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Harrison County, Mississippi
LOCATION: The Krohn Cemetery is located in the SE/4 of the SE/4 of Section 16, T6S-R9W of Harrison County. It is 1.6 miles southwest of the Latimer Community, and 6.5 miles northwest of Ocean Springs.
DIRECTIONS: From the intersection of Bienville Boulevard (US 90) and Washington Avenue at Ocean Springs, go north on Washington Avenue 2.9 miles to Interstate 10. Cross the interstate and bear left onto Tucker Road. Go 3.18 miles on Tucker Road to Old Biloxi Road. Go north 1.08 miles on Old Biloxi Road to Krohn Road on the left (west). Turn left onto Krohn Road and go .87 miles west to a locked gate beyond which the Krohn Cemetery lies 1100 feet northwest. The cemetery is near the Tchoutacabouffa River and just west of the Jackson County line.
HISTORY: The Krohn Cemetery was commenced in March 1876, when Charles F. Krohn (1832-1876) was buried there. Krohn was the son of German immigrant, John Henry Auguste Krohn (1802-1853), and Marie Solitelle Cuevas (1808-1861). The Krohns lived in Biloxi and later moved on the Tchoutacabouffa River in the SW/4 of Section 12, T7S-R10W. John Henry Krohn was the first Supervisor of District No. 1 Harrison County Board of Police. He was elected President of that body in November 1841. Charles F. Krohn married Sarah A. Cruthirds (1836-1918) on January 28, 1858. She was the daughter of George Henry Cruthirds and Dorcas Scarborough. George Henry Cruthirds had come to Mississippi from South Carolina.
Although Charles F. Krohn owned 240 acres of land in Harrison County (all in Section 21, T6S-R9W as follows: W/2 of SW/4, NE/4 of SW/4, W/2 of SE/4, and the SE/4 of SE/4) which he had purchased in a State Swampland Sale on May 29, 1858 for $.05 per acre, and an additional 40 acres purchased in January 1859, from Alexander Scarborough (NE/4 of NE/4 of Section 21, T6S-R9W, Harrison County Deed Book 8, p. 510), his homestead was probably northeast of these tracts in Jackson County. Sarah Cruthirds Krohn had patented the SW/4 of the SW/4 of Section 15, T6S-R9W from the State of Mississippi in April 1867 (Tract Book). She also received a land patent from the U.S. Government in February 1913, on the SE/4 of the SW/4 of Section 15, T6S-R9W, and the NE/4 and SW/4 of Section 22, T6S-R9W (Jackson County Deed Book 43, pp. 129-130).
Here on a high ridge over fifty feet above sea level, in the SW/4 of Section 15, Charles F. Krohn homesteaded and made his livelihood as a logger. He probably cut longleaf pine from his 280 acres in Harrison County, which was transected by the Tchoutacabouffa River. The logs were easily sent down river to the sawmills of the area.
Charles F. Krohn and Sarah Cruthirds had seven children: Frederick F. (1859-1919), Alethia A. Hosli (d. 1942), Isabel Krohn Sartwell (1866-1933), Mary McQueen (1868-1939), Charles (1869-1948), Katy (1871-1882), and Robert L. (1874-1905).
During the Civil War, Krohn joined Company A (Live Oak Rifles) of the 3rd Mississippi Regiment in September 1861 at Ocean Springs. He returned home probably in July 1863.
Schooners from New Orleans would come up the Tchoutacabouffa River as far as the Krohn lands to bring merchandise for the Thomas Holliman Brown Store, which had been established in 1905. The store was located in the SW/4 of the SW/4, Section 11, T6S-R9W probably on present day Old Biloxi Road south of Tower Road in Latimer (JXCO, Ms. Land Deed Bk. 32, p. 402). On the return voyage, the vessels were loaded with charcoal made by the local "burners".
When Charles F. Krohn died on March 28, 1876, his burial commenced the Krohn Family Cemetery. It appears the Krohn family thought that they were on their land when they interred their patriarch. Krohn was buried in Section 16 just fifty feet west of the Krohn property line. J.J. McCaughn of Mississippi City had purchased all of Section 16, less the NE/4 of the NE/4 reserved for schools in 1851, from the Harrison County School Board (Harrison County, Ms. Land Deed Book 7, p. 8.).
The Krohn Cemetery now lies on public land under the stewardship of the Harrison County Board of Supervisors.
