwards 7-1-1927 to 12-12-1996
Donald F. Edwards 10-13-1924 to 10-30-1982
James Charles Edwards (infant) to 11-18-1960
James Henry Edwards 2-8-1893 to 1-1-1950
Selena M. Edwards
Annie O. Eglin 1881 to 1963
Charles W. Eglin, Sr. 10-22-1882 to 6-24-1966
Gertrude Galle Eglin 7-31-1899 to 5-1-1951
John R. Eglin 1879 to 1946
Thomas A. Eglin 8-3-1926 to 10-27-1942
Elise Ehrlich 5-22-1866 to 2-8-1945
Mildred Eley 8-5-1921 to 10-18-1945
Francis R. Eley 5-18-1900 to 12-28-1977
Margaret Eley to 1-28-1953
W.H. Eley 10-7-1899 to 11-2-1981
E. Josephine Rouse Ellis 2-14-1861 to 11-16-1920
John C. Ellis 4-17-1864 to 10-6-1939
Regina Marie Del Buono Hines Ellison 4-12-1938 to 5-16-2005
Jeanne Leche Ello 1935 to 1991
Adrian Elwyn 1911 to 1955
Lawson A. Elwyn ?
Maude Elwyn 1882 to 6-18-1940
Charles F. Emery 6-25-1879 to 2-13-1950
Don Carlos Emery 12-27-1880 to 6-17-1907
Eugenia Fayard Emile 1935 to 4-3-2004
William R. “Billy” Emile 1931 to 2-24-2005
Albert A. Endt 9-6-1902 to 4-3-1982
Albert Anthony Endt Jr. 8-6-1928 to 8-8-1928
Alvin Claude Endt 9-28-1933 to
Anthony Endt 11-17-1870 to 7-10-1949
Betty Boyd Endt 10-24-1938 to 9-30-1999
Henry J. Endt 8-26-1910 to 9-26-1989
Johanna Wendel Endt 8-6-1873 to 12-25-1931
Maude Crysell Endt 5-25-1907 to 3-31-2000
Rosalie Endt 1872 to 1959
Magalene Arndt Engbarth 3-1-1856 to 11-28-1938
Mamie Flannery Engbarth 1885 to 4-24-1910
Rodney Joseph Engbarth 6-12-1894 to 10-22-1966
William J. Engbarth 1881 to 1957
Alexander F. Everhart 1881 to 1957
Frank Benedict Faessel 7-1-1870 to 5-8-1953
Louisa Maria Faessel 2-1-1872 to 2-19-1958
Maria J. Faessel 1-24-1877 to 4-16-1946
Harold Wayne Fain 4-2-1932 to 10-16-1975
Maggie N.Davis Fain 4-23-1930 to
Martha H. Fairley 1-23-1874 to 5-31-1912
Minnie Lee Farmer 1914 to 2-12-91
Hannah Farnum 1841 to 1916
Mary Ann Walker Fauquier 11-1-1848 to 3-21-1888
Edward Faurie (infant) to 1-26-1910
Salesia Favalora 1874 to 1956
Ambrose F. Fayard to 6-19-1911
Ambrose Roch Fayard 12-23-1906 to 3-20-1986
Augusta C. Fayard 8-10-1881 to 12-1-1946
Camille Murphy Fayard to 1-29-1969
Emile Fayard 2-6-1872 to 1-19-1931
Leonard J. Fayard 10-26-1847 to 5-30-1923
Leonard J. Fayard Jr. 8-20-1881 to 4-18-1958
Lilly May Van Court Fayard 4-3-1911 to 10-31-1998
Martha V. Fayard 2-1851 to 3-4-1918
Hermie B. Fayard 5-15-1888 to 4-7-1971
Maggie King Fayard 2-20-1897 to 12-31-1952
Oliver Fayard, Sr. 3--1890 to 9-26-1950
Lester Ferenci 3-16-1901 to 12-3-1965
Jennie Ferrill 10-16-1915 to
Marco Juan Figueroa 5-16-1903 to 8-15-1980
Margaret Hoffman Fillingim 1916 to 1966
Cecelia Buechler Fink 12-31-1909 to 4-27-1999
Charles Elon Fink 7-12-1898 to 1-18-1956
Adrienne Illing Finnie 1-1-1925 to 11-25-2002
Leslie T. Finnie 3-30-1924 to 4-22-2002
Casey Fisher 3-25-1915 to 7-15-1958
Robert B. Fisher 8-4-1920 to 7-18-2007
William Flatt 6-2-1927 to 8-29-1984
Anthony Flocie 11-4-1895 to 1-15-1947
Eida May Flowers 1874 to 6-15-1916
Georgia P.H. Fluker 12-3-1889 to 4-27-1981
Charles Forkert 1854 to 7-21-1928
Margarete Forkert 1845 to 5-11-1937
Margaret Bartley Foy to 5-1892
J.H. Foster to 11-21-1906
Antonio M. Franco 4-14-1834 to 3-29-1891
Eugenia Roquevert Franco 1-30-1875 to 10-9-1950
Francis Aristide Franco 10-26-1871 to 7-12-1935
Genevieve Rodriguez Franco 1-5-1844 to 2-9-1915
Ida L. Ward Franco 10-1864 to 3-1-1906
John J. Franco 3-12-1859 to 10-6-1935
Lillie Franco 7-11-1863 to 12-23-1905
Mildred Franco 1896 to 1969
Edward 'Babe' Franklin 9-19-1915 to 2-9-2011
Bertha Shell Porterfield Fraser 11-7-1898 to 9-13-1987
James W. Fraser 6-11-1902 to 1-7-1988
Joyce Slay Frentz 6-11-1930 to 8-8-2012
Elizabeth A. Friar 1823-1902
Elwin R. Friar 1-7-1910 to 4-2-1970
George L. Friar 2-1851 to 7-26-1874
George L. Friar 1869 to 1924
Rita Brown Friar 3-22-1913 to 2-2-1985
Clyde Davis Friar 1874 to 1964
Josephine Friar 1883 to 1958
Frederick Frye 1846 to 4-19-1892
Agnes E. Fullem 10-1-1876 to 1-25-1931
Jennie C. Fullem 1865 to 12-21-1926
Mary Alice Fullem to 9-11-1921
I.D. Fuller to 1870
I.D. Fuller, Jr. to 1854
James T. Fuller 1825 to 1861
M.D. Fuller to 1870
Joe P. Gaines, Jr. to 6-14-1986
Anna Jane Gallagher to 11-30-1900
Ella J. Gallagher to 1029-1897
Clarence E. Galle 8-14-1912 to 4-27-1986
Clarence E. Galle, Jr. 10-10-1937 to 4-3-1938
Danielle M. Galle to 8-15-1975
Frank E. Galle, Sr. 1877 to 12-10-1934
Frank E. Galle, III 1922 to 1928
Frank Edward Galle 11-29-1900 to 9-28-1986
Inez Ackridge Galle 6-29-1912 to 4-10-2005
Jessie Bird Galle 1880 to 1942
Ted Marie Carroll Galle 1-14-1922 to 10-16-1969
Emma McDaniel Galloway 6-30-1903 to 1978
Jr. Galloway
Leola Wright Galloway-Williams 10-5-1907 to 1-10-2002
Lorenzo “Low” Galloway 1903 to 7-16-1977
Mary J. Tillman Gallotte c. 1867 to 11-18-1917
Rosaria Ganni 1874 to 1958
Alma Eglin Hosey Garlick 1-15-1907 to 4-8-1996
Nicholas Garlick 10-11-1915 to 8-11-1986
Sophia M. Garlick 1896 to 1963
William C. Garner 3-8-1902 to 6-5-1963
Benson Garrard 1909 to 7-8-1919
Elsie K. Garrard 12-28-1890 to 5-21-1983
Cathleen Ann Garrard 7-7-1960 to 7-8-1960
Carrie Garrard 1886 to 6-30-1968
Francesca V. Garrard 8-12-1839 to 7-10-1907
James F. Garrard Jr. 2-26-1938 to 11-23-1992
James J. Garrard 11-9-1828 to 2-27-1902
Joseph Bacon Garrard 12-25-1871 to 2-24-1915
Joseph Bacon Garrard II 6-28-1939 to 11-7-2011
Katherine W. Garrard 12-17-1913 to 11-20-1950
Sandra Van Cleave Garrard 9-15-1943 to 9-29-2005
John Gary 1863 to 6-3-1914 or 6-26-1914?
Lillie Franco Geiger 7-11-1863 to 12-23-1905
Mary Geiger 4-11-1825 to 10-1890
Peter Geiger 12-16-1858 to 2-9-1923
Lorraine Black George 1912 to 2-14-1995
Milton Enoch George 1907 to 1959
Calvin George 10-15-1852 to 8-2-1896
R.T. George 1-17-1810 to 4-22-1900
Sarah E. George 5-18-1842 to 2-24-1894
Rebecca Gibson 8-5-1909 to 7-12-2003
Fletcher J. Gipson 6-15-1962 to 2-24-1991
Louis Charles Gipson 3-9-1958 to 4-15-2008
Mrs. Murl Gipson 3-5-1934 to
Wilbert Gibson, Sr. 8-5-1907 to 6-22-1990
Mary Gilder 1841 to 10-24-1916
Roswell Gile 1832 to 1919
Charles H. Gill 5-25-1890 to 3-10-1969
Eula Catchot Simpson Gill 7-11-1892 to 6-20-1982
Hazel C. Gill 1898 to 1961
Horace Gillispia 1870 to 4-25-1929
Edwin Wayne Gladney 10-18-1932 to 2-16-1989
Henrietta M. Gladney 11-17-1900 to 8-14-1978
Horace Gladney 10-15-1894 to 6-8-1975
W.D. Glasscock 10-12-1849 to 3-12-1925
Amanda O. Glasscock 1823 to 1910
Marvin O. Goff 3-20-1926 to 7-17-1984
Mary E. Goff to 7-22-1953
Velma O. Goff 2-26-1930 to
Ella Mae Goldsmith 10-3-1913 to 10-3-1978
Percy Goldsmith 10-4-1919 to 4-2-1991
Zilla Goldsmith 12-20-1947 to 4-22-1948
Albert C. Gottsche 9-23-1873 to 3-17-1949
Albert Lynd Gottsche, Sr. 1902 to 1-21-1974
Cynthia Davis Maxwell Gottsche 10-13-1869 to 9-18-1951
Henry B. Gottsche 1-1875 to 2-2-1905
JoAnne Mae Gottsche 2-7-1959 to 1-6-1991
Mae Kettles Gottsche 5-28-1907 to 11-22-2001
Holly Haviland Graham 4-4-1962 to 4-29-2006
M. Grenerosa Granata 1882 to 1963
Ann Hyde Grayson 1-24-1832 to 1-7-1906
Thomas W. Grayson 7-18-1825 to 3-4-1904
Mother Helen Greco 1875 to 1958
Mary C. Green to 12-11-1975
Gilbert Green to 12-25-1940
Rosa Green to 11-24-1942
Dorothea Gunne Greene 1-29-1892 to 8-28-1966
Herbert R. Greene, Jr. 3-23-1923 to 7-29-1997
Capt. J.H. Greene 1-14-1829 to 8-1-1899
Sarah E. George 5-18-1842 to 2-24-1894
Charles T. Gresham 1907 to
Esther Anderson Gresham 10-30-1910 to 11-22-1983
Eugene B. Gresham 1-24-1927 to 10-13-1998
Mary L. Gresham 1855 to 1917
Thomas C. Gresham 11-20-1929 to 12-17-2008
Joseph C. Griffin 3-29-1864 to 4-3-1919
Mae Davis Griffin 1-27-1875 to 11-18-1917
Walter T. Griffin, III 1-28-1887 to 10-23-1984
William Joseph Griffin to 6-11-1961
Edith Harriet Griffiths 12-6-1868 to 6-20-1943
Ella Griffiths 11-11-1872 to 10-28-1915
Francesca Harriet Griffiths 9-6-1848 to 4-13-1937
Kate Griffiths 10-27-1870 to 2-2-1948
William Wade Grinstead 4-16-1864 to 2-7-1948
Marjorie Hellmuth Grinstead 6-29-1882 to 7-15-1933
Annie J.B. Gryder 5-27-1908 to 2-10-1973
Elaine Avara Gryder 4-29-1929 to 12-11-2011
Eloise Smith Gryder 3-9-1935 to
Robert Lewis Gryder 2-18-1935 to 8-19-1985
William Connell Gryder Jr. 3-2-1900 to 8-12-1982
William Connell Gryder III 6-28-1928 to 9-18-1999
Edgar Pipes Guice Jr. 1-23-1928 to 2-21-2007
Helen Bauman Guice 1-12-1932 to 1-20-2007
Rita M. Guide 1883 to 1964
Elva Shove Guillotte 6-22-1911 to 3-4-2004
Horace R. Guillotte 2-4-1911 to 3-14-2005
Peter Guillotte 9-16-1883 to 9-18-1960
Theresa Stojcich Guillotte 1-25-1886 to 10-27-1977
Maude Gum 2-24-1881 to 2-16-1937
William M. Gum 10-10-1879 to 3-21-1950
Alzina E. Gunne 1866 to 1962
Melvina Gunsey to 3-17-1964
Mrs. W. Gurtiss 1871 to 11-20-1902
Mary M. Gwartney 1849 to 1896
Virginia Gwartney 1875 to 1890
Ella Brown Haff 3-10-1860 to 8-17-1941
Otto Edward Hagberg 1-1-1888 to 11-8-1980
Andrew James Hagler 10-23-1903 to 10-18-1958
William Lafayette Hale 1885 to 12-25-1958
Baby Hall to 10-6-1949
Clara Clark Hall 12-6-1885 to 2-17-1968
Don Carlos Hall, IV 6-16-1911 to
Erasmus Darwin Hall 4-12-1812 to 10-2-1878
George M. Hall 12-11-1887 to 3-22-1965
Jack Schley Hall 7-12-1917 to 10-9-1989
Lillie P. Hall 2-22-1891 to 7-3-1981
Mack S. Hall 12-12-1917 to 12-21-1952
Mary Carson Hall 5-16-1824 to 9-26-1878
Mary Elizabeth "Sis" Steelman Hall 9-28-1918 to 11-16-2005
Solon Willey Hall 8-6-1849 to 5-14-1875
Virginia V. Hall 10-23-1910 to 1-9-1981
Robert McDonald Hall 4-27-1869 to 1-9-1952
David Wileder Halstead 1842 to 1918
Ernest Wileder Halstead 1876 to 12-27-1953
Ernest "Wy" Wielder Halstead II 4-27-1913 to 10-21-2001
Ernest “Rusty” Wileder Halstead III 12-21-1943 to 6-17-2000
Hannah Farnum Halstead 1841 to 1916
Harry Plumb Halstead 1873 to 1916
Margaret Hann Halstead 1881 to 1976
Margaret Lewis Lemon Halstead 2-21-1913 to 6-29-1999
Mother (Betsy W.) Halstead 1813 to 1902
George Hamilton 4-26-1903 to 10-22-1903
Henry Hamilton 9-7-1909 to 5-13-1956
Jesse Lynch Hamilton 1916 to 9-23-1945
Alex Handshaw to 1-16-1913
Ellis Handy 5-12-1891 to 11-27-1963
Jean More Handy 7-12-1891 to 10-25-1961
Mrs. Lillie Mentoria Hannibal to 4-29-1965
Monsignor James Joseph Hannon 1-13-1920 to 3-16-2008
Chloe Bailey Hans 12-29-1903 to 12-21-1985
Arthur H. Hansen 8-11-1937 to 1-24-2001
Henry Andrew Hanshaw 1889 to 10-18-1971
Sam B. Hanshaw 1927 to 5-19-1969
Erik Dean Hanson 10-2-1961 to 1-27-1975
Mary King Hanson 1910 to 1927
Mary Ryan Hanson 1-1-1828 to 10-29-1900
Thomas Hanson 8-12-1810 to 8-3-1900
Billy Greer Harper 9-19-1919 to 3-29-2006
Clara Fuchs Harper 10-30-1921 to 3-28-2007
Annie Bell S. Harris 11-13-1908 to 10-15-2003
Isaac David Harris Sr. 7-20-1907 to 2-12-1979
Roger Harris 1975 to 4-21-1996
Addie Bee Harvel 1915 to 3-31-1928 [ from obituary]
Minda Meyers Hasbrouck 9-28-1884 to 12-19-1975
David Ethan Hasley 5-27-1967 to 10-13-1970
Emily Hathaway 3-28-1868 to 7-2-1958
Blanche C. Hausen 1882 to 6-22-1939
Eugene H. Hausen 1867 to 12-15-1937
Frank Moss Haviland 9-23-1923 to 9-21-1994
Geraldine Aurella Rudd Haviland 11-11-1922 to 3-13-2003
Jack Julian Haviland 9-28-1920 to 4-18-1996
Helen M. Haviland 7-4-1894 to 5-12-1971
Mary Lee Haviland 2-17-1953 to 3-21-1986
Norton C. Haviland 7-12-1891 to 11-6-1982
Rosemary D. Haviland 5-10-1923 to 10-9-1991
Samuel T. Haviland 1845 to 1911
Sue Moss Haviland 1860 to 1903
Bessie Hawley 1884 to
Wesley D. Hawley 1887 to 1956
Willie Hazely to 7-15-1984
Flossie Wootan Heath 1914 to 1980
Maurice W. Heath 1879 to 1945
Sandra Kay Miller Hebert 1945 to 7-31-2011
Oscar E. Heffner Jr. 11-11-1923 to 9-27-2006
Donald Herman Helgeson 8-21-1929 to 9-8-1993
Mrs. Katie Considine Hellmers 1848 to 12-5-1937
Hanna Geb Koegel Hellmers 1864 to 1919
Henry Hellmers 1848 to 10-11-1934
Isabella Hellmers 1858 to 1908
Agnes Louise Cooke Hellmuth 8-26-1862 to 7-15-1919
Gustavus T. Hellmuth 5-31-1884 to 3-5-1975
Hilda L. Hellmuth to 5-14-1970
Marjorie Hellmuth 6-29-1882 to 7-15-1933
Louis Pennington Helm 8-16-1933 to 1-17-2010
Shirley Mae Gill Helm 12-24-1935 to 11-22-2011
Ruth Henley 4-13-1903 to
Hazel Cade Hesler 1886 to 1943
John Clark Hesler 1908 to 8-6-1975
John J. Hesler 1865 to 1946
Margaret H. Hesler 1903 to 1968
Rilla Jane Hesler 1915 to 1931
Pelagia Heuser 33-22-1898 to 7-29-1986
Fred Henry Heyer 4-13-1883 to 6-23-1941
Hattie Pinkham Heyer 1848 to 2-1933
Katie E. Heyer 1-24-1905 to 5-1-1990
Kenneth Saxon High 1917 to 9-26-1958
Elizabeth Morris Hill 1848 to 12-21-1933
Eva May Hill 2-18-1899 to 2-5-1953
Harry Hill 1866 to 9-30-1915
Harry S. Hill 5-11-1896 to 8-18-1968
Anna J. Hills 2-22-1918 to 10-19-1988
Twylia King Hilton 3-15-1958 to 7-19-1984
Joni Clifton Hindman 8-7-1957 to 2-26-2009
Helen ‘Peggy’ Cassibry Hinds 12-24-1914 to 3-21-2010
Edwin Hines 1922 to 7-13-1936
Raymond O. Hines 9-22-1936 to 10-1-1977
Alice Davidson Hire 1922 to 5-1-2004
Paul "Nono" Hire 1910 to 1988
Estelle "Nuna" Cook Hire 11-20-1915 to 6-17-1998
Calvin D. Hodges 5-22-1893 to 4-5-1958
Cyril Dickson Hodges, Jr. 4-3-1919 to 5-4-1941
Isabel Seymour Hodges 10-16-1902 to 11-12-1981
Sadie Catchot Hodges 11-12-1894 to 12-24-1973
Ruth Hanley Hoefer 4-13-1903 to 7-7-1979
William A. Hoefer 3-28-1899 to 2-12-1969
Charles Wesley Hoffman 1-29-1889 to 3-29-1972
Hattie V. Hoffman 1889 to 1958
James F. Hoffman 1912 to 1937
John Frederick. Hoffman Jr. 1886 to 1967
John Frederick Hoffman 9-5-1852 to 2-13-1906
Louisa Brabant Hoffman to 1-1905
George A. Hogsett 12-23-1812 to 1-15-1895
Ella Baker Holbrook 2-6-1899 to 2-21-1948
Martha Lyon Holcomb 1833 to 11-29-1906
Thomas Addis Emmet Holcomb 1831 to 1897
Cordelia A. Hollingsworth 6-29-1858 to 1-2-1951
Grace Morrison Hollingsworth 11-6-1925 to 1-7-1981
M.S. Hollingsworth 1893 to 1922
W.W. Hollingsworth 1852 to 1906
Warren White Hollingsworth Sr. 9-25-1922 to 1-30-2004
Jeff D. Holloway, Jr. 1904 to 1971
Rita Kerry Holloway 1912 to 6-21-1982
John B. Honor 1856 to 8-21-1929
Maria Honor 1861 to 10-8-1932
Margaret Soden Honor 1860 to 1932
Mrs. Thomas B. Honor 1835 to 6-11-1924
Thomas B. Honor 1821 to 1898
Beverly Sue Horton 3-11-1957 to 9-19-1977
Lester Horton 5-2-1925 to 12-26-1982
Margaret Horton 9-4-1929 to
Tommie Lane Horton 6-18-1946 to 1-6-1973
Evelyn Cole Hosey 1-13-1928 to
William H. Hosey Jr. 5-10-1928 to 9-9-2004
Washington J. House 9-19-1922 to 5-13-1948
Ollie Houston 11-2-1915 to 7-2-1985
Henry B. Hovelmeier 8-13-1888 to 3-21-1954
Mary Wieder Hovelmeier 8-21-1890 to 7-23-1986
Francesca Spencer Theriot Pitre Howard 12-31-1911 to 1-11-1971
Frederick Franklin Howell 8-27-1920 to 3-8-2004
Kathleen J. Howell 10-7-1958 to 11-14-1958
Laura T. Mitchell Howell 12-13-1926 to 10-18-1999
Marion Rhea Howell 1898 to 1921
John Carlden Howze 6-22-1930 to 2-21-1970
Alice Ashby Hrabe 5-6-1882 to 11-19-1952
Anton Hrabe 7-24-1881 to 5-24-1943
Robert P. Huber 10-4-1927 to 3-2-2002
Elymra T. Mitchell Huber 1920 to 2-23-2005
Sophia Schnider Hubbard 1822-1900
James P. Hubbart 1865 to 1932
Maureen Russell Hudachek 12-9-1926 to 12-19-2011
Raymond J. Hudachek 6-24-1926 to 7-12-2011
Bruce Hudson 1912 to 10-27-1937
Wiley Hudson 1874 to 2-4-1952
Grace Hughes to 1975
James C. Hughes 11-14-1881 to 11-11-1928
Leonard Hughes 1-14-1914 to 5-20-1937
Opelia Hughes 10-30-1890 to 12-23-1958