G.W. Clifton 1851 to 1933
Annie Mae Cruthirds 10-1-1922 to 10-1-1923
daughter of Homer Cruthirds and Eline Garlotte
Claude Cruthirds 10-31-1879 to 11-10-1950
son of Nathaniel B. Cruthirds and Dorcas Scarborough
Betty Coleman Cruthirds 12-12-1890 to 8-14-1946
Cleveland Cruthirds 7-4-1888 to 2-1-1925
son of Nathaniel B. Cruthirds and Rosalie Ladner
Cruthirds Twins (stillborn) died 9-1912
Robert Rudolf Cruthirds
Annie King Cruthirds
Henry Cruthirds 7-3-1851 to 4-19-1928
son of George Henry Cruthirds and Dorcas Scarborough
Exey Ann Martin Cruthirds 3-15-1863 to 4-29-1933
Homer C. Cruthirds 11-28-1893 to 7-31-1950
son of Robert B. Cruthirds and Evelyn Coleman
John Sibley Cruthirds 7-27-1874 to 1-6-1965
son of Nathaniel Cruthirds and Rachel Collins
Nathaniel B. Cruthirds 4-25-1838 to 3-15-1913
son of George Henry Cruthirds and Dorcas Scarborough
Rosalie Ladner Cruthirds 2-2-1858 to 8-2-1938
daughter of Alfred Ladner and Caroline Ryan
Robert B. Cruthirds 1-9-1847 to 1-22-1929
son of George Henry Cruthirds and Dorcas Scarborough
Evelyn Coleman Cruthirds 6-27-1865 to 9-30-1936
daughter of Lt. John Baptist Coleman and Elizabeth Morgan
Thomas Ira Cruthirds (US Navy) 6-1895 to 5-19-1931
son of Nathaniel B. Cruthirds and Rosalie Ladner
Yvonne M. Cruthirds (infant)
Charles Krohn 12-6-1869 to 3-10-1948
son of Charles F. Krohn and Sarah Ann Cruthirds
Mary Gertrude "Delphine" Gollott 11-17-1878 to 6-23-1938
Charles F. Krohn 7-15-1832 to 3-23-1876
son of John Henry Auguste Krohn and Marie Solitelle Cuevas
Sarah Ann Cruthirds 7-16-1836 to 8-2-1918
daughter of George Henry Cruthirds and Dorcas Scarborough
Delma Krohn 9-1920 to 11-13-1921
daughter of Charles Krohn and Mary Gollott
Edna Krohn 11-22-1915 to 4-28-1980
daughter of Charles Krohn and Mary Gollott
Frederick F. Krohn 7-9-1859 to 9-23-1919
son of Charles F. Krohn and Sarah A. Cruthirds
Mary Doyle Krohn 10-9-1860 to 1-7-1944
George Earl Krohn 2-14-1922 to 12-21-1942
son of Charles Krohn and Mary Gollott
Hubert Krohn 8-10-1902 to 6-17-1944
son of Frederick F. Krohn and Mary Doyle
Katy H. Krohn 8-31-1871 to 5-17-1882
daughter of Charles F. Krohn and Sarah Ann Cruthirds
Mary Gollott Krohn 11-17-1878 to 6-28-1938
Raymond Krohn (infant) to 1939 [
son of Clifton Krohn and Maime Carroll
Robert L. Krohn 3-23-1874 to 8-16-1905
son of Charles F. Krohn and Sarah Ann Cruthuirds
Bobbie Krohn 1962 to 9-4-2005
Henry McClure (born Texas) 1st US Army died 12-8-1920
Mary Krohn McClure (born Ireland) 10-9-1860 to 1-7-1944
Leo Earl Orrell 4-10-1882 to 2-19-1941
son of C.C. and Anna R. Orrell
Ledger Azete Palmer 1-10-1877 to 2-2-1965
Annie Lee Smith Palmer 1-28-1883 to 5-6-1978
Maggie Leona Richards 9-5-1894 to 4-28-1898
daughter of Jordan Richards and Rachel Cruthirds
Rudy Rodgers, Sr 11-28-1956 to 12-21-1984
son of Steven P. Rodgers and Alice Rodgers Guillott
Arthur R. Sartwell 3-23-1874 to 5-23-1928
son of George Sartwell
Isabel Krohn Sartwell 5-13-1866 to 6-19-1933
daughter of Charles F. Krohn and Sarah Ann Cruthirds
Alberry Scarborough 11-18-1880 to 7-23-1963
son of Joseph J. Scarborough
Lizzie Scarborough 9-23-1891 to 9-9-1920
Arcalia Scarborough 10-28-1939 to 11-7-1939
Autley H. Scarborough 8-8-1912 to 4-11-1948
son of A.H. Scarborough, Sr.
Burecia J. Scarborough 5-25-1885 to 3-13-1918
daughter of Joseph J. Scarborough and Elenora Cruthirds
Edward Donald Scarborough 2-1-1896 to 7-31-1970
son of Joseph J. Scarborough and Elenora Cruthirds
Essie Scarborough 1-12-1890 to 12-18-1952
daughter of Joseph J. Scarborough and Elenora Cruthirds
Henry Scarborough 12-17-1882 to 9-21-1950
son of Joseph J. Scarborough and Elenora Cruthirds
Joseph J. Scarborough 4-1-1849 to 3-4-1928
Eleanora Cruthirds 4-27-1855 to
Hamilton T. Walden 3-6-1872 to 2-1-1926
son of Benjamin E. Walden and Minerva Fatheree
Otis Walden 8-12-1911 to 12-8-1920
son of Hamilton Walden and Estell Cruthirds
Nap L. Cassibry, The Ladner Odyssey, Mississippi Coast Historical & Genealogical Society, Special Issue 6, (January 1988), pp. 730-731 and p. 759.
Jerome Lepre-S.C., The Krohn Family, (Lepre: New Orleans-October 19,1989), pp. 52, 54, and 55.
The History of Jackson County, Mississippi, "Brown's Merchandise Store Latimer", (Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula-1989), p. 67.
Harrison County Marriages (1841-1899), (City of Biloxi: Biloxi-?), p. 8.
Minutes of the Harrison County Board of Police, Book II, p. 132.
Mississippi Coast History & Genealogical Society, "Latimer Sawmill and Ferry", Volume 28, No. 2 (June 1992), p. 61.
Requiem, Volume No. 2, "Krohn Cemetery", (Jackson County Genealogical Society: Pascagoula-1969), pp. 118-119.
The Sun Herald, "Bobby Krohn", September 9, 2005, p. 21.
Personal Communication:
Darlene Jones Krohn - August 1993
Surveyed by:
Ray L. Bellande - August 1993
Darlene Jones Krohn - August 1993