Harvey G. Hughes Sr. 2-26-1920 to 12-10-1985
Larry E. Hughes to 8-1976
Lula Belle Hughes 7-26-1931 to 9-12-1981
Ralph W. Hughes 1917 to 1972
Edith Hults 10-12-1879 to 8-19-1956
Eva Thelma Hults 10-4-1897 to 6-12-1952
Rose H. Hults 1-4-1854 to 3-16-1936
William H. Hults 6-5-1853 to 8-9-1922
Florence Waugh Humphrey 10-19-1883 to 1-1976
Guess Humphrey 10-13-1881 to 9-3-1951
Victor Grant Humphrey 8-28-1885 to 1-27-1942
Harold L. Hutchinson to 7-10-1941
Audrey C. Williams Hutson 10-9-1910 to 3-17-1989
Mary Beck Hutson 7-18-1882 to 10-5-1971
Ray Hutson 6-26-1900 to 3-4-1993
Tressie A. Hutson 8-22-1909 to 2-22-1981
Edith Flowers Illing Hymers 2-8-1902 to 1-30-1984
Howard Hymers 12-16-1886 to 11-27-1978
Alfonzo F. Iachino 5-3-1924 to 6-17-1986
Barbara Trebotich Iachino 7-18-1947 to 3-3-1998
Stephen A. Iachino 9-6-1972 to 10-18-2005
Millard Ikred 1886 to 1956
Alice E. Illing 1874 to 1876
Emma Judlin Illing 1869 to 1958
Eugene W. Illing Sr. 6-16-1870 to 7-16-1947
Eugene W. Illing Jr. 8-31-1895 to 1-31-1978
Fredinand W. Illing 1838 to 1884
Harold I. Illing 2-7-1897 to 6-13-1959
Harold Illing Jr. 10-2-1922 to 4-18-1989
Illing (infant girl of H. Illing) to 9-1921
Jessie C. Illing 1-7-1903 to 7-16-1972
Rosa E. Illing 1844 to 1894
Annie Irvine 1861 to 6-23-1922
Elizabeth Ann Jackson 11-12-1939 to 1-10-1940
Essie Jackson 1-1-1912 to 8-5-1979
Merrily Kay Jackson 1942 to 1976
Rufus Jackson 3-31-1912 to 1-16-1978
Bertha Long Jamison 8-15-1921 to 9-24-1967
Jack Jamison 1926 to 6-2-1992
Mabel Jamison 1927 to 12-20-1988
Fred L. Jenkins 4-4-1904 to 9-7-1981
Hazel E. Jenkins 12-12-1910 to 2-8-1987
Lena Arizona Jenkins 12-15-1902 to 11-11-1980
Bud Jimeson 1885 to 2-12-1945
B.F. “Frank” Joachim Jr. 12-28-1882 to 3-12-1970
Lena Joachim 3-10-1882 to 2-18-1971
Mark O. Joachim Sr. 10-31-1904 to 7-16-1955
Mary Gough Joachim 3-18-1902 to 11-25-1978
Carl Joffe 11-22-1947 to 4-1-2048
Cora Elaine Joffe 11-1-1959 to 7-23-1972
Irwin Joffe 12-30-1921 to 5-3-1979
Martin Elliot Joffee 12-3-1944 to 9-3-1991
Rosalind Dismukes Joffe 5-26-1922 to 3-12-1999
Scherry LeSieur Joffe 7-2-1949 to
Dr. Sol E. Johnson, Jr. 2-28-1930 to 1-7-1982
Early Johnson to 2-5-1944
Edgar L. Johnson 1865 to 1907
Floyd E. Johnson 12-19-1908 to 1-13-1982
Mary V. Johnson 1946 to 1983
Maybelle Johnson 1891 to 1954
Ruth Overta Keys Johnson 9-17-1903 to 5-14-1984
Dr. Alfred A. Johnson 1-2-1885 to 11-26-1949
Frederick O. Johnson 1851 to 1938
Hattie Johnson 1870 to 1906
Henrietta H. Johnson 1855 to 1922
Isabell A. Rouse Johnson 1861 to 1920
Rosa E. Johnson to 4-2-1973
Bernadette Voivedich Schultz Joiner 1900 to 2-10-1997
Gerald J. Jolie, Jr. 9-24-1969 to 8-23-1970
Anthony Phillip Jones 9-17-1997 to 9-28-1997
Clark Jones 10-28-1896 to 10-29-1973
Henry Herbert Jones 1858 to 1953
Lucy Bartlett Jones 1850-1-17-1904 [her obituary states that three of her children were buried here with William A. Bartlett and Louisa Burling Stewart Bartlett, her parents-see The Daily Picayune, January 18, 1904, p. 9]
Lillian Haney Jones 1904-1992
Robert W. Jones 1906-1987
Sidney Theodore Jones 4-16-1927 to 9-30-1985
Clark Jones 10-28-1896 to 10-29-1973
Ila Mae Jordan 1918 to
T.L. Jordan 1911 to 1973
Alberta Dick Simmons Jumonville 1887 to 10-21-1950
Marc Kean 1856 to 1938
Virginia Brown Kean 1858 to 1949
Frank B. Keebler 7-5-1909 to 6-18-1976
Verna E. McIntyre Keebler 10-29-1909 to 7-4-1994
Thomas L. Keenan 1876 to 2-2-1911
Sarah Louisa Keener 12-9-1851 to 6-13-1869
Edward Kelley 3-16-1799 to 8-29-1840
Elizabeth Kelley 11-4-1808 to 8-16-1902
Danny R. Kelly, Sr. 8-5-1925 to 5-30-1980
Jean Kirkendall Kelly 10-14-1907 to 2-15-1966
Adam Keltz 1820 to 1900
Wilson B. Keltz 1867 to 1900
Eleanor Curran Kennedy 3-23-1889 to 10-22-1975
Kathleen V. Kennedy 3-31-1911 to 9-27-1974
Monsignor Gregory Regis Kennedy 11-1-1909 to 12-1-1986
? Keys to 4-21-1889
Aslean Smith Keys 8-6-1880 to 4-25-1930
Amelia Kinler Keys 11-17-1867 to 2-17-1899
Amelia Keys 1-27-1899 to 6-15-1899
Earl M. Keys 4-5-1915 to 4-11-1989
Elizabeth H. Keys 1890 to 2-2-1976
Louis J. Keys to 8-10-1931
Marshall H. Keys 9-25-1895 to 10-28-1963
Marshall H. Keys, Jr. 4-30-1923 to 6-16-1952
Myrtle E. Jackson Keys 4-30-1922 to 3-29-2005
Thomas I. Keys 1861 to 5-23-1931
William Keys 1891 to 4-23-1929
William R. Keys to 4-8-1892
Ling Kierman to 1960
Camilla I. Kiernan 8-12-1882 to 12-24-1960
Ferdinand W. Kiernan 9-29-1911 to 12-5-1979
George A. Kiernan 1875 to 4-20-1937
George A. Kiernan Jr. 8-14-1934 to 7-14-2009
Lillian King Kiernan 12-3-1912 to 10-9-1990
Robert M. Kiernan 10-7-1922 to 9-25-1980
William Kiernan 12-3-1912 to 10-9-1990
Alex King 11-15-1901 to 7-3-1927
Andrew King 12-25-1860 to 12-24-1927
Annie Pearl E. King 11-20-1962 to 11-3-1971
Cora Gracia King 3-18-1896 to 8-23-1958
Eula Lydia Krohn King 10-3-1925 to 9-27-1999
Elafair Holland King 5-5-1865 to 2-19-1939
Francesca Spencer King, wife of Thomas L. King 4-17-1942 to 6-7-1963
Henry King 10-28-1889 to 7-7-1965
Infants of S.L. and L.L. King to 2-27-1898
Katherine M.E. King 2-8-1929 to 7-21-1981
Leona Hughes "Sis" King 1901 to 3-5-1994
Lizzie Lee Madison King 1-28-1877 to 3-4-1896
Margaret Jane King 9-19-1871 to 12-20-1955
Olive King 3-1-1966
Sandy King to 10-12-1959
Washington King 5-20-1865 to 11-20-1938
John Marion Kittle 7-21-1972 to 3-29-1973
Paul Robert Kittle Sr. 1934 to 8-6-1996
George Knox 3-7-1950 to 3-26-1950
Geb Koegel 1864 to 1919
Clara Miller Kolb 9-27-1888 to 10-25-1981
Elizabeth Anne Kolb 7-13-1922 to 12-11-1940
Joseph T. Kolb 10-12-1888 to 1-20-1945
Antonio P. Kotzum 1871 to 1916
Joseph Kotzum 1842 to 3-22-1915
Josephine Kotzum 1845 to 6-1920
Inez F. Kovach 10-31-1936 to 12-2-1977
Julie Anne Kovach 3-26-1959 to 7-31-1993
Alfred F. Krabbe 1901 to 1977
Phillip Nicholas Kreutz 1869 to 5-29-1934
Mrs. Phillip N. Kreutz to 1932
Carolyn Carco Krohn 8-21-1892 to 11-6-1952
Sherman N. Krohn 2-5-1895 to 10-1-1959
Cyril R.C. Laan 7-10-1910 to 7-10-1987
Marie Cornelie "Miek" van Dorp Laan 7-27-1912 to 8-15-1998
Remmert C. Laan 10-28-1942 to 4-4-1980
William T. Lacy 1880 to 1958
Leroy Anthony Ladnier 2-13-1931 to
Mary T. Wiltz Ladnier 1-5-1932 to
Mrs. Nancy (Ladnier?) Age 25
William Joseph Ladnier III (Infant)
Charles E. Lafayette 7-1-1952 to 5-20-1967
Arthur J. Lafonta 5-25-1885 to 4-14-1908
Christian Douglas Lampke (infant) d. 5-6-2003
William L. Langdon 8-23-1904 to 10-16-1987
Wilma Winstead Langdon 12-30-1905 to 9-29-1994
Wylie L. Langdon 3-13-1938 to 2-18-1975
Mary Ann Langdon 8-21-1889 to 12-9-1965
Pat Larkin
Cora Ikerd Larson 4-15-1891 to 5-9-1966
Andrew Lavin 4-6-1877 to 4-12-1936
Barbara Leban 1883 to 1958
Albert E. Lee 1874 to 1936
Verna Case Lee 1878 to 1948
Harry Randolph Lee 4-6-1903 to 11-28-1951
Virginia T. Lee 12-21-1901 to 6-6-1986
Bion Leftwich 6-18-1895 to 8-30-1895
Frederick J. LeCand 1-13-1841 to 4-28-1933
Rosalie Mason LeCand 1854 to 1945
Virginia LeCand 1887 to 2-5-1925
James Kirkpatrick Lemon 1870 to 1929
Kirk Shelly Lemon 1924 to 1944
William Allen Lemon 8-20-1919 to 7-13-1998
Sarah G.M. Lemon 1884 to 1939
Joseph Letzer 1832 to 1908
Rosina Schrieber Letzler 12-27-1834 to 3-6-1920
Barbara Lewis 8-22-1958 to 6-2-1988
Burton F. Lewis 8-5-1890 to 3-27-1974
Pennist 'Penny' Lewis 6-5-1937 to 10-17-1969
Robert Walter Lewis 1886 to 1904
Ruby Lewis 3-17-1917 to 8-3-1978
Charles M. Lidy to 12-17-1920
Jack Lightsey 9-5-1891 to 3-6-1944
Anna Lindholm Lindstrom 2-23-1878 to 8-29-1958
Carl Lindstrom 7-25-1873 to 9-6-1951
Gail Wolff Lobrano 1951-1-8-1998
Logan (infant baby girl) 4-? to 4-?
Harrison Long, Jr. 1924 to 1977
Lula Mae Long to 1945
Tommye Frances Long 1912 to 1-7-1992
Alvin Elsworth “Jack” Loomis 11-13-1896 to 10-20-1962
Myrtle Loomis 3-18-1909 to 7-1-1981
Jose Lopez-Ballester 7-16-1951 to 10-24-1976
Katherine Sage Lorenzen 1845 to 1-19-1909
William Lorenzen 1844 to 1910+
John W. Lott 2-18-1964 to 2-23-1964
Annie Lott 3-13-1866 to 9-8-1945
Rev. James Lott 3-13-1880 to 5-16-1946
Ramon Louis, III 2-5-1926 to 2-3-1973
Minnie Love to 1-12-1970
Roland Lovelace 9-28-1889 to 5-21-1967
Valerie Pickel Lovelace 5-7-1910 to 10-14-1977
Joy-Elle L. Luckey 12-10-1975 to 1-24-1980
Toxie Hall Luckey 1-19-1927 to 10-6-1984
Hanna Lunblad 5-26-1859 to 4-4-1934
Hulda Lunblad 12-12-1881 to 4-14-1970
Frank Jefferson Lundy 10-23-1863 to 2-9-1912
Vera Poitevent Lundy 1874 to 2-2-1897
Jeannette Lutz 8-23-1902 to 5-22-1980
Paul O. Lutz 3-27-1902 to 11-11-1086
Annias Lyman 10-8-1875 to 12-29-1918
Francis Lyman 5-29-1902 to 1-30-1917
Marie Smith Lyman 1-31-1870 to 2-7-1941
Orelia Lyman 5-23-1900 to 1-11-1917
Silas Lyman 5-12-1880 to 7-8-1932
James Lynch 1-8-1852 to 6-30-1935
Martha Lyon
Bill Lyons 1929 to 9-5-1995
Byron P. Lyons 12-7-1891 to 6-22-1965
Effie Phelps Lyons 1-2-1868 to 6-18-1964
Ellen J. Lyons 2-23-1889 to 4-17-1971
Ernestine Shara Lyons 1-6-1932 to 1-11-1978
?ela R. Lyons 8-31-1981 to 8-31-1981
Sara Elizabeth MacDonald 10-4-1959 to 5-3-1989
Charles W. Madison 3-4-1853 to 1-30-1925
Elizabeth A. Madison 10-25-1855 to 8-18-1944
Amelia A. Madsen 5-12-1878 to 5-20-1878
George L. Madsen 3-6-1877 to 7-5-1877
Henry Peter Madsen 2-23-1854 to 1-31-1892
Hal P. Madsen 8-8-1901 to 8-29-1971
Hall P. Madsen- 1st La Inf Sp Amer War 7-4-1879 to 11-3-1918
Margaret Janette Friar Madsen 2-3-1857 to 7-2-1932
Grace Eleanor Mahr 11-20-1918 to 11-24-1918
Esther Sundman Malmstrom 1-24-1886 to 10-7-1965
John Mangin (infant) to 7-1-1958
H. Margaret 1903 to 1968
Jannie W. Marino 9-12-1901 to 2-5-1978
James Julius Marino 12-29-1932 to 3-22-1994
Louis Samuel Marino 2-10-1935 to 10-11-1987
Paul Ernest Marino 2-3-1930 to 11-10-1950
Eddie G. Marshall
William J. Marshall 1888 to 1964
Adelin Joseph Martin (of Belgium) 1857 to 1-2-1927
Clara Shaw Martin 1858 to 5-24-1930
Margaret Martin to 7-16-1982
Bruner W. Martin, Sr. 4-14-1902 to 10-31-1957
Dexter J. Martin 10-5-1965 to 3-18-1981
Francis N.W. Martin 1-11-1902 to 5-13-1958
Luella H. Martin 4-5-1863 to 4-13-1929
Misty D. Maryovich 5-17-1977 to 7-19-1977
Joe I. Mason, Sr. 2-28-1906 to 3-28-1970
Annie Mae Massey 1917 to 1980
George Massey 1923 to 5-17-1972
Ira Bell Massie 5-20-1900 to 1-8-1958
Marjorie Cox Bailey Massey 8-1-1915 to 12-18-1995
Lee Massey ca 1896 to 4-2-1964
Sam Massey, Jr. 1922 to 6-14-1963
Walter Ray Massey 6-15-1915 to 7-12-1980
William Massey 1919 to 1987
Ellen W. Mathewes 11-14-1901 to 7-26-1975
Frances L. Mathewes 11-23-1903 to 1-12-1985
E. Habersham Mathewes 8-15-1897 to
Charity Wright Matthews 7-21-1881 to 2-21-1957
George Matthews 2-18-1889 to 3-10-1944
Juanita Conalty Matthews 3-10-1927 to 6-13-1996
Olie H. Matthews 6-11-1910 to 6-24-2004
Calvin Jerome Mathieu (Infant) to 8-20-1969
Edna G. Mathieu 1-8-1920 to
Hurley O. Mathieu 9-21-1924 to
Rachael E. Maura 10-24-1908 to 10-4-1946
Rose W. Maurer 1-15-1922 to 5-20-2009
Antonia Gentilich Mavar 5-30-1909 to 10-3-1991
John Mavar, Jr. 10-14-1907 to 1-14-1973
Bradley Karl Maxwell 7-5-1959 to 10-2-2007
Edna Mae Evers Maxwell 4-13-1924 to 8-9-1991
George Davis Maxwell 9-6-1888 to 3-21-1951
George Porter Maxwell 5-29-1913 to 6-29-1914
Karl Case Maxwell 4-6-1893 to 6-29-1958
Nellie Myrtle Morris Maxwell 8-17-1893 to 7-7-1970
Robert Lynd Maxwell 4-5-1920 to 6-13-2008
Robert Lynn Maxwell, II 5-22-1951 to 2-9-1979
Anthony Mayfield, Sr. 3-16-1919 to 2-4-1984
Bailey Washington Mayfield 7-8-1949 to 2-2-1950
Clara Mayfield 7-10-1933 to 9-1-1941
Clara Andrews Fisher Mayfield 12-15-1878 to 3-9-1980
Ernest P. Mayfield 7-29- 1890 to 8-13-1960
Harold M. Mayfield Sr. 8-2-1908 to 8-18-1971
Harold Manning Mayfield Jr. 7-17-1932 to 4-23-2011
Jessie Manning Mayfield 8-30-1883 to 7-28-1943
Michael Stephen Mayfield Sr. 5-23-1951 to 10-2-2005
Wilda E. Mayfield 1-30-1912 to 10-17-1996
William H. Mayfield 10-11-1921 to 10-8-1943
Pricilla E. Mazer 1883 to 10-1968
Leetha K. McCarthy 11-2-1885 to 2-5-1975
Leon A. McCarthy 7-12-1883 to 7-2-1950
Mary Theresa McCauley 3-16-1924 to 5-22-1989
Stuart E. McCauley 9-23-1840 to 1-2-1925
Martha B. McCauley 1-20-1816 to 2-16-1887
Robert W. McCauley 1837 to 1912
Susan C. McCauley 9-26-1956 to 4-27-1963
Brett Jeffrey McClain 4-15-1969 to 1-2-1982
Arthur McClure 1871 to 5-26-1928
Corrine Lundy McClure 1854 to 12-12-1930
John Lewis McClure 1856 to 1-4-1898
John S. McClure 1827 to ?
Marstella E. McClure 1852 to circa 1889
Nannie McClure 1877 to 9-2-1898
Mattie J. McCullen 1900 to 1962
Esrome McDaniel 12-24-1910 to 11-20-1984
Lucille McDaniel 1901 to 4-23-1994
Sara MacDonald 1960 to 5-31-1989
James Willie McDuffie 1-25-1893 to 7-14-1961
Mary Annie McDuffie 4-23-1892 to 12-24-1977
Maude Ozelle McElroy to 2-7-1952
Agnes F. McEwen 9-23-1901 to 1-26-1995
Dan Allen McEwen 1916 to 1918
Fitz Elmer McEwen 1895 to 1969
George Arthur McEwen 11-22-1903 to 11-15-1983
George E. McEwen 1865 to 1961
Henrietta Darling McEwen 1870 to 1931
Wylie E. McEwen 1912 to 1-24-1972
Sultanna [Ann] T. Torlage McGilvary 5-22-1910 to 4-30-2007
Berdie B. McGinty 6-28-1887 to 6-9-1974
Bernard McGinty 6-6-1884 to 10-15-1960
Connerly McGinty 2-24-1927 to 10-15-1995
Macy Bernard McGinty 8-19-1913 to 6-26-1950
Infant son of H.G. & M.G. McGowan 4-26-1903 to 10-22-1903
Albert Flowers McGregor 1875 to 12-30-1945
Gertrude M. Soden McGregor 11-23-1893 to 3-18-1987
Mary Arline Tillman McGuire 2-3-1898 to 3-2-1939
Sarah George McIntosh 1884 to 1939
Eugene L. McIntyre 2-20-1880 to 4-6-1960
Edna D. Elliott McIntyre 11-7-1900 to 1-17-1991
Jane House McKinnis 1874 to 8-5-1950
Albert “Moochie” Thomas McKinnis 1906 to 11-21-1945
Ruth Salome Bethea McKinnis 8-8-1906 to 3-19-1998
Dorothy Eglin Dees McKinnon 9-6-1919 to
Joseph Weldon McKinnon 12-1-1915 to 6-16-1980
Robbin Ann McKinnon 1-17-1957 to 10-20-2000
Ella M. McKinsey 5-4-1862 to 2-27-1955
Ovett McLeod 12-21-1924 to 11-8-1979
John McManus 1820-3-12-1898
Sally McNeal 9-23-1880 to 7-20-1948
Father Rev. William S. McNeal 1-5-1882 to 7-24-1966
Buddy D. McNeeley 10-22-1954 to 11-16-1954
Ann Jarvis McPhearson 10-13-1912 to 3-4-2009
Chester Marvin McPhearson, Sr. 11-27-1883 to 5-27-1969
Chester Marvin McPhearson, Jr. 10-1-1924 to 8-3-2006
Mary Jane McCormick McPhearson 6-28-1925 to 2-12-1990
William M. McPhearson 2-20-1913 to April 1963
Willie Mae McPhearson 8-18-1888 to 6-9-1968
Adrian P. Mechain 1-16-1869 to 8-19-1948
Mrs. A. Mechain 1870 to 1-7-1934
Clifton E. Mellott 8-30-1919 to
Dorothy Ramsay Mellott 6-20-1918 to 2-9-1980
Anita Lyman Mercer 2-23-1893 to 1-17-1977
Mattie L. Mercer 1918 to 6-26-2003
Riley Mercer 8-26-1890 to 1-1-1970
Walter Roger Mercer 4-2-1911 to 8-3-1976
Carla Dawn Metz 8-25-1964 to 1-2-2003
Mildred Schrieber Meyer 3-19-1923 to 12-15-1978
Charles Michael
Ida Michael
Frank D. Miheve 10-11-1917 to 10-19-1988
Elaine Young Miheve 1922 to 12-28-2008
Mildred ? (Infant)
Arnold E. Miller 2-28-1914 to 6-30-1965
Ezmer Broom Miller 12-3-1913 to 10-13-2005
Herbert Lee Miller 9-22-1911 to 2-15-1974
Jerry Miller 3-25-1943 to 7-3-2001
Kathryn ‘Kay’ Alexander Miller 9-27-1939 to 8-9-2010
Mary Alice 'Mae' Miller 1-20-1921 to 6-12-2012
Pearl Horning Miller 1-5-1920 to 7-4-2012
Percy Thomas Miller 10-27-1931 to 1-30-2003
Robert C. Miller 1-15-1887 to 3-25-1953
Robert L. Miller 1909 to 1975
Shirod Miller 4-24-1921 to 1-1-1976
Tracey D. Miller to 9-21-1976
Frank Miller
Marianne Milner 11-5-1942 to 12-6-1943
Mary Joachim Milner 12-6-1916 to 4-5-1987
Walter Denny Milner 7-19-1917 to 12-19-1980
Joseph W. Milsted 1919 to 12-12-1996
Martha J. Minnemeyer 1883 to 1-18-1968
Frank A. Minor 1889 to June 5, 1934
Harry H. Minor 3-6-1862 to 4-19-1905
Harry H. Minor 1886 to 1942
James Ernest Minor 8-26-1898 to 6-17-1900
John Duncan Minor 3-16-1863 to 5-5-1920
Judge Thomas Minor 1891 to 10-16-1958
H.H. Minor, Sr. 9-3-1837 to 6-4-1884
Virginia D. Minor 6-29-1867 to 1912
Virginia Doyal Minor 12-18-1844 to 3-12-1903
Virginia Ethel Minor 9-29-1899 to 6-21-1900
William Leo Minor 9-19-1903 to 9-22-1903
Preston A. Mitchel 11-1-1887 to 6-6-1970
Anna Schultz Mitchell
Beryl Duvernay Mitchell 1-3-1920 to 2-22-1996
Elmyra Theresa Mounier Mitchell 3-26-1894 to 10-23-1989
Frank Marion Mitchell 1922 to 2-5-1941
Howard E. Mitchell 3-1-1925 to 9-15-2005
John C. Mitchell 3-25-1915 to 6-20-1963
Lucille Mitchell to 11-21-1975
John Willis Clayborn Mitchell 1871 to 1952
Lisa Marie Mitchell 11-11-1966 to 11-11-1966
Mary Agnes Brady Mitchell 1896 to 1974
Mary Louise Mitchell 1930 to 1960
Michael Brady Mitchell 6-20-1918 to 12-20-2003
Oscar L. Mitchell 1-3-1917 to 8-9-1973
Oscar Marion Mitchell 1893 to 1964
Palmyra Saucier Mitchell 1876 to 1917
Roderick Boardman Mitchell 1890 to 1974
Ina B. Mizzell 10-21-1884 to 4-26-1904
Florence Pearl Mobley 6-4-1886 to 9-1-1887
Bruce K. Mohler 12-23-1919 to 11-12-1948
Marilyn Mohler 3-28-1927 to 11-29-1941
Michael Paul Mohler 12-24-1964 to 12-19-1987
Robert C. Mohler 4-5-1885 to 10-8-1962
Sophia Maria Mohler 6-4-2002 to 9-7-2010
Doris Money age 52, 5 mo., 18 da.
Charles Henry Moody 8-28-1941 to 12-27-2002 [In Memoriam-Lost at Sea]
James Henry Moody 6-16-1919 to 6-18-1966
Mary A. Moody 10-13-1919 to 6-12-1985
Mrs. Charles Moore 1918 to 2-10-1940
Christy Moore, d/o of Mrs.N.W. Moore, nee Breakfield to 1876
Elenor M. Moore 3-25-1916 to 11-28-1973
Elmer E. Moore 1867 to 1944
Evelyn Moore 7-10-1916 to 9-6-1954
Jean C. Moore 2-29-1913 to 9-28-1998
Mary Moore to 4-1-1959
Nancy Moore, d/o of Mrs. N.W. Moore, nee Breakfield to 1875
Sarah Moore, mother of N.W. Moore to 1875
Sarah Moore, d/o of Mrs. N.W. Moore, nee Breakfield to 1859
Susan Moore, 1st wife of N.W. Moore to 1855
Wilcy Moore 10-1-1935 to 3-5-1937
Warren Montgomery 1848 to 1-31-1933
A.P. "Fred" Moran 7-17-1897 to 10-19-1967
Alfred Russell Moran 7-8-1930 to 3-30-1981
John Duncan Moran 9-6-1925 to 8-26-1995
Ethel Virginia Russell Moran 11-13-1899 to 9-27-1957
Marion Emma Illing Moran 12-17-1899 to 2-24-1993
Mary Shannon Fountain Moran 4-10-1928 to
Lois Ann Simons Morano 3-8-1921 to 10-30-2009
Paul A. Morano 5-20-1918 to 6-18-1975
Anne Morris 1819 to 10-11-1900
Emmanuel J. Morris 1849 to 1-28-1899
James Morris to circa 1858
Kate Cecilia Morris 1855 to
Ernest A. Morris 1860 to 5-22-1946
Lydia E. Morris 2-15-1872 to 7-22-1933
Robert Morris 1902-1970
Laura Morris
Florence E. Morrow 5-24-1868 to 7-20-1936
Maude Ozell Morrow 1875 to 2-7-1952
Sarah Bull Morrow 1844 to 7-28-1916
Joseph B. Muelling 1894 to 1976
Louise Engbarth Muelling 6-4-1908 to 2-12-1965
Emmie Dell Redden Murphy 12-17-1902 to 9-29-1994
James J. Murphy 1867 to 1944
Louise Murphy 1925 to 1983
Mary Murphy (Co. Cavin, Ireland) 1807 to 8-21-1897
Mary Newman Murphy 1870 to 1942
Thomas N. Murphy 2-21-1892 to 3-18-1966
Walter J. Murphy
Ida Elizabeth Murray 2-1-1945 to 1-2-1995
Mildred Schrieber Myers 3-19-1923 to 12-15-1978
Porter L. Myers 7-20-1885 to 11-13-1950
Violet S. Naylon 1907 to 7-24-1973
Sister Nazarena 1865 to 1950
Miral B. Nelson 14-26-1913 to 11-17-1972
George Neuburger 1-7-1911 to 11-1-2003
Marguerite H. Neuburger 1918 to 5-24-1998
Eleanor Keeton Rollins Nevels 5-10-1927 to 8-19-2009
Robert D. Nevels 4-11-1918 to 11-10-1984
Alforetta D. Newcomb 7-31-1904 to 3-5-1932
Frank E. Newcomb 10-22-1914 to 5-21-1964
Fred D. Newcomb 4-11-1880 to 11-1-1932
Jennie Carter Newcomb 1-27-1879 to 2-25-1951
Jennie Newcomb 6-27-1911 to 5-12-1986
Gertrude C. Newkirk 1-2-1925 to 10-29-1984
Hermes J. Newkirk 4-29-1920 to 7-4-1959
Beatrice M. Newman 1894 to 1962
Dr. Harold G. Newman 1894 to 1980
Rev.Joseph Nicholson 11-2-1811 to 12-20-1886
Agnes Helen Nilsson 1854 to 9-12-1936
Emma Nilsson 3-25-1855 to 1-16-1944
Anne Nissen 1874 to 1955
Nicholas C. Nissen 1-26-1863 to 1-19-1941
Thelma Cooper Nix 6-12-1926 to 8-29-1981
D.L. Noble
D.M. Noble
J.M. Noble
Janie M. Noble
L.M. Noble
Naomi Noble
T.J. Noble
T.S. Noble
Herman Edward Noel 4-30-1903 to 9-15-1967
Percy B. Noel 5-1-1908 to 3-16-1977
Ruby Williams Noel 12-6-1915 to 8-5-1993
Sadie Mae Noel 12-13-1906 to 8-13-1990
Elizabeth Clark Nolan 1839 to 1914
(Baby) Nollie -???? to 3-10-1977
Ruth Ayers Norman 9-21-1917 to 8-16-1955
Earl D. Norris 10-6-1922 to 4-16-1985
Earline Cooper Norris 6-4-1926 to 10-22-2000
Mother Jerome O'Brien (MSSH) 1889 to 1952
Annette Rose Saxon O'Keefe 12-12-1924 to 5-16-1998
Edward Joseph O'Keefe 4-10-1889 to 11-4-1890
Edward "Ned" O'Keefe 1815 to 10-21-1874
Helen Granberry O'Keefe 10-25-1957 to 11-18-2011
Jeremiah J. O'Keefe 2-26-1859 to 11-6-1911
Jeremiah J. O'Keefe III 7-12-1923 to
Jeremiah J. "Jody" O'Keefe IV 5-21-1946 to 12-3-2007
Joseph H. "Jody" O'Keefe 12-13-1897 to 8-1-1932
Mary Alice O'Keefe 11-28-1864 to 1-5-1921
Mary Cahill O'Keefe 3-16-1893 to 1-22-1980
Mary Helen O'Keefe 12-5-1863 to 9-5-1878
Mary Tracy O'Keefe 1830 to 2-18-1895
Perry O'Sullivan 4-1-1910 to 5-2-1978
James L. Odenbeck 1943 to 1960
Alvin G. Olson 4-10-1885 to 3-18-1965
Mrs. Andrew Olson to 3-5-1910
Esther Ann Olson 12-2-1894 to 12-22-1964
J. Clifton Orbell 2-24-1888 to 4-3-1897
Kathleen G. Laan Ozols 10-24-1950 to 4-12-1980
Bertie Mae Pabst 1908 to 1944
Charles E. Pabst 1851 to 6-3-1920
Elizabeth G. Pabst 1851 to 3-3-1916
Ernest G. Pabst 1-20-1883 to 7-25-1927
Escambia Baker Pabst 6-4-1880 to 7-30-1947
George C. Pabst 1881 to 1949
Mary E. Pabst 1886 to 1947
Rev. William Sherman Page 1-5-1882 to 7-24-1966
Henry Paige 1887 to 1927
Idella Holden Page 2-20-1902 to 1-31-2003
Mary "May" Palfrey 1901 to 5-29-1992
Anna Palmquist to 10-19-1941
Thure A. Palmquist 1883 to 1930
Rev. James D. Parker 2-19-1816 to 1-17-1895
Lucy S. Adams Parker to 11-16-1906
Emma Parks 8-13-1859 to 11-1-1920
W.O. Parrigan 1-25-1845 to 7-9-1917
Elizabeth N. Parrigin 1837 to 8-2-1928
?????? Patten to 5-17-1927
O.G. Patten [of Detroit, drowned in Biloxi Bay] 1863 to 5-17-1924
Marie E. Patterson 4-16-1918 to 5-11-1964
David L. Pavolini 12-5-1947 to 4-30-1986
Inez P. Pavolini 1912 to 1990
Infant Pavolini 10-30-1973 to 10-30-1973
Louis F. Pavolini 1913 to 1972
Sharon Nell Pavolini 3-13-1941 to 6-2-2008
Rebella E. Pedan 1874 to 1935
Norman E. Peden 1875 to 1930
Rebecca E. Peden 1874 to 1935
Norman E. Peden 1875 to 1930
Kimberly Galle Pepper 8-23-1964 to 8-25-1964
Anacleta Peraboni 1888 to 1964
William J. Perkins 1867 to 11-24-1934
Speros Louis Peters 10-7-1981 to 10-7-1981
Josephine Pfefferle 1837 to 1-1904
Rudolph Pfefferle 1829 to 10-20-1894
Laura Aline Phelps 1878 to 4-1-1909
Laura F. Case Phelps 1847 to 1925
Elizabeth Thomas Phelps 11-1843 to 4-6-1904
Noel Byron Phelps to 12-8-1886
Jane Annie Phillips 4-17-1899 to 2-4-1975
Roy M. Phillips 6-4-1899 to 11-24-1973
Carsie Pierce 9-2-1895 to 3-14-1957
Jenny K. Pierce 2-16-1886 to 4-11-1982
Ruby E.R. Pierce 10-7-1901 to 8-25-1979
Harry M. Pike 10-25-1911 to 11-11-1966
Sara Carnegie Pike 9-1-1946 to 11-11-1966
John A. Pleasant 3-20-1912 to 7-16-1962
John A. Pleasant Jr. 7-28-1938 to 7-7-1998
Rosie E. Pleasant 1-23-1915 to 12-17-1981
Harry Plumb 1873 to 1916
John C. Poelma, III 2-12-1986 to 2-12-1986
Charlie Poitevent ?
June Poitevent 1837 to 1919
May E. Poitevent 1847 to 1932
Schuyler Poitevent Jr. 4-1-1911 to 5-15-1978
Schuyler Poitevent 10-12-1875 to 10-14-1936
Thomasia Poitevent 7-1-1877 to 4-10-1964
Vera Poitevent 1874 to-2-2-1897
Virginia M. Favre Poitevent 1-11-1912 to 7-25-1990
Lora B. Ponder 1900 to 1982
Linzie Pope, Sr. 5-10-1913 to 10-3-1978
Mr. Ossie Pope to 5-3-1969
Byron Porter 9-9-1863 to 8-17-1938
Dr. William Porter 1850 to 11-13-1921
Pearl E. Porter 11-23-1861 to 5-6-1943
Clarence L.Porterfield 10-29-1889 to 9-15-1952
Pearline Powe 3-5-1934 to 2-3-1986
Mildred Franco Theriot Pietri Powell 9-23-1896 to 12-30-1969
David Neely Powers 10-21-1890 to 4-8-1983
Katherine Crane Powers 4-5-1891 to 10-20-1961
Jeff D. Praytor 1861 to 1912
Lida B. Praytor 1863 to 1924
James P. Price 6-17-1846 to 3-14-1922
Mary H. Price 12-9-1873 to 8-8-1954
James P. Price 6-17-1846 to 3-14-1922
Mary Price to 3-22-1903
Mary Hart Price 12-9-1873 to 8-18-1954
Charles Prince 4-2-1849 to 7-22-1909
Betty Jean Provost 2-6-1932 to 10-27-1973
Hermia Tillinghast Provost 3-7-1883 to 12-25-1971
Sterling Wood Provost 6-9-1885 to 1-2-1973
Jennie Frances Purington 2-23-1846 to 7-25-1933
Dillwyn V. Purington 1-22-1841 to 4-2-1914
Tillie Stuart Raby 2-14-1885 to 12-29-1906
Andrew J. Ramsay 7-12-1852 to 11-18-1929
Blanche B. Ramsay 6-12-1896 to 7-29-1961
Byron L. Ramsay 11-17-1889 to 1-14-1974
Claude Alva Ramsay 12-20-1891 to 8-2-1963
Don Carlos Ramsay 4-7-1885 to 1-13-1929
Ralph A. Ramsay 4-29-1887 to 6-29-1972
Elizabeth G. Ramsay 3-15-1925 to
Enoch Denton Ramsay 3-9-1870 to 12-18-1947
Enoch N. Ramsay 6-29-1832 to 5-9-1916
J. Clifton Orbell Ramsay 2-24-1888 to 4-3-1897
Lillian E. Ramsay 3-9-1902 to 6-5-1902
Lizzie Ramsay 4-1-1877 to 9-2-1900
Sarah Bradford Ramsay 9-22-1848 to 7-20-1926
Sarah E. George Ramsay 5-18-1842 to 2-24-1894
Stanley C. Ramsay Sr. 5-20-1928 to 9-14-2007
Stephen Turner Ramsay 1952 to 11-24-1961
Sue Cooper Ramsay 11-23-1852 to 6-20-1936
Kate Johnson Ramsey 1929 to 12-1957.
Jeannine Dozdz Ramon 1931 to 10-22-1995
Louis Ramon 2-5-1926 to 2-1974
George H. Randel to 2-8-1903
George Randolph 7-20-1893 to 10-21-1964
Nicy Randolph 5-9-1867 to 4-26-1942
Willie Randolph 1-3-1894 to 9-8-1960
Anniebelle S. Vincent Rankin 11-14-1896 to 5-28-1976
Edward Rasch 12-14-1881 to 10-23-1962
Maria Preis Ratelle 10-10-1911 to 1-12-1965
Paul Albert Ratelle 1-1-1870 to 10-13-1920
Maria Josephine Faessel Ratelle 1-24-1877 to 4-16-1946
Alfred A. Raymond 8-1-1914 to 6-13-1975
Frances Jones Raymond 9-13-1916 to 4-5-2007
Frank J. Raymond 11-25-1883 to 11-20-1952
Marguerite Raymond 9-11-1890 to 8-18-1961
Ann K. Rayner 5-30-1907 to 2-22-1986
Charles H. Rayner 1-22-1891 to 8-29-1960
Jennifer Lee Rayner 1-24-1950 to 7-24-1969
W.F. Red to 11-11-1927
Janet Lee Reed 6-11-1963 to 2-10-1979
Harry D. Reeks 5-23-1920 to 1-15-1982
Annie G. Rehage 1888 to 1971
Charles F. Rehage 1890 to 1977
Harry John Rehage 10-7-1914 to 6-15-1999
Irma Sundmaker Rehage 4-18-1916 to 9-6-1999
Elmer A. Rehnberg 8-20-1899 to 1-10-1940
Audrey Elizabeth Reid 5-1900 to 1-20-1914
Dunklin Felix Reid 5-1872 to ?
Gertrude Augusta Carson Reid 9-27-1899 to 1-9-1996
Josephine Reid to 5-1934
Vancleave Reid 2-9-1899 to 4-11-1972
Kathern Marie Reilly 10-???? to 5-17-1954
William Lynn Reilly 8-27-1885 to 1-12-1950
Charlyn R. Reissig 10-21-1952 to 3-9-1972
Margaret M. Reissig 12-17-1918 to 11-8-1980
Fran Reneau 4-9-1930 to 5-27-2012
Elmer A. Rhenberg 1900 to 1-11-1940
Ethel Weeks Rice 1887 to 1969
George A. Rice 1860 to 1942
Mamie W. Rice 1864 to 1937
Daniel Jackson Richards 3-1-1857 to 2-16-1892
Elizabeth Gary Richards 4-26-1862 to 3-31-1947
Minerva Casey Richards 1826 to 10-27-1895
Reuben L. Richards 1863 to 1-9-1928
Will Richards 1-26-1862 to 11-26-1910
Williard Richards 5-8-1820 to 12-1-1875
Florence Richardson 8-26-1856 to 9-4-1931
Harry E. Richardson, Sr. 11-20-1908 to 2-16-1986
Mrs. B. Richardson 1909 to
Charles L. Richter 11-2-1878 to 3-19-1945
F.A. Richter 6-24-1851 to 7-31-1896
Louise F. Richter 10-24-1856 to 2-25-1932
Clem Eugene Ridgeway 2-7-1921 to 1-29-1998
John Riehm 1846 to 7-29-1936
Sarah Houston Ridley 10-1798 to 10-17-1879
Augusta Ople Riehm 6-4-1850 to 12-2-1938
John Riehm 5-2-1846 to 7-30-1936
Jane Rilla 1915 to 1931
Sara K. Ringler 1871 to 1954
William H.B. Ringler 1870 to 1938
Clara Lucille Minor Coates Rising 10-30-1923 to 1-14-2010 [interred 2-12-2011]
Stanley Albert Rising 4-19-1920 to 11-20-2009 [interred 2-12-2011]
Adolph J. Riviere 6-29-1871 to 5-21-1954
Albert T. Riviere 7-7-1906 to 9-29-1948
Beryl Marie Girot Riviere 2-22-1916 to 1-14-2011
Edward J. Riviere 11-27-1917 to 6-24-1968
Frank P. Riviere 1909 to 1937
Julia H. Riviere 12-21-1877 to 11-27-1964
Mark T. Riviere 8-20-1970 to 7-24-1974
Ray Paul Riviere 9-11-1947 to 6-12-1981
Roy Joseph Riviere 1-6-1914 to 10-6-2000
Roxie Thurmon Roach 1928 to 8-19-1994
Audrey Elizabeth Lemon Roberts 9-28-1921 to 1-27-2002
Lillie Robertson 2-19-1890 to 9-28-1978
????? Robertson
Hazel May Russell Robinson 1890 to 11-15-1920
Henry Robinson Jr. 9-26-1954 to 4-25-2007
John Robinson to 10-19-1918
Baby Robinson 4-1969 to 4-1969
Alcidia Rochon 1-13-1903 to 4-2-2001
Darlene A. Rocker 3-2-1959 to 6-29-1978
Johnnie Mae Rocker to 5-24-1986
Peter Rocker to 5-13-1965
John F. Rodgers 8-27-1833 to 12-26-1910
Genevieve Franco Rodrigues 1-5-1844 to 2-9-1915
Will Rogers to 2-2-1956
John William Rogers 1892 to 12-1-1935
William Curtis Rogers 3-21-1926 to 8-31-1943
Alexander J. Rolkosky (infant) 12-4-2001 to 12-4-2001
Claude Roper 10-27-1926 to 3-2-1986
Augustin von Rosambeau 1849 to 1912
Mary Ann Soden von Rosambeau 10-6-1856 to 2-20-1937
Blanche Magdalen von Rosambeau 8-14-1892 to 5-5-1982
Leonhard W. von Rosambeau 6-2-1883 to 10-18-1931
Marguerite H. von Rosambeau 4-23-1887 to 5-16-1972
L.M. Rose 1831 to 1906
Anita L. Ross 1-25-1946 to 9-20-1979
Mayola Mercer Ross 7-18-1914 to 11-16-1970
Wilfred Roderick "Ricky" Ross 1964 to 2-17-1992
?????? Roswillgile 1832 to 1919
Charles H. Rouse Sr. 8-31-1901 to 4-4-1959
John H. Rouse 5-23-1885 to 10-17-1918
Charles W. Rownd 10-15-1850 to 12-15-1929
Karl E. Rudd 8-19-1855 to 12-23-1890
Camille M. Ruddiman 1891 to 1982
Benjamin Edsel Ruddiman 1-10-1917 to 9-30-2006
Mary Bigelow Ruddiman 1-5-1927 to 9-20-2005
Stanley P. Ruddiman 1890 to 1986
William B. Ruddiman 1928 to 1978
Will Roger Rudolph to 11-11-1900
Lula Ruper to 1-26-1975
Pauline Thieme Rupp 2-21-1857 to 11-27-1945
Robert Walter Rupp 5-10-1857 to 8-26-1930
George Ruppel
Joanna A. Franco Ruppel 12-19-1865 to 7-29-1903
Frederick R. Russell 7-2-1889 to 9-8-1889
Harry Turner Russell 6-7-1898 to 5-6-1899
Hiram Fisher Russell 3-10-1858 to 5-5-1940
Hiram Minor Russell 5-6-1892 to 11-1-1940
J. Lillian Miles Russell 4-1-1890 to 7-26-1929
May Virginia Russell 5-9-1866 to 4-1-1910
Adrian Elbert Ryan 9-11-1918 to 6-7-1989
Arabella Mercedes Ryan 1915 to 11-11-1917
Betty Lou Williams Ryan 4-23-1929 to 10-2-1998
Camille Jack Ryan 4-16-1888 to 11-1-1967
Linda Ryan (wooden cross) 7-18-1948 to 4-27-1981
Mae Colligan Ryan 2-28-1892 to 7-31-1966
Mary Ella Slater Ryan 5-20-1882 to 9-13-1954
Florence A. Ryan 8-11-1889 to 11-30-1954
Frederick J. Ryan 1-26-1886 to 1-10-1969
Joseph Frederick Ryan 7-23-1917 to 6-20-1928
Lucy Salter 1837 to 2-10-1924
Calvin Sanders to 3-17-1969
Annie Bell Sanders to 9-13-1986
Van Sanders 8-12-1912 to 11-9-1998
Carolyn B. Sasser 2-11-1902 to 2-11-1973
Charles Satcher to 3-3-1913
Cornelius Satcher 3-3-1861 to 11-6-1907
Georgia Satcher 11-24-1907 to 1-13-1985
Herbert Satcher 2-17-1906 to 3-25-1983
Marguerite Rochon Satcher 3-26-1906 to 8-14-1997
Mary Agnes Mitchell Saunders 4-16-1925 to 3-2-1987
Menno Ronald Saunders 2-21-1920 to 7-6-2010
Cecile B. Saxon 11-22-1893 to 2-9-1980
Joseph E. Saxon 1-31-1925 to 4-8-1971
Kenneth Saxon 1917 to 9-26-1958
A.V. Sceals 7-11-1859 to 2-2-1916
Mary Lockridge Sceals 1-23-1862 to 5-8-1937
Murray B. Sceals 1895 to 1956
Clair U. Scharr 2-12-1908 to 8-4-1972
Joseph U. Scharr 8-4-1874 to 11-8-1954
Lenora A. Scharr 9-21-1881 to 1-10-1962
Orwin Joseph Scharr 4-14-1914 to 8-7-2002
Ruth Yvonne Dickey White Scharr 2-16-1913 to 8-22-2000
Annie S. Scheib 1874 to 1956
Dudley Scheffer 1873 to 11-4-1929
Lillian A. Scheffer 1884 to 7-17-1926
Gertrude Schindler to 5-7-1984
Reinhold W. Schluter 1890 to 1966
Antoinette Johnson Schmidt 1880 to 1956
Charles E. Schmidt 1904 to 1988
Frank Ernest Schmidt 1877 to 1954
Frank Oliver Schmidt 1902 to 1975
Harry Johnson Schmidt 1905 to 1997
Helen Richard Schmidt 1905 to 1959
Margaret Heath Schmidt 1908 to 1983
Maria Rosaria Crowe Bailey Schmidt 2-10-1920 to 1-25-2001
Robert J. Schmidt 8-7-1937 to 4-5-2000
Elisa Zueber Schneider 7-14-1866 to 11-18-1950
Adolph Joseph Schrieber -1835 to 10-14-1875
Etta Clark Schrieber 2-24-1888 to 5-16-1979
Joseph Louis Schrieber 3-14-1873 to 6-22-1951
Joseph Wheeler Schrieber 5-4-1921 to 3-12-1953
Lilly Alice Rupp Schrieber 10-30-1889 to 8-10-1972
Althea Kiernan Seals 5-31-1919 to 2-18-2006
James Willis Seals 12-16-1918 to 10-27-1983
Lizzie D. Seeley 2-27-1838 to 5-19-1912
Kevin E. Sellers to 8-19-1970
Jessie Hart Senter 1866 to 1937
Mother Battastina Serio 1904 to 1958
Henry Rosignol Setze 5-20-1896 to 12-6-1981
Marie Mathewes Setze 6-13-1899 to
Alfred Seymour 1940 to 6-14-2007
Alleen B. Seymour 3-11-1908 to 8-6-1974
Andrew Seymour 3-29-1921 to 3-30-1960
Bernell S. Seymour 2-24-1922 to 4-3-1991
Beryl Fayard Seymour 1919 to 1972
Clara Tillman Seymour 11-9-1889 to 8-18-1952
Clinton "June" Seymour 1926 to 5-11-1994
Clinton W. Seymour 2-14-1899 to 3-4-1943
Evelyn Wilson Seymour 1937 to 5-1-1993
Francis L. Seymour 1937 to to 1-12-2006
Henry D. Seymour, Sr. 11-16-1910 to 3-6-1978
Henry Daniel Seymour Jr. 8-22-1942 to 9-9-2011
Joseph Seymour 1914 to 1940
Jules Seymour 1856 to 6-23-1922
Louise Seymour to 1-3-1946
Luchrisa Miller Seymour 1883 to 1939
Mark Mathias Seymour Sr. 10-25-1935 to 3-7-2010
Mildred Larie Seymour 3-25-1926 to 4-1-2000
Patsy Lee Seymour to 5-29-1976
Seller K. Seymour 6-28-1899 to 11-26-1992
Thomas M. Seymour 11-15-1894 to 9-16-1927
Tom Seymour to 9-5-1928
Williams (Billy) Seymour 1871 to 1937
Winniefred Norwood Shapker 1870 to 1937
Dudley Sheffer 1873 to 11-4-1929
Alonzo D. Sheldon 1832 to 1903
Ellen M. Sheldon "Aunt Nellie" 1834 to 1912
Laura V. Shell 2-21-1878 to 5-29-1957
Doreathea Shelton to 1-19-1988
Mary Ann Shimp 12-11-1920 to 10-2-1999
William H. Shimp 6-18-1905 to 5-27-1980
Gertrude Dick Shindler to 5-7-1984
William Lester Shoemaker 7-11-1917 to 10-28-1977
Cleo D. Short 1-17-1904 to 3-2-1978
John K. Short 3-7-1889 to 8-16-1973
Rose V. Shotlander 5-15-1917 to 10-15-1978
Walter Shotlander 4-6-1907 to 11-25-1977
Helen Sigerson to 5-16-1929
William A. Sigerson 9-1844 to 2-23-1906
?????? Simmons 1920 to
Floy Taylor Simmon 1931 to 7-27-1998
Harriet H. Badon Simmons 1842 to 1920
Ira W. Simmons 1867 to 12-8-1919
Joseph B. Simmons 1824 to 1886
Druard J. Simmons 4-16-1912 to 5-24-1929
Kenneth Simmons 9-16-1897 to 7-22-1898
Sallie T. Shanahan Simmons 1869 to 1947
William Rufus Simmons 2-1864 to 7-1924
Joseph J. Simpson 5-20-1897 to 1-28-1972
Edwin T. Simpson 8-19-1884 to 9-24-1960
Edwin T. Simpson, Jr. 5-10-1918 to 4-1981
Eula Catchot Simpson 7-11- 1892 to 6-20-1982
Mrs. Helen R. Sinclair to 8-14-1969
Irene Buehring Sinclair to 7-22-1968
Mr. Lenlie Sinclair to 6-18-1970
Sister M. of St. El. 1866 to 1904
Agnes Skehan 1863 to 4-11-1922
Mrs. William Skehan 8-27-1833 to 4-15-1918
Cecil B. Smallman 8-30-1911 to 6-15-1979
Judy Smallman 9-15-1876 to 11-26-1949
Mella L. Smallman 1-24-1929 to 2-23-1992
Leroy J. "Frenchie" Smerz 1-19-1919 to 3-22-1977
Lois Spicer Smerz 10-10-1926 to 9-29-1995
A.J. Smith 8-28-1894 to 11-6-1894
Alwyn Smith, Sr. 8-5-1892 to 4-18-1987
Ann Smith 10-1849 to 1900+
Annie Smith 1857 to 1910
Bobby L. Smith 10-7-1967 to 6-21-1969
Chester E. Smith 10-24-1918 to 9-27-1944
Craig Smith to 7-28-1974
Dolores "Bobby" Davidson Smith 6-4-1916 to 9-6-1997
Ella Smith 8-24-1893 to 11-17-1971
Frank Smith to 1913
George W. Smith 1889 to 1-6-1969
Rev. George Washington Smith 1-10-1857 to 1953
Gladys McGinty Smith 1909 to 10-31-1997
Rev. Isaac C. Smith 2-12-1908 to 8-11-1992
Johannah Blount Smith 1830 to 1901
Johnny Smith 2-28-1907 to 7-26-1978
Julie Smith 4-20-1939 to 4-20-1939
Lenora B. Smith 1864 to 1946
Dr. Llewellyn J. Smith 9-24-1910 to 12-5-1991
Leah E. Calongne Smith 8-23-1896 to 7-1-1973
Lillie L.P. Smith 11-10-1900 to 1-8-1978
Lina V. Smith 9-16-1900 to 2-27-1946
Marie Antoinette Smith to 12-17-196?
Nancy Smith 12-1869 to 1964?
Orelia Smith 1-2-1827 to 12-20-1907
Otis F. Smith 1902 to 1977
Roger Smith 2-16-1875 to 12-8-1934
Sabra Smith 1885 to 1964
Sallie Mae Quinn Smith 11-3-1915 to 9-18-2003
Mrs. Susie Smith 2-6-1910 to 9-2-1991
?????? Smith to 1975
Carrie Virginia Gilfillan Snell 12-8-1859 to 1-6-1934
Annie Snyder to 2-12-1921
Charles L. Snyder 1877 to 1963
Chester Snyder 4-7-1894 to 8-4-1957
Lacey E. Snyder 1881 to 1918
Ellen M. Snyder 1838 to 1900
Louise Snyder 1-13-1891 to 2-4-1981
Sylvia L. Snyder 1883 to 1971
William R. Snyder 1864 to 1918
Bridget Soden 1864 to 1944
James B. Soden 1855 to 1-4-1916
Laura Soden 1877 to 1951
Henry Souque 1869 to 1925
Francesca Spencer 12-31-1911 to 1-11-1971
Ethel Louise Griffiths Spencer 1885 to 1945
Stewart Courtenay Spencer 4-13-1876 to 5-10-1959
Delphine I. Spicer 5-7-1915 to 4-24-1971
Freddie E. Spicer 5-8-1909 to 5-29-1974
Freddie Lynn Spicer 1-7-1958 to 11-8-1982
Kenneth Patrick Spicer 1963 to 2-16-1965
Frances H. Springer 8-2-1911 to 12-3-1981
Iris Davidson Figueroa Springer 1914 to 10-31-1993
Lorio St. Pe 9-21-1908 to 12-2-1981
Harry W. Stange 9-30-1917 to 6-20-1989
Adeline A. Staples 1829 to 1902
May E. Staples 1847 to 1932
John M. Stebly 9-11-1893 to 11-6-1964
Matthew David Stebley 12-23-1960 to 12-25-1960
Pauline Mrzel Stebly 4-24-1902 to 1-30-1975
Edward C. Steimer 1884 to 1967
Trilby G. Steimer 1896 to 1960
Edward J. Sterken 10-23-1893 to 5-13-1979
Frances A. Sterken 5-10-1891 to 10-3-1984
Etta Stewart 3-8-1872 to 3-8-1902
M. Eugene Stewart 1933 to 8-4-1967
Eugene Stewart 4-24-1903 to 9-26-1952
Kate Paige Stewart 1867 to 1937
Leonard Stockstill 1879 to 1955
Lessie Eleanor Stockstill 2-28-1910 to 8-3-1978
Eleanor R. Stokes to 10-4-1896
Maudie Lee Miller Storie 5-29-1934
Walter R. ‘Bob’ Storie Jr. 6-13-1934
Eugene Straight 12-23-1957 to 1-22-1974
Rose Strait 1887 to 1943
Will Strait 1880 to 1943
Harry Willard Strange 9-30-1916 to 6-20-1989
Irma Jane Tichborne Strange 5-10-1916 to 1-2-1988
Elizabeth Toche Madsen Struchen 12-28-1882 to 9-13-1978
Alfred Stuart 8-1836 to 10-27-1902
Alfred B. Stuart 4-1860 to 10-4-1928
Clara Harding Stuart 10-1869 to 1914
Elizabeth McCauley Stuart 9-23-1840 to 1-2-1925
William R. Stuart 11-18-1820 to 3-29-1894
Charlie V. Styles 6-15-1920 to 12-12-1959
Nellie M. Styles 11-18-1920 to
Sister Generosa Surgi 10-6-1877 to 5-28-1969
Ada Minor Switzer 6-1875 to 11-17-1914
Thelma E. Sylvester 4-25-1917 to
Wallace R. Sylvester 12-24-1917 to 5-14-1979
Nolan E. Taconi, Sr. 8-8-1910 to 3-9-1971
Nolan E. Taconi, Jr. 1938 to 9-22-1998
Opal Faulkenberry Taconi 10-10-1915 to 4-4-1980
Elias J. Tanous 1881 to 1950
Mary J. Tanous 1855 to 3-1908
George Tanner 1941 to 6-27-1990
Barbara Flick Tardy 4-1-1840 to 11-13-1917
Edward L. Tardy 8-14-1863 to 3-1-1943
Frederick G. Tardy 1900 to 1902
George H. Tardy 1839 to 1902
Mary M. Tardy 1894 to 1896
Olivia S. Tardy 1870 to 1956
Pearl B. Tardy 2-10-1912 to 6-9-2000
Thelma C. Tardy 1909-1923
Walton O. Tardy 4-20-1912 to 3-18-1970
Henry F. Tate 5-24-1906 to 11-15-1906
Verbie Tatum 8-12-1924 to 10-4-1971
Alice Ingham Taylor 1875 to 1943
Earle Richard Taylor 12-7-1917 to
Elizabeth A. Taylor to 5-18-1872
Joseph Rogers Taylor 5-24-1875 to 1-17-1945
Junita Taylor to 4-9-1962
Lillian 'Holcomb' Taylor 6-14-1923 to
Lottie B. Taylor 1879 to 1946
Robert W. Taylor 1875 to 1940
Sara McQuiston Taylor 5-29-1883 to 12-20-1962
Elizabeth A. Taylor to 5-18-1872
Thibodeaux, infant (Gregg and Karen McNeese) to 3-3-1995
Bobbie Ann Gregg Thibodeaux 6-26-1936 to
Terry Thibodeaux 1-16-1935 to 12-17-1992
A. Lilian Thomas 1862 to 1948
Anna Thomas 1844 to 8-17-1922
Asa Thomas 1882 to 8-12-1919
Charles R. Thomas 1888 to 1949
George W. Thomas 11-10-1854 to 9-15-1932
Susie E. Woodcock Thomas 1869 to 1904
Mother Thomas
Son Thomas
Elzada Mackie Thomas-Turrentine 1893 to 1968
Charles Edwin Thompson 3-6-1922 to 6-23-2005
David R. Thompson 1-23-1960 to 4-5-1979
Henry H. Thompson to 10-2-1929
Magdaleane Thompson 12-1-1886 to 11-11-1963
Juanita Gollott Thorson 10-10-1929 to 9-20-2006
Rogex R. Thorson 3-10-1932 to 2-16-1982
Delilah Lynea Thornton 11-20-2006 to 2-18-2007
Grace Mildred Williams Thornton 1925 to 3-5-2002
Jesse T. Thornton 9-25-1919 to 10-31-1989
???? Thure 1883 to 1960
Anna, d. 10-19-1941
Herbert Thurmond 12-25-1900 to 3-15-1967
Merlissie Thurmond 11-4-1904 to 6-20-1959
Mattie Brooks Thurmond 1-2-1902 to 2-1978
John Oran Tillinghast 6-30-1924 to 4-21-2000
Joseph Whitney Tillinghast 5-14-1843 to 10-14-1909
Mary A. Brumbaugh Tillinghast 9-12-1924 to 11-28-2010
Gideon N. Tillman 8-10-1872 to 4-2-1925
Sarah Page Tobias to 11-21-1881
Mattie F. Toby
(Baby Girl) Toche 4-13-1960 to 4-13-1960
Alvin A. Toche 1-5-1916 to 4-12-1983
Irma Toche 1910 to 5-27-1929
Josephine Hayden Toche 8-8-1925 to 4-8-2010
Mary Toche 1858 to 8-3-1934
Norma Toche 1885 to 1918
Victor Toche 1887 to 1962
William Toche 1862 to 11-19-1937
John Topp 2-24-1832 to 4-13-1881
Claude Thomas Torgerson 2-2-1922 to 10-16-1989
Ashben P. Towns 9-25-1925 to 9-24-1989
Robert Louis Townsend 9-10-1955 to 7-16-1994
James J. Tracey 1895 to 1965
John Martin Tracy 12-21-1842 to 3-21-1892
Melanie Tracy 1-12-1837 to 3-23-1889
Maud Tabb Trainor 7-27-1891 to 1-7-1985
Reverend Jesse Lee Trotter 7-15-1925 to 11-25-2010
Leroy C. Trotter 9-28-1959 to 5-16-1970
Patricia Antoinette Trotter 8-11-1964 to 7-3-2003
Senora William Trotter 1-17-1932 to 11-6-2006
Mildred Trowbridge 5-14-1902 to 6-6-1991
Ernest Marvin Tue 7-9-1923 to 11-23-1985
John T. Tue 1891 to 3-1958
Minnie Belle Tue 3-7-1891 to 12-23-1971
Rosalie Pauwels Tue 1924 to 7-22-2001
Elzada Mackie Thomas-Turrentine 1893 to 1968
Lennie Undupree 3-13-1921 to 12-19-1973
Agnes A. Van Alstyne 7-23-1882 to 3-18-1930
Edward William Van Alstyne 4-15-1875 to 10-5-1939
Katherine C. Ver Nooy Van Alstyne 12-29-1863 to 12-3-1953
Charles Van Quekelberge 1835 to 9-10-1878
H. Dryden Van Cleave 1901 to 2-8-1946
Elizabeth Sheppard Van Cleave 1842-1912
Emma Stewart Van Cleave 7-25-1903 to 7-17-1973
Eudora Casey Van Cleave 1876 to 1950
Gerald Bradford Van Cleave Jr. (infant) 1963 to 10-6-1963
Merle Van Cleave to 5-1934
Myrtle Van Cleave 1-1906 to to 8-4-1906
Robert Adrian Van Cleave 1840 to 1908
Gordon R. Van Cleave 1906 to 1964
Vertalee Bradford Van Cleave 9-29-1916 to 10-29-2004
William Sheppard Van Cleave 1899 to 1947
William S. Van Cleave 1871 to 1938
Arnold J. Vancourt 12-30-1917 to 5-17-1982
Bennie Taylor Van Court 8-4-1942 to 3-31-2008
Daniel B. Vancourt 5-21-1885 to 10-10-1943
Eula Mae Seymour Vancourt 3-12-1921 to 7-7-2010
Evelyn M. Vancourt 9-1-1921 to 1-23-2006
George Alfred 'Fritz' Vancourt 3-4-1913 to 9-7-1984
Marie A. Vancourt 12-31-1886 to 2-1-1978
Francis Marion Vandegrift 7-6-1856 to 3-28-1932
Charles Van Quekelberge 1835 to 9-10-1878
Mary H. Vargas 12-14-1937 to 8-29-1973
Elbert J. Vaughan 1808 to 5-7-1897
Fannie Thornton Vaughan 10-14-1873 to 9-20-1965
Milton Clay Vaughan (McLaurens Cavalry CSA) 3-4-1832 to 6-10-1903
Milton Clay Vaughan, Jr. 1873 to 1923
Mrs. M.C. (Fannie) Vaughan 1840 to 1875
Susie Willis Vaughan 12-28-1869 to 8-7-1962
Thornton A. Vaughan 1-1868 to 12-1933
Alceide T. Veillon 9-15-1868 to 12-26-1949
Antoinette Haas Veillon 9-12-1870 to 5-24-1953
Henrietta Hyde Veillon 1857 to 9-13-1920
Katherine Crandall Ver Nooy 12-29-1863 to 12-3-1953
Charles B. Ver Nooy 9-7-1860 to 11-10-1921
Winifred Ver Nooy 7-14-1891 to 5-20-1967
???? Vina 1855 to 1906
Anniebelle S. Vincent 11-14-1896 to 5-28-1976
Louis Vincent to 9-11-1930
Marie Saverie Vincent 1857 to 2-15-1940
Virgil "Zean" Vincent 1864 to 2-18-1940
Virginia M. Vincent 1-11-1888 to 1-3-1969
Steven Louis Vinet 2-10-1965 to 9-14-1999
Von Rosambeau (see Rosambeau)
Curtis Wactor 7-19-1904 to 8-5-1989
Mable L. Matthews Wactor 8-14-1901 to 3-17-1985
L.F. Wade to 10-17-1915
R.B. Wade 1873 to 10-17-1915
James F. Wagoner 4-19-1951 to 7-12-1976
Avis Beulah Sceals Walker 2-16-1898 to 4-15-1946
Jane Ridley Walker 2-21-1827 to 4-30-1902
Joseph B. Walker 1-2-1817 to 2-26-1897
Julia Kennon Walker 5-15-1892 to 5-31-1971
Joel Wallace 1-10-1908 to 2-8-1996
Joseph A. Wallace 12-24-1908 to 1-1-1950
Helen Wallace 4-1-1909 to 9-5-1990
????? Wanda 1895 to 1978
Ada Ward to 3-21?-1892
Mable Ruth Ward 7-2-1897 to 1-26-1919
Ida L. Ward 10-?-1864 to 3-1-1906
Robert Louis Warren 11-28-1927 to 9-8-1953
Ethel Mae Brooks Washington 6-19-1919 to 4-15-1985
Fred Washington 6-6-1886 to 1933
Nancy Washington 11-20-1879 to 7-29-1969
Charles F. Wasmer 12-3-1917 to 5-27-1980
Eleanor Larson Wasmer 1923 to 5-10-1998
Elmer C. Wasmer 1923 to 4-9-1993
Mary Duvernay Letort Wasmer 10-25-1915 to 1-25-1985
Mary Joann Wasmer 12-22-1969 to 12-22-1969
Baby Watkins (Harold Watkins and S. Bailey) to 12-3-1930
Mable "Betty" Watkins 1906 to 9-2-1996
William Watkins 1847 to 1919
Joe Marcus "Mark" Watson 7-14-1933 to 10-8-1998
Mrs. Paige Watts 2-3-1901 to ?-15-1983
Annette Marie Webb 10-7-1942 to 11-29-1942
Annie Mae Webb 2-3-1913 to 8-30-1986
Elsie Kester Webb 12-28-1890 to 5-21-1983
Ralph Webb Sr. 3-5-1911 to 10-22-1999
Addie Webber 1903 to 1984
Walter Webber 1901 to 1975
Walter Wallace Webber 1873 to 12-15-1936
Ella Webster 11-24-1875 to 7-7-1949
John William Webster 9-19-1920 to
Lucille Russell Webster 7-21-1921 to 5-7-1998
Margaret Ann Webster 11-22-1860 to 3-2-1943
Frank M. Weed 1852 to 1917
Matilda E. Weeks 1830 to 1912
Silas Weeks 1823 to 1901
Lena Long Weir 6-5-1878 to 5-6-1975
Mary Bess Welch 3-26-1920 to 1-20-2007
Howard J. Welsh Jr. 9-7-1930 to 12-6-1999
John Michael Welch 4-7-1982 to 4-12-1982
Helen G. Wentworth
William D. Wentworth 7-28-1873 to 3-17-1939
Alton S. Wescovich 11-23-1927 to
Frankie M. Wescovich 4-9-1930 to
Ann Gill Wesson 1942 to 3-14-1980
David Newton Wesson 11-21-1968 to 6-14-2011
Dr. Ray L. Wesson 5-22-1937 to 3-14-1980
Laura T. West 1882 to 1900
Audrey Westbrook to 1-1914
Fred L. Westbrook, Sr. 12-22-1889 to 12-25-1963
Fred L. Westbrook Jr. 6-26-1919 to 9-11-2001
George L. Westbrook 1888 to 8-2-1935
Robert David Westbrook 12-27-1955 to 1-9-2010
Sallie Vancleave Reid Westbrook 1876 to 5-14-1934
Amanda White to 9-26-1922
Annie Bell White 10-12-1880 to 2-13-1957
Arlene Muzzy White 9-18-1907 to 12-6-2000
Charles Mason White 1838 to 6-9-1924
Emily Elizabeth Field White 1840 to 1-21-1933
Eugene L. White 5-27-1913 to 5-27-1945
Nathaniel White 5-8-1881 to 1-30-1964
Eugene L. White 5-27-1913 to 5-27-1945
Patrick White 10-18-1888 to 4-26-1957
Carl Whiting 6-3-1919 to 1-4-1978
Edna B. Whiting 8-1-1925
Bache McEvers Whitlock 12-20-1915 to 5-26-2002
Gavin Simonds Whitlock 4-5-1966 to 2-5-2000
Jean Catherine Murphy Whitlock 1-5-1934 to 3-30-2010
Margaret Virginia Whittle 12-1908 to 5-26-1909
Pearlie Mae Gill Whittington 1920 to 4-27-2007
Adolph Wieder 7-15-1879 to 9-4-1931
Catherine Muller Wieder 12-17-1882 to 7-18-1963
Dora Armbruster Wieder 1848 to 1924
Francis A. Wieder 4-27-1881 to 8-27-1954
Gregoire Wieder 1849 to 1899
Mary Choyce Rouse Wieder 3-12-1895 to 8-5-1952
Philip Jacob Wieder 12-30-1887 to 8-16-1985
Philip Jacob Wieder, Jr. (memoriam) 12-8-1926 to 7-25-1993
Rose Ladnier Wieder 1886 to 1966
Ella Nelson Wiggins 5-17-1902 to 1-13-1986
Elizabeth Flora Wiggington 4-25-1863 to 3-6-1947
Elizabeth Jane Burch Wigginton* 2-22-1831 to 7-31-1907
James Benjamin Wigginton* 8-18-1823 to 3-3-1895
Emily Wilcox 1839 to 2-1-1906
Ralph Edward Wilkerson 1949 to 8-3-1998
Ester Wilkes 1915 to 3-7-1975
Roosevelt R. Wilkes to 8-5-1971
Rosalie Pauwels Tue Willekins 6-8-1924 to 7-22-2001
Albert C. Williams to 10-15-1918
Arlie May Williams 3-8-1914 to 11-5-1918
Bennie G. Williams 1930 to 2-8-1996
Bill Williams 1853 to 8-29-1923
Brenda Williams to 8-16-1981
Callonia Mayfield Williams 8-22-1900 to 11-16-1969
Edward B. Williams 9-9-1897 to 9-24-1973
Elsie Amelia Owen Williams 1-2-1926 to 2-19-2005
Estella H. Williams 2-16-1891 to 5-11-1978
Fairbanks Williams 7-5-1904 to 4-18-1977
Henrietta Clark Williams 1830 to 1881
Henrietta N. Williams 9-23-1897 to 7-14-1982
Isabell Williams Age 21
Jack E. Williams, Sr. 4-27-1922 to 4-7-1981
John Monroe Williams 1886 to 10-28-1979
Leola Wright Galloway-Williams 10-5-1907 to 1-10-2002
Lorena Deveareaux Williams 7-25-1896 to 11-29-1978
Mary Williams 1-1-1910 to 2-16-1975
Mary Cook Williams 11-22-1915 to
Oscar Williams 2-4-1905 to 4-2-1982
Rosella Williams to 2-28-1969
Senia Williams Age 6
Thomas E. Williams 4-27-1894 to 11-25-1966
William “Nub” Eugene Williams 4-18-1890 to 1-1-1966
Frances M. Willis to 5-27-1953
Martha S. Willis 11-18-1873 to 3-26-1968
Emery Rudolph Wilson 5-30-1941 to 11-9-1970
George Wilson to 5-29-1924
Ida A. Fayard Smith Wilson 1884 to 1978
Murphy Earl Wilson 6-29-1912 to 5-7-1970
Murphy Earl Wilson Jr. 4-1-1950 to 10-6-1995
Stephen Wilson 9-13-1944 to 12-16-1970
William E. Wilson 1873 to 1926
Wynton E. Wilson 7-26-1913 to 5-18-1985
Murphey Earl Wilson 6-29-1912 to 5-7-1970
Verda Eudora Wilson 8-23-1927 to 1-1-1984
Eleanor M. Wiltz 4-16-1914 to
Beryl Bailey Wood 10-10-1896 to 6-2-1986
Samuel L. Wood 11-2-1945 to 12-19-1965
Andrew Jackson Woodcock 1842 to 1-16-1915
Dorcas James Woodcock 1842 to 1908
Sidney R. Woodcook 9-13-1905 to 4-16-1940
Mrs. T.J. Woodcock 1868 to 11-4-1899
Edward Woodruff 10-19-1846 to 6-22-1914
Samuel L. Woods 11-2-1945 to 12-19-1965
Charles L. Woodward to 3-20-1895
Flossie Heath Wootan 1914 to 1980
Ernest C. Wooten, Jr. 6-25-1909 to 3-3-1976
?????? Wormly 92 yrs 2 mo.
Mary B. Wright 12-2-1929 to 4-5-1971
Lula Mae Wright 6-6-1906 to7-4-1976
James C. Yocum 1864 to 1960+
Susan Frances Givens Yocom 1856 to 7-25-1943
John Youkey 1848 to 6-14-1922
Alan Young 8-13-1925 to 1-13-2001
Arminda Sullivan Young 1871 to 1922
Cynthia E. Young 10-27-1924 to 7-10-1925
Edward Young 5-14-1880 to 9-5-1959
Eleanor Hamel Young 8-13-1927 to 8-5-2011
Florence Belle Young 1922 to 11-4-2001
Francis Ashley Young 1-29-1882 to 5-25-1966
George Anthony Young 7-19-1954 to 2-4-1991
George W. Young 9-3-1879 to 9-6-1962
Glenn Young Sr. 8-13-1925 to 7-16-2008
Karl Edward Young 1913 to 5-21-1914, age seven months
Lorne F. Young 10-18-1890 to 1-3-1899
Lucille Benvenutti Young 7-5-1927 to
Marinina Moran Young 8-27-1895 to 6-20-1973
Orey Alson Young 5-6-1892 to 12-31-1986
Orey A. Young 2-12-1868 to 6-3-1938
Sadie Davis Young 4-10-1878 to 10-27-1950
Alice J. Zabel 8-26-1862 to 8-9-1936
Ernest Zettel 1892-1972
The Daily Herald, "Dies [Addie Bee Harvel] in Ocean Springs", March 31, 1928, p. 2.
The Daily Herald, "Frank Condon dies", May 4, 1940, p. 3.
The Daily Herald, "Injuries fatal to F.M. [Frank Marion] Mitchell", February 6, 1941, p. 1.
The Daily Herald, "Mrs. [Wileminia Booker] Beaugez hurt in auto wreck died", February 13, 1941, p. 1.
The Daily Herald, "Mrs. Maura buried", October 7, 1946, p. 6.
The Daily Picayune, "Mrs. Robert B. Jones [nee Lucy Bartlett]", January 18, 1904, p. 9.
The Sun Herald, "Sandra Kay Miller Hebert", August 2, 2011, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, "Mrs. Eleanor Hamel Young", August 7, 2011, p. A13.
The Sun Herald, "Fran Reneau", May 31, 2012, p. A4.
The Sun Herald, "Ocean Springs OKs cemetery survey to carve out new plots", July 4, p. A6.
The Sun Herald, "Pearl Miller", July 6, 2012, p. A4.
* Inferred burial. No proven record.